
3d-green.zip,  03/17/98
3D Green Animated Mouse Cursors for WinNT and Win95
3dclip1b.zip,  07/31/98
Allows multiple clipboards with an icon in your tray
4nt301.zip,  06/02/98
Windows NT enhanced command line and scripting language
alarm.exe,  03/08/98
Reminder alarm. Plays many different soundfiles.
bcwipe.exe,  05/16/97
BCWipe prevents restoring deleted files by intruder
boo-util.zip,  03/03/98
Assortment of (mostly) console utilities for Win32 & NT
bwbak11.zip,  09/03/96
Back up multiple drives and directories, saves paths
chcase.exe,  03/07/98
Recursivly change filenames to upper case.
crcheck.zip,  02/05/98
Automates the process of CRC testing multiple archives
cronit.zip,  07/15/98
Simple task scheduler
crypt32n.zip,  03/08/98
The Ultimate Software Control & Copy Protection Toolkit
diary.zip,  02/19/98
A multi-user time planning system for company intranets
ed210bu.exe,  01/24/98
Full-featured diagramming and flowcharting tool
exicon.exe,  01/12/98
Save file icons to files by darg and drop
ezascii.zip,  02/05/98
Quickly look up ASCII codes.
fs3_inst.exe,  08/27/98
Automated, customizable file copying and moving utility
guilitv1.zip,  07/20/98
Simple GUI frontend to WindowsNT AT process
guiprov1.zip,  07/20/98
Comprehensive GUI frontend to WindowsNT AT process
iavazip.exe,  09/12/97
Zip, view and extract from anywhere
isdninst.exe,  06/19/98
ISDN Caller Id, Personal Answering Machine, Fax
jumblo11.exe,  02/17/98
JumBlo encrypts/decrypts files/folders/disks
killdoc.zip,  02/13/98
Empty the Documents folder under Win95 easily.
look2_0.exe,  02/12/98
task monitor, scheduler and notifier for programs
ls_nt18.zip,  03/08/98
Improved DIR command showing file names and ownership
mainst.exe,  06/12/97
Win95/NT4 Taskbar Email Notification Utility
masmu10x.exe,  06/29/98
Media Utilities streamline finding, viewing, more
mmsuit98.zip,  04/13/98
Fully integrated with internet, Multimedia Suite
mrmirror.zip,  03/14/98
Creates mirror images of a selection of directories
netexec.zip,  03/18/98
Run a process under a different account. Requires NT4.0
ntt10ins.exe,  03/13/98
TACACS+ Access Control Server for WinNT/95
ocxdbdem.zip,  11/07/95
OCX DB-Library-32bit API interface (OCX/DB-Library)
omni11b.zip,  10/12/97
fast mult-format thumbnail and animated gif browser
oosie235.exe,  09/05/97
Oosie helps prevent RSI/OOS
passlok1.zip,  03/13/98
Remember your password? Store them and you will
qsvr10e.exe,  10/27/97
Customized Slide Show - Pictures, Sound, Music
ren202.zip,  01/22/98
Gives you 6 methods for renaming files at once.
riacafee.zip,  01/24/98
Take control over your surf stations!
rnd_Gen.zip,  07/28/98
produces different random numbers
runexe.zip,  02/14/98
utility that runs any programs as Windows NT services.
scanb5.exe,  02/27/98
WINDOWS 16 and 32 bits binary file analyser (DLL,EXE)
scrollman.zip,  07/16/98
Allows scrolling of maximized windows in intervals.
smme153.zip,  04/15/98
Stops Viruses Spreading Through Exchange
snag3242.exe,  07/01/98
Capture and print or save images, text, and video.
split.zip,  02/09/98
Splits a big file into floppy sized chunks
tb98enta.exe,  01/07/98
Turbo Browser 98 - File Management with Net Support
tc32201.zip,  06/02/98
Windows 95/98/NT enhanced GUI command line / scripting
thumb4.zip,  03/09/98
Create Image Thumbnails - and much more
timedftp.zip,  07/21/98
Upload files at timed intervals, using FTP
timtrig.zip,  08/24/98
Shareware-prog for schedule execution of programs
uptime.zip,  10/15/95
Toolbar utility
vdbm.zip,  06/25/98
Database Modeling Tool
vftp.zip,  06/27/98
FTP Windows client software
wakeup.zip,  07/03/98
Windows NT service monitoring
webflix.zip,  05/25/98
Professional MPEG editing, analysis and playing
winhex74.zip,  06/24/98
Hex editor with a lot of features
wlchknt.zip,  02/16/98
Link Check NT: Solve Software Problems
wmtrxv11.zip,  03/06/98
Windows 95/NT 32-bits DLL for matrix operations
ws_setup.exe,  04/24/98
Create a virtual desktop surface in memory
xmledit.zip,  07/01/98
Java tool for editing XML files
zm98eval.exe,  05/06/98
Use zip files without unzipping them first.
zmover.zip,  02/26/98
Keep application windows on top of other windows
0cca21.zip,  07/31/96
Credit Card Authenticator - Visa/Mastercard/Discover

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