CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION AcctFinc Account Module Data 1.9 GEN7 Desktop with the Accountant Modul Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: GEORGE FREAS II SYNERGISTIC CONSULTANTS, INC. P.O. BOX 18888 HUNTSVILLE, AL 35804-8888 Telephone: (800) 828-8384 Fax: (205) 539-1757 Description Type = Short Description An Icon driven interface similar to many Graphical Environments. A File manager is included that allows file related oper- ations. On screen clock, calculator and calendar are provided, with printer support. A DOS gate and the ability to assign an external program to an icon is provided. Music may be played in the background from a selection of songs. Options allow the addition of voice output for feedback. Description Type = Long Description Synergistic Consultants, Incorporated Product Descriptions: March, 1994 Features of GEN7 Desktop Environment: Graphics Desktop to accompany the functions found in the other products offered. Icon driven interface similar to many popular Graphical Environments. a) Copy, delete or create files and subdirectories. b) Format disks and perform other utilities. b) On screen clock. c) On screen alarm and calendar. d) Built-in printer support functions. e) Exit to DOS and execute commands. f) Internal or External editor. g) Music may be played in the background from a selection of songs in the database. h) A software lock prevents accidents. Application modules available now: a) Accounting Module integrated into the calendar function that keeps track of up to 4 different banking accounts. Auto debts and credits along with manual debts and credits are supported. Account balances are updated when appropriate. New credits or debts appear when the Desktop is started if they have been configured to alert the owner that day. Five digit check numbers and the ability to make transactions that recur on a weekly, biweekly or monthly basis are standard features. b) Children's tutors: i) Math tutor for children. ii) Clock tutor for children. c) Song Database: Over thirty songs to choose from instead of the usual dozen. d) Bible Study: i) New Testament version with Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. ii) Old Testament version with Genesis, Exodus and Leviticus. Both have data sets that fit on one 360K diskette. One dozen hymns may be chosen from a menu to play in the background. No registration fee for these two. e) Daily Verse: Each day a new verse is displayed on the screen when the Desktop is started. This is a standard feature, but it cannot be custom configured unless registered. f) A Voice module data is available to add close to forty voices and sounds for audible feedback. The clock and calculator speak, and errors are announced with this. Product Pricing and Availability: GEN7 Desktop: Evaluation Disks: $5 each. GEN7 Desktop (required): $10.00 Accountant Module: $10.00 Children's Tutors: $10.00 Song Database: $10.00 Voice Module Data: $10.00 All Five: $45.00 More than one subtract $ 5.00 GEN7 Desktop Manual: $ 5.00 Allow up to 6 weeks delivery after registration. Evaluation Disks available sooner. Synergistic Consultants, Incorporated Post Office Box 18888 Department PD-0294 Huntsville, AL 35804-8888 Notes: Turbo PASCAL is a Trademark of Borland International. Quick PASCAL is a Trademark of Microsoft Corporation. IBM is a Trademark of International Business Machines Incorporated. UNIX is a Trademark of Bell Laboratories. Windows is a registered Trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Description Type = Keywords GUI, EDITOR, FILE MANAGER, ACCOUNTING, MUSIC, TUTORIALS, VOICE, ALARMS, CALENDAR, CLOCK, CALCULATOR, SOFTWARE LOCK, CONTEXT SENSITIVE HELP, DAILY QUOTES, ICONS, PASSWORDS Description Type = Registration Details $10 Description Type = Installation Details Welcome!!! March, 1994 Instructions on using the Distributor's Disk: The disk enclosed is a High Density disk with the following programs on it: 0. The GEN7 Desktop with File Manager. These programs run within the GEN7 GUI: 1. Children's Tutors TU 2. Accountant Module AC 3. Song DataBase SO 4. Old Testament Bible Study OT 5. New Testament Bible Study NT 6. Voice Module Data VO The GEN7 Desktop program (0) is used with each of the others (1-6), but the data sets are different. Each program should be in a separate directory. Note that these are programs for evaluation, and run separately, so each directory will have the GEN7 Desktop within it also. Note also that the programs may be run with only one copy of GEN7 after the separate modules are registered. The execption is the Voice data, it may run with any of the others. To install the programs type: s:INSTALL s: d: \directory Where s: is the source disk drive where the distributor's disk resides, d: is the destination disk drive where you wish to run the program, and \directory is the desired destination directory. The disk must be one created with the MAKEDIST.BAT file described below. Note the spaces between the parameters. Example: a:INSTALL a: c: \TEST Installs the program on drive a: to drive c: in directory C:\TEST. The file: CONTENTS.FIL describes all the files in the distribution. Another batch file is included that will build a distribution disk (or directory). Note that the INSTALL.BAT is intended for the end user. The syntax of the command is the same, except the 'program' parameter: s:MAKEDIST s: d: \directory program The 'program' parameter is one of the two character designators described above. Example: c:MAKEDIST c: a: \ AC This command readies a diskette or directory with the specified program's self-extracting archive and install batch file. In the example, the Accountant Module and related files are copied from drive C: to drive A: into directory A:\ (the root directory). Now the diskette in drive A: may be used to INSTALL the Accountant Module. Some programs require two diskettes (watch for this message). Note that the file: GEN7HD16.EXE is the help data files for the GEN7 Desktop, and is required to run the desktop. Please make sure this file is included in any disks you ship. The GEN7G16.EXE file fits on one disk, but the GEN7HD16.EXE could not fit on it also. Please have a good time with this software, and register! These programs are copyrighted by: Synergistic Consultants, Incorporated Box 18888 Huntsville, AL 35804-8888 1-800-828-8384 CompuServe ID: 71232, 257 Description Type = Vendor Instructions Welcome!!! March, 1994 Instructions on using the Distributor's Disk: The disk enclosed is a High Density disk with the following programs on it: 0. The GEN7 Desktop with File Manager. These programs run within the GEN7 GUI: 1. Children's Tutors TU 2. Accountant Module AC 3. Song DataBase SO 4. Old Testament Bible Study OT 5. New Testament Bible Study NT 6. Voice Module Data VO The GEN7 Desktop program (0) is used with each of the others (1-6), but the data sets are different. Each program should be in a separate directory. Note that these are programs for evaluation, and run separately, so each directory will have the GEN7 Desktop within it also. Note also that the programs may be run with only one copy of GEN7 after the separate modules are registered. The execption is the Voice data, it may run with any of the others. To install the programs type: s:INSTALL s: d: \directory Where s: is the source disk drive where the distributor's disk resides, d: is the destination disk drive where you wish to run the program, and \directory is the desired destination directory. The disk must be one created with the MAKEDIST.BAT file described below. Note the spaces between the parameters. Example: a:INSTALL a: c: \TEST Installs the program on drive a: to drive c: in directory C:\TEST. The file: CONTENTS.FIL describes all the files in the distribution. Another batch file is included that will build a distribution disk (or directory). Note that the INSTALL.BAT is intended for the end user. The syntax of the command is the same, except the 'program' parameter: s:MAKEDIST s: d: \directory program The 'program' parameter is one of the two character designators described above. Example: c:MAKEDIST c: a: \ AC This command readies a diskette or directory with the specified program's self-extracting archive and install batch file. In the example, the Accountant Module and related files are copied from drive C: to drive A: into directory A:\ (the root directory). Now the diskette in drive A: may be used to INSTALL the Accountant Module. Some programs require two diskettes (watch for this message). Note that the file: GEN7HD16.EXE is the help data files for the GEN7 Desktop, and is required to run the desktop. Please make sure this file is included in any disks you ship. The GEN7G16.EXE file fits on one disk, but the GEN7HD16.EXE could not fit on it also. Please have a good time with this software, and register! These programs are copyrighted by: Synergistic Consultants, Incorporated Box 18888 Huntsville, AL 35804-8888 1-800-828-8384 CompuServe ID: 71232, 257 Description Type = Permissions George W. Freas II, March, 1994 President, Synergistic Consultants, Incorporated Post Office Box 18888 Huntsville, AL 35804-8888 Phone: (205) 539-1757 Toll Free: 1-800-828-8384 Dear Shareware Distributor: Please find enclosed one copy of the GEN7 Desktop Distributor's disk. This disk contains six applications: GEN7 Desktop with Children's Tutor, Song Database, Old Testament Bible Study, New Testament Bible Study, the Accountant Module, and Voice Module Data. These are Shareware evaluation programs. You may already have older version in your library (this is version 1.6). The Bible Study programs do not require registration. Attached sheets describe the distributor's disk and products. This software is not crippled, and there are reminders only upon exit. These programs require an IBM PC compatible with mouse and EGA/VGA video adapters and 512K of memory. The GEN7 Desktop has a file manager and graphical user interface that is icon driven. It allows owners of 286 class (or 8088 if not using voice data) to use a GUI for file management and sound control. Support for sound boards and HyperMedia is forthcoming. This letter gives the distributor right to distribute these programs in an unmodified form, for a nominal duplication fee. Note that each of the above programs require GEN7G16.EXE as well as one data set (GEN7??16.EXE) to operate (do not distribute any less). Please direct any questions or comments to the address or phone number above. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, George W. Freas II P.S. Look for our ADs in Shareware and PC Catalog Magazines! CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION AcctFinc Accounting program 5.07 Accounting/finance planning program Filter: DOS=No WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: WILLY R. AUS DER AU ACCSOFT SEESTRASSE 80 STAEFA, CH-8712 SWITZERLAND Telephone: 0041 1 926 27 50 Fax: 0041 1 926 27 50 Description Type = Short Description ACCOUNT PRO 95 5.07 - Very user-friendly double-entry accounting/fin. planning pro- gram for business, association/club and pri- vate use. Network capable. Handles up to 2,000 books with 1,000 accounts/32,600 transactions each. Direct correction of all entries anytime. Compreh. reports and funct. like autom. tax/standard transact., AR/AP management, memos, etc. Swiss Shareware. Reg.:Swiss Francs 148.- Description Type = Long Description ACCOUNT PRO is a versatile and user-friendly accounting and finance planning program, equally suitable for small to medium businesses, institutions, and private users, who want to manage their own money or the finances of an association or club. ACCOUNT PRO is based on the principle of double entry bookkeeping. It is capable of networking, handles up to 2000 client accounts, and it has a function for automatic entry of tax and discount transactions. ACCOUNT PRO comes with a number of standard charts of accounts. These can very easily be adapted to particular user requirements. Unneeded accounts can be deleted and any additionally required ones can easily be inserted anywhere in the charts. Accounting with ACCOUNT PRO is very easy. As opposed to 'normal' accounting programs, where erroneous entries must be neutralized (canceled) and corrected by additional entries, ACCOUNT PRO allows direct correction of such entries. Furthermore, ACCOUNT PRO avoids the terms 'Debit' and 'Credit' for data entry. Instead, an amount sign is used, which makes data entry faster and easier. Nevertheless, the displays and printouts of ACCOUNT PRO are in accordance with normal accounting terminology. In addition to the normal accounting capabilities, ACCOUNT PRO has special capabilities that allow efficient financial planning and forecasting. Not only monthly budgets, but also monthly forecasts can be entered for every expense and revenue account. Monthly and yearly planning reports facilitate an overview of the system as a whole. With these features, realistic forecasts of the financial result at the end of the accounting period can be made at any time. An accounting period in ACCOUNT PRO can have a length of between two days and one year. It can start in any month and it may overlap two calendar years. The program's data capacities are as follows: - 2000 accounting systems - 1000 accounts per system - 32,600 (double entry) transactions per system and business year - 200 standard transactions - 200 recurring transactions Description Type = Keywords accsoft accounting ledger finance account pro 95 Description Type = Registration Details 148 Swiss Francs or approx. 119 US$ Description Type = Installation Details Unzip the zip file(s) into a temp directory, and execute SETUP.EXE. Follow prompts. Description Type = Permissions To be freely distributed to any and all. Expressis verbis also by CD ROM. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION AcctFinc Accounting program 4.08 Accounting/finance planning program Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: WILLY R. AUS DER AU ACCSOFT SEESTRASSE 80 STAEFA, CH-8712 SWITZERLAND Telephone: 0041 1 926 27 50 Fax: 0041 1 926 27 50 Description Type = Short Description ACCOUNT PRO/WIN4.08a - Very user-friendly double-entry accounting/fin. planning pro- gram for business, association/club and pri- vate use. Network capable. Handles up to 2,000 books with 1,000 accounts/16,300 transactions each. Direct correction of all entries anytime. Compreh. reports and funct. like autom. tax/standard transact., AR/AP management, memos, etc. Swiss Shareware. Reg.:Swiss Francs 148.- Description Type = Long Description ACCOUNT PRO is a versatile and user-friendly accounting and finance planning program, equally suitable for small to medium businesses, institutions, and private users, who want to manage their own money or the finances of an association or club. ACCOUNT PRO is based on the principle of double entry bookkeeping. It is capable of networking, handles up to 2000 client accounts, and it has a function for automatic entry of tax and discount transactions. ACCOUNT PRO comes with a number of standard charts of accounts. These can very easily be adapted to particular user requirements. Unneeded accounts can be deleted and any additionally required ones can easily be inserted anywhere in the charts. Accounting with ACCOUNT PRO is very easy. As opposed to 'normal' accounting programs, where erroneous entries must be neutralized (canceled) and corrected by additional entries, ACCOUNT PRO allows direct correction of such entries. Furthermore, ACCOUNT PRO avoids the terms 'Debit' and 'Credit' for data entry. Instead, an amount sign is used, which makes data entry faster and easier. Nevertheless, the displays and printouts of ACCOUNT PRO are in accordance with normal accounting terminology. In addition to the normal accounting capabilities, ACCOUNT PRO has special capabilities that allow efficient financial planning and forecasting. Not only monthly budgets, but also monthly forecasts can be entered for every expense and revenue account. Monthly and yearly planning reports facilitate an overview of the system as a whole. With these features, realistic forecasts of the financial result at the end of the accounting period can be made at any time. An accounting period in ACCOUNT PRO can have a length of between two days and one year. It can start in any month and it may overlap two calendar years. The program's data capacities are as follows: - 2000 accounting systems - 1000 accounts per system - 16,300 (double entry) transactions per system and business year - 200 standard transactions - 200 recurring transactions Description Type = Keywords accsoft accounting ledger finance account pro Description Type = Registration Details 148 Swiss Francs or approx. 119 US$ Description Type = Installation Details Unzip the zip file(s) into a temp directory, and execute SETUP.EXE from the program manager. Follow prompts. Description Type = Vendor Instructions To be freely distributed to any and all. Expressis verbis also by CD ROM. Description Type = Permissions To be freely distributed to any and all. Expressis verbis also by CD ROM. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION AcctFinc Basic Bookkeeping 3.1 OWL Basic Bookkeeping Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: STEPHEN WILLIAMS OTTO-WILLIAMS LTD. P.O. BOX 794 LANHAM, MD 20703-0794 Telephone: (301) 306-0409 Fax: (301) 794-4533 Description Type = Short Description OWL Basic Bookkeeping 3.1: Very easy to use bookkeeping system for small businesses and individuals. NO ACCOUNTING EXPERIENCE IS NEEDED. Tracks income and expenses using single entry bookkeeping as recommended by the IRS. Produces easy to understand income, expense, profit and general ledger reports. Supports fiscal or calendar year accounting. Intuitive mousable menus, on-line help & user's guide make this program a joy to use. Description Type = Long Description OWL Basic Bookkeeping (BBK) was rated among the "Best of Business Shareware" by PC World magazine (Feb., 1994). BBK provides organized and accurate accounting using the "single-entry" bookkeeping method recommended by the IRS. This method is easy to use and especially suited for small businesses and individuals. BBK helps you manage your bottom line by giving you instant access to up-to-the-minute reports showing your income, expenses, profits and losses. You don't need to be an accountant to use BBK. By spending just a few minutes a week with BBK, you can dramatically reduce your accounting costs. Instead of a shoe box full of receipts, you can give your accountant comprehensive reports that will save his or her time and your money. BBK can handle up to 1000 different expense types and supports both calendar and fiscal year accounting. This is a very easy to use program featuring simple mousable menus, context sensative help and an on-line user's guide. An import option within Basic Bookkeeping links the program to OWL's Sales, Invoicing & Mail List management program (OASIS) allowing direct transfer of income data from OASIS into Basic Bookkeeping. Description Type = Keywords BUSINESS, ACCOUNTING, BOOKKEEPING, TAX, FINANCE, INCOME, EXPENSE, BBK, OASIS, OWL Description Type = Registration Details $39.00 (USD) Description Type = Installation Details See File: README.BBK Description Type = Vendor Instructions BULLETIN BOARDS: No special Instructions. Librarian please note: BBKD31.ZIP supersedes files OBBK??.ZIP and BBK??.ZIP where ?? is any number less than 31. README.BBK Text file containing installation and startup instructions. INSTALLB.BAT Hard disk installation batch procedure. BBK_EXE.EXE Self extracting archive containing program, configuration and help files. BBK_DAT.EXE Self extracting archive containing sample data files. FILE_ID.DIZ Text file containing short program description. (This file is optional) VENDOR.DOC Text file containing program description, distribution policy, and file listing. Total file size of these files is approximatly 227k, which will fit on a standard 360K diskette and leave sufficient space for you to add any material you deem necessary. If you want to distribute this program in some other form, you may do so but, please let us know. Description Type = Permissions 'Otto-Williams Ltd. (OWL) grants you a license to distribute this program provided that you distribute all files required for operation of the program and: 1. You identify it as shareware with an appropriate definition. 2. You leave all intellectual property including copyright notices in place. 3. We do not request that you discontinue distribution of the product. To summarize, you may archive our programs, unarchive them and distribute them on whatever media you choose so long as you do not alter the program or accompaning data files in any way or charge distribution fees that are so large that they would lead the purchaser to believe that they have paid for the program rather than the distribution service you provide. We want the widest possible distribution for our shareware programs and will be glad to assist you in designing a distribution scheme that is appropriate for your operation. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION AcctFinc Bill Central 2.0 Bill Central Time & Billing Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: RANDALL FUCHS INTEGRATECH SOFTWARE P.O. BOX 293403 LEWISVILLE, TX 75029 Telephone: 214-420-7880 Fax: 214-420-7880 Description Type = Short Description BILL CENTRAL Time & Billing 2.0 . Bill Central is a smart management tool that enables you to timely bill your clients and analyze the effectiveness of your staff's operations and billing procedures. Features recurring billings, project tracking, customizable invoice forms and extensive reporting capabilities. Requires Windows 3.1 or Windows 95. Registration $59-89. Author: Integratech Software. Description Type = Long Description Bill Central is a professional Time and Billing system suitable for anyone who must invoice clients for time or services rendered. This useful program also acts as a management tool to allow you to track your clients' billing history and to analyze the effectiveness of your operation and billing procedures. Additional program features include recurring billing, project tracking, customizable invoice forms, and extensive reporting and printing capabilities. The program is well designed and easy to understand and navigate. A network/multi-user version is also available. Description Type = Keywords billing time project accounting legal accountant consulting pim finance invoice receivable consultant Description Type = Registration Details Ordering by Check: To order by check please send the Bill Central Order Form and check payable to: Integratech Software PO Box 293403 Lewisville, TX 75029 Ordering by Credit Card: You may order with MC/Visa by faxing 1-803-699-5465 (24Hrs), by calling 1-800-699-6395 (or 1-803-699-6395) (10AM to 8PM Eastern Standard Time), by Email to or You may mail credit card orders to NorthStar Solutions PO Box 25262 Columbia, SC 29224 Please refer to Product Information for the product you wish to register and have this information ready when calling. NorthStar Solutions does not provide technical support on Bill Central, they only accept registrations. Please direct all inquiries about Bill Central to Integratech Software and not to the numbers listed here. Description Type = Installation Details Before you can use Bill Central you have to run the Bill Central setup program from Windows so it will work properly on your computer. You cannot just copy the files from the Bill Central disk to your hard disk. The files on the distribution disk are packed in a special way to save space. The setup program unpacks those files and builds them on your working disk. From Windows Program Manager, select File menu, Choose Run and type A:\SETUP and press Enter. (If you are setting up from CDROM or other than floppy drive A, then substitute that drive's letter in place of 'A'. Launching Bill Central Click on the Icon in the Bill Central Program Group or from Program Manager, select File menu, choose Run and Type C:\BILLC\BILLC.EXE if that was the disk and directory specified when you installed the program. Description Type = Permissions Permission is granted to individuals charging no fees, and to BBSes, UserGroups, Mail-Order Disk Vendors, CD-ROM publishers, and BBS File-Distribution Networks regardless of fees, to distribute the Bill Central software, provided they convey a complete and unaltered copy of the evaluation version of this product, and provided they claim no ownership of these products. For other cases or to distribute in modified form, you must consult the attached data record, which is herebyincorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute the Bill Central package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is Integratech Software PO Box 293403 Lewisville, TX 75029. Integratech Software may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Integratech Software. