This installation menu will allow you to EASILY copy the programs you select to your computers hard drive. Just use the arrow keys or your mouse to highlight the catagory you wish to install and press ENTER. The catagory's installation will prompt you for a drive\directory name to install the programs into. For your convienience, we've supplied the name C:\CLUB0694 as the default. If this is OK with you, just press enter. (NOTE: For simplicity's sake, MicroStar recommends that you use the default) After the installation is complete, you'll be returned to the main installation menu. You may select other catagorys to install, or just exit and use the programs you've already installed. After exiting the main installation menu, change to your computers hard drive. You do this by entering 'C:' (without quotes), then pressing ENTER. If you allowed the installation to use the default C:\CLUB0694, you will be in that directory. If you entered your own drive\directory, you'll be in that drive\directory. You may then change to one of the following directorys: DOSGEN DOSUTILS GAMES DTP WINGEN WINUTIL KIDSKLUB Depending on what catagorys you've installed, 1 or more of these directorys will be present. To change to a directory, just enter 'CD dirname' (without quotes) where dirname is one of the above directory names. Then just enter MENU and press ENTER. Now you may run any of this catagorys programs just by selecting it's name from the menu and pressing the ENTER key or clicking your left mouse button. Should you have any trouble whatsoever, please do not hesitate to contact our Technical Support department. They will gladly help you resolve any difficulties that may occur.