Compose for Windows, V1.64 20-Nov-1992 Copyright (c) 1991-1992 by Digital Equipment Corporation. All Rights Reserved. You are free to use and distribute Compose for noncommercial use as long as: * No fee is charged for use, copying, or distribution. * The files are not modified in any way. * All files are distributed together. This software is distributed "AS IS". DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OF THIS SOFTWARE, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, FUNCTIONALITY OR DATA INTEGRITY OR PROTECTION. IN NO EVENT SHALL DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE, OR INABILITY TO USE, THIS SOFTWARE. Please note that for reasons of economy, Digital Equipment Corporation cannot provide this software through any media other than electronic bulletin boards and repositories. Jerry Cummings Internet: CompuServe: 71232,2221 .............................................................................. Compose is a Windows application with four major uses: 1. Allows easy mnemonic access to characters not found on your keyboard such as "1 2" for the ½ (1/2) character, "c /" for the ¢ (cents) character, "a^" for the â (a with '^' accent mark) character. 2. Allows easy dialog box access to the individual characters of a font. This can be quite helpful for symbol and dingbat fonts. A listbox with all of the characters of a font is displayed; double click on the desired character and it will be sent to the current application. No more guessing or searching around for symbol and dingbat font reference cards. 3. Allows easy access to the current date and time. A quick mnemonic sequence of keys send the characters of the current date and/or time to the current application. 4. Previewing of the many scalable typefaces (commercial and public domain) that are available for Windows. You can preview a font from a window or you can preview all the characters on paper by printing the entire font in the point size and style that you desire. Technical information about the font can also be printed. There is also an option to print sample strings of all fonts. Installing Compose Run the SETUP program. You'll need to specify source drive/directory, target drive/directory, and the name of the Program Manager group to which to add Compose. COMPOSE.EXE COMPOSE.HLP COMPOSE.DAT COMPOSE.TXT CMPS_DLL.DLL CMPS_USA.DLL In addition to these files, Compose creates a COMPOSE.INI file in the installed directory. Starting Compose You can start Compose in one of five ways, depending upon where you installed Compose, your path, and Program Manager information: 1. From the DOS command line: WIN COMPOSE 2. From the Compose program item that was added to the Program Manager. 3. Add Compose to your "load=" or "run=" line in WIN.INI to start Compose automatically each time Windows starts up. 4. Use the Program Manager's File/Run dialog box to start it. 5. Add it to the Windows 3.1 StartUp group. Compose Help Once Compose has been started, you may get an overview of what Compose is by selecting "Overview" from the "Help" menu. .............................................................................. Files: SETUP.EXE Installation program COMPOSE.EXE Executable CMPS_DLL.DLL DLL for intercepting keystrokes CMPS_USA.DLL United States User Interface COMPOSE.DAT Data file for compose sequences COMPOSE.HLP Online help (WINHELP) COMPOSE.TXT This file COMPOSE.INI Not part of the kit, but is created later. .............................................................................. V1.33 13-Apr-1992 Corrected minor bug in Print Font Samples. Text was getting wrapped inside an incorrectly sized rectangle. V1.34 23-Apr-1992 Print Font with Technical Info wasn't drawing good cell boxes on non-PostScript printers. Print Font now allows multiple fonts to be printed at a time. V1.35 28-May-1992 Finally got around to cleaning up debug kernel errors. Compose no longer reads/writes preferences to WIN.INI; COMPOSE.INI is used instead. V1.36 01-Sep-1992 Moved to Windows 3.1 and Microsoft C/C++ 7.0. Windows 3.0 is no longer supported. A noticeable downside to not supporting Windows 3.0 is that OS/2 2.0 users cannot use this latest release. Eliminated code that tried to be smart when printing font names on the first page of a sample font. Compose will simply use a font that is supposed to represent ANSI characters. Print Font now queues each font as a separate job instead of all fonts as a single job. Print Font Samples has also been modified to submit each page of output as an individual job. These changes reduce the chances of the printer running out of memory. If a non-compose key is pressed while the compose key is down, Compose will not enter Compose mode but will pass that keystroke on. For