Other programs from Scott Wertz All of the following files are available on Novell's NOVUSER forum on CompuServe. SAY22.ZIP SAYINGS, which appeared in the "Stupid DOS Tricks" book, is a quote-of-the-day program. Handy for network login scripts, or run it from your Autoexec. Works in windowed or text mode. This program is freeware. SRCH18.ZIP SeaRCH is a powerful command-line utility written for network administrators and power users. SRCH locates files using "filters" to choose files by name, age, attributes, size, etc and then performs "actions" of your choice (copy, remove, change attributes, etc) on them. This is a MUST HAVE utility, and best of all it's free! NPRN.ZIP NPRN is a freeware replacement for Novell's NPRINT. NPRN uses NetWare API's for fast printing, but uses your current CAPTURE settings instead of requiring the user to specify a Printcon job setting on the command line. DSP11.ZIP DSP is a command-line equivalent of Novell's DSPACE. DSP allows you to change space restrictions on multiple directories using wildcards, and to increase DSpace restrictions incrementally, such as DSP +5000 to add 5MB to a directory. DSP is freeware. ZZCLR.ZIP ZZClear is a replacement for Novell's NLICLEAR.NLM. Like NLICLEAR, it removes NOT-LOGGED-IN connections from your file server. Unlike NLICLEAR, ZZClear only does so when your server is low on free connection slots, and allows you to specify stations that should never be cleared. ZZClear is freeware. ZZNTFY.ZIP ZZNotify is a freeware gateway for Novell's MHS 1.x. This gateway uses Novell broadcast messages to remind users that they have unread electronic mail waiting. The administrator can specify the frequency of notifications. This version works on one file server; the multi-server edition costs $25. ZZNLM.ZIP This is a 30-day demo of ZZNotify.NLM for all versions of MHS, including Basic MHS and Global MHS. ZZNotify reminds uses Novell broadcast messages to remind users that they have unread electronic mail waiting. The administrator can specify the frequency of notifications. This NLM works for 30-days; the registered version costs $25. ZZPEG.ZIP This is a 30-day demo of ZZPeg.NLM for Pegasus Mail. ZZPeg works just like ZZNotify, but it's designed for use with Pegasus mail. The registered version costs $25.