KD-PRNT,PAGE,WRKSPC,KD-PTRN.PIC MCR,SCN,PIC,FNT,VCT,FIG,TXT,.TBL,KD-FONT1 - mark corner Wait for... Mark opposite corner Hit any key to continue Use to refresh Select r.a.z.m.f.v.s.c. F1 Modification rotate|Srevolve|Cscreen|Aall colors|19 again, rot/zm|Aother|30 zoom|Sscreen|Cfatbits|Aall colors|44 mirror|Sscreen| flip/compress|Sscreen| video-reverse|S3&2|C3&1|Axor|47 slide|Sscreen|Cpower| calculate|Amass|46 r.s.p a.o F2 Box & Figure rectangle|S& copy|Afilled|19 shaded box|S& copy| polygon arrow|Afilled|30 outline a.c.e.f r s t F3 Curve Draw arc|Spie| circle|Ccenter| ellipse|Ccenter| fillet rose curves spiral trig(sine) l m d s.f. F4 Shade & Fade light shading medium shading dark shading spray paint|Aall color|31 fade out|Aall color|33 p.b c.m.f.s. F5 Paint & Ptrn paint fill|Sset|Aalt colors|25 background color palette|Cmonochrome| modify color|Sscreen|Cscr&alt|Aalt colors|50 fill-pattern|Aalt file|33 strip/shift|Sshift| d.l.p.s.c t.o.e. F6 Draw & Text dot|Sadd| line/vector|Sadd| spoked lines|Sadd| parallel line|Sadd| cursor (cont) text|Sjustified|Canimate|Aalt fonts|20 old vector|Slast| end|Ssave|Csave last| e.c.o.a m.s.r.l. F7 Copy & Move erase area|Sanimate|Ccircle|Aclear|18 copy area|Ssave|Clast size| old figure|Splace| animate move|Swith|Cover|Areplace|50 smear|Swith|Cover|Areplace|31 replicate|Swith|Cover|Areplace|19 line ins/del|Adel|38 d s o.f.p.w.k e F8 Files & Exit directory save screen old screen|Ssequential|Ctemplate|Adisplay|24 fresh screen|Spage/layers| print screen|Szoom|Cpart zoom| workspace|Sscreen 2| kill file exit program F9 Speed,F0 Color