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION AcctFinc Business Plan Master 2.7a Fast and easy business plan maker Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: PAUL REAVER VERSATILE SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS PO BOX 147 FAIRBORN, OH 45324 Telephone: (513) 878-0315 Description Type = Short Description Business Plan Master is a set of document and spreadsheet templates that help you create a professional business plan quickly and easily, as most of the work is already done. All you need to do is "plug in" the information that is pertinent to your business. Reviewed as 1 of the top 42 business shareware products in PC World, and received a 5-star TROPHY rating from Ziffnet on CompuServe - their highest rating! Description Type = Long Description Business Plan Master is a set of document and spreadsheet templates that help you create a professional business plan quickly and easily, as most of the work is already done. All you need to do is "plug in" the information that is pertinent to your business. Reviewed as 1 of the top 42 business shareware products in PC World, and received a 5-star TROPHY rating from Ziffnet on CompuServe - their highest rating! Also received excellent reviews in Computer Shopper and the Boston Herald, among others. Files are included in Lotus, Excel, Word for Windows, Works for Windows, and Wordperfect formats. Most other "major" word processing and spreadsheet programs will import one of these formats. Registration: Basic - $34; Professional $44. Description Type = Keywords Business Plan Master Finance Templates Entrepreneur Shareware ASP Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S. dollars Minimum registration price..................34.00 Maximum registration price..................44.00 Shipping: within same country...............4.00 North America.....................10.00 South America.....................10.00 Europe............................10.00 Asia..............................10.00 Africa............................10.00 Pacific...........................10.00 Description Type = Installation Details Unzip the compressed zip file into a directory of its own. Then type "install" and press Enter to install the program. Description Type = Permissions Shareware versions of BUSINESS PLAN MASTER may be freely distributed, subject to the following restrictions: * BUSINESS PLAN MASTER must be distributed without modification, in its entirety. * BUSINESS PLAN MASTER may not be listed in advertisements, catalogs, or in any other manner which describes it as "FREE SOFTWARE". Shareware is "Try-Before-You-Buy" software, it is not free. * BUSINESS PLAN MASTER is not to be used as an enticement to purchase another product without the explicit consent of the Versatile Software Solutions, Inc. * BUSINESS PLAN MASTER is not to be packaged for sale with its reference manual, or other supporting documentation pre-printed for the end-user. * BUSINESS PLAN MASTER is not to be "rented" or leased. These distribution restrictions apply to anyone who wishes to distribute BUSINESS PLAN MASTER, whether they be commercial vendors, user groups, BBS operators, or individuals. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION AcctFinc FREE MONEY!! 1.0 How to receive FREE MONEY Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: SEAN DHUYVETTER DUBLIN, OH 43017 Description Type = Short Description HOW TO RECEIVE FREE MONEY FOR GRADUATE STUDIES - Edition #1 - 10/27/96. This program contains listing of approx 130 scholarships, grants and awards given to students interested in pursueing graduate studies in the fields of business, education, health and law. The list includes institution name, program name, address, phone number, $ given, contact name and any restrictions that apply. This program also Description Type = Long Description HOW TO RECEIVE FREE MONEY FOR GRADUATE STUDIES - Edition #1 - 10/27/96. This program contains listing of approx 130 scholarships, grants and awards given to students interested in pursueing graduate studies in the fields of business, education, health and law. The list includes institution name, program name, address, phone number, $ given, contact name and any restrictions that apply. This program also includes grant listings for study and research abroad. Description Type = Keywords COllege Money Graduate Students shareware research scholarships grants awards Description Type = Installation Details Unzip files to hard drive. The zip file includes a registration form, a file description and an example exe file. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION AcctFinc GENINVOICE SALES TRK 2.20 Customer Billing, Invoicing & Tracking Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: ROBERT F. KEBER JR. TYPERIGHT SOFTWARE 336 SWAIN BLVD. LAKE WORTH, FL 33463-3342 Telephone: (561) 969-3643 Fax: (561) 964-0785 24HR Description Type = Short Description GENERAL INVOICE SALES TRACKER(++): MS/DOS CUSTOMER BILLING: Invoice/Statement/Reports Legers/Labels/Lists. BOOKKEEPING KNOWLEDGE NOT NEEDED! PopUp Invntory, PackLists, Auto ReBill, Part Payments. Set for 0/1/2 Sale Taxs, Track up to 97 Tax Districts. Bids Proposl/Estimat/POs. Print to Disk Lpt1 Lpt2 HP Laser/Epson Dot Matrix & Compatables. Works in both WINDOWS or DOS. Simple & Quick to set up. Adapts to wide variety of firms. Description Type = Long Description CUSTOMER BILLING & INVOICING: Auto SetUp for either/both DOS and WINDOWS. NO BOOKKEEPING KNOWLEDGE NEEDED! Invoices, Customer Statements, Reports, Legers, Lists & Mailing Labels. PopUp Inventory, large Packing Lists, Automatic Customer Re-Bill, Partial Payments, and ACC/REC. Holds, tracks and sorts up to 10,000,000 customers and 10,000,000 invoices. Very fast, simple, setup and operation. No special printed forms needed, uses plain paper or your stationary. Also uses standard Window Envelopes. Set for 0/1/2 Sale Taxes and Track up to 97 Tax Districts. Produces Bids, Proposals, Estimates, POs. Print to a Disk File, or Lpt1, Lpt2 (HP Laser, Epson Dot Matrix, and compatables). International abilities: Change the Currency Symbol, date format, etc.. Gives Total Income (broken down by Sales Category) for ANY time period, or the income from any customer, employee, or Sales Territory for any time period. Shows Invoice Averages for any time period. Prints Address & Phone books (or mailing labels) by Sales Territory, or for your entire operation. Shows "Total Amount Spent" and "Last Sale Date" for every customer. Customer or Invoice "BROWSE" mode let's you review your data records, and Edit, Delete or Print them, or "Pick & Choose" records for mailing labels. Attach up to 20 "Text Strings" to "ALT+ Keys" for easy, quick, error free data entry of repeticious phrases. Easily adapts to a very wide variety of firms. Description Type = Keywords KEBER TYPERIGHT INVOICE STATEMENT INVENTORY LABEL ADDRESS PACKLIST PACKING LIST Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......US DOLLARS Minimum registration price..................49.00 Maximum registration price..................49.00 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................0.00 South America.....................4.50 Europe............................4.50 Asia..............................4.50 Africa............................4.50 Pacific...........................4.50 Description Type = Installation Details FROM A DOS COMMAND LINE, JUST RUN "SETUP.EXE", AND THEN FOLLOW THE "ON-SCREEN" INSTRUCTIONS. Description Type = Permissions This product may be distributed freely (NOT SOLD) through normal Shareware methods, as long as our internal (compressed) executable programs and text files in this package remain unaltered. This software package is a self unpacking EXE file produced with PKZIP's latest registered version (Authenticity Verified - AV). The single uploaded or shipped compressed file (containing all of our programs and text files) may be converted to any file compression method you prefer. But do NOT change the names of, or alter, any of the internal files found in our main, self unpacking, compressed archive. You may add extra files of your own for the pupose of advertising or giving additional user instructions. But our own SETUP.EXE file must be used for final user installation (SETUP.EXE does more than copy files). This software may NOT BE SOLD by individuals, companys or corporations as if it were their own personal property, and a "full disclosure" about the principals of Shareware is required for distribution via copies on removable disks. A fair and reasonable fee may be charged to cover reproduction, packaging and shipping costs (usually around $10 for shipment on each 360k floppy disk). CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION AcctFinc Loan Schedules 2.2 Loan Schedules & Much More! Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: JIM BOWYER MOUNTAIN VIEW SOFTWARE 209 AVILA CIRCLE KANSAS CITY, MO 64114-5519 Telephone: (816) 942-4500 Description Type = Short Description AMORTZ - Loan Schedules & More! v2.20 The EASY Financial Loan Calculation System! Supports variable interest rate & payments, balloon pymts, fiscal year. Has 5 pymt plans, customizable heading & page formatting. Calculates any one of the loan variables (Principal, Int Rate, Pymt Amt, or # of Pymts). Schedule can be printed, viewed or saved to disk. Enter payments as they are made & save to disk. Shareware $15.00 Description Type = Long Description AMORTZ - Loan Schedules & More! v2.20 The EASY Financial Loan Calculation System! Supports variable interest rate & payments, accelerated payments, balloon payments, fiscal year. Includes five different payment plans, customizable heading & page formatting. AMORTZ can calculate any one of the loan variables (Principal, Interest Rate, Payment Amount, or Number of Pymts). An amortization schedule is then generated that can be printed, viewed on the monitor or saved to an ASCII file on disk. A Loan Summary can be printed allowing easy comparison of various financing alternatives. This latest version includes a function that allows you to enter each payment as it is made - recording the check number and date paid. ANY SLIGHT VARIATION in the payment schedule (i.e., add $25.00 to one principal payment) can be recorded and reflected in the amortization schedule. Of course, the data can be saved to a file and recalled whenever necessary. Written by a CPA, AMORTZ was designed to be useful and understandable to evryone, regardless of the level of financial sophistication. CPA's working on multi-million dollar deals or teen-agers trying to swing that first car loan will both find what they need in AMORTZ. Description Type = Keywords Loan Amortization Mortgage Finance Interest Bank Tax Schedule Description Type = Permissions AMORTZ is freely distributable through all channels. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION AcctFinc Master Amortizer 3.03 Master Amortizer for Windows Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: DON NORMAN APPLIED PROGRAMMING SOLUTIONS 710 RIDGE RD WIMBERLEY, TX 78676-9397 Telephone: (512)847-7043 Fax: (512)847-7077 Description Type = Short Description Master Amortizer loan calculation program. Currently used by many banks, realty firms and lawyers. In addition to calculating payments, it creates comparative tables and personalized amortization schedules. Includes extra payment calculations; simple, Rule-of 78 and Canadian interest; and spreadsheet/text export. Nice visuals, tool bar, context sensitive help. Requires Windows 3.1 or greater. Description Type = Long Description Master Amortizer for Windowsr loan calculation and amortization program. Description Type = Keywords amortization mortgage loans finance installment Description Type = Registration Details Registration $29.95 + $2.00 s&h. Receive disk with setup program. Description Type = Installation Details To install shareware version: Unzip to directory or floppy and run setup. Description Type = Vendor Instructions Retain original file content. Contains setup program. Description Type = Permissions Permission to copy and distribute shareware version in original zip file without modification or charge. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION AcctFinc Mutual Fund Tracker 3.6e The Mutual Fund Tracker Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=Yes OS2=Yes OTH=No Author Information: D. A. WATKINS WATKINS ENTERPRISES P.O. BOX 33280 - SUITE 195 AUSTIN, TX 78764-0280 Telephone: (512) 858-5206 Fax: (512) 858-7564 Description Type = Short Description The Mutual Fund Tracker, Version 3.6e, works using technical analysis and a Mutual Fund Composite Average, in conjunction with other key indices, to determine when to get into and out of mutual funds. You can define and look at different "what if" results based on your criteria. Features easy to understand documentation; graphs; reports; select TREND or BUY, SELL, and HOLD signals; writes graph pictures to disk; auto-update; plus more. Description Type = Long Description The Mutual Fund Tracker, Version 3.6e, works using technical analysis and a Mutual Fund Composite Average, in conjunction with other key indices, to determine when to get into and out of mutual funds. You can define and look at different "what if" results based on your criteria. Features easy to understand documentation; graphs; reports; select TREND or BUY, SELL, and HOLD signals; writes graph pictures to disk; auto-update; plus more. Description Type = Keywords THE MUTUAL FUND TRACKER TECHNICAL ANALYSIS MOVING AVERAGE WATKINS STOCK Description Type = Registration Details Basic $30.00. See the SIGNUP.KIT and QUOTRACK.KIT files, included in the archive, for data options. Description Type = Installation Details Run the MFTINST.EXE program after extracting the archive. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION AcctFinc OWL Bookkeeping Win 4.50 OWL Basic Bookkeeping for Windows Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: STEPHEN WILLIAMS OTTO-WILLIAMS LTD. P.O. BOX 794 LANHAM, MD 20703-0794 Telephone: (301) 306-0409 Fax: (301) 794-4533 Description Type = Short Description OWL Basic Bookkeeping 4.5 for Windows: Very easy to use bookkeeping system for small businesses and individuals. No accounting experience is needed. Tracks income and expenses using singe entry accounting. Produces easy to understand income, expense profit and general ledger reports. Supports fiscal or calendar year accounting Description Type = Long Description OWL Basic Bookkeeping (BBK) 4.5 for Windows. Very easy to use single entry accounting system for small businesses and individuals. BBK is Easy-to-Learn and Fast-to-Use. You don't need to be an accountant to use BBK. The single entry system is highly intuitive and lets you track your income and expenses in much less time than with double entry systems. Users have reported time savings of up to 80 percent. BBK gives you instant access to a variety of expense, income, profit and general ledger reports with support for up to 1000 expense accounts. You'll manage better because you'll always know where you stand. Income and expenses can be seperated into folders to track multiple businesses or divisions within a business. The report generator lets you build reports using income and expenses from any one folder or a combination of folders. An import option in BBK links the program to OWL's Sales Management , Invoicing and Mail List Management program (OASIS) allowing direct transfer of income data from OASIS into BBK. Using OASIS and BBK together provides a comprehensive solution for managing customers, sales, receivables and general accounting. Description Type = Keywords BOOKKEEPING, ACCOUNTING, BUSINESS, GENERAL LEDGER, EXPENSE, INCOME, PROFIT, BBK, OASIS, OWL Description Type = Registration Details 39.00 (US$) Description Type = Installation Details Unzip archive to floppy disk and run BBKW45.EXE. See Readme.txt file. Description Type = Vendor Instructions See VENDINFO.DIZ Description Type = Permissions See VENDINFO.DIZ CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION AcctFinc Perpetual Calendar 2.2 Windows Calendar (Single Month or Year Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: STEVE MILLER PRAGMATIC SOFTWARE 6728 BELLEHAVEN DR. PLANO, TX 75023 Telephone: 800-699-6395 Fax: 803-699-5465 Description Type = Short Description A small calendar that can be accessed by hot- key. Allows you to print a calendar of any month or year. Contains a Julian Date converter and calculates the number of days between 2 dates. Description Type = Long Description A small calendar that can be accessed by hot-key. Allows you to print a calendar of any month or year. Contains a Julian Date converter and calculates the number of days between 2 dates. Description Type = Keywords Win Pragmatic Calendar Perpetual Julian Date Diff Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......dollars Minimum registration price..................15.00 Maximum registration price..................15.00 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................0.00 South America.....................0.00 Europe............................0.00 Asia..............................0.00 Africa............................0.00 Pacific...........................0.00 Description Type = Installation Details INSTALLING PERPETUAL CALENDAR ----------------------------- 1. Insert the Perpetual Calendar diskette into your A or B drive. 2. Go to a Dos Prompt and enter dir a:\*.* or b:\*.*, depending on which drive the diskette is in. 3. If the only file you see is, you must first uncompress this file. Otherwise, go to step 5. 4. To uncompress, enter at the Dos Prompt, a:\pkunzip (or b:\pkunzip 5. Now go into Windows. 6. Access Window's Program Manager, and click on File/Run. 7. Enter a:\setup.exe (or b:\setup.exe) 8. Follow the on-screen directions to install Perpetual Calendar. ------------------------------------------------------ Note: If you experience any problems trying to install or run Perpetual Calendar, call Steve Miller at Pragmatic Software Company 972-517-2540. All problems will be promptly fixed. You can reach me by email: ------------------------------------------------------ CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION AcctFinc The GL Store for Win 1.00 THE GL STORE FOR WINDOWS Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MICHAEL COLUCCI SOFTWARE STORE PRODUCTS, INC. 10351 SW 69TH COURT OCALA, FL 34476 Telephone: 800-232-8561 Fax: 352-237-0662 Description Type = Short Description THE GL STORE FOR WINDOWS A complete Double Entry General Ledger Accounting Program for Windows. Maintains 10000 GL Accounts, Multiple Companies, Budgets, 3-D Color Graphs, Recurring Accounts, Multiple Departments and detailed reports. Description Type = Long Description THE GL STORE FOR WINDOWS A complete Double Entry General Ledger Accounting Program for Windows. Maintains 10000 GL Accounts, Multiple Companies, Budgets, Recurring Accounts, Multiple Departments, 3-D Color Graphs and detailed Reports. Shareware. Description Type = Keywords GL GENERAL LEDGER ACCOUNTING WINDOWS Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......United States Dollar Minimum registration price..................79.00 Maximum registration price..................79.00 Shipping: within same country...............3.00 North America.....................5.00 South America.....................5.00 Europe............................5.00 Asia..............................5.00 Africa............................5.00 Pacific...........................5.00 CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION AcctFinc Wall Street Tracker 7.1d The Wall Street Tracker Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=Yes OS2=Yes OTH=No Author Information: D. A. WATKINS WATKINS ENTERPRISES P.O. BOX 33280 - SUITE 195 AUSTIN, TX 78764-0280 Telephone: (512) 858-5206 Fax: (512) 858-7564 Description Type = Short Description The Wall Street Tracker, Version 7.1d, works using technical analysis and market momentum to determine when to buy or sell stocks. It analyzes key indices and also compares three moving averages, against each other, and the current price. You can define the moving averages and compare "what if" results based on your investment objective. Features auto data update via many online services; great documentation; graphs; reports; plus more. Description Type = Long Description The Wall Street Tracker, Version 7.1d, works using technical analysis and market momentum to determine when to buy or sell stocks. It analyzes key indices and also compares three moving averages, against each other, and the current price. You can define the moving averages and compare "what if" results based on your investment objective. Features auto data update via many online services; great documentation; graphs; reports; plus more. Description Type = Keywords THE MUTUAL FUND TRACKER TECHNICAL ANALYSIS MOVING AVERAGE WATKINS STOCK Description Type = Registration Details Basic $30.00. See the SIGNUP.KIT and QUOTRACK.KIT files, included in the archive, for data options. Description Type = Installation Details Run the MFTINST.EXE program after extracting the archive. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION AcctFinc What Job Summary? 1/3c Tracks job figures & related informati Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: ANGEL BABUDRO ORGANIC COMPUTER WIZARDRY P.O. BOX 132 PAONIA, CO 81428 Telephone: 303-527-6756 Description Type = Short Description WHAT JOB SUMMARY? v1.3c for MS/PC-DOS Easy job summary tracking for contractors. Pull-down menus. On-line help. Keeps bid due date, bid amount, est. & actual costs, etc. for 260,000 jobs per year. Reports include Daily Activity, Job Status, Monthly Summary, Work On Hand (for bonding) & Work Completed. For $99 registration fee you get 120+ page manual with mini computer course, latest version on disk, and unlimited tech support. Description Type = Long Description WJS is an easy-to-use job summary tracking system for all types of contractors. WJS keeps track of the summary information, not the details. In other words, it's not an estimating or billing package, but a report package. You put in the figures, WJS keeps them all nicely organized and prints reports for you. A terrific tool for larger companies since it lets you see the jobs you bid on, the ones you won, those you lost, those still pending, etc. in a convenient report. The Work in Progress report is well suited for bonding purposes. Other features include: þ Pull-down (two dimensional) menus - standard and easy to use þ Mouse or keyboard controlled þ Context-sensitive help - just press the F1 key þ Keeps bid due date, bid amount, estimated & actual costs, etc. þ Tracks 26,000 or 260,000 jobs per year (depending on which of two coding schemes you decide to use) þ Reports include Daily Activity, Job Status, Monthly Summary, Work On Hand (for bonding purposes) and Work Completed. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: IBM PC, XT, AT, PS/2 or compatible with 350k of free memory and DOS 3.1 or later. Monochrome and colour screens are supported. A dot matrix, daisy wheel, ink jet, or laser printer is required in order to print reports. With registration you get: þ Latest version on disk with automated installation þ 120+ page manual including a mini computer course in hardware, software, and DOS. þ Unlimited technical support via phone (during business hours), mail, or E-Mail. þ FREE UPDATES from bulletin board systems - you need only buy a registration key once. Updates through the mail from any version to the current version are just FOUR DOLLARS. Description Type = Keywords job,track,bid,contract,construction, Description Type = Registration Details $99 Description Type = Installation Details You may use the INSTALL programme or do the following: 1. Make a directory for the package (for example, "MD \WJS") 2. Go to that directory (e.g., "CD \WJS") 3. Extract the archive (e.g., "PKUNZIP A:WJS13C") 4. Type "WJS" and set your Preferences. Installing on Floppy Disk WJS can be run from a 720k (or greater) floppy disk although it will run very slowly as its primary function is working with disk files. If you use WKS occasionally floppy disks may be adequate, but if you use it regularly you will probably want to use a hard disk. You will need two disk drives to install to floppy disk. Place the original disk in A: and a blank disk in B:, then: 1. Go to the blank disk (e.g., "B:" then press ENTER) 2. Extract the archive (e.g., "PKUNZIP A:WJS13C"). The entire package is about 410kb, but there are files which are not needed for the programme to run (such as the documentation). See the PACKING.LST file for a list of files which may be erased from the working disk. The necessary programme files require 265kb of storage. 3. Go to the programme disk (e.g., "A:" then press ENTER) 4. Type "WJS" and set your Preferences. Description Type = Vendor Instructions Individual users may freely copy this disk and share it with friends, family, and acquaintances. Non-profit groups (including user groups and BBSs) may distribute copies of this disk. A fee of no more than $5 may be charged to cover disk copying costs. If the files on this disk have dates more than a year old please contact the author for a free update to the current version. Disk distributors and dealers must have written permission before selling copies of this software. When you contact me you will receive a free copy of the latest version and you will be placed on my mailing list to receive updates as they are released. Disk distributors may charge no more than $10 per disk for copies of this software. If, as a distributor, you supply copies to other resellers, the end price to the user may not exceed $10. All files originally distributed as part of the package (including this notice) must be included without modification. The complete list of files can be found in the PACKING.LST file which is part of this package. You must obtain written permission prior to distribution as part of any "bundled" packages (e.g., CD-ROM, placing on new computer systems, etc.) - I want to be sure you have the latest version. If the software is packaged for retail sale the packaging must explain that the software is Shareware, that the purchaser is receiving a trial version, and that use beyond the trial period requires registration with the author. You must immediately stop selling/distributing copies of this software upon notice from the author. Description Type = Permissions The Unregistered Edition of WJS may be used for evaluation purposes for 60 days, after which time the REGISTERED Edition must be purchased or the use of the Unregistered Edition discontinued. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION AcctFinc What Mailing List? 2.6a Organizes & prints mailing lists Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: ANGEL BABUDRO ORGANIC COMPUTER WIZARDRY P.O. BOX 132 PAONIA, CO 81428 Telephone: 303-527-6756 Description Type = Short Description WHAT MAILING LIST? v2.6b for PC/MS-DOS Professional list organizer & printer. Labels, envelopes, phone book. Dot matrix & laser. Scalable & soft font support. Import, export. Dup check. PostNET bar codes. Int'l, Canadian, 11-digit US zip support. *NEW* ASCII fixed-field-length file import. $49 registration gets latest version, 150+ page manual with mini computer course, over 70,000 USA zip codes, unlimited technical support. Description Type = Long Description Very easy-to-use package organizes all of your postal work. Even first time computer users find WML's user interface simple to learn, yet WML is extremely flexible, too. WML prints labels, envelopes, phone book, and zip list on dot matrix and laser printers. Got a lot of names? No problem. WML can handle up to 250 files per directory, unlimited directories, and will keep thousands of names in a single file (theoretical limit is 5.5 million names per file). You can use a laser, ink jet, dot matrix, or even a daisy wheel printer with WML. WML uses your printer's internal fonts which lets it print at full speed. You can define two printers at once - a PCL (laser or DeskJet) and impact printer - and easily print on either one. This is very handy if you like to print single envelopes on your laser printer and use your dot matrix to print on inexpensive continuous-feed labels. PCL scalable fonts and soft fonts are supported. To make selecting entries to print as easy as possible, WML provides a very flexible query menu. You can choose entries by location (city, state/province, or zip range), a phrase or code in the comments, last mailing date, groups, or individually. Speaking of Groups, how's this for easy: you can define up to 255 groups (things like "Friends", "Christmas card list", "Business contacts", etc.), and each entry may belong to none or as many as 20 of these groups. No cryptic codes or hard commands - for the most part you'll probably do things like you would on paper. Abbreviations save typing by letting you define "short-hand" codes - similar to the way other packages use macros, but much more flexible. Define up to 255 abbreviations (like "POB" stands for "P.O. Box") and use them when entering names. When it's time to move data to and from other packages, WML handles the most common import and export formats. You can import ASCII files (comma delimited and fixed-field-length), DBF (dBase, FoxBase, Dr. Data Label, etc.), WordPerfect 4.2 or 5.1 mail merge files, or other WML files. Export your data to ASCII (delimited, fixed-field, or Ventura Publisher), MS Word, or WordPerfect. If you tend to import & export the same file types (for example, if you're sharing data with someone else) you can SAVE and LOAD your import/export definitions! No other package gives you this flexibility and ease of use! To prevent postage wasted on duplicate entries, WML has 3-way duplicate checking: Company name, personal name, and address. You may activate any or all duplicate checking options as desired. If you activate all three you can enter different data in any two of the fields and WML will still recognize it as a duplicate entry. For example, if you have "Sally Smith" of "Acme Products, Inc." at "123 Any Street" in Boston and then enter "John Jones" of "Jones Supply" at "123 Any Street" in Boston, WML will tell you about Sally Smith. And WML's smart enough to know that "123 Any Street" in Boston isn't the same as "123 Any Street" in Denver. WML's Smart Zip feature remembers new zip codes as you enter them. When you enter a zip code WML looks through its data base (for the Registered Edition there are over 70,000 zip codes - but it takes only a second to search, even on an old PC/XT computer). If the zip code is found WML enters the city & state/province for you and skips to the phone number. If the zip/postal code is NOT on file, WML goes to the city and state/provice fields, then REMEMBERS what you type for the next time you use that zip/postal code! On envelopes you will always have POSTNET bar codes printed (as long as your printer supports graphics). When printing labels you have the option of printing bar codes if you want. WML will dynamically space labels so that all the information will fit evenly. That way if you an entry with six lines of information and another with three, they will both be evenly spaced. Four concurrent indices provide instant switching between name, company, address, and zip/postal code sequence. With other packages you have to wait while a new index is built - with WML you can switch back and forth instantly. "What was that guy I talked to last night? I can't remember the company, but his last name started with 'T'." Switch to the Personal Name index, press F2 (Find), then press "T". "Who is the contact at Acme Building Supplies?" Switch to the Company index, press F2 (Find), then press "A". When you're ready to print a bulk mailing, switch to the Zip Code index and print. Other features include: þ Four different filters which can be used individually or combined, letting you "zoom" in to look at certain entries in large files. þ Context-sensitive help is available by pressing the F1 key. þ Canadian and International postal codes & phone numbers are supported. þ 5-, 9-, and 11-digit U.S. zip codes are supported. AND Much, Much More!!!! Description Type = Keywords mail,list,label,envelope,phone,contact,address,postnet,postal Description Type = Registration Details $49 Description Type = Installation Details You may use the INSTALL programme or do the following: 1. Make a directory for the package (for example, "MD \WML") 2. Go to that directory (e.g., "CD \WML") 3. Extract the archive (e.g., "PKUNZIP A:WML26A") 4. Type "WML" and set your Preferences. WML may be started from any directory - data files will be created in the current directory. Installing on Floppy Disk WML can be run from a 720k (or greater) floppy disk although it will run very slowly as its primary function is working with disk files. Data files may be on a different disk than WML.EXE and its supporting files, so you may use a two floppy system. If you use WML occasionally floppy disks may be adequate, but if you use it regularly you will probably want to use a hard disk. You will need two disk drives to install to floppy disk. Place the original disk in A: and a blank disk in B:, then: 1. Go to the blank disk (e.g., "B:" then press ENTER) 2. Extract the archive (e.g., "PKUNZIP A:WML26A"). The entire package is about 1,100kb, but there are many files which are not needed for the programme to run (such as the documentation). See the PACKING.LST file for a list of files which may be erased from the working disk. 3. Go to the programme disk (e.g., "A:" then press ENTER) 4. Type "WML" and set your Preferences. Description Type = Vendor Instructions Individual users may freely copy this disk and share it with friends, family, and acquaintances. Non-profit groups (including user groups and BBSs) may distribute copies of this disk. A fee of no more than $5 may be charged to cover disk copying costs. If the files on this disk have dates more than a year old please contact the author for a free update to the current version. Disk distributors and dealers must have written permission before selling copies of this software. When you contact me you will receive a free copy of the latest version and you will be placed on my mailing list to receive updates as they are released. Disk distributors may charge no more than $10 per disk for copies of this software. If, as a distributor, you supply copies to other resellers, the end price to the user may not exceed $10. All files originally distributed as part of the package (including this notice) must be included without modification. The complete list of files can be found in the PACKING.LST file which is part of this package. You must obtain written permission prior to distribution as part of any "bundled" packages (e.g., CD-ROM, placing on new computer systems, etc.) - I want to be sure you're using the latest version. If the software is packaged for retail sale the packaging must explain that the software is Shareware, that the purchaser is receiving a trial version, and that use beyond the trial period requires registration with the author. You must immediately stop selling/distributing copies of this software upon notice from the author. Description Type = Permissions The Unregistered Edition of WML may be used for evaluation purposes for 60 days, after which time the REGISTERED Edition must be purchased or the use of the Unregistered Edition discontinued. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BBS_Syst BBS Door Software 6.5 Multi-Node/Multi-User ANSI Door Game Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=Yes OS2=Yes OTH=Yes Author Information: STEVEN W. LUCEY 6413 GREENVIEW DR. LOUISVILLE, KY 40216-1813 Telephone: 502-447-3474 Description Type = Short Description CrossWords is a door program unlike any other of its kind. The SHAREWARE version allows your users to participate in solving as many as five puzzles at a time (Registered verson is unlimited in the number of puzzles you can have available for your users to solve). Users may choose to solve ANY of the clues they wish! Allows multiple players to play across nodes on the same puzzles! Description Type = Long Description CrossWords is a door program unlike any other of its kind. The SHAREWARE version allows your users to participate in solving as many as five puzzles at a time (Registered verson is unlimited in the number of puzzles you can have available for your users to solve). Users may choose to solve ANY of the clues they wish! The Registered version is SYSOP configurable as to the number of plays allowed per puzzle. Best of all, the Registered version gives the SYSOP the capability of importing more cross word puzzles into the game. CrossWords has been tested and supports the DOOR.SYS drop file (standard 52 line format) as well as many other formats. Baud rates to 115kb. New in this version is: ----------------------- As players navigate their way through the clues, only clues that are unanswered are displayed while toggling thru them. Description Type = Keywords CWORDS, CROSSWORDS, CROSS, WORDS, CW, DOORS, BBS, ANSI, GAMES, DOOR GAMES Description Type = Registration Details CrossWords SOFTWARE REGISTRATION APPLICATION MAIL to: Steven W. Lucey CrossWords Door Software 6413 Greenview Drive Louisville, KY 40216 (1)> FIRST and LAST NAME __________________________ ADDRESS ___________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP _____________ ____ ___________ VOICE/BBS PHONE # _____________/_____________________ (1)> YOUR BBS NAME ____________________________________ Password for pre-registration on OUR BBS _______________ --------------------------------------------------------------------- CrossWords v6.5............$15.00 TOTAL Enclosed__________(U.S. FUNDS ONLY !!!!) NOTE (1) THESE ITEMS MUST MATCH EXACTLY WITH THE WAY YOU HAVE ENTERED THEM IN THE CONFIGURATION FILE. UPPER AND LOWER CASE IS CRITICAL !!!!! (2) Prices subject to change without notice. Current pricing in effect at time of registration, prevails. (3) Future BBS or SYSOP name changes subject to an adminitrative charge (4) Checks returned by the bank for ANY reason subject to a $25 charge. Contacting the Author =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Support BBS is: ------------------- The Power Board BBS..........502-447-6649 On Compuserve: -------------- Member ID....................104542,2570 Internet E-mail: ---------------- **NOTE: Registrations are taken from all of the above. Your registration number will be made available within 24 hours on the Support BBS and/or thru the Internet (or online service) if you so choose (please leave your Internet address or online service ID). Fastest registration: --------------------- Additionally, SysOps wishing to register a door game (via Visa or MasterCard may also call the support BBS (at 502-447-6649) and sign on using the user-id BBS DOORS and the password REGISTER. This will by-pass ALL the log-in files and take you immediately to the registration screen. Current Versions: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The best source for current versions of our door games: The Support BBS............502-447-6649 WWW Home Page.............. Description Type = Installation Details Unzip archive into a dedicated directory and edit the included sample batch file to run this door game. Then edit the included configuration file (see SysOp.doc for an explanation of the config settings). CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BBS_Syst BBS Informant 1.06 Comprehensive BBS List / Search Door Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: CRAIG STEVENSON STEVENSON TECHNICAL SERVICES 108 SECOND AVENUE WEST P.O. BOX 297 BERTHA, MN 56437-0297 Telephone: (218) 924-2050 Fax: (218) 924-2050(X11) Description Type = Short Description BBS Informant v1.06 BBS List / Search Door! BBS Informant is a comprehensive BBS door used for adding, listing, and searching through BBS names. Stores over 40 fields of data on each BBS! Store up to 3 phone numbers, modem speed & brand, software & version, sysop, emphasis, number of lines, storage space, CD-ROMS, services offered, summary, & more! Supports WildCat, PCBoard, other BBS's that support DOOR.SYS. Description Type = Long Description BBS Informant v1.06 BBS List / Search Door! BBS Informant is a comprehensive BBS door used for adding, listing, and searching through BBS names. Stores over 40 fields of data on each BBS! Store up to 3 phone numbers, modem speed & brand, software & version, sysop, emphasis, number of lines, storage space, CD-ROMS, services offered, summary, & more! Supports WildCat, PCBoard, other BBS's that support DOOR.SYS. Description Type = Keywords BBS Informant Comprehensive List/Search Door Wildcat PCBoard Description Type = Registration Details 49.95 (U.S. Dollars) Description Type = Installation Details The installation procedure for BBS Informant is quite simple. The package includes a program, "INSTALL.EXE", which automates the entire process. You will need about 1 megabyte of available disk space on the hard drive on which you plan to install BBS Informant. Description Type = Permissions Stevenson Technical Services, Inc. (STSI) grants you a limited license to use this software for evaluation purposes for a period not to exceed two weeks. If you continue using this software after the two-week evaluation period, you MUST make a registration payment to Stevenson Technical Services, Inc. (STSI). You may not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program except as provided in this agreement. Any such unauphorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Stevenson Technical Services, Inc. (STSI). The attached VENDINFO data record is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is Stevenson Technical Services, Inc. (STSI), 108 2nd Avenue West, PO Box 297, Bertha, MN 56437. Stevenson Technical Services, Inc. may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Stevenson Technical Services, Inc. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BBS_Syst JETBBS 5.0 Bulletin Board System Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: TROY BECKSTROM 2318 SECOND AVENUE #492 SEATTLE, WA 98121 Description Type = Short Description JETBBS 5.0 -- Easy to install, easy to use, and customizable! Put any command on any key in any menu, and make your own menus and commands. Supports multi-line with inter-user chat and multitasking in the background while you use your computer. QWK, file x-fers with ANSI tagging, supports most doors, voting polls, e-mail with forwarding, quoted reply, file attachments, 8 casino games, voting polls, ANSI-scroll-bar mail/message reader Description Type = Long Description JetBBS Version 5.0 Bulletin Board System EASY TO INSTALL Takes less than 5 minutes to install, just run "JETSETUP". TOTALLY CUSTOMIZABLE Put any command on any key in any menu, or make your own menus and even make your own commands using the MNU script language. Perfect for special purpose BBSes. SUPPORTS MULTITASKING Fast, smooth multitasking under Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows NT, OS/2, and DESQview by yielding unused CPU time back to the OS. You can keep using your computer while the BBS runs in the background. FREE MULTI-LINE No extra charge for running multiple lines on one computer. Includes inter-user color chat channels, touch, broadcast, and who's online commands. FULLY FEATURED Includes all the standard features you expect in a BBS: - Supports four of the most common door protocols: DORINFO1.DEF, CALLINFO.BBS, CHAIN.TXT, and DOOR.SYS. - E-Mail with file attachments, upload text to editor, quoted reply, forwarding, delete/undelete, easy to use arrow-key controlled color mail reader. - QWK mail and REP replies. - Voting polls. EXTRAS Built-in extras you don't find on most BBSes, and some you won't find anywhere else: - Sub-BBSes that you can make users sysop of. - Credit system with mailable checks, various things around the BBS that can be purchased, and a "chargecredits" function so you can put a fee on any menu command. - 8 built-in casino games that use the credit system. Description Type = Keywords BBS multi-line multi-node modem Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S. Dollar Minimum registration price..................79.95 Maximum registration price..................79.95 Shipping: within same country...............3.00 North America.....................3.00 South America.....................8.00 Europe............................8.00 Asia..............................8.00 Africa............................8.00 Pacific...........................8.00 Description Type = Installation Details Run JETSETUP.EXE from a DOS command line. Description Type = Permissions ===== License for Use and Distribution ================= SOFTWARE LICENSE You are free to copy and distribute the files of the shareware version of JetBBS so long as they are not modified in any way and they are distributed together. You may use JetBBS for an evaluation period of 30 days, but after that you must register if you are going to continue to use it. See the registration form at the end of this document or the file REGISTER.FRM for registration instructions. VENDINFO The attached VENDINFO data record is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BBS_Syst Search*Log 1.10 Search*Log - A SYSLOG.DBF log file bro Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: PHILIP KAPUSTA 406 Monroe Avenue FALMOUTH, VA 22405 Telephone: (540) 371-5746 Description Type = Short Description Search*Log - A SYSLOG.DBF log file browser for use with Searchlight 4.5 BBS systems. Here is the easiest and most advanced activity log viewer for sysops to browse through a SYSLOG.DBF activity log file. Search*Log allows the Sysop to quickly review the contents of a SYSLOG.DBF activity log. All activity codes are reformated on screen in clear, easy to understand English. For sysops using Searchlight 4.5 BBS software. Description Type = Long Description Search*Log - SYSLOG.DBF log file browser. For use with Searchlight BBS. Here is the easiest and most advanced activity log viewer to browse through a SYSLOG.DBF activity log file. Search*Log allows the Sysop to quickly review the contents of a SYSLOG.DBF activity log. All activity codes are reformated on screen in clear, easy to understand English. Exports to ASCII. A "must have" for all Sysops using Searchlight 4.5 and greater. Description Type = Keywords SEARCHLIGHT, BBS, SYSOP, UTILITY, SEARCHLOG, LOG, DBF, MODEM, ACTIVITY Description Type = Registration Details You must have Searchlight BBS software version 4.5 or greater, and a SYSLOG.DBF file before running this program! Type "SLOG" (without quotes) then press [ENTER]. Make sure that IF the program is being run from a floppy diskette that the user change default drives (e.g., type "A:" if program is on drive A:). The program must be started from the same directory/drive where the program is located (e.g.,if the program is on B:, you must be at a B:> prompt to run the program). CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BillAcct Accounting - 5 Mods 1995 PC-GL, PC-AR, PC-PR, PC-AP, and PCINV Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: JERRY MEDLIN MEDLIN ACCOUNTING SHAREWARE 1461 SPROUL AVE. NAPA, CA 94559 Telephone: 707-255-4475 Fax: 707-255-9266 Description Type = Short Description MEDLIN ACCOUNTING SHAREWARE - 5 fast, easy to use accounting programs for the small business. G/L, A/R, Payroll, A/P, and Invoice Writing. Original winner of Shareware Industry Awards (1992). Ziff-Davis 5 star rated (1995). Add, edit, and delete entries from a single screen. XT or better. $35 ea. except PCINV $25 Description Type = Long Description Five fast, easy to use accounting programs for the small business. G/L, A/R, Payroll, A/P, and Invoice Writing. All can be run stand alone. Some integration is available. Add, edit, and delete data from a single screen. Runs with as little as 256k memory free. Send most reports to printer, file, or screen and in any order, as often as desired. Historical data is saved for later review. All can be run from a single menu that includes a data backup function. Pop-up calculator. **PAYROLL** includes Federal tax tables and supports most State tax tables. Prints W- 2's and information for Federal and State reports. Up to 1200 employees.**PC-GL** handles up to 8000 transactions per period. Includes a standard chart of accounts which can easily be modified. Bank reconcilliation.**PC-AR** has a capacity of up to 4000 customers AND 4000 invoices per month. Late charges. Auto bill. Sales summary for current period or series of periods.**PC- AP** can be integrated with PC-GL and PC-PR. Enter invoices, mark them for payment, print checks, read in the payroll data from PC- PR, and optionally send the data to PC-GL. **PCINV** is integrated with PC-AR. Print invoices and sends data to PC-AR for statement printing. Recall, edit, or duplicate prior invoices. MEDLIN was given the first Shareware Industry Award for BEST BUSINESS AND FINANCE SOFTWARE. Description Type = Keywords Medlin Accounting Payroll Employee Bookkeeping ASP Business Ledger W-2 G/L Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......US - Each Module Minimum registration price..................35.00 Maximum registration price..................35.00 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................0.00 South America.....................0.00 Europe............................0.00 Asia..............................0.00 Africa............................0.00 Pacific...........................0.00 Description Type = Installation Details The installation procedure for ANY MEDLIN program is quite simple. The package includes a program, "VIEWDOC.COM", which automates the entire process. You will need about 40k of available space on any disk or drive for any MEDLIN program which you plan to install. INSTALLING FROM DISKETTES To install from diskette(s), you need to perform the following steps. o Place diskette in the appropriate diskette drive. o Execute the "VIEWDOC.COM" program on the distribution diskette. For example, if the distribution diskette is on drive A:, type the MS-DOS command, "A:VIEWDOC". o Follow the instructions presented by the VIEWDOC program. You will have a chance to approve installation before any changes are actually made to the contents of your disk. The program will ask you for a destination directory, and will copy the MEDLIN files to that directory. If you so direct it, the installation program will install executable program in a directory of your choice. It will make no other changes; specifically, it will not modify your autoexec.bat or config.sys files. INSTALLING FROM A HARD DRIVE If you downloaded MEDLIN from a BBS (or received it in the form of archive files from some other source), you will need to perform the following steps. o Extract the contents of the archive file(s) in a temporary directory on your hard drive. The procedure for doing this varies, depending on the form in which you received the package. In all likelihood, the fact that you are reading this text means that you already have the necessary tools and knowledge to perform this step. If not, you should be able to obtain directions for this from the same source from which you received the package. o Execute the "VIEWDOC.COM" program which you have extracted. For example, if the temporary directory into which you have extracted the Medlin package is C:\TEMPDIR, you would execute the MS-DOS command, "c:\tempdir\viewdoc". o Follow the instructions presented by the VIEWDOC program. You will have a chance to approve installation before any changes are actually made to the contents of your disk. The program will ask you for a destination directory, and will copy the MEDLIN files to that directory. If you so direct it, the installation program will install executable programs in a directoriy of your choice. It will make no other changes; specifically, it will not modify your autoexec.bat or config.sys files. When you're satisfied that the installation was successful, you should delete the temporary directory FROM which you installed MEDLIN (C:\TEMPDIR, in the above discussion), including all its contents. INSTALLING FROM A CD-ROM If you are viewing this text from a CD-ROM, use the VIEWDOC program to install MEDLIN to your hard drive (see installing from a hard drive instructions). You will be allowed to select a path to install to. MEDLIN will not run from a CD-ROM as the data files are written to disk at the end of processing. YOU'RE READY TO GO Once you've complete the installation, you should consult the documents for each program that has been installed. In particular, read at least the General Manual. This document will tell you how to invoke the program, and will give you other information you need to properly evaluate any Medlin Program. We hope you enjoy the program. Description Type = Vendor Instructions This file (MEDLIN95.ZIP) contains the 1995 versions of Medlin Accounting Shareware. For Disk Vendors: All of the programs in this file except FILE_ID.DIZ and VENDINFO.DIZ should be included on your distribution disk. Users should be directed to run VIEWDOC.COM to print the manuals or install the programs. GO.BAT and INSTALL.BAT are small batch files that simply run VIEWDOC. VIEWDOC prints the manuals contained in MEDLIN.ARC which should not be modified or unarced. For BBS services: All files in this .ZIP should be included in your download file. For CD-ROM vendors: This .ZIP file may be included on your distribution CD-ROM. If you are including unzipped programs note that the MEDLIN programs cannot run directly from the CD-ROM. Any instructions to the end user should refer them to VIEWDOC.COM to install and run the Medlin programs. Description Type = Permissions You may distribute UNREGISTERED VERSIONS OF PC-GL, PC-AR, PC-PR, PC-AP, or PCINV, completely unaltered, without further permission as long as you do not charge for the program(s) and charge no more than $10.00 US for the method of distribution. Permission to distribute any Medlin Accounting Shareware package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is Medlin Accounting Shareware 1461 Sproul Ave. Napa, Ca. 94559 USA. Medlin Accounting Shareware may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Medlin Accounting Shareware. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BillAcct BILLPOWER time&bill 1.5b Professional Time & Billing for Window Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=Yes OTH=No Author Information: RICHARD KELLY INTEGRA COMPUTING 910 COBB PLACE MANOR DRIVE MARIETTA, GA 30066 Telephone: 770-426-5735 Description Type = Short Description BILLPOWER time & billing for Windows will keep track of time, disbursements, and receipts for up to 50 people and produce fully customizable bills for each project handled by your office. Numerous reports (income-expense, employee productivity, etc.) are also included. Unlike programs requiring periodic batch-postings & close-out proce- dures,this is a true "real-time" system that updates everything when an entry is made. Description Type = Long Description BILLPOWER, one of the finest time & billing programs available at any price, is a fully integrated timekeeping, billing, and bookkeeping system that will produce a wide variety of reports, including income-expense statements, balance sheets and aged receivables reports. The user has wide latitude in designing billing formats that use any font and place transaction data wherever desired. The program will even print mailing labels and form letters to your clients. Unlike some other time & billing programs that provide "links" to external accounting software, BILLPOWER has a General Ledger that is totally integrated into the rest of the program. This program can simultaneously log a transaction, adjust the client's balance and aged receivables accordingly, AND update the appropriate G/L accounts (other programs would require separate entries for some of these events, if they could handle them at all). BILLPOWER is a "real time" system. No old fashioned batch postings or end-of-period close-outs are ever needed. Transaction detail is retained until the user (not the program) decides to omit it. In fact, old bills may even be re-prepared long after other systems would have "flushed" the needed information from the data base. BILLPOWER's user interface is among the friendliest on the market, and the program's flexibility and responsiveness cannot be beaten anywhere. Finally, BILLPOWER may be used in conjunction with CHRONILIST, the ultimate scheduling software. When used together, these two programs will form the backbone of your office's business activity. On a network or stand-alone computer, BILLPOWER will handle your time & billing needs like nothing else. Give it a thorough work-out. Description Type = Keywords Bill, Billing, Accounting, Time & Billing, Timekeeping, GL, Client, Business, Legal, Law, Office, Management, Invoice, LAN, Network, Shareware, Integra, Windows, Windows 95, Win95, Windows NT Description Type = Registration Details $150 Description Type = Installation Details Extract program files from BILPWRxx.ZIP and run SETUP routine. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BillAcct BILLPOWER time&bill 1.5b Professional Time & Billing for Win95/ Filter: DOS=No WIN=No OS2=No OTH=Yes Author Information: RICHARD KELLY INTEGRA COMPUTING 910 COBB PLACE MANOR DRIVE MARIETTA, GA 30066 Telephone: 770-426-5735 Description Type = Short Description BILLPOWER NT time & billing for Win95/NT will keep track of time, disbursements, and receipts for up to 50 people and produce fully customizable bills for each project handled by your office. Numerous reports (income-expense, employee productivity, etc.) are also included. Unlike programs requiring periodic batch-postings & close-out proce- dures,this is a true "real-time" system that updates everything when an entry is made. Description Type = Long Description BILLPOWER NT for Windows 95/NT, one of the finest time & billing programs available at any price, is a fully integrated timekeeping, billing, and bookkeeping system that will produce a wide variety of reports, including income-expense statements, balance sheets and aged receivables reports. The user has wide latitude in designing billing formats that use any font and place transaction data wherever desired. The program will even print mailing labels and form letters to your clients. Unlike some other time & billing programs that provide "links" to external accounting software, BILLPOWER NT has a General Ledger that is totally integrated into the rest of the program. This program can simultaneously log a transaction, adjust the client's balance and aged receivables accordingly, AND update the appropriate G/L accounts (other programs would require separate entries for some of these events, if they could handle them at all). BILLPOWER NT is a "real time" system. No old fashioned batch postings or end-of-period close-outs are ever needed. Transaction detail is retained until the user (not the program) decides to omit it. In fact, old bills may even be re-prepared long after other systems would have "flushed" the needed information from the data base. BILLPOWER NT's user interface is among the friendliest on the market, and the program's flexibility and responsiveness cannot be beaten anywhere. Finally, BILLPOWER NT may be used in conjunction with CHRONILIST, the ultimate scheduling software. When used together, these two programs will form the backbone of your office's business activity. On a network or stand-alone computer, BILLPOWER NT will handle your time & billing needs like nothing else. Give it a thorough work-out. Description Type = Keywords Bill, Billing, Accounting, Time & Billing, Timekeeping, GL, Client, Business, Legal, Law, Office, Management, Invoice, LAN, Network, Shareware, Integra, Windows, Windows 95, Win95, Windows NT Description Type = Registration Details $150 Description Type = Installation Details Extract program files from BILPNTxx.ZIP and run SETUP routine. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BillAcct Bankonit 4.21 EZ, power. mortgage prog. EZ prepay/sa Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: WILLIAM E. PEACE P.O. BOX 627 SOUTH DENNIS, MA 02660-0627 Description Type = Short Description BANKONIT ... PREPAY MORTGAGE AND SAVE $$$$ Bankonit is a simple to use program that allows you to do standard mortgage cal- culations and amortizations as well as interest compounding calculations. It is especially good at maintaining a current record of your mortgage as it is paid, and clearly explains and shows the tens of thousands of dollars of benefits that prepaying the mortgage can do for you. Description Type = Long Description BANKONIT ... PREPAY MORTGAGE AND SAVE $$$$ Bankonit is a simple to use program that allows you to do standard mortgage calculations and amortizations as well as interest compounding calculations. It is especially good at maintaining a current record of your mortgage as it is paid, and clearly explains and shows the tens of thousands of dollars of benefits that prepaying the mortgage can do for you. Bankonit can do interest rate calculations, principal calculations, time for loan calculations, and can show or print full amortizations for any length loan. It can also do standard interest compounding calculations, monthly, daily and so forth, and can easily compare the yields with various compounding methods. Bankonit is most powerful in its complete explanation of and recordkeeping for prepayments to mortgages. The person who prepays just $10 a month can save tens of thousands of dollars over the course of their mortgage. Description Type = Keywords Mortgage, loan, prepayment, interest, finance, compound interest, banking Description Type = Registration Details $19.95 Description Type = Installation Details If unzipping directly to hard drive, unzip to C:\BANK\ To learn to run the program, type READNOW IF you unzip to a disk, unzip to a 3 1/2" 1.44 Meg disk. You can install from the disk to a hard drive by typing INSTALL To run the program from hard drive: CD BANK BANKONIT To run the program from disk drive: BANKONIT First time users should read the information file by typing READNOW which contains more detailed startup information including installation to WINDOWS, printing of manual, use of demo files. Description Type = Vendor Instructions Please do not combine the program with other programs on the same disk (except for zips). Please do not alter any files. Please inform your users that continued use of shareware requires registration or the user is in violation of copyright laws. Please charge fees only to duplicate/ship, not for software itself. I would appreciate a courtesy catalog if you list this software in a catalog. Description Type = Permissions Contents of Manual and Programs Copyright 1995 by William E. Peace. Shareware vendors and bulletin board systems may duplicate and post the software and manuals provided that fees are charged only for duplication or access, not for the rights to the software itself. Permission is hereby granted for this type of duplication. Software or manuals may not be altered in anyway except for addition of explanatory vendor files. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BillAcct BillPower Plus 7.3 Total timekeeping, billing & bookkeepi Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: RICHARD KELLY INTEGRA COMPUTING 910 COBB PLACE MANOR DRIVE MARIETTA, GA 30066 Telephone: 770-426-5735 Description Type = Short Description BILLPOWER time & billing + bookkeeping will keep track of time, disbursements, and receipts for up to 15 timekeepers and automatically produce a monthly bill for each project. Unlike other programs that require periodic batch-postings or close-out procedures, BILLPOWER is a true "real-time" system that never purges any data unless the user tells it to. Automated MS Windows installation included. Description Type = Long Description BILLPOWER seamlessly incorporates time & billing functions and a general ledger into a single program. It will keep track of time, disbursements, and receipts for up to 15 timekeepers and automatically produce a monthly bill for each project. Unlike other programs that require periodic batch-postings or close-out procedures, BILLPOWER is a true "real-time" system that never purges any data unless the user specifically tells it to. It handles up to 15 timekeepers, stores numerous miscellaneous memos, and tracks thousands of people (names, addresses, phones, etc.). It also does mailing lables, merge-prints letters to clients, and handles conflict of interest checks. Finally, it can be used in conjunction with TickleX, the finest business scheduler available. you're used to one of those cute but cumbersome Windows-based schedulers, you'll be delighted with TickleX's breadth of scope, speed, and ease of use. Automated Windows installation included. Description Type = Keywords Bill, Billing, Accounting, Time & Billing, Timekeeping, GL, Client, Business, Legal, Law, Office, Management, Invoice, LAN, Network, Shareware, Integra Description Type = Registration Details $150.00 Description Type = Installation Details Create a MANAGEX directory on your hard disk. Copy the BLPWRDOS.ZIP archive file into it. Then unzip the files contained in that archive. Finally, follow the instructions in the just-extracted README.DOC file. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BillAcct Billing Statement SHAREWARE Very simple cumulative Billing system Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: ARNOLD STRICKMAN A. P. SOFTWARE P.O. BOX 205 WESTFORD, MA 01886 Telephone: (508) 692-3726 Fax: (508) 692-3726 Description Type = Short Description The easiest billing system available. It creates standard form billing statements on plain or letterhead stationery and produces two different reports. Description Type = Long Description The shareware version contains 2 reports and allows 30 items per statement. No accounting or computer expertise is required. The registered version contains 4 reports, including aging (30, 60, 90, and >90 totals) and 60 items per statement. A custom message can be placed on statements. Address labels can be printed. An Autoentry feature allows easy data entry of identical charges/credits across multiple accounts. Additional features are available. Description Type = Keywords Business, Billing, Invoicing Description Type = Registration Details $35 US Funds Description Type = Installation Details No special instructions. The following files are necessary for operation: STMT2SW.EXE, COMPANY.DAT ACCOUNT.FIL Description Type = Vendor Instructions No special instructions Description Type = Permissions No restrictions CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BillAcct ES Petty-Cash 1.0 program for petty cash or expense acct Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: JOHN TURNBULL EASY SOFTWARE 3 BROOKSIDE COURT PRESTBURY ROAD MACCLESFIELD, SK10 3BR ENGLAND Telephone: 044-01625-614669 Fax: 044-01625-614669 Description Type = Short Description ES Petty-Cash V1.0 Designed to account for funds allocated to Branches or offices for incidental expenditure. Provides a printed return with full transaction record in bank statement format followed by an analysis of expenditure by nominal heading. Caters for an associated bank account and keeps running balances. The accounts office can set up the nominals and the user needs no accounting experience. Reg.Version $40. Description Type = Keywords ACCOUNTS PETTY CASH EXPENSE ACCOUNTS Description Type = Registration Details $40 Description Type = Installation Details Type "Install" Description Type = Vendor Instructions Handle as Shareware Description Type = Permissions May be distributed on disk,CD or BBS without further permission CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BillAcct FF Billing Manager 3.40 Accounts Receivable and Billing/Window Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MICHAEL R. RAUSTAD M & R TECHNOLOGIES, INC. P.O. BOX 061298 PALM BAY, FL 32906-1298 Telephone: (407) 951-2268 Fax: (407) 951-2268 Description Type = Short Description FF Billing Manager v3.40 Financial Freedom Billing Manager is a billing program for Windows. Includes multiple companies, three invoice formats, unlimited customers, over 10 customizable reports and much more! Designed for any type of business. FREE upgrade to next version and much more. If you are serious about your business, check this program out! New! Print fonts on your invoices! Description Type = Long Description FF Billing Manager v3.40 Financial Freedom Billing Manager is a billing program for Windows. Includes multiple companies, three invoice formats, unlimited customers, over 10 customizable reports and much more! Designed for any type of business. FREE upgrade to next version and much more. If you are serious about your business, check this program out! New! Print fonts on your invoices and statements! Description Type = Keywords invoice billing customer database statement Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......US Dollars Minimum registration price..................35.00 Maximum registration price..................35.00 Shipping: within same country...............2.00 North America.....................2.00 South America.....................4.00 Europe............................4.00 Asia..............................4.00 Africa............................4.00 Pacific...........................4.00 Description Type = Permissions Anyone may distribute Billing Manager, completely unaltered, without further permission...; for other cases or to distribute in modified form, you must consult the attached data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BillAcct OWL Invoice System 3.01 OASIS - Sales, Invoice & Mail Mgmt. Sy Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: STEPHEN WILLIAMS OTTO-WILLIAMS LTD. P.O. BOX 794 LANHAM, MD 20703-0794 Telephone: (301) 306-0409 Fax: (301) 794-4533 Description Type = Short Description OASIS 3.01 - A very complete sales management system including: invoicing, automated billing, customer correspondence, mailing list management, and product sales tracking. GREAT FOR ANY MAIL ORDER BUSINESS. Completely menu driven with full mouse support & on-line help. Requires DOS 3.3 or above, 640K & Hard Disk. Intuitive mousable menus, on-line help & user's guide make this program a joy to use. Description Type = Long Description OWL Automated Sales and Invoicing System (OASIS) 3.01. OASIS is a complete sales management system that includes: invoicing, automated billing, customer correspondence, mailing list management, and sales tracking by both customer and product. Invoices and bills can be printed on plain paper or your own letterhead. OASIS includes options to automatically print product specific text (e.g., assembly instructions) and product license numbers on invoices. Custom text, such as answers to customer questions, can also be added to each invoice. OASIS provides complete capabilities for printing mailing labels and envelops. OASIS saves you money on label stock by letting you specify the starting label row and column so that you don't have to throw away partially used sheets of labels. Customers can be assigned to user defined groups. This can save on advertising dollars by allowing you to target your mailings to specific groups of customers. OASIS can export mailing lists in mail-merge format for use with many word processors. OASIS is completly menu driven with full mouse support & on-line help. Very easy to use. Requires DOS 3.3 or above, 640K & Hard Disk. See also OWL Basic Bookkeeping (BBK). Description Type = Keywords BUSINESS, INVOICE, SALES TRACKING, LABEL, CUSTOMER, MAIL, BILLING, BBK, OASIS, OWL Description Type = Registration Details $59.00 (USD) Description Type = Installation Details See File: README.OAS Description Type = Vendor Instructions BULLETIN BOARDS: No special Instructions. Librarian please note: OASID301.ZIP supersedes files OSIS##.ZIP where ## is any number less than 301. See Vendor.Doc INSTALLB.BAT Hard disk installation batch procedure. BBK_EXE.EXE Self extracting archive containing program, configuration and help files. BBK_DAT.EXE Self extracting archive containing sample data files. FILE_ID.DIZ Text file containing short program description. (This file is optional) VENDOR.DOC Text file containing program description, distribution policy, and file listing. Total file size of these files is approximatly 227k, which will fit on a standard 360K diskette and leave sufficient space for you to add any material you deem necessary. If you want to distribute this program in some other form, you may do so but, please let us know. Description Type = Permissions 'Otto-Williams Ltd. (OWL) grants you a license to distribute this program provided that you distribute all files required for operation of the program and: 1. You identify it as shareware with an appropriate definition. 2. You leave all intellectual property including copyright notices in place. 3. We do not request that you discontinue distribution of the product. To summarize, you may archive our programs, unarchive them and distribute them on whatever media you choose so long as you do not alter the program or accompaning data files in any way or charge distribution fees that are so large that they would lead the purchaser to believe that they have paid for the program rather than the distribution service you provide. We want the widest possible distribution for our shareware programs and will be glad to assist you in designing a distribution scheme that is appropriate for your operation. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BillAcct OWL Invoice System 4.20w OASIS - Sales, Invoice & Mail Mgmt. Sy Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: STEPHEN WILLIAMS OTTO-WILLIAMS LTD. P.O. BOX 794 LANHAM, MD 20703-0794 Telephone: (301) 306-0409 Fax: (301) 794-4533 Description Type = Short Description OASIS v4.10 - OWL Sales Management and Invoicing System. Includes invoicing with automatic computation of sales taxes, automated billing, customer profile reporting, mailing list management for targeted direct mail campaigns, and sales tracking. OASIS can be linked to OWL Basic Bookkeeping to provide complete tracking of sales income, receivables and business expenses. Description Type = Long Description OASIS (OWL Automated Sales and Invoicing System) for Windows is a complete sales management system that includes: invoicing, automated billing, customer correspondence, mailing list management and sales tracking. OASIS FEATURES: > Intuitive menus that minimize typing. For example, to create an invoice you choose the customer and products sold from a series of menus. OASIS then fills in the invoice and computes the sales tax for you. > Customer tracking. Customer profile reports show each customer, the items they have purchased and the dates each item was purchased. > Sales tracking. Product sales reports give a complete picture of the items that are selling and those that are not. The Buyers report shows you the names of customers who have purchased a particular product. > Mailing list management. Customers can be separated into up to 100 groups. Mailing labels and mail merge files can be generated for any combination of one or more groups of customers. This feature lets you target your mass mailings to just those customers who are most likely to respond to a given mailing. > OASIS can be configured to automatically compute two sales taxes (e.g. Canadian GST and PST). > Income data entered into OASIS can be imported into OWL Basic Bookkeeping to provide complete tracking of both sales income and business expenses. Description Type = Keywords BUSINESS, INVOICE, SALES TRACKING, LABEL, CUSTOMER, MAIL, BILLING, BBK, OASIS, OWL Description Type = Registration Details $59.00 (USD) Description Type = Installation Details Unzip and run oasiw410.exe. See file ReadMe.txt Description Type = Vendor Instructions See VENDINFO.DIZ file. Description Type = Permissions See VENDINFO.DIZ file. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BillAcct Paper Route Ledger 1.50 Paper route bookkeeping system Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: RICHARD HOLLER RMH COMPUTER SERVICES PO BOX 657 BEECH GROVE, IN 46107-0657 Telephone: 317-782-9903 Fax: 317-784-2147 Description Type = Short Description PAPER ROUTE LEDGER v1.50 - Computerize your paper route bookkeeping with this unique program. Track customers, addresses, delivery order, route listing, collections, tips, etc. Print reports on customers & collections. Handles multiple delivery types, handles both Weekly & Monthly collection schedules. V1.50 adds phone number field, and other minor enhancements. $19. For multiple routes & invoicing, use Professional Carrier. Description Type = Long Description PAPER ROUTE LEDGER v1.50 - Computerize your paper route bookkeeping with this unique program. Track customers, addresses, delivery order, route listing, collections, tips, etc. Print reports on customers, collections, etc. Handles multiple delivery types, handles both Weekly & Monthly collection schedules. V1.50 adds phone number field, and other minor enhancements. $19. For multiple routes & vinvoicing, use our Professional Carrier pgm. Description Type = Keywords PAPER ROUTE LEDGER NEWSPAPER CARRIER DELIVERY Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......US Dollars Minimum registration price..................19.00 Maximum registration price..................19.00 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................0.00 South America.....................5.00 Europe............................5.00 Asia..............................5.00 Africa............................5.00 Pacific...........................5.00 Description Type = Installation Details Paper Route Ledger (PRL) is provided with an installation utility, which will not only install the program for you, but will also test your system for the necessary hard drive space, minimum DOS version, and necessary settings in your CONFIG.SYS file. The program will install the PRL program to your hard disk drive, and will provide you with a default subdirectory name (\PRL). We recommend that you use this default directory name, but you are free to change it. The install program will also check your CONFIG.SYS file for necessary parameters, and will update those settings for you if necessary (if you don't want the program to make these changes for you, just select "N" and you can modify them manually). If any changes are made to your CONFIG.SYS file, your system must be rebooted in order for the changes to take effect. When the installation is complete, the PRL program will automatically oad and configure itself. l CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BillAcct Professional Carrier 1.25 Professional Paper Route Bookkeeping P Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: RICHARD HOLLER RMH COMPUTER SERVICES PO BOX 657 BEECH GROVE, IN 46107-0657 Telephone: 317-782-9903 Fax: 317-784-2147 Description Type = Short Description PROFESSIONAL CARRIER v1.25 - A complete bookkeeping system for the professional full- time newpaper carrier. Can maintain up to 26 individual routes, generate invoices, mailing labels, customer & collection lists. Generate pre-defined or custom created reports. Create mail-merge letters. Handles multiple delivery types, variable collection schedules, direct or office-pay customers. Can import data files from Paper Route Ledger. Description Type = Long Description PROFESSIONAL CARRIER v1.25 - A complete bookkeeping system for the professional full-time newpaper carrier. Can maintain up to 26 individual routes, generate invoices, mailing labels, customer & collection lists. Generate pre-defined reports, or create your own custom reports using the included report generator. A basic word processor is also included for creating mail-merge letters from customer data. Handles multiple delivery types, variable collection schedules, vacations, late charges, direct-pay or office-pay customers, with separate invoices for each. Data files from the Paper Route Ledger program can be imported. Description Type = Keywords PAPER ROUTE NEWSPAPER CARRIER DELIVERY Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......US Dollars Minimum registration price..................59.00 Maximum registration price..................59.00 Shipping: within same country...............3.00 North America.....................5.00 South America.....................8.00 Europe............................8.00 Asia..............................8.00 Africa............................8.00 Pacific...........................8.00 Description Type = Installation Details The installation utility provided (INSTALL.EXE) will install Professional Carrier on your hard disk drive, and will also check to see that your system meets all of the program requirements. If you received this program on floppy disks, simply insert the disk (Disk #1 if there are multiple disks) into your floppy disk drive, type A:INSTALL (or B:INSTALL), and press the [ENTER] key. If you received this program electronically (i.e. as a ZIP file), simply extract the contents of the ZIP file to an *empty* temporary subdirectory on your hard drive, switch to that subdirectory, type INSTALL and press [ENTER]. Then select the "Install from hard drive" option to begin the installation. SUBDIRECTORY/PROGRAM LOCATION CONSIDERATIONS -------------------------------------------- IF: you have been using a previous version of *THIS* product, you should install this version into the *same* subdirectory that you installed the previous version. This will allow this newer version to properly update your existing files while still maintaining any existing data that you have already entered. IF: you have been using our Paper Route Ledger program, and are upgrading to this program, you *SHOULD NOT* install this program into the same sub-directory as your existing PRL files. You should install this program into its own, separate subdirectory. See the "Upgrading Instructions" contained in the manual, or supplied separately. (Please note that you can indeed use your existing customer data files from the Paper Route Ledger program -- refer to the file PRL-DATA.TXT for details and instructions) Since we may have changed the "default" installation directory during our update process, be sure to check this carefully when the installation program asks you for the subdirectory to install to. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION -------------------- The following system parameters need to be checked and possibly modified in order for the Professional Carrier program to function properly.... You will need to check the FILES and BUFFERS settings in your CONFIG.SYS file (the install program will check this, and give you the opportunity to modify it you want to). If you don't already have at least 40 FILES and 40 BUFFERS, please change these lines accordingly (or let the installation program do it for you): FILES=40 BUFFERS=40 Also, your AUTOEXEC.BAT file must contain the following line: SET CLIPPER=F45 (the "F" value in the above SET command should always be "5" more than the FILES= setting. For example, if you have FILES=60, then the SET statement should be SET CLIPPER=F65. Unfortunately, our installation utility is not capable of setting the Clipper statement for values other than 45, so you'll need to double-check your AUTOEXEC.BAT file if your CONFIG.SYS file sets your FILES= setting to a value greater than 40) If you don't allow the install program to make any necessary modifications, then you will need to make the changes manually. Either way, if there are any changes made, you will need to reboot your system in order for these changes to take effect. NOTE: if you have been using a version of Professional Carrier prior to v1.24, there is a chance that your collection data is corrupt. Please refer to the file V123BUG.TXT for instructions on correcting the problem. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BillAcct Retail Plus 5.20 Sales, Inventory, POS, Invoicing Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: KUNO EGGER TRUE NORTH COMPUTER SERVICES P.O. BOX 985 HUNTSVILLE, ON P0A 1K0 CANADA Telephone: 705-789-0928 Fax: 705-789-0928 Description Type = Short Description Retail Plus v5.20 - An easy to use sales, inventory, point-of-sale and invoicing system. Description Type = Long Description FEATURES OF RETAIL PLUS+ The goal of retail management software should be to help you concentrate on your sales and your customers. Retail Plus+ serves that goal. It is designed for those who spend too much time making up purchase orders, counting stock, tracking sales, or preparing invoices. It is more than an inventory system with a point-of-sale screen. It is an organizer, an analyzer and a time saver. Some of the features of Retail Plus are: > Easy to use with pull down menus and pop-up windows. > Built in help system - press the F1 key at any time for assistance. > Complete sales and inventory data for each item in each location. > Full-featured POS system with slip printer and cash drawer support. > Data imports and exports. > Support for multiple points of sale without a network. > Weekly and monthly sales figures for each product. > History of daily sales and POS > Full-featured POS system with slip printer and cash drawer support. > Data imports and exports. > Support for multiple points of sale without a network. > Weekly and monthly sales figures for each product. > History of daily sales and POS totals. > Sales tracked by product, department and client. > Accounts receivable/invoicing system with customer statements. > Three fast & easy ways to find and print an invoice. > Auto- generated PO's with five methods of calculating order quantities. > On-screen review and editing of purchase orders. > Client database keeps a purchase history & mailing list of customers. > Fast client lookups using name, company or phone number. > Set up 2 sales taxes and optional add-on charges. > Set up automatic discounts, tax rates or tax exemptions for clients. Description Type = Keywords RETAIL SALES INVENTORY POS INVOICING BARCODE Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......US Dollar Minimum registration price..................125.00 Maximum registration price..................125.00 Shipping: within same country...............7.00 North America.....................7.00 South America.....................10.00 Europe............................10.00 Asia..............................12.00 Africa............................12.00 Pacific...........................12.00 Description Type = Installation Details Retail Plus version 5.2 is supplied as an archive file called "PLUS52.ZIP". It contains all the files you need. Follow these steps to get a functioning system onto your hard drive: 1 - At the "C:>" prompt create a new directory on your hard drive and go to that directory: MD RETAIL CD\RETAIL 2 - Using an archive un-packing utility such as UNZIP.EXE, unpack the contents of PLUS52.ZIP into the new directory: UNZIP A:PLUS52 3 - Now check for a file called "CONFIG.SYS" in the root directory of the startup drive. If it is there it should contain the following statements with the at least minimum values shown (they can be greater but not smaller): FILES = 30 BUFFERS = 10 You can check the contents of CONFIG.SYS just by typing: TYPE CONFIG.SYS If the files & buffers statements are absent you can use any text editor to insert them. STARTING RETAIL PLUS To start Retail Plus go to the directory where it is found and enter R52 at the DOS prompt: CD\RETAIL R52 Explanation: The installation process creates a file called R52.BAT that contains the following two lines: SET CLIPPER=F:30 RETAIL52 Retail Plus should always be started up with this batch file, otherwise your system may not allow it to open enough files. If at some point in the program you press F1 for help, and instead of a help screen you get a DOS Error 4 (too many files open), then you know that you cannot open enough files. If this happens try typing SET at the DOS prompt. You should then see CLIPPER=F:30 on the screen along with the other DOS environment setups. If it is not there then the program was not started up using R52.BAT. If the file R52.BAT is missing you can create it with any text editor such as the DOS Edit command. Retail Plus is initially configured to start without requiring a password. If it does prompt you for a password just type "TEST" and press ENTER. You can remove this password later and set up new ones if you need security. If this password does not give you access then someone has already set up the system for security. Description Type = Permissions The files in this package may be freely distributed in any form and by any means without restriction. The attached VENDINFO data is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution is hereby authorized. See the Retail Plus documentation for license terms for use of the software as a retail management system. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BillAcct SALON-TEK SALON-TEK HAIRDRESSING MANAGEMENT PROG Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: JULES GEE SALON-TEK #2-11500 NO 1 ROAD RICHMOND, BC V7E 6E1 CANADA Telephone: 604-272-9179 Fax: 604-272-9179 Description Type = Short Description The Salon - Tek software program is data based, written in Clipper for a DOS environment, and designed to streamline reception and appointment making func- tions, automate most of the bookkeeping work of the salon manager, reduce mistakes, and automate day to day operations. Description Type = Long Description The Salon - Tek software program is data based, written in Clipper for a DOS environment, and designed to streamline reception and appointment making functions, automate most of the bookkeeping work of the salon manager, reduce mistakes, and automate day to day operations. Description Type = Installation Details INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS The SALTEK.EXE File is self-extracting and self-installing. Use Windows File Manager RUN : A:\SALTEK.EXE Your AUTOEXEC.BAT File must contain : SET CLIPPER=F100 THIS MUST BE WRITTEN EXACTLY AS SHOWN (NO=SPACES) Your CONFIG.SYS File must open enough Files FILES=100 THIS MUST BE WRITTEN EXACTLY AS SHOWN (NO=SPACES) Add NOVCPI to the line DEVICE=EMM386.EXE... DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE NOEMS NOVCPI ........... Stacks must be upgraded STACKS=18,512 THIS MUST BE WRITTEN EXACTLY AS SHOWN (NO=SPACES) PLEASE RE-BOOT AFTER CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE. Instructions are included in the Installation Program. THE PROGRAM WILL NOT WORK UNLESS THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE CARRIED OUT PRIOR TO USING THE PROGRAM. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BillAcct Software Inventory 2.1 SOFTWARE INVENTORY DATABASE V2.1 Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: JOHN BURL 1410 CALVERT ROAD CHESTER, MD 21619 Description Type = Short Description SOFTWARE INVENTORY DATABASE V2.1 A MS-Windows program that allows you to track software titles using an Access DB. (Access not required). Fully functional, no nags or limitations. Very easy to setup and use. VB source to registered users. Requires VBRUN300.DLL. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BillAcct The Invoice Store 3.1 Invoicing, POS and Customer Tracking Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MICHAEL COLUCCI SOFTWARE STORE PRODUCTS, INC. 10351 SW 69TH COURT OCALA, FL 34476 Telephone: 800-232-8561 Fax: 352-237-0662 Description Type = Short Description Invoicing, POS and Customer Tracking for the small business. Ideal for any Mailorder, Retail or any business requiring invoicing. Maintains Customers, Sales Personnel, Inventory Management, Vendors, Invoicing, Payments, Packing Slips, Credits, Refunds, Mailing Labels, Customzized Reports, Wordprocessing, Mailmerges, Network Ready, plus much more! Description Type = Long Description THE INVOICE STORE is an Invoicing, POS and Customer Tracking software product for the small business. The software is very simple to learn & use, and does not require any accounting background. It is currently being used by more than a dozen countries around the world, and supports several modes for different countries. It has also been featured in many publications, including Home Office Computing & Computer Shopper magazines. THE INVOICE STORE will maintain your Customers, Vendors, Sales Personnel and Inventory Management. It will generate invoices, packing slips, customer statements, payments, refunds, shipping info, credits, returns and is network ready. It also supports most POS hardware. THE INVOICE STORE also includes a Custom Form Designer, Custom Report Writer, Custom Mailing Label Generator, Wordprocessing, Mailmerges, Online Help, Import/Export, Data Analysis plus much more. Description Type = Keywords INVOICE STORE INVENTORY POS SALES Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......United States dollar Minimum registration price..................95.00 Maximum registration price..................95.00 Shipping: within same country...............4.00 North America.....................4.00 South America.....................10.00 Europe............................10.00 Asia..............................10.00 Africa............................10.00 Pacific...........................10.00 CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BillAcct The Simple Bookkeepr SHAREWARE Very simple single-entry accounting Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: ARNOLD STRICKMAN A. P. SOFTWARE P.O. BOX 205 WESTFORD, MA 01886 Telephone: (508) 692-3726 Fax: (508) 692-3726 Description Type = Short Description An easy to use single entry yearly recordkeeping system. No computer or accounting expertise is necessary. It tracks 15 income and 60 expense accounts for one full year. Seven printed reports are available. This program eliminates the "shoebox" ,pencil and paper tedium of recordkeeping. It is for small or home business. Information is assembled in an easy to use form, ready for tax time. Description Type = Long Description An easy to use single entry yearly recordkeeping system. No computer or accounting expertise is necessary. It mimics the popular workbooks, but eliminates the pencil and paper tedium that arises when using "simple" accounting workbooks. The program tracks income and expenses for one entire year. The shareware version has 15 income and 60 expense accounts. Seven printed reports are available. This program is useful for home or small business, and will replace the "shoebox" method. Information is assembled in an easy to understand form, ready to be used by yourself or your accountant at tax time. Description Type = Keywords accounting,bookkeeping,small/home business Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......Dollars (US) Minimum registration price..................35.00 Maximum registration price..................35.00 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................0.00 South America.....................0.00 Europe............................0.00 Asia..............................0.00 Africa............................0.00 Pacific...........................0.00 Description Type = Installation Details There is no special installation file. Hard Drive: 1. Create a separate subdirectory. 2. Copy all files to this subdirectory. Floppy : Copy all files to a backup disk. Do not copy BKKP3SW.DOC as it is the documentation and will take up necessary room on your diskette. Description Type = Vendor Instructions No special instructions Description Type = Permissions The following may distribute The Simple Bookkeeper, completely unaltered, without further permission...; for other cases or to distribute in modified form, you must consult the attached data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute the The Simple Bookkeeper package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is A.P. Software, PO Box 205, Westford, Ma 01886. A.P. Software may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to A.P. Software. The attached Vendinfo data record is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed on that data record is hereby authorized. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BillAcct Windows Accts Payabl 1.25 Medlin Windows Accounts Payable Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: JERRY MEDLIN MEDLIN ACCOUNTING SHAREWARE 1461 SPROUL AVE. NAPA, CA 94559 Telephone: 707-255-4475 Fax: 707-255-9266 Description Type = Short Description Medlin Windows Accounts Payable A fast, easy to use A/P and check writing program for small businesses. Prints reports for any period or combination of periods. Reports can be previewed on screen and saved to a file. An easily-modified standard chart of accounts in included. Invoices are entered, marked for payment and checks written from a single screen. $38 Description Type = Long Description Medlin Windows Accounts Payable A fast, easy to use accounts payable and check writing program for small businesses. Prints reports for any period or combination of periods. Reports can be previewed on screen and saved to a file. An easily- modified standard chart of accounts in included. Invoices are entered, marked for payment and checks written from a single screen. Sort checks and invoices by any field for review. Two auto-invoice fields for each vendor. Up to 60 accounting periods per year. Includes context sensitive help file and manual file. Integrates with Medlin Windows General Ledger and Payroll Writing. Requires Windows 95 or 3.1. $38 Description Type = Keywords A/P Payable Check Medlin Accounting PC-AP PC-GL Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......US Minimum registration price..................38.00 Maximum registration price..................38.00 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................0.00 South America.....................0.00 Europe............................0.00 Asia..............................0.00 Africa............................0.00 Pacific...........................0.00 Description Type = Installation Details The installation procedure for MWAP - MEDLIN WINDOWS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE is quite simple. The disk package includes a program, "SETUP.EXE", which automates the entire process. MWAP requires less than 1/4 megabyte of disk space. The program requires no changes to any existing files on your hard disk. The file VBRUN300.DLL must be in your Windows\System directory for MWAP to run. It is not included in this .ZIP file to shorten your download time. If you do not have a copy of VBRUN300.DLL, it should be available from the same source you downloaded MWAP. VBRUN300.DLL is a "library" file that is shared by most windows programs. You only need one copy, no matter how many of your programs use it. INSTALLING FROM DISKETTES To install from diskette, you need to perform the following steps. o Place MWAP distribution diskette in the appropriate diskette drive. Start Windows. o Execute the "SETUP.EXE" program on the distribution diskette, either by choosing File/Run from the Program Manager or by double clicking on SETUP.EXE from the File Manager. o Follow the instructions presented by the installation program. The program will ask you for a destination directory, and will copy the MWAP files to that directory. If you so direct it, the installation program will install executable programs and documentation in other directories of your choice. It will not modify your autoexec.bat or config.sys files or any Windows files. INSTALLING FROM A ZIP FILE If you downloaded MWAP from a BBS (or received it in the form of zipped files from some other source), perform the following steps. o Use the File Manager or drop to DOS to create a directory on your hard drive. You may use any allowable directory name, but we recommend MWACCT to be consistent with the setup program supplied with the diskette version. Change directory into the new directory. o Run the unzip program by typing PKUNZIP MWAP125 from the DOS prompt or from the File/Run section of Program Manager. o You may run the program directly from File Manager or create a program group and a program item using File/New in Program Manager. You must have a copy of VBRUN300.DLL in your Windows System directory for the MWAP program to run. Chances are you already do. If not, you may download VBRUN300.DLL from any BBS. YOU'RE READY TO GO Once you've complete the installation, you should consult the help file ("MWAP.HLP"). You may read the MWAP.HLP by double clicking it from the File Manager or by pressing F1 from inside MWAP or by choosing HELP from the MWAP menu bar. The help file allows you to read the entire file sequentually by clicking the >> symbol. Description Type = Permissions To distribute MWAP - Medlin Windows ACCOUNTS PAYABLE, you must consult the attached data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute the MWAP - Medlin Windows ACCOUNTS PAYABLE package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is Jerry Medlin, Medlin Accounting Shareware, 1461 Sproul Ave. Napa CA. 94559. Jerry Medlin and/or Medlin Accounting Shareware may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Jerry Medlin, Medlin Accounting Shareware. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BillAcct Windows Gen. Ledger 1.31 Medlin Windows General Ledger Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: JERRY MEDLIN MEDLIN ACCOUNTING SHAREWARE 1461 SPROUL AVE. NAPA, CA 94559 Telephone: 707-255-4475 Fax: 707-255-9266 Description Type = Short Description Medlin Windows General Ledger A fast, easy to use double entry general ledger program for small businesses. Prints general ledger, transaction listing, income statement and balance sheet reports for any period or combination of periods. Reports can be previewed on screen and saved to a file. An easily-modified standard chart of accounts in included. $38 Description Type = Long Description Medlin Windows General Ledger A fast, easy to use double entry general ledger program for small businesses. Prints general ledger, transaction listing, income statement and balance sheet reports for any period or combination of periods. Reports can be previewed on screen and saved to a file. An easily-modified standard chart of accounts in included. Transactions are entered and changed from a single screen. All transactions for the current year are available for editing and reprinting. Includes context sensitive help file and manual file. Point and click bank reconciliation. Integrates with Medlin Windows Accounts Payable and Payroll Writing. Requires Windows 95 or 3.1. From the winner of the FIRST Shareware Industry Award for BEST BUSINESS AND FINANCE APPLICATION. $38 Description Type = Keywords G/L Ledger Bookkeeping Medlin Accounting PC-PR PC-GL Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......US Minimum registration price..................38.00 Maximum registration price..................38.00 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................0.00 South America.....................0.00 Europe............................0.00 Asia..............................0.00 Africa............................0.00 Pacific...........................0.00 Description Type = Installation Details The installation procedure for MWGL - MEDLIN WINDOWS GENERAL LEDGER is quite simple. The disk package includes a program, "SETUP.EXE", which automates the entire process. MWGL requires less than 1/4 megabyte of disk space. The program requires no changes to any existing files on your hard disk. The file VBRUN300.DLL must be in your Windows\System directory for MWGL to run. It is not included in this .ZIP file to shorten your download time. If you do not have a copy of VBRUN300.DLL, it should be available from the same source you downloaded MWGL. VBRUN300.DLL is a "library" file that is shared by most windows programs. You only need one copy, no matter how many of your programs use it. INSTALLING FROM DISKETTES To install from diskette, you need to perform the following steps. o Place MWGL distribution diskette in the appropriate diskette drive. Start Windows. o Execute the "SETUP.EXE" program on the distribution diskette, either by choosing File/Run from the Program Manager or by double clicking on SETUP.EXE from the File Manager. o Follow the instructions presented by the installation program. The program will ask you for a destination directory, and will copy the MWGL files to that directory. If you so direct it, the installation program will install executable programs and documentation in other directories of your choice. It will not modify your autoexec.bat or config.sys files or any Windows files. INSTALLING FROM A ZIP FILE If you downloaded MWGL from a BBS (or received it in the form of zipped files from some other source), perform the following steps. o Use the File Manager or drop to DOS to create a directory on your hard drive. You may use any allowable directory name, but we recommend MWACCT to be consistent with the setup program supplied with the diskette version. Change directory into the new directory. o Run the unzip program by typing PKUNZIP MWGL131 from the DOS prompt or from the File/Run section of Program Manager. o You may run the program directly from File Manager or create a program group and a program item using File/New in Program Manager. You must have a copy of VBRUN300.DLL in your Windows System directory for the MWGL program to run. Chances are you already do. If not, you may download VBRUN300.DLL from any BBS. YOU'RE READY TO GO Once you've complete the installation, you should consult the help file ("MWGL.HLP"). You may read the MWGL.HLP by double clicking it from the File Manager or by pressing F1 from inside MWGL or by choosing HELP from the MWGL menu bar. The help file allows you to read the entire file sequentually by clicking the >> symbol. Description Type = Permissions To distribute MWGL - Medlin Windows General Ledger, you must consult the attached data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute the MWGL - Medlin Windows General Ledger package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is Jerry Medlin, Medlin Accounting Shareware, 1461 Sproul Ave. Napa CA. 94559. Jerry Medlin and/or Medlin Accounting Shareware may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Jerry Medlin, Medlin Accounting Shareware. