TFTP Server readme text file TFTP Server for Microsoft (r) Windows NT (tm) is a shareware product. You are free to install and operate this product for a trial period of no more than thirty days for the purpose of evaluating its usefulness for you or your organization. At the end of the trial period, you must either register the software or quit using it and remove it from your computer. Refer to the REGISTER.WRI file for instructions on how to register this product. Terms and conditions governing your use of the TFTP Server software are outlined in the REGISTER.WRI file. As a registered user of the program, you are entitled to a free upgrade to TFTP Server version 2.0 when it becomes available. Version 2.0 will support user-configurable security for TFTP file transfer requests. The shareware release of TFTP Server version 2.0 will have the security option disabled. Please read the TFTP Server documentation file (TFTPDS.DOC or TFTPDS.WRI) for instructions on installing and using this program. Thank you for evaluating this product! Bud Millwood Millwood Data AB Internet e-mail: