afiutil.zip, 01/22/98 Automates the installation of fonts under Windows |
appoint.exe, 02/11/98 Keep track of employee's schedule and customer aptmnt. |
autospel.exe, August 14 1998 A spell checker that integrates with many applications, from netscape and eudora to windows notepad. |
aypad10.zip, September 29 1997 AY Pad 1.0 for Windows 95/NT is designed to edit text files and may be used as a Notepad replacement. Unlike notepad it can edit huge files (up to 60MB) and also features extension-dependent syntax highlighting. It comes with built-in support for .BAS, .BAT, .C, .CPP,.DOF, .DPR, .H, .HPJ, .HPP, .HTM, .HTML, .INF, .INI, .RC, .RC2, .RH, .PAS, .TXT files. Highlighting schemes for these or any other files can be easily created and/or customized. |
bgtr1510.zip, 10/16/97 Powerful, feature-packed, best Win 95/NT text editor. |
bkrep16.exe, 08/14/97 Powerful search-replace program with many features |
bkrep17.exe, 12/19/97 Powerful search-replace program with many features |
chgstr95.zip, 01/22/98 32 bit command-line text search/replace utility |
cjkin100.zip, 01/12/98 input CJK characters; uses "cxterm" ".tit" files |
dtedit.zip, 10/04/97 DTEdit is an enhanced editor |
ed22un.zip, 04/24/96 Edireur V2.2: Text editor (English version) |
ed2532.zip, 05/29/97 Editeur: Text editor |
ed2532fr.zip, 05/29/97 Editeur: Text editor (French version) |
ed2532it.zip, 05/29/97 Editeur: Text editor (Italian version) |
fineweb.exe, 10/28/97 OCR with high accuracy for badly texts |
fontch21.zip, 02/08/97 FontChart for installed & uninstalled fonts, zoom in |
ggm-28.zip, 01/22/98 M is an emacs like text editor. |
hedit21.exe, December 21 1997 Hexadecimal editor for binary files. Syncronized hex/text cursors, unlimited file size (easily works with GB-sized files), insert and delete, binary and text search, auto text/binary sensing, decimal display for byte, short, int, long, float, and double. Integrates with the Windows 95 or NT 4.0 shell. |
lemmy30.exe, 02/24/98 UNIX vi editor for Windows 95/NT |
mess201.zip, 07/11/98 MESS 98 Text editor application |
mrnotes.zip, 02/13/98 Take Notes while on the phone, internet, etc, easily. |
msgparse.zip, 01/07/98 Extracts data from email messages for other apps. |
not9119b.zip, 05/05/98 NotePad replacement w/spell checker |
np32inst.exe, 06/25/98 A 32-bit rendition of Microsoft's Notepad |
pkp200.zip, 03/18/98 Perfect Keyboard: text replacement and macro utility |
txtprint.zip, 06/29/98 Print text files (soucecode) in several columns |
winedt32.exe, 06/30/98 Text Editor: Wrap, Spell, Highlight, TeX Mode, etc... |
262mnt32.zip, 06/22/97 Fast editor with tabbed interface, innovative features |
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