To: All Network Administrators From: Darwin Collins, CNE 3749 Silver Oak Cluster Irving, TX 75060 Home (214) 790-6265 Eve Re: Some shareware utilities for Novell Networks! This is the release of some general utilities for the Network Admin- istrator. They are all designed for interactive/batch use and work with Netware 2.15 or later. (Latest being Netware 3.11). They are all shareware software, but I feel that these utilities (if correctly implemented) can save a great deal of time. Please support the Shareware concept if they save you time! There are at least 20 utilities enclosed in this package. Most are writtin using Microsoft C 6.0 and Netware C Interface for DOS. Also, included are some sample batch/login scripts that illustrate some uses for the utilities. Caution: It is best that you verify that your source for this shareware (unregistered) package is a system that tries to verify that its downloadable files are unmodified and clean. It is possible that someone may infect these files and/or modify these programs and then redistribute them which then may cause you grieve. Please take adequate precautions. Below is listed each of the utilities with their syntax and a de- scription: Page 1 NCARD NCARD [UserName or Connection Number] ei. NCARD BRENDA get stats at BRENDA's station, or NCARD 34 get stats at Connection # 34. This utility will display the results from the diagnostic statistics of the specified connection. It will only display error stats that are not equal to zero. NCHGOWN (Supervisor-equilavent needed to run this utility) NCHGOWN Drive:\Subdirectory OldOwnerName NewOwnerName This utility will display/change the Directory/File ownership of the current working subdirectory and all of its subdirectories. Valid ownernames consist of UserNames, GroupNames and ServerNames. It will ask: The old owner name to search or NA for deleted owners, or ALL for all owners found in the subdirectories The new owner name Sample usages: Files owned by deleted owners may be re-owned by valid users; correctly document disk space usage by owner- ship; overcome accounting bug dealing with deleted users; used with NRPTOWN, to produce an accurate disk space con- sumption report for administration/documentation purposes; Example: NCHGOWN \APPS\ACAD11 ALL AUTOCAD will change the ownership of all files/directories at \APP\ACAD11 and all its subdirectories to the group owner AUTOCAD. NCHKCSYS NCHKCSYS MinimumFiles MinimumBuffers MinimumEnvironment This utility will read the workstation's (C:\CONFIG.SYS) file and check if the file has the minimum count of items that you specify above. Sample Usage: Modifying all workstations so that they will re- Page 2 serve more environment space (needed if you use have alot of SET and/or paths); ensure that all workstations in the field have the needed minimum conditions to operate safely on the network; to overrule an individual 'fooling' with his workstation; NCOPYIPX NCOPYIPX WorkStationDrive:\Path\FileName This utility will read the WorkStation's IPX.COM version and con- figuration information. It will match this against the master on the server, and if the workstation doesn't match, it will copy it from the server to the workstation. Sample usage: Upgrade workstations to different IPX versions (IPX.COM); The current working subdirectory (that this program is called from) must have a structure that is in a Manufacturer \ Interrupt# \ Address \ IPX.COM order. For example: G_ETHERN \ IRQ5 \ 2A0h \ G_ETHERN \ IRQ5 \ 220h \ G_ETHERN \ IRQ5 \ 240h \ G_ETHERN \ IRQ15 \ 240h \ NETWORTH \ IRQ12 \ 240h \ NETWORTH \ IRQ15 \ 240h \ NETWORTH \ IRQ15 \ 240h \II \ EtherNet II frame IPX files are in II subdirectory. This utility can read the difference between a normal 802.3 and an EtherNet II type frame. If you do not use multiple addresses for a specific Interrupt#, then you may keep the IPX.COM files in the Interrupt# subdirectory and not create any Address subdirectories. This utility has been tested on drivers by: 3-COM Networth Gateway Western Digital Xircom Note: If you both a 8-bit and 16-bit network card from the same manufacturer, then you may need to ensure that there are no matching IRQ numbers between the two cards. Page 3 Returned Error Codes are: 9 - Incorrect or Short Command Line parameter 8 - Workstation IPX not found 7 - Could not read Workstation's temporary IPX 6 - Server IPX not found 5 - Could not write workstation IPX 4 - Could not read Server IPX 3 - Error writing new IPX file 1 - Workstation IPX has been updated 0 - Date/Time stamp same between Server and Workstation Example: in a batch file is: CD F:\SUPPORT\DRIVERS change to driver subdirectory NCOPYIPX C:\NET\IPX.COM execute this utility with it specifying that the workstation drivers are in C:\NET subdirectory. Okay, the program will first read the manufacturer, IRQ, and I/O Base from the IPX driver. It will display a message similar to: Workstation network card: Name: Networth Irq: IRQ15 Base: 340h so, the program will first