Nirvana was built using the start of the lakeland city in sim city 2000 and expanding it to the boundries of the map. It was designed in the hope of creating a large city in which I, or anyone else would want to live. It's poulation now stands at one million, three hundred thousand, and rising steadily. It contains twenty-three arcologies, with room for pleanty more. The mayor rating stands around 80% approval. The eq is 129, the le is 89, and the hospitals, colleges, shcools, ect are all fully funded and have fair grades. The income of the city per year is around 15 thousand, but jumps to around 25 if the energy conservation ordinance is taken off. The strategy for containg crime and pollution caused by the arcologies was to build "arcoparks". An strategy of mine that seemes to work very well. Arcoparks are groups of acologies set in any number of ways and surrounded by water (and roads). This is seen best in the city. Arcopark jr. is very compatible with the stratagy of the 4x4 blocks plan used in the planned city of Anant Chandra, and would provied for a much greater population, within the same area. Although Nirvana does not follow the 4x4 block pattern, it does illustrate the general idea of the Arcopark jr. The 4x4 arcopark jr. is accomplished by demoloshing the roads inside of a block of 4 4x4 blocks, and buinding an arcopark jr. in the space thus provided. I think this is a great way to balance large population with happy, safe, and smart sims, and i am currently testing this by building a planned city following the examples of ceres, the planned city (Anant Chandra's), calebopolis, and spiralopolis. If it the arcopark planned city works i will upload it. If you have questions, or anything else i am... Trevor Turk Prodigy-rkwb42b Compuserve-76064,534 Thank You.