NOVELL NETWARE AND THE IBM AS/400 A few tweaks is all it takes to run concurrent NetWare and AS/4000 sessions on a Token Ring LAN By using IBM's PC Support AS/4000 program, PC users can run a NetWare session at the same time as an AS/400 session. To make it work, though, users must modify their CONFIG.SYS files prior to running the PC Support program. The two main steps consist of adding several device drivers to your CONFIG.SYS file, then installing the PC Support program on your PC. Two files are created when you run the installation routine:a CONFIG.PCS file and a STARTPCS.BAT file. You'll need to obtain the appropriate configuration information from the AS/400 administrator in order to complete these steps. GATHERING AS/400 INFORMATION Before you do anything, you need to get four pieces of information from the AS/400 administrator: -The remote network identifier -The remote control point name -The remote adapter address -The local adapter address The first three come from the Advanced Program to Program Communications (APPC) Communication Controller Description screens; the last one comes from the Token Ring Line Description screens. These screens are viewed on the AS/4000. APPC CONTROLLER DESCRIPTION Figure 1 shows an example of the APPC Controller Description screens on the AS/400. Three seperate screens are shown together in the figure. Take a look at the values shown for the "Remote network identifier" (RMTNETID) and the "Remote control point name" (RMTCPNAME) on the second screen. In the figure, they are the character strings "APPN" and "TOKEN". These values must match the RTLN parameters in your CONFIG.PCS file. You will be prompted to enter these values when you run the PC Support installation program on your PC. (This program creates the CONFIG.PCS file.) Note also the value displayed on the third APPC Controller Description screen for the "TRLAN remote adapter address" (ADP-TADR). In the figure, this address is 400044440001. You will need to specify the remote adapter adapter as a parameter for the DXMCOMOD.SYS driver in your CONFIG.SYS file. *************************************************************************** FIGURE 1. SAMPLE APPC CONTROLLER DESCRIPTION ON the AS/400 Display Contoller Description - APPC Controller description CTLD TOKEN1 Link type LINKTYPE *TRLAN Online at IPL ONLINE *YES Switched line SWITCHED Short hold mode SHM Switched network backup SNBU Activate swt network backup ACTSNBU APPN-capable APPN *YES Attached nonswitched line LINE Switched line list SWTLINLST TOKEN Attached devices DEV TOKEN --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character code CODE *EBCDIC Maximum frame size MAXFRAME 1994 Remote network identifier RMTNETID APPN Remote control point name RMTCPNAME TOKEN Exchange identifier EXCHID Initial connection INLCNN *ANS Connection number CNNNBR Predial delay PREDIALDLY Redial delay REDIALLDY Dial retry DIALRTY Remote autoanswer RMTAUTOANS Switched disconnect SWTDSC *YES Disconnect timer DSCTMR 170 Data link role ROLE *NEG SHM disconnect limit SHMDSCLMT SHM disconnect timer SHMDSCTMR ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRLAN remote adapter address ADPTADR 400044440001 TRLAN remote adapter address DSAP 04 TRLAN SSAP SSAP 04 TRLAN frame retry TRNFRMRTY 10 TRLAN connect retry TRNCNNRTY 10 TRLAN response timer TRNRSPTMR 10 TRLAN connection timer TRNCNNTMR 70 TRLAN acknowlegement timer TRNACKTMR 1 TRLAN inactivity timer TRNINACTMR 100 TRLAN ack frequency TRNACKFRQ 1 TRLAN max outstanding frames TRNMAXOUT 2 TRLAN access priority TRNACCPTY 0 APPN CP session support CPSSN *YES APPN node type NODETYPE *ENDCODE APPN transmission grp number TMSGRPNBR 1 Press Enter to continue F3=Exit F12=Cancel *************************************************************************** TOKEN RING LINE DESCRIPTION Figure 2 shows an example of the Token Ring Line Description screens on the AS/400. You need to define your Token Ring Line Description on the AS/400 if it's not already defined. As you can see in the figure, the value of the "Local adapter address" (ADPTADR) is 400003190001. You will be prompted to enter this value when you install the PC Support program. It must match the information parameter of the TRLI line specified in CONFIG.PCS. *************************************************************************** FIGURE 2: A SAMPLE TOKEN RING LINE DESCRIPTION ON THE AS/400 Display Line Description - Token Ring Line description LIND TOKEN Resource name RSCRNAME LIN031 Online at IPL ONLINE *YES Vary on wait VRYWAIT *NOWAIT Network controller NETCTL Maximum controllers MAXCTL 20 Maximum frame size MAXFRAME 1994 TRLAN Manager logging level TRNLOGLVL *OFF Current logging level *OFF Local adapter address ADPTADR 400003190001 Exchange identifier EXCHID 05600000 Source service access points SSAP 04 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Error threshold level THRESHOLD *OFF Link speed LINKSPEED 4M Cost/connect time COSTCNN Cost/byte COSTBYTE 0 Security for line SECURITY *NONSECURE Propogation delay PRPDLY *LAN User-defined 1 USRDFN1 128 User-defined 2 USRDFN2 128 User-defined 2 USRDFN3 128 Recovery limits CMNRCYLMT Count limit *SYSVAL Time interval Text TEXT Token Ring Line Description