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Payroll_ Easy Timekeeping 1.14 EASY TIMEKEEPING-Employee time & atten Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: LOUIS ROBERT ABM 1948 HIGHWAY 114 HESSMER, LA 71341 Telephone: 318-563-4428 Fax: 318-563-4428 Description Type = Short Description EASY TIMEKEEPING v.1.14 - Turns a PC in- to a time clock for employees. It tracks complete information on your employees ( name, address, phone number, pay rate, & so on) & lets them quickly clock in/out of work.Reports include an employee list time cards, mailing labels,& barcoded ID badges. You can manually edit time cards ETK supports barcode reader & electronic turnstile. Description Type = Keywords EMPLOYEE TIME CLOCK TIMECARD PAYROLL SHAREWARE TIMEKEEPING Description Type = Permissions You may freely distribute this software. You are not authorized to distribute a modified version, of this software. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Payroll_ PayWindow 1.2 Payroll for Windows Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: PAUL MAYER ZPAY PAYROLL SYSTEMS, INC. 2526 69TH AVE SO ST. PETERSBURG, FL 33712-5631 Telephone: (813) 866-8233 Fax: (813) 866-8034 Description Type = Short Description PayWindow v1.2 Payroll for Windows Pay by any pay period; hourly, salaried, commissioned, non-employee workers; prints Checks, W2s, 1099-MISC forms and reports galore! Built-in data backup and restore with file compression. You can pay an employee in as little as three clicks of the mouse! Password protection. From the creators of the popular ZPAY 3 Payroll System for DOS. Description Type = Long Description PayWindow v1.2 Payroll for Windows Pay by any pay period; hourly, salaried, commissioned, non-employee workers; prints Checks, W2s, 1099-MISC forms and reports galore! Built-in data backup and restore with file compression. You can pay an employee in as little as three clicks of the mouse! Password protection. From the creators of the popular ZPAY 3 Payroll System for DOS! Great for accountants that do after the fact payrolls. Can handle as many companies as your hard drive can hold. Can hold up to 1 billion records per file! Easy to use on-screen pick list for finding employees. Uses incremental searching allowing you to locate an employee in as little as three keystrokes. User can change the tax tableswith built-in tax table editor. System comes with Federal Tax tables entered and all state tax tables too! You must try this one out to see how easy it is. Absolutely no accounting experience required to perform a payroll with this package. Sample data and built-in "test drive" takes beginners through a payroll step by step. You'll be up and running in the first session with PayWindow! Description Type = Keywords PAYWINDOW,PAYROLL,BUSINESS,ACCOUNTING,ZPAY Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......United States Minimum registration price..................69.95 Maximum registration price..................69.95 Shipping: within same country...............5.00 North America.....................10.00 South America.....................15.00 Europe............................15.00 Asia..............................15.00 Africa............................15.00 Pacific...........................15.00 Description Type = Installation Details The installation procedure for PayWindow is quite simple. The package includes a program, "SETUP.EXE", which automates the entire process. You will need about 2MB of available disk space on the hard drive on which you plan to install PayWindow. The exact steps you need to take will depend on how you received PayWindow. INSTALLING FROM DISKETTES To install from diskette(s), you need to perform the following steps. o Place PayWindow's distribution diskette "Disk 1" in the appropriate diskette drive. o Execute the "SETUP.EXE" program on the distribution diskette. For example, if the distribution diskette is on drive A:, type in the Windows RUN command, "a:setup". o Follow the instructions presented by the installation program. You will have a chance to approve installation before any changes are actually made to the contents of your hard drive. The program will ask you for a destination directory, and will copy the PayWindow files to that directory. If you received PayWindow on two diskettes, you will need to insert Disk 2 in the diskette drive when asked to do so. If you so direct it, the installation program will install executable programs and documentation in other directories of your choice. It will make no other changes; specifically, it will not modify your autoexec.bat or config.sys files. INSTALLING FROM A HARD DRIVE If you downloaded PayWindow from a BBS (or received it in the form of archive files from some other source), you will need to perform the following steps. o Extract the contents of the archive file(s) in a temporary directory on your hard drive. The procedure for doing this varies, depending on the form in which you received the package. In all likelihood, the fact that you are reading this text means that you already have the necessary tools and knowledge to perform this step. If not, you should be able to obtain directions for this from the same source from which you received the package. o Execute the "SETUP.EXE" program which you have extracted. For example, if the temporary directory into which you have extracted the PayWindow package is C:\TEMPDIR, you would execute the RUN command in Windows, "c:\tempdir\setup". o Follow the instructions presented by the installation program. You will have a chance to approve installation before any changes are actually made to the contents of your hard drive. The program will ask you for a destination directory, and will copy the PayWindow files to that directory. If you so direct it, the installation program will install executable programs and documentation in other directories of your choice. It will make no other changes; specifically, it will not modify your autoexec.bat or config.sys files. When you're satisfied that the installation was successful, you should delete the temporary directory FROM which you installed PayWindow (C:\TEMPDIR, in the above discussion), including all its contents. YOU'RE READY TO GO Once you've complete the installation, you should consult the documents in the new program group which have been installed. In particular, read at least the "Read This First" (it's an Icon) and "Test Drive" in the "PAYWIN.HLP". That information will tell you how to invoke the program, and will give you other information you need to properly evaluate PayWindow. We hope you enjoy the program. Description Type = Permissions The following may distribute PayWindow, completely unaltered, without further permission...; for other cases or to distribute in modified form, you must consult the attached data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute the PayWindow package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is . ZPAY Payroll Systems, Inc. may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to ZPAY Payroll Systems, Inc. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Payroll_ TimeCapture 3.11 Electronic Employee Time Clock Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: PAUL REAVER VERSATILE SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS PO BOX 147 FAIRBORN, OH 45324 Telephone: (513) 878-0315 Description Type = Short Description TimeCapture 3.11 Many new features include bulletin board, overtime calculation, unlimited in/out times, ability to "bridge" the midnight hour, employees can be grouped by department, enhanced printing capabilities, a screen that tells you - at a glance - who's "in" or "out", times in and out can be rounded so employees don't have to punch in exactly on time, and you can add vacation, holiday, and sick time. Description Type = Long Description TimeCapture 3.11 Many new features have been added to this version. They include: a bulletin board for communication between manager and employee, the ability to calculate overtime by day or week, unlimited in/out times per day, and the ability to "bridge" the midnight hour, Employees can now be grouped by department, and printing capabilities have been enhanced with many new options. There is a screen that tells you - at a glance - who's "in" or "out". Times in and out can be rounded to the nearest quarter or half hour so that employees don't have to punch in and out exactly on time. Even with this feature turned on, you can still capture actual times with a different key. You can now add vacation, holiday, and sick time, or any type of time you choose. Employees can view and print their own times, but only if you turn that feature on. If you don't turn it on, they don't see it as an option. All menu choices can now be selected by pressing the first letter of the menu option. This version also includes a printed manual. As in earlier versions, the program checks to make sure employees clock in and out. If they miss a time, they will be notified. At your discretion, you can allow them to enter the "forgotten" time themselves, or have the program advise them to notify the appropriate person. Description Type = Keywords TIMECAPTURE TIME CLOCK EMPLOYEE HOURS PAYROLL ASP Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S. dollars Minimum registration price..................59.00 Maximum registration price..................159.00 Shipping: within same country...............1.00 North America.....................1.00 South America.....................3.00 Europe............................3.00 Asia..............................3.00 Africa............................3.00 Pacific...........................3.00 Description Type = Installation Details Make sure the TimeCapture files are installed in a directory of their own. See the READ_ME.1ST file for instructions on setting up the program to run for the first time. Description Type = Permissions The attached VENDINFO data record is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Payroll_ Windows Paroll Wrtng 1.96 Medlin Windows Payroll Writing Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: JERRY MEDLIN MEDLIN ACCOUNTING SHAREWARE 1461 SPROUL AVE. NAPA, CA 94559 Telephone: 707-255-4475 Fax: 707-255-9266 Description Type = Short Description MWPR - Medlin Windows Payroll Writing From MEDLIN ACCOUNTING SHAREWARE. Ziff-Davis 5 Star rated. Complete easy to use payroll writing program. Built-in State & Federal tables. Up to 4 user set deductions. Up to 3 other income fields. Print reports for any period. Multi-State payrolls. $38 Description Type = Long Description ACCOUNTING SHAREWARE. Easy to use payroll writing program. Built- in State & Federal tables. Handles multi-State payrolls. Up to 4 deduction fields allow for tips, 401k, medical deductions, disability insurance, local taxes, etc. Up to 3 other income fields. Allows for unlimited companies by using separate sub- directories OR disks. Tax tables updated each year. Paychecks can be corrected and reports printed for any period. Reports include: 941 calculations, Payroll Ledger, Check Listing, Employee History Report, Employee Listing (for use as input sheet), Federal Liability By Paydate, Quarterly Listing. Up to 9 separate departments. Context sensitive help file. Registered users receive multi-state W-2 printing program and data conversion utility for converting from DOS PC-PR to MWPR. From the winner of the FIRST Shareware Industry Award for BEST BUSINESS AND FINANCE APPLICATION. $38 Description Type = Keywords Payroll Employee Check Medlin Accounting PC-PR PC-GL Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......US Minimum registration price..................38.00 Maximum registration price..................38.00 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................0.00 South America.....................0.00 Europe............................0.00 Asia..............................0.00 Africa............................0.00 Pacific...........................0.00 Description Type = Installation Details The installation procedure for MWPR - MEDLIN WINDOWS PAYROLL is quite simple. The disk package includes a program, "SETUP.EXE", which automates the entire process. MWPR requires less than 1/4 megabyte of disk space. The program requires no changes to any existing files on your hard disk. The file VBRUN300.DLL must be in your Windows\System directory for MWPR to run. It is not included in this .ZIP file to shorten your download time. If you do not have a copy of VBRUN300.DLL, it should be available from the same source you downloaded MWPR. VBRUN300.DLL is a "library" file that is shared by most windows programs. You only need one copy, no matter how many of your programs use it. INSTALLING FROM DISKETTES To install from diskette, you need to perform the following steps. o Place MWPR distribution diskette in the appropriate diskette drive. Start Windows. o Execute the "SETUP.EXE" program on the distribution diskette, either by choosing File/Run from the Program Manager or by double clicking on SETUP.EXE from the File Manager. o Follow the instructions presented by the installation program. The program will ask you for a destination directory, and will copy the MWPR files to that directory. If you so direct it, the installation program will install executable programs and documentation in other directories of your choice. It will not modify your autoexec.bat or config.sys files or any Windows files. INSTALLING FROM A ZIP FILE If you downloaded MWPR from a BBS (or received it in the form of zipped files from some other source), perform the following steps. o Use the File Manager or drop to DOS to create a directory on your hard drive. You may use any allowable directory name, but we recommend MWACCT to be consistent with the setup program supplied with the diskette version. Change directory into the new directory. o Run the unzip program by typing PKUNZIP MWPR196 from the DOS prompt or from the File/Run section of Program Manager. o You may run the program directly from File Manager or create a program group and a program item using File/New in Program Manager. You must have a copy of VBRUN300.DLL in your Windows System directory for the MWPR program to run. Chances are you already do. If not, you may download VBRUN300.DLL from any BBS. YOU'RE READY TO GO Once you've complete the installation, you should consult the help file ("MWPR.HLP"). You may read the MWPR.HLP by double clicking it from the File Manager or by pressing F1 from inside MWPR or by choosing HELP from the MWPR menu bar. The help file allows you to read the entire file sequentually by clicking the >> symbol. Description Type = Permissions To distribute MWPR - Medlin Windows Payroll Writing, you must consult the attached data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute the MWPR - Medlin Windows Payroll Writing package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is Jerry Medlin, Medlin Accounting Shareware, 1461 Sproul Ave. Napa CA. 94559. Jerry Medlin and/or Medlin Accounting Shareware may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Jerry Medlin, Medlin Accounting Shareware. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Payroll_ ZPAY 3 4.00 Payroll for DOS Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: PAUL MAYER ZPAY PAYROLL SYSTEMS, INC. 2526 69TH AVE SO ST. PETERSBURG, FL 33712-5631 Telephone: (813) 866-8233 Fax: (813) 866-8034 Description Type = Short Description ZPAY 3 v4.0 Payroll for DOS Pay by any pay period; hourly, salaried, commissioned, non-employee workers; prints Checks, W2s, 1099-MISC forms and reports galore! Built-in data backup and restore with file compression. You can pay an employee in as little as three keystrokes! Password protection. From the creators of the popular PayWindow Payroll System for Windows. Description Type = Long Description ZPAY 3 v4.0 Payroll for DOS Pay by any pay period; hourly, salaried, commissioned, non-employee workers; prints Checks, W2s, 1099-MISC forms and reports galore! Built-in data backup and restore with file compression. You can pay an employee in as little as three keystrokes! Password protection. From the creators of the popular PayWindow Payroll System for Windows! Great for accountants that do after the fact payrolls. Can handle as many companies as your hard drive can hold. Can hold up to 1 million records per file! Easy to use on-screen pick list for finding employees. User can change the tax tables! We also have an annual upgrade where registered users get the latest versionalong with new tax tables for only $25! You must try this one out to see how easy it is. Absolutely no accounting experience required to perform a payroll with this package. Sample data and built-in "test drive" takes beginners through a payroll step by step. You'll be up and running in the first session with ZPAY 3! Description Type = Keywords PAYROLL,ZPAY,BUSINESS,ACCOUNTING Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......United States Minimum registration price..................69.95 Maximum registration price..................69.95 Shipping: within same country...............5.00 North America.....................10.00 South America.....................15.00 Europe............................15.00 Asia..............................15.00 Africa............................15.00 Pacific...........................15.00 Description Type = Installation Details The installation procedure for ZPAY 3 is quite simple. The package includes a program, "INSTALL.EXE", which automates the entire process. You will need about 2MB of available disk space on the hard drive on which you plan to install ZPAY 3. The exact steps you need to take will depend on how you received ZPAY 3. INSTALLING FROM DISKETTES To install from diskette(s), you need to perform the following steps. o Place ZPAY 3's distribution diskette "Disk 1" in the appropriate diskette drive. o Execute the "INSTALL.EXE" program on the distribution diskette. For example, if the distribution diskette is on drive A:, type the MS-DOS command, "a:install". o Follow the instructions presented by the installation program. You will have a chance to approve installation before any changes are actually made to the contents of your hard drive. The program will ask you for a destination directory, and will copy the ZPAY 3 files to that directory. If you received ZPAY 3 on two diskettes, you will need to insert Disk 2 in the diskette drive when asked to do so. If you so direct it, the installation program will install executable programs and documentation in other directories of your choice. It will make no other changes; specifically, it will not modify your autoexec.bat or config.sys files. INSTALLING FROM A HARD DRIVE If you downloaded ZPAY 3 from a BBS (or received it in the form of archive files from some other source), you will need to perform the following steps. o Extract the contents of the archive file(s) in a temporary directory on your hard drive. The procedure for doing this varies, depending on the form in which you received the package. In all likelihood, the fact that you are reading this text means that you already have the necessary tools and knowledge to perform this step. If not, you should be able to obtain directions for this from the same source from which you received the package. o Execute the "INSTALL.EXE" program which you have extracted. For example, if the temporary directory into which you have extracted the ZPAY 3 package is C:\TEMPDIR, you would execute the MS-DOS command, "c:\tempdir\install". o Follow the instructions presented by the installation program. You will have a chance to approve installation before any changes are actually made to the contents of your hard drive. The program will ask you for a destination directory, and will copy the ZPAY 3 files to that directory. If you so direct it, the installation program will install executable programs and documentation in other directories of your choice. It will make no other changes; specifically, it will not modify your autoexec.bat or config.sys files. When you're satisfied that the installation was successful, you should delete the temporary directory FROM which you installed ZPAY 3 (C:\TEMPDIR, in the above discussion), including all its contents. YOU'RE READY TO GO Once you've complete the installation, you should consult the documents (filename extension "doc") which have been installed. In particular, read at least the "Overview" and "Test Drive" sections of the file "ZPAY3.DOC". That document will tell you how to invoke the program, and will give you other information you need to properly evaluate ZPAY 3. We hope you enjoy the program. Description Type = Permissions The following may distribute ZPAY 3, completely unaltered, without further permission...; for other cases or to distribute in modified form, you must consult the attached data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute the ZPAY 3 package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is . ZPAY Payroll Systems, Inc. may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to ZPAY Payroll Systems, Inc.. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION MktSales .The Disk Vendor 2.23 The Disk Vendor sales catalog system. Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: PHILIP KAPUSTA 406 Monroe Avenue FALMOUTH, VA 22405 Telephone: (540) 371-5746 Description Type = Short Description The Disk Vendor sales catalog system. For businesses who need an interactive on-line disk based catalog for their customers. Complete instructions and compiler is included to show you how to make your own catalog that can be distributed royalty-free to customers. Produces very professional looking results very simply and quickly. Great marketing tool! (General business version). Description Type = Long Description The Disk Vendor - Creates on-disk catalogs. For businesses who would like an alternative to a printed product catalog. The Disk Vendor is a compiler PLUS run-time module that allows you to easily create professional looking menu driven catalogs for your customers. Sell "anchors" to "zippers". Handles credit cards, large volume discounts, shipping and handling, printed order forms, custom opening and closing screens. Complete instructions and sample catalog included. Great marketing tool! (General business version). Description Type = Keywords MARKETING, SALES, CATALOG, BUSINESS, PUBLISHING, TEXT, ASCII, BOOK, AUTHORING Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S.A. $ Minimum registration price..................60.00 Maximum registration price..................60.00 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................2.50 South America.....................3.50 Europe............................3.50 Asia..............................3.50 Africa............................3.50 Pacific...........................3.50 Description Type = Installation Details Before you compile your very own electronic catalog we recommend that you try one that has already been set up for you. Run the compiler first by typing: COMPILE then press [ENTER] ...and step through the prompts. After the compilation is complete, then browse through the resulting catalog by typing: CATALOG then press [ENTER] If you like what you see, and would like to create similar electronic catalogs, print the instructions to the program by typing: COPY COMPILE.DOC PRN then press [ENTER] CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION MktSales 125% 95 Service-Providers Marketing Software Filter: DOS=No WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: PETER J. DEWIT DEWIT BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 3670 SYCAMORE LANE NORTH PLYMOUTH, MN 55441 Telephone: 612-559-0820 Fax: 612-559-0820 Description Type = Short Description 125% Service-Providers Marketing Software for Windows V95 helps you increase revenue. 125% provides you an early identification of customers due for an appointment or product and helps you book appointments on time. UnZip each Disk file to Diskette. Run A:\Setup to install. Logon as User2. Documentation in Help file. 125.Txt has additional information. Description Type = Long Description 125% Service-Providers Marketing Software for Windows V95 helps you increase revenue. 