wtp.txt *********** This Package contains the product "We the People," a shareware electronic book from LeftJustified Publiks(TM). This product requires Microsoft Windows(TM) version 3.1 or later. Files: wtp.hlp -the product wtplib.lbr -constitution library file wtp.txt -this text file wtp.wri -Windows Write file; installation & notes wtp.ico -Icon identifies "We the People" The product may be reproduced and distributed, at cost only, without limitation, in its complete form only. We the People is an exploration of democracy through famous documents related to democracy. This product includes: a translation of the Magna Carta, the American colonial Articles of Confederation, the Declaration of Independence, The U.S. Constitution, the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights, and excerpts from the constitutions of ten nations. All material is presented in attractive TrueType(TM) fonts, and includes graphic illustration. The U.S. Constitution is Hypertext linked for study.