SimCity File Format Description This document describes the city data file format for SimCity. This description is valid for the IBM, Macintosh and Amiga versions of SimCity. Major Data Structures size (bytes) name 128 FinderInfo 480 ResHis 480 ComHis 480 IndHis 480 CrimeHis 480 PolluteHis 480 CashFlowHis 240 MiscVar 24000 Map 27248 Total FinderInfo - This part of the file is only used by the Macintosh. But the IBM and Amiga city files also create this in every file so cities can be moved to the Mac easily. ResHis - This is the data seen in the Residential population line graph. The first 120 integers represent the 10 year data (most recent first) and the second 120 integers represent the 120 year data. The next 5 structures follow this format. ComHis - The commercial population data. IndHis - The industrial population data. CrimeHis - The average crime level data. (scaled 0..255) PolluteHis - The average pollution level data. (scaled 0..255) CashFlowHis - The CashFlow data. (scaled 0..255, 128 is 0, <128 is negative CF, >128 is positive CF) MiscVar - This is an array of integers used to store various things. MiscVar[1] - External Market Size. MiscVar[2] - Residential Population. MiscVar[3] - Commercial Population. MiscVar[4] - Industrial Population. MiscVar[5] - Residential Valve. MiscVar[6] - Commercial Valve. MiscVar[7] - Industrial Valve. MiscVar[8&9] - City Time. (current year = City Time/48 +1900) MiscVar[10] - CrimeRamp (used to smooth graphs) MiscVar[11] - PolluteRamp (used to smooth graphs) MiscVar[12] - LandValue Average. MiscVar[13] - Crime Average. MiscVar[14] - Pollution Average. MiscVar[15] - Game Level. MiscVar[16] - City Class. (village,town,city, etc) MiscVar[17] - City Score. MiscVar[50&51] - Total Funds (long value) MiscVar[52] - Flag for auto-bulldozer MiscVar[53] - Flag for auto-budget MiscVar[54] - Flag for auto-goto MiscVar[55] - Flag for sound On/Off MiscVar[56] - City Tax Rate MiscVar[57] - Simulation Speed MiscVar[58&59] - Police budget. MiscVar[60&61] - Fire budget. MiscVar[62&63] - Road budget. Map - This is the city map. The map is 120 horiz. X 100 vert., each tile represented by an integer. The lower 10 bits of the integer hold the index for the tile, the upper 6 are "attributes" for that tile. TILE ATTRIBUTES Bits[0-9] - Tile index #. (0-1023) Bit[10] - Is this a zone center tile? Bit[11] - Is this tile animated? Bit[12] - Is this tile bulldozable? Bit[13] - Can this tile burn? Bit[14] - Can this tile conduct power? Bit[15] - Is this tile currently powered? TILE INDEX NUMBERS #0 - Clear terrain #2 - All water #4 - River channel #5-20 - River edges #21-36 - Tree edges #37 - All trees #40-43 - Parks #44-47 - Rubble #48-51 - Flood #52 - Radiation #56-63 - Fire #64-78 - Roads (no traffic) #80-142 - Roads (light traffic) #144-206 - Roads (heavy traffic) #208-222 - Power lines #224-238 - Transit lines #244 - Low density and empty Residential zone center #249-260 - Houses #265,274,283,292 - Res. zone centers (low value) from low to high density #301,310,319,328 - Res. zone centers (mid value) #337,346,355,364 - Res. zone centers (upper value) #373,382,391,400 - Res. zone centers (high value) #409 - Hospital center tile. #418 - Church center tile. #427 - Commercial empty zone center #436,445,454,463,472 - Com. zone centers (low value) 436-lowest density #481,490,499,508,517 - Com. zone centers (mid value) #526,535,544,553,562 - Com. zone centers (upper value) #571,580,589,598,607 - Com. zone centers (high value) #616 - Industrial empty zone center #625,634,643,652 - Ind. zone centers (low value) #661,670,679,688 - Ind. zone centers (high value) #698 - Port center tile. #716 - Airport center tile. #750 - Coal powerplant center tile. #765 - Fire station center tile. #774 - Police station center tile. #784 - Stadium (empty) center tile. #800 - Stadium (full) center tile. #816 - Nuclear powerplant center tile. #828-831 - open horiz. bridge #832-839 - Radar dish #840-843 - Park fountain #948-951 - open vert. bridge