************************************************************* *** RECEIVE BONUS PROGRAM WHEN YOU REGISTER YOUNG PICASSO *** ************************************************************* Every user who registers Young Picasso will also receive an additional program from BLUEVIEW SOFTWARE: Marble Guess v1.1: A rendition of the classic game of Master Mind. Try to guess the hidden marbles in the least amount of chances. Uses the 256 color vga/mcga mode! Requires VGA/MCGA and Mouse. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, Blueview Software can be contacted by: VOICE - (416) 757-7944 BBS - Baudeville BBS (416) 283-0114 - Leave message to NICK ONOUFRIOU in the main conference. Shareware Conferences - RIME, INTELEC, NANET, CITY2CITY, FIDONET, and ILINK. Leave message to NICK ONOUFRIOU. Internet: nick.onoufriou@bville.gts.org Fido net-mail: 1:250/304 Surface Mail - Blueview Software 2300 Lawrence Ave. East BOX 80551 Scarborough, Ontario CANADA M1P 2R0 NOTE: All mail _will_ be answered. If you do not receive a reply within a few days please try again, mail does get lost.