USING A MOUSE WITH PC-KEY-DRAW While PC-KEY-DRAW was originally designed for use strictly from the keyboard, PC-KEY-DRAW 3 can be used with a mouse for those who prefer. The mouse can be used for just free hand drawing or for menu selection as well. Two drivers are included on the program disk, KD-MOUSE.COM is provided for those with a Mouse Systems Mouse, while KD-MSMOS.MNU is provide for those who have a MicroSoft Mouse. See your mouse user manual and KD.BAT for detail on loading the mouse drivers. The left mouse button is equal to the ENTER key, the right (middle on Mouse Systems) is equal to the "/" or SPACE BAR, while both buttons together (right button on Mouse Systems) is equal to "n" for no. Moving the mouse is equal to using the keyboard arrow keys. To use the mouse to select a menu simply hit the "/" button then move the mouse to display the desired function to use and hit the left button for ENTER. Next move the mouse to display the directive options for a given function and hit the left button to select the directive, then follow the directions for that particular operation. The source code for the mouse drivers is included. You may want to modify and then recompile to fit your particular needs.