Clocker 2.3 -- A personal/network program scheduler for Windows 3.1 (C) 1993-1994 Winnovation (Clocker 2.3 adds the capability to close or kill applications at a scheduled time.) Clocker is designed to schedule programs (or reminders) to be run at a scheduled time. Both a private schedule and a shared network schedule can be active at the same time, so you can... * Backup your system periodically * Manage network backups * Run long processes during off hours * Schedule reminders for entire network * Download long data files during off-peak hours In addition to running programs, Clocker can schedule the following additional items: * Close running programs * Exit Windows, restart Windows, or reboot system * Exit Windows, run a DOS program, and restart Windows System or Network administrators! Clocker gives you the capability to execute the above processes on each machine on the network running Clocker. This is done via a central schedule, which you alone control. If you make a change to this schedule, all other machines will automatically update themselves from this file! Other features: * Clocker's icon functions as a system clock, or is optionally hidden * Group schedules fully password-protected Registration is $24.95 for a single copy, and site licenses are available at a discount. Upon registration, you will receive a disk with the latest version of Clocker, a printed manual, and a license statement with your personal serial number and registration code combination. Registered users will receive free unlimited technical support and free upgrades to future versions of Clocker. To register, fill out ORDERFRM.TXT and send to the address given there, or for credit card orders, FAX to (303) 226-8682. For more information, contact Winnovation PO Box 271071 Ft. Collins, CO 80527-1071 USA (303) 226-8682 CompuServe: 71774,605 Internet: