2691A.ZIP CRISCROS crossword generation system (Disk 1 of 2) 2691B.ZIP CRISCROS crossword generation system (Disk 2 of 2) 2726.ZIP QUIZMAKER, KRYPTO & ACROSTIX educational games 2925.ZIP THE LAST WORD quotations-based trivia game 3185.ZIP CROSSWORD CLIPPER FOR WINDOWS puzzle layout/publisher 3186.ZIP CROSSWORD CREATOR create/modify/print/solve puzzles 3284.ZIP BRAIN BOGGLERS 1 collection of trivia quiz games 3338.ZIP IQ CHALLENGE PART 1 general knowledge quiz game 3415A.ZIP THE ELECTONIC ALVEARY word match program 3415B.ZIP THE ELECTONIC ALVEARY dictionary files 3596.ZIP XSOLVE fast pattern word matcher (British spellings) H017.ZIP LOGOS word match, hidden word & anagram searching program H028.ZIP EXPANDED WORD LIST FOR THE ELECTRONIC ALVEARY H214.ZIP HANGMAN FOR WINDOWS with timer and 5 difficulty levels H267.ZIP WORDSWORTH lexical puzzle support compendium