This file describes the architecture of our file retreival and search methods only if you the user support us. To begin this we most importantly need voluntiers for Co-Sysops and other positions. If you are interested in a Co-Sysop job read the file LoonieCo.txt. If you would prefer to help other ways simply leave Mark or Mike Church a Message and we will see if we need you (Don't worry we will). Now that I have given my little plea I will describe the proposed design of our system. We would like to provide of all the files you need and eliminate all of the files you don't need to decrease time spent looking for a file you know is here somewhere on the board. Since we can't obviously have all the files on our little BBS we will bring them to you via the Co-Sysops and ourselves. Basically there are two kinds of Co-Sysops the Confrence Sysop and the File Sysop which are desribed in more detail in the LoonieCo.txt file. To you the user these Sysops are a way to get you files and use them. For each area or confrence there will be both a Confrence Sysop and a File Sysop both of which will serve you in a different way. The File Sysop will be in charge of finding files on other boards that you need or finding the write file on this board. He will have several ways of doing this through T.L.B. The Confrence Sysop will be in charge of helping you use these files and all other problems that come with that topic of discussion. Like I said at the begining I am really excited about the way this can work. And T.L.B. being a free acsess board all we ask is that we get a little help in exchange so if you like this idea please leave me a note and any applications for Co-Sysop or simply Ideas for a new confrence and/or Directory of files. Thank You and Have a DAY!!!