125% provides you an early identification of customers due for an appointment or product and helps you book appointments on time. UnZip each Disk file to Diskette. Run A:\Setup to install. Logon as User2. Documentation in Help file. 125.Txt has additional information. What can 125% do for you? * collects information on your clients and their purchases * keeps your appointment book current * creates a call list of clients that are due for an appointment or productpurchase * prints post cards of clients that are due for a purchase with your marketing messages * prints birthday cards for your clients with your marketing messages * tracks marketing promotion results * tracks one time customers so that you can follow up and make them repeat customers * informs you which hours of the day and days of the week need marketing promotions * informs you when inventory is below desired levels so you don't run out of product * calculates and reports staff sales commissions based on your commission schedule What could this mean for your business? * happier customers with prompt service and increased revenue for you * increased staff productivity by increasing revenue producing activities by reducing staff idle time and administrative activities * increased profits by better inventory management and improved productivity Try this product out and let me know what you think. Description Type = Keywords 125 Marketing Clients Customers Windows Business SOHO Database Profit Revenue 95 Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......USA Minimum registration price..................29.95 Maximum registration price..................30000.00 Shipping: within same country...............9.95 North America.....................19.95 South America.....................19.95 Europe............................19.95 Asia..............................19.95 Africa............................19.95 Pacific...........................19.95 Description Type = Installation Details To install 125% Service-Providers Marketing Software: UnZip each of the 4 ZIP files 125v95a, 125v95b, 125v95c, and 125v95d and copy to 4 diskettes. Label each. 125v95a is Disk 1, 125v95b is Disk 2 etc. Insert Disk 1 into drive A. In the Windows Program Manager, choose Run from the File menu Type a:setup and press enter. Follow the directions on the screen. Double click the 125% ICON and Logon as User2. Description Type = Permissions You may distribute 125%, completely unaltered, without further permission. For other cases or to distribute in modified form, you must consult the attached data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute the 125% package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). DeWit Business Solutions may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to DeWit Business Solutions. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION MktSales ADMAN! 1.10 The Ultimate in Computer Advertising Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MACGREGOR K. PHILLIPS TAN$TAAFL(TM) SOFTWARE COMPANY STO. NINO PALAUIG ZAMBALES, 2211 PHILIPPINES Description Type = Short Description ADMAN v1.10 The Ultimate in Personal Computer Advertising. Turn your computer into your own personal advertising agency. Create and play your own ads in text mode. Create colorful scrolling or panning ads with ADMAN Editor and play them with ADMAN. Extemely versatile, easy and fun to use. Each ad will run from 1 to 2 min. Requires an 80386 or above and a COLOR VGA system. Description Type = Long Description ADMAN v1.10 The Ultimate in Personal Computer Advertising Turn your computer into your own personal advertising agency. Create and play your own ads in text mode. Create colorful scrolling or panning ads with ADMAN Editor and play them with ADMAN. Extemely versatile, easy and fun to use. Each ad will run from 1 to 2 minutes. Take snapshots of almost any text mode screen in full color to import into an Ad with SNAPSHOT.EXE. Define 8 custom colors for use with an Ad from any of the 262,144 colors available on a VGA adapter. Four separate Undo Procedures with up to 100 levels of undos for editing, color modification, 50 import undo levels, and 20 palette undo levels. Requires an 80386 or above and a COLOR VGA system. Description Type = Keywords ADVERTISING ADS BUSINESS SALES Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S. Dollars Minimum registration price..................18.00 Maximum registration price..................18.00 Shipping: within same country...............7.00 North America.....................7.00 South America.....................7.00 Europe............................7.00 Asia..............................7.00 Africa............................7.00 Pacific...........................7.00 Description Type = Installation Details If you are installing ADMAN! from the ASP CD-ROM Disk use the installation procedure supplied on the CD-ROM Disk. If you have obtained ADMAN! from a vendor that made their disks from the ASP CD-ROM Disk use the installation procedure supplied on your disk. All others use the following installation program supplied by TAN$TAAFL Software Company. The installation procedure for ADMAN! is very simple. You will need at least 1,040K of free disk space to store the programs, Ads, and documentation files. Use the INSTALL.BAT file to install the files on any disk drive. The INSTALL.BAT command line format is: INSTALL [source:] [destination:]. At the DOS prompt type INSTALL A: C: followed by a carriage return if you are installing the files from the A: drive to the C: drive. A directory called "ADMAN" will be created on the destination drive and then the files will be copied into it. Description Type = Permissions The following may distribute ADMAN, completely unaltered, without further permission, individuals to individuals, any BBS, and any ASP approved Vendors, etc. For other cases or to distribute in modified form, you must consult the attached VENDINFO data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute the ADMAN package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is TAN$TAAFL(TM) Software Company; Sto. Nino; Palauig, Zambales 2211; Philippines. TAN$TAAFL(TM) Software Company may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to TAN$TAAFL(TM) Software Company. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION MktSales Electronic Text Pub 4.10 Electronic Text Publishing System Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: PHILIP KAPUSTA 406 Monroe Avenue FALMOUTH, VA 22405 Telephone: (540) 371-5746 Description Type = Short Description The Electronic Text Publishing System is used to make "electronic" books or magazines, such as tutorials, training manuals, or even works of literature. Allows you to create professional looking menu-driven .EXE programs from ASCII *.TXT files with minimal effort. Eye-catching screen effects can be added to dazzle your readers. Sample electronic document included. Description Type = Long Description The Electronic Text Publishing System is used to make "electronic" books or magazines, such as tutorials, training manuals, or even works of literature. The E-Text system allows you to create professional looking programs with minimal effort. E-Text uses text files that you create and compiles them into a menu driven "electronic" book, complete with a table of contents. If you know how to use a word processor, then you have all the skills necessary to publish your own "electronic" books on a disk. Sample electronic book included. Description Type = Keywords MARKETING, PUBLISHING, TEXT, ASCII, BOOK, AUTHORING, TUTORIALS, WRITING, VIEWER Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S.A. $ Minimum registration price..................29.00 Maximum registration price..................39.00 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................2.50 South America.....................3.50 Europe............................3.50 Asia..............................3.50 Africa............................3.50 Pacific...........................3.50 Description Type = Installation Details Before you compile your very own electronic book we recommend that you browse through one that has already been created. You should find a file AESOP.DAT on your disk, which contains a short collection of Aesop's Fables. To view this electronic book from the DOS prompt enter the following: READ AESOP then press [ENTER] Browse through this electronic book and get a feel for what E-Text can do. If you like what you see, and would like to create similar e-text documents, print the instructions to the program by typing: COPY COMPILE.DOC PRN then press [ENTER] ...then proceed with your first compilation by typing: COMPILE then press [ENTER]. Make sure that IF the program is being run from a floppy diskette that the user change default drives (e.g., type "A:" if program is on drive A:). The program must be started from the same directory/drive where the program is located (e.g.,if the program is on B:, you must be at a B:> prompt to run the program). It is strongly recommended, however, that you run this program from you hard disk drive and not from a floppy disk. Description Type = Permissions The attached VENDINFO data record is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION MktSales Increase Revenue 1.0 Increase Revenue: Advertising Access Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: SEAN DHUYVETTER DUBLIN, OH 43017 Description Type = Short Description Increase Revenue: Gain Advertising Access This program will supply the top 100 advertising publications based on circulation volume. This file includes names, address, phone number, fax numbers, cost to advertise and contact names. Description Type = Long Description Increase Revenue: Gain Advertising Access This program will supply the top 100 advertising publications based on circulation volume. This file includes names, address, phone number, fax numbers, cost to advertise and contact names. This file also includes the actual circulation rates for each publication and the costs to advertise based on individual days. Description Type = Keywords Advertising Contacts Increase Revenue Top 100 Description Type = Registration Details See register.txt for registration information Description Type = Installation Details Unzip the file ( to your hard drive. Read the file-id.diz first, view the example .exe and then look at the registration form if interested in purchasing. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION MktSales Increase Revenue 2.0 Increase Revenue: Advertising Access Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: SEAN DHUYVETTER DUBLIN, OH 43017 Description Type = Short Description Increase Revenue: Gain Advertising Access This program contains important information about the top 100 advertising publications. Based on circulation volume. It contains names, addresses, phone and fax numbers, contact names and costs to advertise. Description Type = Long Description Increase Revenue: Gain Advertising Access This program contains important information about the top 100 advertising publications. Based on circulation volume. It contains names, addresses, phone and fax numbers, contact names and costs to advertise. As a bonus, I will include this file in an Excel format for easy sorts, etc. and a preformatted list of labels for each institution. Description Type = Keywords Increase Revenue Advertising Exposure Contact Names Description Type = Installation Details Unzip file ( to your hard drive. Read the file description, view the example .exe file and then read the registering information if you decide to purchase. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION MktSales Survey for Windows 2.0 Opinion Survey Creator and Analyzer Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: WALTER MACADAM CONSULTING ENGINEER 9 PINEWOOD VILLAGE WEST LEBANON, NH 03784-3120 Telephone: 603-643-2278 Description Type = Short Description Creates opinion surveys and analyzes the replies. Release 2.0 for Windows. Computes scores and percentages for single-choice, multiple-choice, and rank order questions. Supports demographic group separations and cross-tabulation of replies from different groups. Up to 100 questions and 40 choices per question. Prints detailed scores and percentages. Simple editor creates and prints the questionnaire to printer or disk. Description Type = Long Description This is the Windows version of SURVEY, the opinion survey creation, analysis, and report generation program. It simplifies creation of surveys containing single-choice, multiple-choice and rank-order questions, each with as many as 40 choices per question. After entry of text and the characterics of each question, the program can print the questionnaire to the printer, or to the disk for editing with a word processor if desired. The program accommodates up to nine demographic groups, each analyzed separately in addition to the total for all respondents. For example, a demographic question might include separation either by age groups, gender, or the respondent's locality. When the replies are returned, the data is entered in the order listed in the form. Results can be displayed in this order or in descending order of the respondents' preference. A useful feature permits printing of a cross-tabulation comparing the answers generated by different demographic groups. The program prints a detailed report in final distribution form to the printer or disk, tabulating the scores and computed percentages. A short sample demonstration survey is included to permit the user to become familiar with the procedure for viewing, printing and editing. A short tutorial is included, together with a 42-page instruction file that can be viewed or printed. Up to 100 questions can be accommodated. Description Type = Keywords survey opinion questionnaire Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S. Dollars Minimum registration price..................15.00 Maximum registration price..................15.00 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................0.00 South America.....................0.00 Europe............................0.00 Asia..............................0.00 Africa............................0.00 Pacific...........................0.00 Description Type = Permissions SURVEY is an unpublished proprietary work, COPYRIGHT (C), 1988-1996 by Walter K. MacAdam, 9 Pinewood Village, West Lebanon, NH 03784, USA. The user has permission to use SURVEY and distribute it to others, or to electronic bulletin boards, or distributors, provided that: 1.) No fees are charged other than for the service of distribution. 2.) SURVEY files may only be distributed in their original unmodified state. These include WSURVEY.EXE, WMKSRVY.EXE, WRSURVEY.EXE, WSRVYADD.EXE, AND WSURVEY.DOC. The attached VENDINFO data record is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BarZipCd Zip Code Explorer 1.2a U.S. Zip Code Look Up Utility Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MICHAEL JONES INSIGHT SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS,INC P.O. BOX 354 BOUNTIFUL, UT 84011-0354 Telephone: (801) 295-1890 Fax: (801) 299-1781 Description Type = Short Description Zip Code Explorer v1.2a [ASP] is a utility allowing easy look up of U.S. Zip Codes and their associated cities, states, counties, area codes, time zones and current time. Search by Zip, City, County, State or Area code. Copy entire ranges of zip code data to the clipboard of printer. Use as a DDE Server. Verify the spelling of a city or make sure the zip matches the correct city. Verify current time before making a call. Description Type = Long Description Zip Code Explorer v1.2a [ASP] is a utility allowing easy look up of U.S. Zip Codes and their associated cities, states, counties, area codes, time zones and current time. Use as a DDE Server. Verify spelling of cities, verify correct zip code or verify current time before placing a call. Features: Search by Zip Code, City, State, County or Area Code, Selectable preferences of what data to display, View large groups of Zip Code Data, Copy Data to Clipboard in any format, Send Data to Printer in any format, Optional "Always On Top" with optional "Small Footprint", Supports all popular screen sizes Description Type = Keywords ZIP CODE POSTAL MAIL POST BUSINESS UTILITY AREA CODE WINDOWS Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S. Dollars Minimum registration price..................24.95 Maximum registration price..................24.95 Shipping: within same country...............3.00 North America.....................5.00 South America.....................5.00 Europe............................5.00 Asia..............................5.00 Africa............................5.00 Pacific...........................5.00 Description Type = Installation Details FOR WINDOWS 3.1 --------------- Run "SETUP" off the floppy disk from the Windows File Manager Example: if the disk is in drive A: then do the following: 1. Press Alt-F in the Windows Program Manager 2. Select "Run" 3. Enter "A:\SETUP" 4. Press Enter and following instructions FOR WINDOWS 95 -------------- Run "SETUP" off the floppy disk Example: if the disk is in drive A: then do the following: 1. Click the "Start" Button 2. Select "Run" 3. Enter "A:\SETUP" 4. Press Enter and following instructions Description Type = Permissions The attached VENDINFO data record is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Please consult the attached VENDINFO data record for distribution rights. You must obtain written permission directly from Insight Software Solutions, Inc. if you are unsure of your distribution rights. Permission to distribute the Zip Express package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is Insight Software Solutions, P.O. Box 354, Bountiful, UT 84011. Insight Software Solutions may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Insight Software Solutions. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BarZipCd Zip Code Explorer 95 1.2 U.S. Zip Code Look Up Utility Filter: DOS=No WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MICHAEL JONES INSIGHT SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS,INC P.O. BOX 354 BOUNTIFUL, UT 84011-0354 Telephone: (801) 295-1890 Fax: (801) 299-1781 Description Type = Short Description Zip Code Explorer 95 v1.2 [ASP] is a utility allowing easy look up of U.S. Zip Codes and their associated cities, states, counties, area codes, time zones and current time. Search by Zip, City, County, State or Area code. Copy entire ranges of zip code data to the clipboard of printer. Verify the spelling of a city or make sure the zip matches the correct city. Or verify the current time before making a call. Description Type = Long Description Zip Code Explorer 95 v1.2 [ASP] is a utility allowing easy look up of U.S. Zip Codes and their associated cities, states, counties, area codes, time zones and current time. Verify spelling of cities, verify correct zip code or verify current time before placing a call. Features: Search by Zip Code, City, State, County or Area Code, Selectable preferences of what data to display, View large groups of Zip Code Data, Copy Data to Clipboard in any format, Send Data to Printer in any format, Optional "Always On Top" with optional "Small Footprint", Supports all popular screen sizes Description Type = Keywords ZIP CODE POSTAL MAIL POST BUSINESS UTILITY AREA CODE WINDOWS Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S. Dollars Minimum registration price..................24.95 Maximum registration price..................24.95 Shipping: within same country...............3.00 North America.....................5.00 South America.....................5.00 Europe............................5.00 Asia..............................5.00 Africa............................5.00 Pacific...........................5.00 Description Type = Installation Details FOR WINDOWS 95 -------------- Run "SETUP" off the floppy disk Example: if the disk is in drive A: then do the following: 1. Click the "Start" Button 2. Select "Run" 3. Enter "A:\SETUP" 4. Press Enter and following instructions Description Type = Permissions The attached VENDINFO data record is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Please consult the attached VENDINFO data record for distribution rights. You must obtain written permission directly from Insight Software Solutions, Inc. if you are unsure of your distribution rights. Permission to distribute the Zip Express package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is Insight Software Solutions, P.O. Box 354, Bountiful, UT 84011. Insight Software Solutions may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Insight Software Solutions. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BarZipCd Zip Express 1.2 Windows Zip Code Look Up--Auto Paste Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MICHAEL JONES INSIGHT SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS,INC P.O. BOX 354 BOUNTIFUL, UT 84011-0354 Telephone: (801) 295-1890 Fax: (801) 299-1781 Description Type = Short Description Zip Express v1.2 [ASP] is a utility allowing easy look up of U.S. Zip Codes and their associated cities, states, counties, area codes, time zones and current time. Search by Zip, City, County, State or Area code. Auto paste data in any format into applications or the clipboard via assignable hot keys. Build your own pasting formats. Copy entire ranges of zip code data to the clipboard of printer. MORE! Description Type = Long Description Zip Express v1.2 [ASP] is a utility allowing easy look up of U.S. Zip Codes and their associated cities, states, counties, area codes, time zones and current time. Zip Express' power goes well beyond this by providing the capability to actually read a zip code from your application (or clipboard) and pasting information back directly into your program (or clipboard) in just about any format that you desire. Features: Search by Zip Code, City, State, County or Area Code, Selectable preferences of what data to display, View large groups of Zip Code Data, Copy Data to Clipboard in any format, Send Data to Printer in any format, Built in "Format Calculator" for designing pasting formats, Up to 78 assignable hot keys for auto- pasting, Auto-Paste Data and commands directly into your applications via "hot keys", Make transparent--hide the program in the background, Supports all popular screen sizes Description Type = Keywords ZIP CODE POSTAL MAIL POST BUSINESS UTILITY WINDOWS Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S. Dollars Minimum registration price..................39.95 Maximum registration price..................39.95 Shipping: within same country...............3.00 North America.....................5.00 South America.....................5.00 Europe............................5.00 Asia..............................5.00 Africa............................5.00 Pacific...........................5.00 Description Type = Installation Details FOR WINDOWS 3.1 --------------- Run "SETUP" off the floppy disk from the Windows File Manager Example: if the disk is in drive A: then do the following: 1. Press Alt-F in the Windows Program Manager 2. Select "Run" 3. Enter "A:\SETUP" 4. Press Enter and following instructions FOR WINDOWS 95 -------------- Run "SETUP" off the floppy disk Example: if the disk is in drive A: then do the following: 1. Click the "Start" Button 2. Select "Run" 3. Enter "A:\SETUP" 4. Press Enter and following instructions Description Type = Permissions The attached VENDINFO data record is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Please consult the attached VENDINFO data record for distribution rights. You must obtain written permission directly from Insight Software Solutions, Inc. if you are unsure of your distribution rights. Permission to distribute the Zip Express package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is Insight Software Solutions, P.O. Box 354, Bountiful, UT 84011. Insight Software Solutions may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Insight Software Solutions. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BarZipCd Zip Express 95 1.2a Windows Zip Code Look Up--Auto Paste Filter: DOS=No WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MICHAEL JONES INSIGHT SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS,INC P.O. BOX 354 BOUNTIFUL, UT 84011-0354 Telephone: (801) 295-1890 Fax: (801) 299-1781 Description Type = Short Description Zip Express 95 v1.2a [ASP] is a utility allowing easy look up of U.S. Zip Codes and their associated cities, states, counties, area codes, time zones and current time. Search by Zip, City, County, State or Area code. Auto paste data in any format into applications or the clipboard via assignable hot keys. Build your own pasting formats. Copy entire ranges of zip code data to the clipboard of printer. MORE! Description Type = Long Description Zip Express 95 v1.2a [ASP] is a utility allowing easy look up of U.S. Zip Codes and their associated cities, states, counties, area codes, time zones and current time. Zip Express' power goes well beyond this by providing the capability to actually read a zip code from your application (or clipboard) and pasting information back directly into your program (or clipboard) in just about any format that you desire. Features: Search by Zip Code, City, State, County or Area Code, Selectable preferences of what data to display, View large groups of Zip Code Data, Copy Data to Clipboard in any format, Send Data to Printer in any format, Built in "Format Calculator" for designing pasting formats, Up to 78 assignable hot keys for auto- pasting, Auto-Paste Data and commands directly into your applications via "hot keys", Make transparent--hide the program in the background, Supports all popular screen sizes Description Type = Keywords ZIP CODE POSTAL MAIL POST BUSINESS UTILITY WIN95 Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S. Dollars Minimum registration price..................39.95 Maximum registration price..................39.95 Shipping: within same country...............3.00 North America.....................5.00 South America.....................5.00 Europe............................5.00 Asia..............................5.00 Africa............................5.00 Pacific...........................5.00 Description Type = Installation Details For Windows 95 -------------- Run "SETUP" off the floppy disk Example: if the disk is in drive A: then do the following: 1. Click the "Start" Button 2. Select "Run" 3. Enter "A:\SETUP" 4. Press Enter and following instructions Description Type = Permissions The attached VENDINFO data record is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Please consult the attached VENDINFO data record for distribution rights. You must obtain written permission directly from Insight Software Solutions, Inc. if you are unsure of your distribution rights. Permission to distribute the Zip Express package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is Insight Software Solutions, P.O. Box 354, Bountiful, UT 84011. Insight Software Solutions may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Insight Software Solutions. