Presto Arranger MIDI Sequencer

Product Overview
Presto Arranger lets you play, modify, and create music using your PC and audio hardware. Even without musical training or special equipment, you can do all of the following:

Presto Arranger's Controls
Presto Arranger consists of several areas, as shown below:

Selecting Views: Track View or Keyboard View
When you first launch Presto Arranger, it shows both the Track and Keyboard views. To see only one or the other, press either the Keyboard or Track button in the Button Bar. To show both at once again, select either the Tile or Cascade menu item from Presto Arranger's Window pull-down menu in the Menu Bar.

Chapter 2: Playing MIDI Files

Loading and Playing a MIDI Music File
To have Presto Arranger play existing MIDI music files:
1. From Presto Arranger's File pull-down menu, select the Open menu item.
2. In the Open box, navigate among the directories to locate and highlight the .MID file you want to play. Click on the OK button. You will be returned to the main Presto Arranger screen. Note that the Title Bar will now show the name of the loaded MIDI file.
3. Press the Play button on Presto Arranger's Button Bar.
You should hear your song playing and see the double vertical bar in the Track View window moving to the right, indicating the current position in the music file.
Tip: To adjust how loudly the song plays on your system, locate the volume control program that came with your audio hardware. It is not part of Presto Arranger itself. It often is called a Mixer Control or Volume Control applet or panel.

Controlling Song Position
When you click on the Play button, Presto Arranger starts playing from the current position. Current position is always indicated by the double vertical bar in the Track View window. There are two ways of controlling your current position in a loaded MIDI file: