WinFit 1.4 ------------- WinFit is a shareware Weighted Non Linear Least Squares fitting program for windows 3.1. * Easy to use windows interface. * The program uses Levenberg-Marquardt fitting method. * Reads the data from space or tab delimited ASCII file. * Data are X,Y and an optional Y-error. * Data and fit can be plotted. * There are some built in functions and the a user-defined function: ** Multiple of Gaussinas. ** Multiple exponentials. ** Multiple power-lows. ** Multiple Lorentzians. ** Polynoms. ** User Defined Functions. * Built in Peak Search routine to help find initial guesses. * Can generate weights that improve fitting performance for some problems. * This version can read up to 5000 data points and fit up to 22 parameters. * The calculates and displays the COVARIANCE and CURVATURE matrixes. * The program provides a REPORT file. * Full Support for windows CUT and PAST.