This README file accompanies patches to the PS/2 Model 30-286 driver for ELS I v2.12, ELS II v2.15, and Advanced and SFT NetWare 286 v2.15. The following files are included for this revision: M30-286 OBJ 4418 03-26-90 3:17p M30PATCH EXE 10866 06-27-90 12:50p These patches fix the problem running NetWare on PS/2 Model 30-286 machines with Seagate drives. These drives operate somewhat different than other drives shipped with the machine. The result of these differences is the error message: Abend: Unable to reset PS/2 internal disk controller. This message is displayed whenever the disk is accessed by the operating system or utilities. M30-286.OBJ is a replacement driver for Advanced and SFT NetWare 286 v2.15. M30PATCH.EXE is a utility which will patch ELS I and ELS II. To install M30-286.OBJ: 1) Copy M30-286.OBJ to the DSK_DRV_001 diskette or subdirectory. Be sure to keep a copy of the old M30-286.OBJ file. 2) Run NETGEN and choose IBM PS/2 Model 30 286 MFM disk controller V1.01 (881028). Regenerate the operating system as you normally would and be sure to copy the new operating system to your system start-up area. To implement M30PATCH: 1) Type M30PATCH to display the instructions and the files which the utility should be run against. Note: Since paths cannot be used, you will need to run M30PATCH from within the same directory as the file to be patched. 2) For ELS I, run M30PATCH with ELS1.OBJ for dedicated ELS or with NDELS1.OBJ for non-dedicated ELS. For ELS II, run M30PATCH with ELS2_2.OBJ for dedicated ELS or with NDELS2_2.OBJ for non-dedicated ELS. 3) Run M30PATCH against COMPSURF.EXE, DISKED.EXE, and INSTOVL.EXE. 4) Run ELSGEN and regenerate the operating system as you normally would and be sure to copy the new operating system to your system start-up area. ***************************************************************************** DISCLAIMER Novell, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to this software patch, and specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties of merchantability, title, or fitness for a particular purpose. Novell's intentions for this software patch is to provide a temporary work-around to the anomalies described in this file. Such work-arounds are typically addressed in future releases of NetWare. Novell will not be responsible for any data loss that may result from implementing this patch. Novell strongly recommends a backup be made before any patch is applied. Technical support for this patch is provided at the discretion of Novell. *****************************************************************************