LOCKER-Plus v2.00 In Case of Emergencies: If you are unable to remove metering via LOCKCON, you can manually remove metering by one of two ways: 1) Running RESET.EXE on the metered program. Example: RESET F:\PUBLIC\APPS\WINWORD\WINWORD.EXE Please note, try running reset even if you do not see the original program since in some cases the metering can still be removed. 2) Check to see if you have a file with the same name as the metered program but with a @@@ extension. It will be a hidden file so you will need to first remove the hidden attribute. If you find a file with the @@@ extension, rename the original to a temporary name and then rename the one with the @@@ extension to the original name Example: RENAME F:\WINWORD\WINWORD.EXE F:\WINWORD\WINWORD.BAK ATTRIB F:\WIWWORD\WINWORD.@@@ -h RENAME F:\WINWORD\WINWORD.@@@ WINWORD.EXE If after manually removing metering the program still shows up in the Lockcon Console, you can hilite the entry and then press the F12 key. You will be asked if you want to clear the entry. This will move the entry from the Locker Console.