VENDOR.TXT ========== -------------------------------------------------------------------- Distribution You may distribute this SHAREWARE version FREELY. You can put it on CD-ROM, DISK, RETAIL SHELVES, BBS' or TATOO IT ON COWS. Please distribute this SHAREWARE ( Only 3 characters and NO character editor) everywhere. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Brudal Baddle The Quest for Talis Ra ======================= In the Tradition of Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter 2 comes a new game.. FEATURES: * 4 channel digitized music * 8-bit digitized sound * 256 color digitized players * Scrolling Background * 32-bit fast graphics engine * Requires 386 with 4 megs of RAM * 8 Characters to Defeat (3 Shareware) * Character Editor (Registered Only) The Story ========= Los Alamos,Nevada 2023. The Laboratory lay in ruins, the remote as gone and Dr. Chen was dead. Dr. Chen had invented a way to punch holes in the space-time fabric, eight holes had been made in the past so far. On his attempt to make a hole into the future, a half-man/ half-machine (Talis Ra) came through and stole the equipment. Each time hole has a guardian on the other side of the gate. You must take the form of one of these guardians and battle your way through the time gates to get Talis Ra.