This city is part of a collection of cities: MILLEN1.SC2 MILLEN2.SC2 MILLEN3.SC2 MILLEN4.SC2 Goals of this collection: high population and efficiency Design info: MILLEN1.SC2 --------- Pop. 9,363,092. Money cheat used. No magic eraser. The MILLEN1 city is built around time-based zoning to achieve its high density. In detail, the commercial zones were exposed to forest area until they developed into denser 3x3 tiles. The trees increase land value to nearby zones, and thus effect density. Once the zones developed, the forest area was filled with more commercial zoning and allowed to develope in the same fashion. Secondly, the residential zones were built using a "checkerboard" zoning technique. The 6x110 residential strips were built first with alternating zoned residential tiles, created the checkerboard effect. Once these developed into 2x2 zones, the remaining zones were filled in. The goal here was to allow for more of the denser 2x2 zones, thus increasing population. Mill2 is the same city as MILLEN2, but it uses the magic eraser to reclaim the arcology's space for additional zoning. MILLEN2.SC2 --------- Pop. 9,412,329. Same city as above; Magic eraser used on arcos. Some zoning optimizations. MILLEN3.SC2 --------- Pop. 9,521,200. No money cheats- built with the Sim City Urban Renewal Kit (SCURK). City is stable and functional. MILLEN4.SC2 --------- Pop. 11,275,225. No money cheats- built with SCURK and SC2K DOS V1.0. Magic eraser used on arcos *and* 3x3 residential zones. Virtually the highest population in existance with the 140 arco limit. This city is NOT stable NOR functional, due to lack of support structures and infastructure. If you like, e-mail me for in-depth details on how this population was achieved. Designs by Wren-Michael Weburg (