Press Enter to continue F3=Exit F12=cancel *************************************************************************** MODIFYING CONFIG.SYS Figure 3 lists a sample CONFIG.SYS file showing the modifications that must be made. The device drivers come on the "LAN Support" diskette that accompanies each Token Ring adapter. Your CONFIG.SYS must include all of the drivers shown. The parameters that follow some of the drivers are explained below. The "001" after the DXMAOMOD.SYS driver indicates that the Token Ring adapter installed in the PC is a Primary Adapter. The number after the DXMCOMOD.SYS driver (400044440001) is the "TRLAN remote adapter address" from the AS/400 APPC Controller Description screen. This address will overide the default address encoded on your PC's Token Ring adapter. The DXMTOMOD.SYS driver has five parameters, which are listed below: > ES=2 indicates how many additional SAPs (Service Access Points) can be requested by the NetBios Interface Device Driver when it implicity opens the Token Ring adapter. Both NetWare and the PC Support program uses one SAP each, so you need at least SAPs to run these two concurrently. > EST=6 indicates the number of additional kink stations requested by the NetBios Interface Device Driver when it implicity opens the Token Ring adapter. > S=8 indicates the number of NetBios Interface sessions that may be defined. > C=18 indicates the number of NetBios Interface Commands (NCBs) that may be outstanding at one time. > DS=2048 indicates the size of the Token Ring adapter transmit buffers (DHBs) in bytes. Note that the above information applies only to version 1.2 ofg the AS/400 Operating System. With version 2.0 you don't need to specify any parameters following the DXMTOMOD.SYS driver. (For more information on configuring the DXMTOMOD.SYS driver, consult your IBM Local Area Network Support Program documentation.) The "drives=" parameter for the ECYDDX.SYS driver indicates the number of drives to be allocated to shared folders. This is a key value because, by default, eight driver (drives D through K) are allocated to shared folders. If you don't change the default, NetWare drive F will be shifted to drive L. By changing this value to "drives=2," only drives D and E are allocated to shared folders. NetWare will be able to use from drive F on as it normally does. *************************************************************************** FIGURE 3: NECESSARY MODIFICATIONS TO THE CONFIG.SYS file. Files=20 Buffers=20 Device=\DXMAOMOD.SYS 001 Device=\DXMCOMOD.SYS 4000444400001 Device=\DXMTOMOD.SYS ES=2 EST=6 S=8 C=18 DS=2048 Device=C:\EIMPCS.SYS Device=C:\ECYDDX.SYS files=8 drives=2 Device=C:\FSDD.SYS *************************************************************************** INSTALLING PC SUPPORT AS/400 Next, you need to install the PC Support AS/400 application on a PC connected to a NetWare LAN via a Token Ring adapter. (PC Support software can run independent of a NetWare LAN). Consult your "PC Support AS/400 User's guide" on how to run the INSTALL command. The INSTALL routine creates a CONFIG.PCS file and places it in the subdirectory C:\PCS (or in another subdirectory if you so specify). Figure 4 shows a sample CONFIG.PCS file. You will be prompted for the RTYP, RTLN, and TRLI parameters when you run the PC Support INSTALL program. RTYP should always be "ITRN" for Token Ring Interface. The two RTLN paqrameters should match the RMTNETID and RMTCPNAME values shown on the AS/400. In our example, these "APPN" and "TOKEN". The "400003190001" parameter shown for TRLI is the AS/4000 Token Ring LIne address on the AS/400. All PCs on the LAN should use this line address when they run a NetWare session. ************************************************************************** FIGURE 4:CONFIG.PCS file created by the AS/400 PC Support Program RTYP ITRN RTLN APPN.TOKEN TRLI NOVELL,400003190001 *************************************************************************** RUNNING THE PC SUPPORT PROGRAM A batch file STARTPCS.BAT is created as part of the INSTALL process. (see Figure 5). Since with NetWare we are using only two drives (drives D and E) dor AS/400 shared folders, chheck your STARTPCS.BAT file and change any reference to Drive I to drive D or E. (All such references in the sample batch file have been modified to drive E). Once you've made these changes to your batch file, type "STARTPCS" at your PC to start the PC Support AS/400 program. For more information on the STARTPCS.BAT file, consult your "PC Support AS/400 User's Guide". *************************************************************************** FIGURE 5: The STARTPCS.BAT batch file created by the INSTALL program. STARNRTR CONFIG.PCS ECHO OFF IF ERRORLEVEL 20 GOTO EXIT ECHO ON FSPC ASSIGN E:QIWSFLR ECHO OFF IF ERRORLEVEL 200 GOTO EXIT ECHO ON E:PCSUPDT E:\PCS ECHO OFF IF ERRORLEVEL 20 GOTO EXIT ECHO ON E:STARTMSG CONFIG.PCS ECHO OFF IF ERRORLEVEL 20 GOTO EXIT ECHO ON E:VPRT ECHO OFF IF ERRORLEVEL 200 GOTO EXIT ECHO ON E:WSF/T ECHO OFF IF ERRORLEVEL 20 GOTO EXIT IF NOTERRORLEVEL 10 GOTO SKIP ECHO ON E:STARTWSF 1 ECHO OFF :SKIP ECHO ON E:PCO CONFIG.PCS ECHO OFF :EXIT ECHO ON ***************************************************************************