Vendor Documentation WINCDP Shareware Disk Vendor Documentation Version 3.1 -- October 23, 1994 This file provides information for shareware disk vendors and user groups on the distribution of WINCDP I am glad to work with you in the distribution of WINCDP, as user groups and disk vendors are an important part of the shareware distribution system. WINCDP is a "shareware application" and is provided at no charge to the user for evaluation. Feel free to share this evaluation version with your friends, and copy to bulletin boards, but do not give it away altered or as part of another system. The original ZIP file must not be modified. The registered version can not be distributed. Distributing a registered version breaks the law of copyright. If you would like to have a registered version of WINCDP, send your request to me. The latest evaluation version of WINCDP can be found at one of the following sites: Site: IP Address Location ----------------------------------------------------------- CICA: /pub/pc/win3/sounds SimTel: /SimTel/windows3 Garbo: /windows/sound You can contact me at any of the addresses below. Please mail your materials to me at the mail address below. Mail Address: Tony G. Wu #42, Pu-Wei Road, Pitou Shiang, Chang-Hua Shien, Taiwan, ROC Email Box: