MouseKey V1.30 - Assign keys and commands to mouse buttons Copyright 1993,94 by Andreas Furrer =================================================================== With MouseKey you can assign key combinations, mouse commands or menu commands to mouse buttons. You can have a global setting, a setting for the desktop, a setting for the non client area of the windows or application specific setting. Now you can use your right or middle mouse button in applications that doesn't support the use of the right or middle mouse button. But you can also override the default behaviour of an appliaction if it already supports the use of the right or middle mouse button. All mouse buttons (left, middle and right) can be combined with a combination of and so you can setup up to 11 different key- combinations or commands to mouse buttons. (The left mouse button without and can't be assigned a key or command.) MouseKey needs Windows 3.1, it will not work with Windows 3.0. Installation ============ The installation of MouseKey is very easy: 1) Copy MOUSEKEC.CPL into your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. 2) Copy MOUSEKEY.EXE into any directory and create a new item for MOUSEKEY.EXE in your startup group. It is the best to have MouseKey as the last (lower right) icon in you startup group so another loaded application will not override the function of MouseKey. 3) Restart Windows MouseKey runs invisible. If you want to close it, just start it a second time or close it with a taskmanager that lets you see hidden windows. (Like FTaskman - a very nice, useful and FREE taskmanager replacement) Configuration ============= For the configuration of MouseKey start your control panel and open the MouseKey icon. There is a setting '' for the desktop of windows, a default setting '' for all applications, a setting for the non client area of a window (e.g. the titel bar or the border) but for each application you don't want the default you can add an entry and change the settings for this application. To create a setting for a new application choose the 'New' button and select the filename of the application. To delete an entry, select it in the listbox and press 'Delete'. The , and entries couldn't be deleted. You can assign keys, mouse clicks or commands to the three mouse keys in combination with and . (Exception: You can't apply a key or command to only the left mouse button without or .) For each combination you can assign: - a key combination (normaly a menu hotkey like +) - a mouse click combined with , or +) you want in the edit field. You will see the names of the pressed keys. If you want to delete a key definition press . There are two key combinations which can't be entered: + and . If you want to assign this keys, you have to open the combo- box and select the specific entry. In the list of the combobox you will also see all mousekeys with combinations of , and . You can also assign one of these entries to a combination. In the combobox there are two other special items: will let you setup the same value as you have for the entry. With this you can easily change the setting of some combinations for a special application but having the default values for the others. If you create a new setting for an application, this value is assigned for all combinations. Assigning this value to the setting is the same as an empty entry. lets you overide the normal action of an application with no action. Now if you press the combination you will not get any action even if the application will normally do something. The last entries of the combobox are the combinations of the tree mouse buttons combined with , and and the double click of the three mouse buttons. ATTENTION! Be careful with assignments of mouse buttons to another mouse button. It is possible that you will create an infinit loop! If you want to assign a menu command you have to check the "Menu command" button and enter the value of the command. Because you normally will not know the value of a menu command, you can use the "Watch menu commands" button. If you press the button, you will get a dialog which will always keep in front. Now you can switch to the application you want to know the value of a menu command and select the menu entry. During the selection of menu entries, you will see the value of the menu commands and their menutext in the listbox of the dialog. Here are some examples on how to setup MoseKey: - You want that the right mouse button will always open the help for any application: Select in the listbox and press in the 'Right' editbox. - Problems with double clicking? Why not setup the right mouse button combined with to act like a left button double click? Here is the solution: Select in the listbox and choose the entry 'Left Button Double Click' in the 'Right+' combobox. - Opening the task manager by a simple click with the right mouse button onto the title bar of a window: Select and choose + in the 'Right' combobox. - For Notepad you want to assign the middle mouse button pressed together with to insert the current time and date: If you don't already have an entry for Notepad in the listbox, create it now with the 'New' button. Now select Notepad in the listbox and enter in the 'Middle+Shift' editbox. ( is the hotkey of the menu command 'Time/Date') - Now you want to open the search dialog in Notepad when pressing the right mouse key together with . The menu command 'Search...' doesn't have a hotkey so we have to use a menu command. To get the value of the menuitem 'Search...' we need to open the 'Watch menu commands' dialog. Now if we start Notepad and select the menuitem 'Search..' we will see something like "3 &Search..." in the listbox of the dialog. Now we know that the value of the menuitem 'Search...' is 3. Now we close the 'Watch menu commands' dialog and select the entry Notepad in the listbox. In the line 'Right+Shift' we check the button Menu command and enter the value 3 in the editbox. Note: The settings of MouseKey will override the normal behaviour of an application. So if an application already uses e.g the right mouse button to do some action you can override this with a setting in MouseKey. Limitations =========== It is possible that MouseKey will not work correct with some applications. There are also some applications which will create its windows not from within the main program but from within DLLs (or other modules). For this applications you have to create a setting for the main program and for the name of the DLLs. (If you don't get the functions you have setup in MouseKey for some application try to set the setting for each of the DLLs you will find in the main directory of the application). Freeware-Note ============= You can use and distribute MouseKey free, as long as the following files are not changed and you distribute all files together - mousekey.txt - mousekey.exe - mousekec.cpl I am programming MouseKey because I have fun and not to make any profit. That's why MouseKey is free and you don't have to pay more or less high registration charges.I think it is a bad habit, that more and more program authors want to have money even for the smallest programs. Long live Freeware! If you have problems, comments, suggestions or you detect an error, please E-Mail to (c) 1993,94 by Andreas Furrer Version history =============== 1.30: - Added a setting for the non client area of a window. - Now you can assign double clicks to a single mouse click. 1.20: - Added a setting for the desktop window. - Added the 'as ' and 'no action' value. - With some applications you got two or more times the action you have defined for a single mouse click (e.g. with WinWord). This was a problem with duplicated Windows messages. I added some functions to detect this messages. I hope MouseKey will now work correct with most applications. 1.11: - The control panel for MouseKey in version 1.10 didn't work on most system. 1.10: - Changed the edit fields in comboboxes. Now you can also assign and or a combination of other mouse buttons to the buttons. 1.01: - Fixed a bug with the icon (if you have choosen to see the icon of MouseKey you only saw a white rectangle) 1.00: - First version of MouseKey.