This README file accompanies PERFORM3. The following files are included for this revision: PERFORM3 EXE 57016 11-17-89 9:55a PERFORM3 DOC 1092 09-18-90 9:47a PLOTOUT EXE 56444 11-06-89 11:36a PERFORM3 is a utility that will measure performance of any number of workstations for record sizes of 1 to 65535. The output is placed in a text file and a graphics file. Instructions on using PERFORM3.EXE is found in PERFORM3.DOC. PLOTOUT.EXE is a utility that will display the graphics file on your monitor. This program only supports color VGA. If you are using another type of display you will receive a Turbo C library message similar to "Could not find CGA.BGI (or EGA.BGI)." PLOTOUT does not provide printing functions; however, a screen capture utility, such as WordPerfect's GRAB.COM, can be used with PLOTOUT.