BUTTONWARE SOFTWARE ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ It is with the greatest regret that we report the ommission of all Buttonware software from this CD-ROM disc. In the final hours before the pressing date, Buttonware refused permission for us to include any of their shareware files on this disc. The titles affected are: PC-File 5.0 PC-Type 4 PC-Calc+ 2 PC-File III PC-File/R PC-File+ PC-File:dB PC-Calc PC-Type PC-Type+ PC-Type II PC-Dial PC-Stylist PC-Style PC-Tickle Extended DOS Bakers Dozen All of the titles (with the exception of PC-File 5.0, PC-Type 4 and PC-Calc+2) have been removed from distribution and are not able to be registered. Those titles which are currently available can be downloaded from Valentes BBS on Dorchester, England (0305) 251830. Alternatively, you can purchase the required discs from Micro Haus Limited - call (0452) 371707. Our apologies again for this ommission. We hope you'll understand that we had no other course but to follow Buttonwares demands. Perhaps they will have a change of heart when the next volume in this series is published.