Registration Shareware ------------------------- Shareware is method of marketing software that allows you, the user, to evaluate the software on your own system to determine whether or not it meets your needs before you make an investment. In addition, shareware allows authors to charge much less for their programs than their retail counterparts because there are little or no marketing expenses. Note that while both authors and users benefit from successful shareware, that success is entirely dependent on you. Your registration allows us to continue supporting and enhancing the program. The Mnu is a copyrighted program being marketed as shareware. It is NOT public domain nor "freeware". If you decide to use The Mnu after the 21-day evaluation period you are required to register. Continued use of The Mnu after the evaluation period is over is a violation of copyright law. Even if The Mnu does not meet all of your needs, you must register IF you continue to use the program after the 21-day evaluation period is over. Note that while you are legally required to register, in practice you are on your honor to register. Price Schedule ------------------------- Basic Registration $85 per server Update Mail Service $20/yr On registration, you will receive a perpetual license to use the programs on one file server. You will also receive the most current version of the program. You will be provided with a serial number and registration code to entered onto your system via MnuInst. Update/Upgrade Policies ------------------------- All updates are provided at no cost. Please note that an update is a minor revision (ex. X.24 to X.25) and will normally contain minor enhancements and bug fixes. All updates will be posted on CompuServe for downloading. Registered users who did not purchase the Update Mail Service will be notified via EasyPlex when an update becomes available. Those who purchase the Update Mail Service will have the update shipped to them automatically. Upgrades will be available for an additional fee. Please note that an upgrade is a major revision (ex. 1.XX to 2.XX) and will contain major enhancements. Upgrade fees will be determined at the time that the upgrade becomes available. These policies and price schedule are current as of August 1, 1989. We reserve the right to change these policies and prices at any time. The Mnu Registration Form Name: ________________________________ Address: ________________________________ ________________________________ City,State,Zip: ________________________________ Telephone: Voice: (_____) _____ - ________ Fax: (_____) _____ - ______ CompuServe ID: _________,______ Licensee Name: ____________________________________________ *This should be your Company Name and will appear each time the program is executed. Current Version: ______ Where did you obtain your copy of the software? ___ CompuServe (NOVSOFT) ___ Indiana On-Line (tm) (INDIANA DIGITAL CORP.) ___ Bonsai Technologies ___ Another user ___ Dealer or Consultant: _______________________________ ___ Other: ______________________________________________ I hereby certify that I have read the License Agreement and Warranty Disclaimer and agree to the terms presented therein. Signature: ______________________________ Date: _________ Name: ________________________ Title: ________________________ Enclosed is a check or money order for: _X_ Basic Registration $85 ___ Update Mail Service $20 ___ Completed Survey Enclosed -$5 ========= Subtotal _______ MN Sales Tax(6%) _______ If applicable. ========= Total Enclosed _______ Send to: Bonsai Technologies PO Box 6296 Rochester, MN 55903-6296 Thank-you for your business! Attention: Dealers and Consultants If you are a Dealer or a Consultant who would like to provide this program to your customers/clients, please contact us via Easyplex (73657,3203) for details about special registration, finders fees and other services. Note that while you may not charge (more than the nominal $10) for the program itself, you may (and should) charge for installation and maintenance. Attention: Shareware Distributors If you are a shareware distributor, please drop us a line and let us know your address and approximate distribution numbers. We will provide you with the mail update service free of charge. Please be advised that this program will ONLY work on a Novell Network and will be of no use whatsoever to stand-alone users. Please note that to comply with the license agreement you MUST: 1) distribute all documentation with the program 2) NOT charge more than a $10 fee for your services. 3) NOT represent the program as "Free" or "Public Domain" If your distribution results in a significant number of registrations, you will be eligible for a finders fee. Attention: BBS Sysops Please drop us a line and let us know your address and phone number. We will provide you with the mail update service free of charge. Please be advised that this program will ONLY work on a Novell Network and will be of no use whatsoever to stand-alone users. If your downloads result in a significant number of registrations, you will be eligible for a finders fee. Registration Survey 1) Network parameters: Novell Netware version: ___ ELS II v2.12 ___ ELS II v2.15 ___ Advanced v2.10 or 2.11 ___ Advanced v2.12 ___ Advanced v2.15 ___ SFT v2.10 or 2.11 ___ SFT v2.12 ___ SFT v2.15 ___ Other: ___________ Number of servers on network (whether The Mnu is on one or all) ___ One ___ More that One, number ____ Number of workstations: ______ Number of users: _______ 2) How long did you evaluate the program before registering it? ___ 10 days or less ___ 10 to 30 days ___ 30 days or more 3) What other menu systems have you used or considered? 4) What features do you find most important in The Mnu? 5) What features would you like to see in future versions of The Mnu? Also, please rate each as Very Important, Important, or Not Very Important. 6) Is the registration fee ___ Too high, should be: _____ ___ Too low, should be: _____ ___ About right 7) If this were a commercial program, how much would you be willing to pay for it? ___ $100 ___ $200 ___ $500 ___ $1000 8) Any other comments: Thank-you for your time.