Thanks for downloading Hadar, hope you enjoy it! This is how I did my "blocking" I described: You'll notice each city block is made up of nine small blocks surrounded by a railroad. Each of the nine blocks within a block has a space that is 6x6. This makes things quite easy to deal with, and I've also found it makes your city grow at a tremendous rate! You'll notice there is very little traffic as well. Three kinds of mass transit may have something to do with it. In the upper left corner block there is a bus depot, the middle square has a subway station, and the lower left corner has a rail station. (If you don't understand this, load up the city. You'll understand.) Well, I hope this city gives you some ideas for your own cities. Any feedback would be appreciated. I've also uploaded some other cities you may find interesting, check 'em out! - Bobby Osborne 71044,3020