instance, with the default Compose key of the right hand control key on 101 key enhanced keyboards, only a press and a release of that key will enable Compose mode. Key strokes such as Ctrl-Home with the right hand control key will simply be passed on to the application. V1.4 15-Sep-1992 Corrected a bug where font selection was lost when going to the Print Font dialog box from the Peruse Screen Fonts and Choose dialog boxes. Corrected a bug where the Compose indicator would be positioned incorrectly if the option for not flashing the indicator was chosen. Pressing the Compose after key entering Compose mode, cancels compose mode, in a fashion similar to the way the Alt key works with the menu bar. (Esc and Backspace also cancel compose mode). Revamped the method used to push characters to the target window. Used to PostMessage(...WM_CHAR...), but this would cause problems with seqeunce results that had '\n' or '\t'. Compose now slips into a Windows Journal Playback mode to feed the application keystrokes that emulate using Alt/nnnn on the numeric keypad for most characters and emulates press the Enter and Tab keys for the '\n' and '\t'. Corrected Debugging Windows warnings. Compose now remembers its window size and position across sessions. If the position is off the screen (perhaps after switching video drivers), the window will be placed using default calculations instead. Fixed a dlgbox sensitive help problem and updated the Help file. V1.41 21-Sep-1992 Corrected bug where print dialog boxes were being removed too soon. Print Font now queues each page as a separate print job, not just each font, further reducing printer memory requirements. Added a somewhat simple-minded SETUP program. V1.42 29-Sep-1992 Added names of days and months to COMPOSE.INI. Before editing the text strings for days and months, you must run Compose once so that it can write the defaults which will serve as a guide for your edits. This makes it possible to change the text for days and months from English to another language. Some sort of dialog box for doing this would make sense, but I don't have the time right now. V1.50 30-Sep-1992 Ripped country specific UI into a DLL. Compose can now switch languages using the "CountryCode=USA" setting in COMPOSE.INI. Replace USA with a three letter code of the desired/supported country. Naturally, the vast selection of countries is currently limited to one: USA. (e.g. USA requires the CMPS_USA.DLL file). Converted Open and Save As dialog boxes to Windows 3.1 Common Dialog Boxes. V1.51 06-Oct-1992 Removed the automatic addition of a space to date/time strings. If the space is desired, edit COMPOSE.INI and change the value of AppendSpaceToDateTime to 1. V1.52 13-Oct-1992 Modified the COMPOSE.EXE so that it had the Compose icon in it. V1.53 15-Oct-1992 Compose no longer supports the little used feature of discardable memory. Tables of compose sequences etc., are still not loaded until they are explicitly needed. UI DLL need more heap. V1.54 16-Oct-1992 Reworked the guts of CMPS_DLL so that Compose will work with the Recorder application. For best results with recorded macros that utilize Compose sequences, set the recorder to playback those macros at recorded speed (instead of fast speed). V1.55 23-Oct-1992 Choose dialog box "sample" field was not updating correctly as new fonts were chosen. Ensure readable heading for Print Font output. Changed the Choose dialog box so that multiple characters can be chosen at a time. This was done by adding each selected character to the edit field at the bottom of the dialog box. Pressing Ok causes all characters in that field to be sent. Choose Copy from the dialog box's system menu copies all characters in that field to the Windows clipboard. It is still possible to double click on a character if you only want one character at a time. 1.60 27-Oct-1992 Moved options from menu into dialog box. Added an option controlling whether or not multiple characters could be chosen from the Choose dialog box or not. Eliminated the right aligment of the Help submenu. Eliminated the beep that occurred when aborting a compose sequence. V1.61 05-Nov-1992 Fixed bug where Compose was playing back in an extremely slow and choppy fashion. V1.62 11-Nov-1992 Minor tweak for spaces in compose sequence results. V1.63 17-Nov-1992 Fixed problem where descenders of some small fonts were getting clipped. Fixed bug where Choose dialog box was getting snapped to the lower right corner of the screen whenever the font size is changed such that the entire dialog box is resized. V1.64 20-Nov-1992 Sample string for Choose and Print dialog box can be set from the Options dialog box. COMPOSE.DAT had a bad definition of the "TM" sequence. Miscellaneous bug fixes.