look in the subdirectory NETWORTH\IRQ15 for the IPX.COM file, if it doesn't find it here then it go to the NETWORTH\IRQ15\340H subdirectory. These subdirectories (NETWORTH\IRQ15, ...) must be found under the current subdirectory (ei. F:\SUPPORT\DRIVERS in this example) or else a message will be returned that the driver was not found. NCOPYNEW NCOPYNEW Drive:\Path\SourceFileName Drive:\Path\DestFileName This utility will copy contents of SourceFile to DestFileName, if DestFileName is older than SourceFile or if DestFileName does not exist. Presently wildcards are not supported. This utility is small enough that it may be called (Shelled) by another program. Sample usages: Distribute newer versions of software that is used on the workstation; distribute memos, files, and other mass distribution; Page 4 Returned Error Codes are: 9 - Invalid syntax 8 - Could not find the 1st file 7 - Error occurred while accessing 2nd file 6 - Error occurred while writing to 2nd file 1 - 1st FileName copied over 2nd FileName 0 - Date/Time stamp same NCOPYSCR NCOPYSCR Drive:\Path\ScriptFile This utility is similar to NCOPYNEW except that it reads a script file instead of the prompt line. A sample script file is pro- vided. If the symbol ! is used before the source path\filename in the script file, then the utility will copy the file to the destina- tion if the date/time stamp is not the same. If no beginning symbol is used, then the normal 'copy if outdat- ed' rule applies. Sample usages: Distribute newer versions of software that is used on the workstation; distribute memos, files, and other mass distribution; NCPY2SUB NCPY2SUB Drive:\Path\FileName This utility will copy FileName to all existing subdirectories of the current default subdirectory. Example: current subdirectory: \GRP\DOC NCPY2SUB \USR\SMITH\BLANKMEM.DOC the result will be that BLANKMEM.DOC will be copied to all subdirectories of \GRP\DOC (like \GRP\DOC\AL, \GRP\DOC\BRENDA, \GRP\DOC\CARL, ...) Sample usages: distribution of configuration/document files to individual subdirectories that are below current working subdirectory; Note: This utility in the past was very useful for it was a quick way to copy the PRINTCON.DAT (Print Job Configuration file) to all users but now the utility NMANPCON does a much better job of this. Page 5 NDATEDIR NDATEDIR Drive:\Subdirectory This utility will set all files in the current working subdirec- tory (or specified in the command line) to the current Date/Time stamp. Sample usages: Files that you want to always to be archived by the backup software; mark document subdirectories with all the same date/time stamp; (specially those important databases that you want to ensure that they are completely backed up even during incremental backup ses- sions) NDELPRNJ NDELPRNJ QueueName UserName This utility will delete all Print Jobs created by UserName. The user executing this utility must have sufficient rights to delete print jobs. If only the QueueName is specified, then all Print Jobs that the user has security rights can be deleted for the specified queue. If the QueueName and UserName is specified, then all Print Jobs for the specified Queue and UserName are deleted. Sample usages: Allow users delete their active print jobs by se- lecting an option in your menuing system; Delete all hung(Out of Paper, Printer OffLine, ...) PrintJobs so that the Backup Machine (usually after Midnight) may backup the File Server without waiting forever on the queue files to close (so this way, also backing up the queue directory structures); NDISK NDISK Drive: This utility will display the total capacity and available disk space of specified drive. The available disk space will also be returned as an errorlevel in increments of 1 Megabyte (1024 * 1024 bytes). The maximum exitlevel returned is 255. Sample usages: help alert the administrator to low disk space available; placed in a batch file will automatically delete Page 6 redundent files if disk space is low; NDOSVER NDOSVER If errorlevel 5 echo DOS 5 or later found If errorlevel 4 echo DOS 4 or later found if errorlevel 3 echo DOS 3 or later found if errorlevel 2 echo DOS 2 or later found This utility will return the major dos version as a errorlevel exit code. This is useful for batch files that need to call spe- cific programs based on the DOS version. Sample Use: Load the correct version of NETx.COM, NEMSMEM NEMSMEM This program will return the amount of Expanded Memory (EMS) available. It will return the amount 10K increments as an ExitLevel. For example, if NEMSMEM found 2304K available, then it will return with an exitlevel of 230. The maximum exitlevel that can be returned is 255. Sample Usages: Insert before a application call in a batch file, and if there isn't enough memory available, then goto the appropiate message in the batch file; NFONE (Not released with this package) NFONE FileName This utility will print all matches of specified text. One idea is to use it to cross-reference / search-thru your