--------------------------------------------------------------------- DlgDrop 1.0 - Dialog Drop for Windows by Dieter Prifling (1993.03.18) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Have you ever encountered the following situation while working under Windows 3.1: * You have located some data file in some directory with the Windows File Manager. * You have started an application and have chosen File | Open. * A file dialog appears where some other directory is the default and you are forced to select the drive and click thru all the directories again even though the file you want is already visible in the File Manager. * Arrrrgh. If this sounds familiar then DlgDrop is the solution. It allows you to drag any file from the File Manager and drop it onto the file dialog or any edit field in almost any dialog. Instead of a lot of clicking or typing, just one drag. (To drag a file, press the left mouse button over a filename in the File Manager, move the mouse over the destination while still holding down the mouse button, and then release the button over the destination to drop it off). To use DlgDrop just run it like any other program or put it in the StartUp group of the Windows Program Manager. DlgDrop shows an info dialog when it is run for the first time. (Delete the "dlgdrop.ini" file to show the dialog again). For all future invocations DlgDrop doesn't have any visible signs of its presence. If you drag a file from the File Manager and drop it onto an edit field in a dialog, the filename is written into this edit field. If you hold down the control key while dropping the file, the OK button is pressed automatically. If you drop the file on any other location in the dialog, outside of any edit field, the filename is written into the first edit field and the OK button is pressed. DlgDrop works with all Dialogs that use the standard dialog window class (the majority does). The dialog must have a standard edit field or combo box. For the automatic OK to work, the dialog must have a standard OK button (most do). The standard common file dialog fullfills all these criteria. DlgDrop must be run before the file dialog is popped up. DlgDrop is shareware and may be copied and distributed freely, but it may not be sold. Shareware distributers are allowed to ask for a reasonable handling charge, but they should contact me before doing so. If you find DlgDrop useful, you can make a small donation (about 2 to 5 US-Dollars recommended). You can pay with VISA-Card, send a check, cash or anything else that you might have handy and that can be converted to money. Remember that even a small amount makes a difference. (For payment with VISA please include name, card number, expiration date and the amount you wish to donate). If you are paying or not, your feedback is very important to me, so send in your comments and suggestions for improvement. Mail address: Dieter Prifling Alte Waldm 14 W-8400 Regensburg Germany Fax number: +49 9482 3249 Phone: +49 9482 2832 (in emergencies) Electronic mail: CompuServe: 100012,3651 GEnie: O.BESLER BIX: OBESLER FIDO: 2:246/555.3 Internet: A.ROSENBERG@MSN.RMI.DE BTX: 0896804340-3 Thank you and enjoy DlgDrop. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- DlgDrop 1.0 - Dialog Drop fuer Windows von Dieter Prifling (1993.03.18) --------------------------------------------------------------------- DlgDrop erlaubt es, Dateien aus dem Windows Datei Manager in einen beliebigen Datei-Oeffnen Dialog einer Applikation zu ziehen. Einfach DlgDrop starten und am besten gleich in die AutoStart Gruppe geben. Wird eine Datei in ein Eingabefeld gezogen, wird der Dateiname in dieses Feld geschrieben. Wird dabei die Steuerungstaste gedrueckt gehalten, erfolgt automatisch auch noch die Betaetigung der OK Taste. Wenn die Datei in einen Dialog, ausserhalb eines Eingabefeldes abgelegt wird, scheibt DlgDrop den Dateinamen in das erste Eingabefeld und drueckt OK. DlgDrop arbeitet mit allen Standard Dialogen (der groesste Teil). Sollten Sie an DlgDrop gefallen finden, koennen Sie mir eine kleine Spende zukommen lassen (3 bis 10 DM empfohlen). VISA Kreditkarte, Ueberweisung, Scheck oder Bargeld sind ok. Auch ein kleiner Betrag macht einen Unterschied. (Bei Bezahlung mit VISA Karte, bitte Namen, Kartennummer, Verfallsdatum und den Spendenbetrag angeben). Egal ob Sie spenden oder nicht, Ihr Kommentar und Ihre Verbesserungsvorschlaege sind stets erwuenscht. Post Adresse: Dieter Prifling A. Waldm 14 W-8400 Regensburg Germany Faxnummer: (09482) 3249 Telefon: (09482) 2832 (im Notfall) Elektronisch ueber E-Mail: CompuServe: 100012,3651 GEnie: O.BESLER BIX: OBESLER FIDO: 2:246/555.3 Internet: A.ROSENBERG@MSN.RMI.DE BTX: 0896804340-3 Meine Bankverbindung in Deutschland lautet: Bank: Sparkasse Regensburg BLZ: 750 500 00 Konto#: 503 4707 Danke und viel Spass mit DlgDrop