[B_RED][LIGHTGREEN][CENTER]ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ [CENTER]³ Leapin' Christmas Creepers! ³ [CENTER]ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ [LIGHTGREY][B_BLACK] You! Yeah [WHITE]You[LIGHTGREY]! Do you want to play a super-friendly, politically-correct, environmentally-conscious, ecologically-sound game? Well, this game's for you, then! [WHITE]NOT[LIGHTGREY]! The [LIGHTGREEN]REAL[LIGHTGREY] question at hand is, do you have what it takes to save the [LIGHTGREEN]Creepin'[LIGHTGREY] species? Use your armory of [LIGHTGREEN]CreeperTools[LIGHTGREY] to guide the caterpillars from their nesting grounds to the pupae pot...where they metamorphose into butterflies! Can you save the caterpillars from [YELLOW]Boiling Oil[LIGHTGREY] or [B_BROWN][BLACK]Hungry Blackbirds[B_BLACK][LIGHTGREY]? Can you blow the [LIGHTGREEN]Creepers[LIGHTGREY] to safety without blowing them up? Can you become the [B_BLUE][WHITE]Creeper Hero of Legend??[B_BLACK][LIGHTGREY] [LIGHTCYAN]Creepers[CYAN] will be available in January for your Amiga or MS-DOS Compatible at your favorite software retailer, or you can order by calling: [LIGHTRED] In the United States: In Europe: 1 (800) 438 - 7794 +44 (51) 709 5755 [LIGHTCYAN] Press a key to play a special 4-level Christmas edition of [LIGHTGREEN]CREEPERS[LIGHTCYAN]! [LIGHTBLUE][CENTER]Creepers Copyright 1992 Psygnosis Ltd. [END]