corporate Bul- letins, Phone Lists, and other tables; NGETTIME NGETTIME This utility will display the current date / time on all attached servers. This will help you decide if you need to run NSETTIME. Page 7 NLOGADDR NLOGADDR Drive:Path\FileName /N /N is optional command, that will ask the user to type in a 30 character description of this workstation. This utility will get physical address of UserName and insert this information into the database FileName. One possible use allows the network administrator a quick way to find who had been lately signing onto a specific workstation. Sample usages: Track login usage at the workstation level; trace program usage by physical station; trace previous logins at work station; track usage of work stations; track workstation conditions; Example placed in a batch file: NDISK C: IF ERRORLEVEL 2 NLOGADDR F:\WARNINGS\LOWDISK.TXT IF C:\WP\WP.EXE NLOGADDR F:\INVENT\WPUSER.TXT The database file is in a fixed format cr/lf text file, so hence the administrator can do searches/lookup using any text editor. DataFile Layout Field Name Length Physical Address 14 Notes 32 Last Login Date 9 Last Login Time 6 Last Login Name 16 Previous Login Date 9 Previous Login Time 6 Previous Login Name 16 2nd Previous Login Date 9 2nd Previous Login Time 6 2nd Previous Login Name 16 Blank Space (20h) 1 Carriage Return (0Dh) 1 Line Feed (0Ah) 1 ============ Total 140 Exit Codes: 9 - Incorrect or Short Command Line parameter 8 - Could not read/write to Datafile Page 8 7 - Could not get workstation physical address 2 - Added Login Time to existing record 1 - Added record for this Physical address NMANPCON NMANPCON This utility will first copy the Supervisor's PRINTCON.DAT to all users, and then for each user, it will remove job configurations that the individual user does not have sufficient security access. (not a member of Queue User or Queue Operator). Sample Usages: Make maintaining printcon.dat files a breeze, for you only have to maintain on master copy; used in conjunction with NSELPRNJ makes an easier to use turn-key system; run this utility after creating new users will then result in a printcon.dat file correctly configured for those users; NMEM NMEM This small utility will report amount of conventional memory available to programs. It will return an exitlevel by 10K increments. For example, if NMEM says that 250K is available then it will return an exitlevel of 25. Sample Usages: Insert before a application call in a batch file, and if there isn't enough memory available, then goto the appropiate message in the batch file; NRPTBIND NRPTBIND Name Answer Name is UserName, if a User Report is desired for a User. ei. NRPTBIND HMSUSER for a User Report on user HMSUSER Name is GroupName, if a Group Report is desired for a Group. ei. NRPTBIND AUTOCAD for a Group Report on group AUTOCAD Name is QueueName, if a Queue Report is desired for a Queue. Page 9 ei. NRPTBIND DOC-QUEUE for a Queue Report on queue DOC-QUEUE Answer is either Y or N, if a Group Report is specified above, then this will answer the prompt of 'Create a UserReport for every member in this Group (Y/N) ?'. ei. NRPTBIND AUTOCAD Y will create an individual user report for every user that is a member of group AUTOCAD. ei. NRPTBIND AUTOCAD N will create a group report on AUTOCAD. Note: You must a supervisor equilavent to run this report, or else it will only let you run a report on yourself. This utility will create a report for individual users or a group depending on the specified command. If it is a User Report, then it will contain Account Information, Direct Trustee Assignments, Group Members, Security Equilvalences, and Queue Membership. If it is a Group Report, then it will only contain Direct Trustee Assignments, Group Members and Queue Membership. If it is a Queue Report, then it will contain a Queue Subdirectory, Queue Servers, Queue Operators and Queue Users. The next release will contain information on WorkGroup Managers and Node Restrictions. Sample Usages: Document newly created users/groups/queues; Check status on User access status; NRPTIPX (Not released with this package) NRPTIPX This utility will listen and display all incoming IPX packets. The source physical, destination physical, and other data is dis- played for all packets. 