2569.ZIP ASTRONOMER'S DATABASE with 850 deep space objects 2817A.ZIP STARBASE star catalogue database with 9110 bright stars 2817B.ZIP STARBASE star catalogue database with 9110 bright stars 2817C.ZIP STARBASE star catalogue database with 9110 bright stars 2935A.ZIP DEEP SPACE 3-D Astronomical Observers Tool (1 of 2) 2935B.ZIP DEEP SPACE 3-D Astronomical Observers Tool (2 of 2) 3033.ZIP STARSIDE star map generator and celestial object tracker 3146A.ZIP MARS-14 astronomers' utility program (Disk 1 of 2) 3146B.ZIP MARS-14 astronomers' utility program (Disk 2 of 2) 3178.ZIP SKYCLOCK, UNIVERSE ANALYZER & MOON astronomy programs 3281A.ZIP SKYMAP high-precision celestial mapping program 3281B.ZIP SKYMAP high-precision celestial mapping program 3339.ZIP SKYGLOBE star gazer system with EGA/VGA/SVGA support 3349.ZIP SOLAR solar eclipse prediction program 3419.ZIP ASTRONOMY LAB FOR WINDOWS stargazer program 3819.ZIP CIRCUMSPACE space travel simulator from author of SkyGlobe H139.ZIP SPACE FLIGHT SIMULATOR with C source code H294A.ZIP THE NIGHT SKY identify stars,planets etc (1 of 2) H294B.ZIP THE NIGHT SKY identify stars,planets etc (2 of 2) H314.ZIP SKYMAP astronomy program for Windows 3.1