This updated FM driver version 1.31 will allow you to run the existing FM software with Windows version 3.1. To install the new driver: 1) Copy the file fm31.drv to your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. 2) Edit the SYSTEM.INI file in your WINDOWS directory. Change the line sound.drv=mmsound.drv under the section [boot] to read sound.drv=fm31.drv 3) Restart Windows if you edit the file from within Windows. That's all there is to it. A couple of notes.... If you set the Beep source in the sound panel to use FM synthesized then you will receive an FM beep for errors. If you set it to speaker it will use Wave audio if present, otherwise it will use the speaker. When queueing songs in Player make sure that the --End-- entry is highlighted before adding new songs. If you accidentally add songs after the --End-- entry then just select them and press the Remove button. Good Luck... Monty Schmidt 1020 E. Johnson #1 Madison, WI 53703 CIS 73020,2770