100 samples are accepted before exiting program. ESC will exit program. Usages: Verifying that packets are getting to the workstation; trying to trace babbling workstations; find bad wiring; NRPTPCON NRPTPCON UserName ei. NRPTPCON Brenda create a report on Brenda, NRPTPCON MIS create a report for every user in the group called MIS. This utility will read the specified User's PRINTCON.DAT and Page 10 create a printable text file of the configuration. Sample usages: Document a User's printer configuration setting; find disimilar settings amoung users or groups; NRPTSEM (This is not released yet) NRPTSEM This utility will display all active semaphores for the current workstation. NRPTOWN NRPTOWN Drive:\Subdirectory This utility will create a report of Disk Consumption sorted by Owner. The report will consist of Disk consumption of the cur- rent working subdirectory (or specified on command line) and all of its subdirectories. Sample Usages: management reports; statistical analysis; track- ing causes of low disk space available; notifying groups that their disk usage is too low/high. NSELPRNJ (Not released with this package) NSELPRNJ This utility is a pop-up windows oriented menu for the user to select the Print Job he requests for the desired printer port. The user will only be able to select the printjobs that he has security rights to the desired print queue. NSETTIME NSETTIME You must be a Console Operator on the File Server in order to change the Date/Time of the File Servers. This utility will set all attached servers to the same Date / Time as the workstation running this utility. The workstation Page 11 must be first set to the exact time that you want the servers synchronized for. NSUBOWN (Supervisor-equilavent needed to run this utility) NSUBOWN Drive:\PathName This utility will display/change the File owner of all subdirec- tories below it using the directly below directories name. For instance: Currently at H:\USR, and when using DIR, it will display: ALVIN BETTY CALVIN DENNIS MiscFile Execute this utility by NSUBOWN [return] The utility check if ALVIN is a valid owner name, if it is then it will set ALVIN's subdirectory (and all further be- low) to the owner set to ALVIN. Then, it will check if BETTY is a valid owner name, if it is then it will set BETTY has being the owner of BETTY subdi- rectory (and all further below). It will do this to DENNIS also. But, if DENNIS does not exist as an Owner, then it will dis- play Does Not Exist, and skip to the next subdirectory. Sample usages: If this is done to the personal subdirectories then it will give a more accurate consumption of disk space when using the NRPTOWN utility; setting files to their correct owner(LoginName, Group, Server) will make them easier to administer. NTRAFFIC (Not released) (Especially because Netware 386!) NTRAFFIC This utility will display the top 10 workstations with the great- est amount of Packet Requests, Bytes Read, and Bytes Written. A Delta, and Total counter is displayed. Sampling rate is once ev- ery 10 seconds. ESC to exit utility. Usages: Find the workstation(s) that is hogging down server re- soures; Page 12 NXMSMEM NXMSMEM This program will return the amount of XMS memory available. (HIMEM.SYS is a XMS memory driver). It will return the amount 10K increments as an ExitLevel. For example, if NXMSMEM found 2304K available, then it will return with an exitlevel of 230. The maximum exitlevel returned is 255. Sample Usages: Insert before a application call in a batch file, and if there isn't enough memory available, then goto the appropiate message in the batch file; if there is enough XMS memory then load the protected version of the application instead of the real mode version; Page 13 Please do not call me, if you looking for a newer release or support, if you have not registered. [Limited License] This software is copyrighted but a limited license is granted and you are free to use and share it under the following conditions: 1. These programs are not distributed in modified form. 2. Reference to the copyright and author is retained. 3. I do request that if these programs help you in network ad- ministration/maintenance, and so hence you monetarily bene- fit, then send $25 (minimum) to the author. [Registration] A minimum registration fee of $25 (US currency) is good for all enclosed utilities and additional utilities provided in future. Each registration fee is good for all workstations on one server. Each registration fee includes one free upgrade cycle in addition to the current release diskette that I send to you when I receive your registration. Payment Procedure: . Send your business card with current shipping address. . Money Order, Check and Company check are the only forms of accepted registration payment. Cash is okay, but not preferable if you use normal postal methods. If Outside of US, then please send only US Postal Money Orders or cash (securely mailed). . Send above items to : Darwin Collins 3749 Silver Oak Cluster Irving, Texas 75060 [Warranty] These programs are provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, ei- ther expressed or implied, including, but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for any purpose. The en- tire risk as to the quality and performance of this program is with the user and should the program prove defective, the user and not the author will assume all responsibility with correcting all informa- tion. The author does not warrant that this program will function in the desired mode or will meet any users requirements or that the op- eration of the program will be error free. But, You are certainly entitled to complain about Bugs you find in these programs. Page 14