These are the LAN Drivers for Token-Ring. Below is a DESCRIPTION of EACH file in this kit: ATOKENA2.obj -| These are the NEW 286 OS Token-Ring Drivers. They will BTOKENA2.obj |__ be configurable by They need to be gen'ed CTOKENA2.obj | with NETGEN. These drivers work with RPL.vp1 to support DTOKENA2.ojb -| Remote Program Load. The DEFAULT Transmit Buffer Size is set to 2048 to allow MORE SERVICE Processes. SLANSUP.obj - This is the OBJECT code for It can be gen'ed with the customer's IPX (if desired). - This is the Source Routing Driver for the DOS Workstation. It can be used with EITHER the or It should be loaded AFTER IPX and BEFORE the SHELL. Type ROUTE ? for a HELP Panel. ROUTE.nlm - This is the Source Routing Driver for NetWare 386. It should be loaded AFTER TOKEN.lan. ROUTE.vp0 - This is the Source Routing VAP for the NetWare 286 OS. It needs to be put on the SYS:SYSTEM directory of the OS. After it is loaded on the OS, type ROUTE ? for a description of its parameters. It is named ROUTE.vp0 because it should be the FIRST VAP that is loaded. RPL.vp1 - This is the Remote Program Load VAP for the NetWare 286 OS. It needs to be put on the SYS:SYSTEM directory of the OS. - This is the Configuration utility for RPL.vp1. It is menu driven. Just type RPCONFIG and it will help you along. - This is the Configuration utility for ROUTE.vp0. It is menu driven. Just type SRCONFIG and it will help you along. TOKEN.lan - This is the IBM Token-Ring 386 Driver. TOKEN.rpl - This is the file that RPL.vp1 uses to DOWNLOAD to the WORKSTATION when the RPL boot ROM requests to be loaded. It needs to be put on the SYS:LOGIN directory of the OS, IF RPL is REQUIRED. - This is the Configuration utility for ATOKENA2.obj, BTOKENA2.obj, CTOKENA2.obj, and DTOKENA2.obj. Just type TRCONFIG and it will help you along. STOKEN.obj - This is the OBJECT module for It may be gen'ed with the customer's IPX to create an CONFIGURING the DOS Workstation: This discussion refers to 2 versions of and Both files are generated to; the difference in names is used here merely to make a distinction between the generated for the LAN Support Program (SLANSUP.obj) and that generated with STOKEN.obj. .com - This is a Client IPX Driver for the IBM Token-Ring generated with the IBM LAN Support Program. It works with if Source Routing is REQUIRED. Its DEFAULT Transmit Buffer Size is 1024. .com - This is a NATIVE Token-Ring Driver for the DOS Workstation. IT DOES NOT REQUIRE the IBM LAN Support Program. It is FASTER and SMALLER than This module has the IPX already gen'ed in. It works with if Source Routing is REQUIRED. Its DEFAULT Transmit Buffer Size is 4096 for the 16/4 MBps Adapter Cards, 2048 for the OLD 4 MBps cards. .com can be configured by typing in the following parameters when it is loaded: IPX o,ALT/PRI,mem=xx00,node=xxxxxxxx where: o - REQUIRED to override SHELL.cfg. ALT - Configure the Driver as the ALTERNATE Adapter PRI - Configure the Driver as the PRIMARY Adapter -- DEFAULT mem=xx00 xx00 is a HEXADECIMAL address of where Shared Ram is located. The DEFAULT is D800 for PRIMARY, D400 for ALTERNATE. node=xx xx is up to an 8 byte HEXADECIMAL Number specifying the Node Address. 4000h will be PREFIXED to this number to to form a 6 byte NODE Address: 4000 xxxx xxxx. .com can be configured by typing in the following parameters when it is loaded: IPX o,ALT/PRI,mem=xx00,node=xxxxxxxx,slot=n,tbz=nnnn where: o - REQUIRED to override SHELL.cfg. ALT - Configure the Driver as the ALTERNATE Adapter PRI - Configure the Driver as the PRIMARY Adapter -- DEFAULT mem=xx00 xx00 is a HEXADECIMAL address of where Shared Ram is located. The DEFAULT is D800 for PRIMARY, D400 for ALTERNATE. node=xx xx is up to an 8 byte HEXADECIMAL Number specifying the Node Address. 4000h will be PREFIXED to this number to to form a 6 byte NODE Address: 4000 xxxx xxxx. slot=n n is a DECIMAL number specifying the MICROCHANNEL slot number where the board is located. ONLY valid if on a MICROCHANNEL Machine. tbz=nnnn nnnn is a DECIMAL number from 0 to 65535 specifying the Transmit Buffer Size on the Adapter. The DEFAULT is 4096. If this number is larger than the board can handle, the driver will ADJUST it to the LARGEST size the board will accept. ALL Parameters are separated by COMMAs or BLANKS, are OPTIONAL, are NOT case sensitive, and may be entered in ANY order.