How to attain the hi status of co-sysop of Co-Sysop at T.L.B. Well thats pretty easy simply have a good idea for a confrence or a file directory. We are always looking for someone to run a new confrence for our users. We will grant Co-Sysop status on the following basis. We will include but not be limited to.... 1) Co-Sysop of a confrence. Running a confrence can be much like running an entire board. Depending on the subject many diffrent ways of setting up you confrence can be afforded you. For instance Files (Please see #2), Messages, and even Doors that you will run. Not all of these of course will be an open choice for you unless we deem prudent but of course the option is always open and we would incourage you to get imaginative in you ideas and submit them via the CoConf.frm file. 2) Co-Sysop of a File Directory or Two or Three- This may deserve a little explination. A Co-Sysop in charge of a file directory would be in charge of sorting and testing files for a certain directory. These directories would be of special intrest i.e. RayTracing, Virtual Reality, Cooking, Explosive, The Bible....Anything at all.... Users who could not find what they were looking for would go to the Co-Sysop of the directory to ask for them to look and see what they can find. Now in order to run a directory you must also be able to show that you have a pretty good file source to draw off of so we will need a list of those for two reasons the first I've just stated and the second will come later. We will also need to know how much you know about your subject you will not be asked to serve as a full Confrence sysop but you should know a little about the major files in the directory. i.e. If you run RayTracing you should probably know files such as PovRay and others how to use them basicaly and the script language more or less. Again we don't ask you be an expert. We here at T.L.B. realize that we cannot expect our Co-Sysops to shoulder the full brunt of the file gathering. Therefore a directory Co-Sysop will be given the added privledge of up to 20 files to search for in out nightly or weekly mail runs. Plus we will get any directory listing from a BBS you request. This is were we would like to have many of our Co-Sysops so that we can allow a large array of specialized files to our users with out the hassle of sorting the good from the bad files. Therefore please submit ideas to us anytime via the CoDir.frm file. 3) Privledges. We of course realize that you as Co-Sysops will need more than that wonderful feeling that you are helping someone else to make this work since you will be doing more for the board you deserve more. You will of course be given Sysop Privledges in you confrence barring certain commands of course (If you are the Sysop of a confrence). And to all of our Co-Sysops we will extend the file request privledge. This file request privledge more or less allows us to go try and find files for you. We do set a limit at 10 for Confrence Sysops, and 20 for Directory or File Sysops. (I'm sure the rational behind that is clear) In addition of course you will receive more time on the board to do your work and acsess to any confrence you deem necessary. Plus, a lot more leeway with your Sysops.