NAME WinFrac DESCRIPTION 'Fractint For Windows' EXETYPE WINDOWS ; ; use one of the following statements: ; PROTMODE ; if using Quick-C for Windows STUB 'WINSTUB.EXE' ; if using Microsoft's SDK CODE PRELOAD MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE DATA PRELOAD FIXED HEAPSIZE 1024 STACKSIZE 7684 ; was 7172 IMPORTS toolhelp.TimerCount EXPORTS MainWndProc @1 About @2 OpenDlg @3 SelectFractal @4 SelectFracParams @5 SelectImage @6 SelectDoodads @7 SaveAsDlg @8 Status @9 SelectCycle @10 SelectFullScreen @11 Select3D @12 Select3DPlanar @13 Select3DSpherical @14 MTWndProc @15 CoordBoxDlg @16 ZoomBarDlg @17 ZoomBarProc @18 PrintDlg @19 PrintAbort @20 PrintAbortDlg @21 StatusBoxProc @22 wintext_proc @23 SelectExtended @24 SelectSavePar @25 SelectIFS3D @26 SelectFunnyGlasses @27 SelectStarfield @28