I'm interested in your opinion of the program. Please fill in this survey and send it to me (alsaggaf@athena.mit.edu) (or my other addresses, see the help file for details). The program cannot be improved without your feedback. Please do it, this survey is quite simple. ========== Your hardware: ========== (e.g. DELL 43P, Generic 486-33, ..etc.): ========== Your operating system and windows environment: ========== (e.g. DOS version, Windows version, ..etc.) ========== Program version: ========== (e.g. Version 2.14b) ========== What features did you find most useful? ========== What features did you find least useful? ========== What features do you want added? ========== What features do you want changed? How? ========== What features do you want removed? (huh!) ========== What do you think of the perogram's performance? ========== (e.g. rather fast, slow in doing such and such, ..etc.) ========== General impression and other remarks (and gripes!): ========== Thanks.