Tracking System for NetWare Administration Two programs make up the tracking system. TMSG records your messages in an ASCII file. TMSG_LOG takes the ASCII file, analyzes the records and updates two .DBF files, TR_LOGIN, and TR_MENUS. These .DBF files can then be manipulated as you see fit. If logged in to NetWare, messages are logged to SYS:LOGS\LOGMSG.DAT (make sure write rights have been granted!). In stand-alone mode, messages are logged to C:\LOGS\LOGMSG.DAT. If you are running say WordPerfect and Lotus 123 from these batch files, you can find out who's doing what for how long: W.BAT: @echo off tmsg * WP51 in wp %1 tmsg * WP51 out LOTUS.BAT: tmsg * 123 in 123 %1 tmsg * 123 out If you put the line "tmsg I" in your login script, and have logouts done via a batch file which contains "tmsg O", then you can keep track of login/logout times.