CDUMP [SS] [NS] [FILENAME] [DEVICE] CDUMP will allow you to create a file which contains an image of the CD-ROM data. The area that you wish to be dumped is defined by its start sector address and the number of sectors you wish to read. CD-ROM data areas start at sector zero. High Sierra and ISO 9660 images commence at sector number sixteen. The complete size of a CD-ROM image can be calculated using the table of contents information; one block is considered a sector, one second is 75 sectors and one minute is 4,500 sectors. Each sector is 2048 bytes in size. This data is dumped to a file but be careful, it is easy to create files which are very large if you define a large number of sectors to read. SS - the first sector of the data dump NS - the number of sectors for the data dump Filename - name of file to write sector data (default filename is IMAGE.CD) Device - CDROM device name (default first drive) or CDROM drive letter