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION PIMSList Address Database 3.2 Windows Name/Address/Label Manager Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: STEVE MILLER PRAGMATIC SOFTWARE 6728 BELLEHAVEN DR. PLANO, TX 75023 Telephone: 800-699-6395 Fax: 803-699-5465 Description Type = Short Description Windows name/address/phone/label manager. Prints phone lists, address books, holidays lists, mailing and file-folder labels on any type paper. Store unlimited notes for each name. Allows searching and displaying of names that meet specific selection criteria. Contains 2 fields that you can customize to track anything you like. For example, you can name one field "Spouse Name" and the other "Hobbies". One-touch dialing. Description Type = Long Description Windows name/address/phone/label manager. An easy way to keep track of all your personal and business contacts. Address Database for Windows not only stores basic information like names and addresses, but also has room for unlimited notes such as birthday, anniversary, spouse's or childrens' names, etc. It prints a variety of handy rosters, including a phone list, address book, compressed address book, address book with notes and holiday list. Reports can be printed on standard, Day Timer, Day Runner or any other sized paper. In addition, it prints mailing and file-folder labels (supports any type of labels). It has an automatic phone dialer and allows you to import or export information from other programs in comma-delimited format - no need to re-type! Additionally, it has 2 fields that you can personalize. Description Type = Keywords Business Phone Address Label Folder Win Mail PIM Dial Pragmatic To Do Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......dollars Minimum registration price..................34.99 Maximum registration price..................34.99 Shipping: within same country...............5.00 North America.....................5.00 South America.....................10.00 Europe............................10.00 Asia..............................10.00 Africa............................10.00 Pacific...........................10.00 Description Type = Installation Details INSTALLING ADDRESS DATABASE --------------------------- 1. Insert the Address Database diskette into your A or B drive. 2. Go to a Dos Prompt and enter dir a:\*.* or b:\*.*, depending on which drive the diskette is in. 3. If the only file you see is ADDRDB32.ZIP, you must first uncompress this file. Otherwise, go to step 5. 4. To uncompress, enter at the DOS Prompt, a:\pkunzip ADDRDB32.ZIP (or b:\pkunzip ADDRDB32.ZIP) 5. Now go into Windows. 6. Access Window's Program Manager, and click on File/Run. 7. Enter a:\setup.exe (or b:\setup.exe) 8. Follow the on-screen directions to install Address Database. ------------------------------------------------------ Note: If you experience any problems trying to install or run Address Database, call Steve Miller at Pragmatic Software Company 972-517-2540. All problems will be promptly fixed. You can reach me by email: ------------------------------------------------------ CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION PIMSList Address Database Pro 4.1 Windows Name/Address/Label Manager/PIM Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: STEVE MILLER PRAGMATIC SOFTWARE 6728 BELLEHAVEN DR. PLANO, TX 75023 Telephone: 800-699-6395 Fax: 803-699-5465 Description Type = Short Description Windows name/address/phone/label/PIM. Prints phone lists, address books, envelopes, mailing and file-folder labels on any type paper. Store unlimited notes. Print preview. Allows searching and displaying of names that meet specific selection criteria. Contains 10 fields per file that you can customize to track anything you like. Create and memorize your own reports. Handles large databases (over 40,000 names). Description Type = Long Description Windows name/address/phone/label/PIM. An easy way to keep track of all your personal and business contacts. Address Database Professional for Windows not only stores basic information like names and addresses, but also has room for unlimited notes such as birthday, anniversary, spouse's or childrens' names, etc. It prints a variety of handy rosters, including a phone list, address book, compressed address book, address book with notes and envelopes. You may also create and memorize your own reports. You select the fields, the size, up to 3 levels of sorting and whether to provide report subtotals/totals. Reports can be previewed and any sized paper including Day Timer, Day Runner or any other sized paper. In addition, it prints mailing and file- folder labels (supports any type of labels). It has an automatic phone dialer and allows you to import or export information from other programs in comma-delimited format - no need to re-type! It has 10 fields per file that you can personalize. For example, you can track email addreses, spouse's name, anniversary or anything else by naming these user-defined fields. Supports stand-alone or network access. Can use multiple databases to allow read-only and read-write access to the different databases. For those upgrading from Address Database to the Professional Edition, it automatically converts the Address Database standard files to Address Database Professional with a click of a button. Description Type = Keywords Phone Address Label Folder Win 95 Mail PIM Dial Pragmatic To Do Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......dollars Minimum registration price..................54.99 Maximum registration price..................54.99 Shipping: within same country...............5.00 North America.....................5.00 South America.....................10.00 Europe............................10.00 Asia..............................10.00 Africa............................10.00 Pacific...........................10.00 Description Type = Installation Details INSTALLING ADDRESS DATABASE PROFESSIONAL ---------------------------------------- Windows 3.x: 1. Insert the Address Database Pro diskette into your A or B drive. 2. Go to a Dos Prompt and enter dir a:\*.* or b:\*.*, depending on which drive the diskette is in. 3. If the only file you see is ADBPRO41.ZIP, you must first uncompress this file. Otherwise, go to step 5. 4. To uncompress ADBPRO41.ZIP, enter at the DOS Prompt, a:\pkunzip ADBPRO41.ZIP (or b:\pkunzip ADBPRO41.ZIP) 5. Now go into Windows. 6. Access Window's Program Manager, and click on File/Run. 7. Enter a:\setup.exe (or b:\setup.exe) 8. Follow the on-screen directions to install Address Database Professional. Windows 95: Windows 95: 1. Insert the Address Database Pro diskette into your A or B drive. 2. Click Start, Settings, Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs. 3. Click the Install button. It will guide you from there. ------------------------------------------------------ Note: If you experience any problems trying to install or run Address Database Pro, call Steve Miller at Pragmatic Software Company 972-517-2540. All problems will be promptly fixed. You can reach me by email: ------------------------------------------------------ CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION PIMSList CHRONILIST scheduler 1.5b Scheduler that does it all for one & a Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=Yes OTH=No Author Information: RICHARD KELLY INTEGRA COMPUTING 910 COBB PLACE MANOR DRIVE MARIETTA, GA 30066 Telephone: 770-426-5735 Description Type = Short Description Among the most powerful schedulers available. Whether used on a LAN or a single PC, it will handle not only your busy schedule, but those for up to 50 other people as well. It will prepare numerous calendars and other reports that display one person's events or those for several (or all)l people simultan- eously. Recurring events, multi-day events, date calculation, etc., are a snap. Much, much more. A "Must-Try". Description Type = Long Description CHRONILIST is among the most complete schedulers available. It will handle not only your busy itinerary, but that of everyone in your office (or family). It will prepare calendars and other reports that display one person's upcoming events or those for several people simultaneously. Data can be filtered when a report is generated, so that only events for a particular project, or only those events containing a particular word, will be displayed. The program's main strength is the completeness of its scheduling capacity. Few programs even approach it in this regard, much less match it. And, considering all it can do, the program is surprisingly easy to use. Its reports, while not as infinitely customizable as those provided by those output-oriented calendar producers with limited scheduling capability, are attractive, functional, and simple to set up. This program will optionally drag events forward from day to day until you tell the program to tag them for deletion. Chronilist even allows you to link related events, so that a change to one will result in the automatic modification of others. Finding free time, establishing recurring events, viewing religious dates (Christian, Jewish, and Muslim), and tracking julian dates are a snap for this program. And, as a bonus, the program includes a Log module that tracks services performed, money spent, and money received. It will even produce an Income-Expense report for any period of time you desire. And please note that entries into the Chronilist Log can be used directly by BillPower (timekeeping, billing and bookkeeping software available from Integra Computing). Description Type = Keywords Calendar, Scheduler, Schedule, PIM, Business, Office, LAN, Network, Law, Legal, Docket, Management, Windows, Windows 95, Win95, Windows NT, Religion, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Integra, Shareware Description Type = Registration Details $60 Description Type = Installation Details Extract program files from KRNLSTxx.ZIP and run SETUP routine. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION PIMSList Contact Book Plus 2.0 Keeps track of all kinds of contacts. Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=Yes OTH=Yes Author Information: ANDRZEJ BRZEZINSKI PRIMASOFT, INC. P.O. BOX 456 SURREY, BC V3T 5B7 CANADA Telephone: (604) 951-1085 Description Type = Short Description CONTACT BOOK PLUS for Windows 3.1.Includes two programs: Contact Book and Note Book. Can be used at home or for business. Keeps track of all kinds of contacts (personal, business). Unlimited number of entries, automatically sorted. Searching, modem dialing, printing records, letters, envelopes, notes, and much more. A similar format to a regular book makes programs very easy to use and intuitive. Description Type = Long Description CONTACT BOOK PLUS for Windows(MS Windows 3.1) (excellent for Laptops). Includes two programs: Contact Book and Note Book. Can be used at home or for business. Keeps track of all kinds of contacts (personal, business). Unlimited number of entries, automatically sorted. Searching, modem dialing, printing records, letters, envelopes, notes, and much more. A similar format to a regular book makes programs very easy to use and intuitive. Description Type = Keywords ADDRESS,CONTACT,BOOK,PHONE,SHAREWARE,WINDOWS,HOME BUSINESS,UTILITY,PIM,PRIMASOFT Description Type = Registration Details $22 USA Description Type = Installation Details UnZIP compress file to DISK. The INSTALL program will automatically handle installation to hard drive. To start the installation, place the diskette in drive A: (or B:), start Windows, select File/Run menu function in Windows Program Manager, and type: A:INSTALL or (B:INSTALL). Follow the instructions of the installation program. Description Type = Vendor Instructions For 360k,720k,1440k disks, unZIP compress file to DISK. The INSTALL program will automatically handle installation to hard drive. To start the installation, place the diskette in drive A: (or B:), start Windows, select File/Run menu function in Windows Program Manager, and type: A:INSTALL or (B:INSTALL). Follow the instructions of the installation program. Description Type = Permissions Any vendor, BBS, rack vendor, CD-ROM producer, sattelite distributor may carry this system without obtaining further permission from PrimaSoft, ONLY IF your catalogs, screens, advertizing, brochures, etc. make it clear that this is shareware that requires a registration fee to the author if used beyond the evaluation stage. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION PIMSList Contact Manager 1.5b Contact/Client Management & Scheduling Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=Yes OTH=No Author Information: RICHARD KELLY INTEGRA COMPUTING 910 COBB PLACE MANOR DRIVE MARIETTA, GA 30066 Telephone: 770-426-5735 Description Type = Short Description CLIENT TRACKS contact manager & scheduler. Combines client & notekeeping databases with "the ultimate" scheduler. The result is a client tracking and calendaring system that few others can match. No program at any price offers more scheduling power than Client Tracks, and none offers a better mix of client-tracking or income- & expense-tracking features. If you are busy and need to track clients and other people, try this program. Description Type = Long Description CLIENT TRACKS integrates client tracking with one of the most complete schedulers available. Thousands of clients, scheduled events, income and expenses may all be handled with this program. In addition to the expected name, address, phone, and contact information, each client record has eight miscellaneous fields that you may title as you wish and a note field that may be up to 32K in length. Because Client Tracks is an integrated system, you can easily zip from one module to another. Assume, for instance, that you're looking at Mr. Smith's record, and you'd like to see everything (not just one or two items) scheduled for him during the coming month. A few keystrokes later, what you need will be displayed on your monitor or sent to your printer. When you're finished looking at the schedule, press a key to re-display Mr. Smith's record. Logged events, such as services, income, and expenses are just as easily accessed. Client Tracks will handle not only your busy itinerary, but that of everyone in your office (or family). It will prepare calendars and other reports that display one person's upcoming events or those for several people simultaneously. Data can be filtered when a report is generated, so that only events for a particular project, or only those events containing a particular word, will be displayed. Few programs even approach Client Tracks in the robustness of its scheduling capacity. And, considering all it can do, the program is surprisingly easy to use. Its reports, while not as infinitely customizable as those provided by those output-oriented calendar producers with limited scheduling capability, are attractive, functional, and simple to set up. This program will optionally drag events forward from day to day until you tell the program to tag them for deletion. Client Tracks even allows you tolink related events, so that a change to one will result in the automatic modification of others. Finding free time, establishing recurring events, viewing religious dates (Christian, Jewish, and Muslim), and tracking julian dates are a snap for this program. And, as a bonus, the program includes a Log module that tracks services performed, money spent, and money received. It will even produce an Income-Expense report for any period of time you desire. On a network or stand-alone computer, you'll find that this program will handle your scheduling needs like nothing else. Give it a thorough work-out. Description Type = Keywords Calendar, Scheduler, Schedule, PIM, Client, Contact, Business, Docket, Management, Sales, Track, Shareware, Integra, Windows, Windows 95, Win95, Windows NT Description Type = Registration Details $90 Description Type = Installation Details Extract program files from CLNTRKxx.ZIP and run SETUP routine. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION PIMSList Contact Manager 1.5b Contact/Client Management & Scheduling Filter: DOS=No WIN=No OS2=No OTH=Yes Author Information: RICHARD KELLY INTEGRA COMPUTING 910 COBB PLACE MANOR DRIVE MARIETTA, GA 30066 Telephone: 770-426-5735 Description Type = Short Description CLIENT TRACKS NT contact manager & scheduler. Combines client & notekeeping databases with "the ultimate" scheduler. The result is a client tracking and calendaring system that few others can match. No program at any price offers more scheduling power than Client Tracks, and none offers a better mix of client-tracking or income- & expense-tracking features. If you are busy and need to track clients and other people, try this program. Description Type = Long Description CLIENT TRACKS NT integrates client tracking with one of the most complete schedulers available. Thousands of clients, scheduled events, income and expenses may all be handled with this program. In addition to the expected name, address, phone, and contact information, each client record has eight miscellaneous fields that you may title as you wish and a note field that may be up to 32K in length. Because Client Tracks is an integrated system, you can easily zip from one module to another. Assume, for instance, that you're looking at Mr. Smith's record, and you'd like to see everything (not just one or two items) scheduled for him during the coming month. A few keystrokes later, what you need will be displayed on your monitor or sent to your printer. When you're finished looking at the schedule, press a key to re-display Mr. Smith's record. Logged events, such as services, income, and expenses are just as easily accessed. Client Tracks will handle not only your busy itinerary, but that of everyone in your office (or family). It will prepare calendars and other reports that display one person's upcoming events or those for several people simultaneously. Data can be filtered when a report is generated, so that only events for a particular project, or only those events containing a particular word, will be displayed. Few programs even approach Client Tracks in the robustness of its scheduling capacity. And, considering all it can do, the program is surprisingly easy to use. Its reports, while not as infinitely customizable as those provided by those output-oriented calendar producers with limited scheduling capability, are attractive, functional, and simple to set up. This program will optionally drag events forward from day to day until you tell the program to tag them for deletion. Client Tracks even allows you tolink related events, so that a change to one will result in the automatic modification of others. Finding free time, establishing recurring events, viewing religious dates (Christian, Jewish, and Muslim), and tracking julian dates are a snap for this program. And, as a bonus, the program includes a Log module that tracks services performed, money spent, and money received. It will even produce an Income-Expense report for any period of time you desire. On a network or stand-alone computer, you'll find that this program will handle your scheduling needs like nothing else. Give it a thorough work-out. Description Type = Keywords Calendar, Scheduler, Schedule, PIM, Client, Contact, Business, Docket, Management, Sales, Track, Shareware, Integra, Windows, Windows 95, Win95, Windows NT Description Type = Registration Details $90 Description Type = Installation Details Extract program files from CLNTNTxx.ZIP and run SETUP routine. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION PIMSList Contact Plus Windows 1.6 Award winning Contact Manager Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: ED TRUJILLO CONTACT PLUS CORPORATION P.O. BOX 372577 SATELLITE BEACH, FL 32937-0577 Telephone: 407-984-2592 Fax: 407-984-8192 Description Type = Short Description Contact Plus Personal for Windows, 1996 Shareware Industry Award Winner, contact management system for Windows. Includes smart autodialer, word processing, email interfaces, user defined fields, multiple databases, categories, quick pick data entry, calendars with drag and drop, recurring events, mail/merge, mailing labels, envelopes, filters, reports, to-do list, event history, perpetual notes. Description Type = Long Description If you've been trying to keep track of your clients using a conventional phone book, rolodex or other simple name and address book program then Contact Plus Personal for Windows is for you. Contact Plus Personal helps you keep your contacts organized into multiple databases. You may have a personal database of your softball team, a database of interested clients for your business, a database of the members of the choir and want to keep all of this information in one standard place. Contact Plus for Windows provides an intuitive easy to use way of keep track of your contacts, letters to each contact, notes, phone calls, meetings, to-dos, etc. You can directly send e-mail to your contacts with full history of the e-mail. Or you can do a mass mailing via e-mail. E-mail requires a MAPI compliant serve such as MicroSoft Exchange. Several sample databases are provided for quick and easy setup. Follow the examples for more information. Description Type = Keywords contact sales dialer business marketing calendar phone pim client Description Type = Registration Details $89.00 Description Type = Installation Details Simply unzip the enclosed file into an empty sub-directory and run the SETUP program. Description Type = Permissions Permission is granted to distribute Contact Plus Personal for Windows as long as the program files and descriptions are not modified. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION PIMSList Human Resource App. 2.1 Stand alone / Network RDBMS Resource P Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MARK RAYMOND PROGWHIZ, INC. P.O. BOX 1068 PORT OF SPAIN, TRINIDAD W.I. Telephone: 1-809-633-5185 Fax: 1-809-632-1671 Description Type = Short Description Human Resource Application A Stand aone / Networkable Front end application, which incorporates Querying ability as in Oracle, but with BUG free validatoin routines and Robust and Fault tolerance never seen before. Lastly the Interface is true point and click with allowance for mouseless stations Description Type = Installation Details Unzip the program into it's own directory and then run the SETUP.EXE file from Windows and VIOLA! that's it. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION PIMSList Infodex 2.14 Infodex Multipurpose Database! Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: CRAIG STEVENSON STEVENSON TECHNICAL SERVICES 108 SECOND AVENUE WEST P.O. BOX 297 BERTHA, MN 56437-0297 Telephone: (218) 924-2050 Fax: (218) 924-2050(X11) Description Type = Short Description Infodex v2.14 Multipurpose Database! Infodex is a versatile database manager used to keep track of names and addresses, equipment, computer software, books, and more! Includes a FREE-FORM layout. Add, delete, or rearrange fields EASILY! Search for text in any field. Import and export to a delimited text file. Quickly browse through a list of records. Easy push button interface w/mouse support! Description Type = Long Description Infodex v2.14 Multipurpose Database! Infodex is a versatile database manager used to keep track of names and addresses, equipment, computer software, books, and more! Includes a FREE-FORM layout. Add, delete, or rearrange fields EASILY! Search for text in any field. Import and export to a delimited text file. Quickly browse through a list of records. Easy push button interface w/mouse support! Description Type = Keywords Infodex Database Name Address Manager Description Type = Registration Details 34.95 (U.S. Dollars) Description Type = Installation Details Type INSTALL at the DOS prompt. Description Type = Vendor Instructions Vendors distributing this program are asked to send their name and address to the author to be placed on a mailing list to receive updates and new programs as they are released. Description Type = Permissions Stevenson Technical Services, Inc. (STSI) grants you a limited license to use this software for evaluation purposes for a period not to exceed two weeks. If you continue using this software after the two-week evaluation period, you MUST make a registration payment to Stevenson Technical Services, Inc. (STSI). You may not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program except as provided in this agreement. Any such unauphorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Stevenson Technical Services, Inc. (STSI). The attached VENDINFO data record is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is Stevenson Technical Services, Inc. (STSI), 108 2nd Avenue West, PO Box 297, Bertha, MN 56437. Stevenson Technical Services, Inc. may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Stevenson Technical Services, Inc. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION PIMSList Item Inventory App. 2.1 Stand alone / Network RDBMS Resource P Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MARK RAYMOND PROGWHIZ, INC. P.O. BOX 1068 PORT OF SPAIN, TRINIDAD W.I. Telephone: 1-809-633-5185 Fax: 1-809-632-1671 Description Type = Short Description Item Inventory Application A Stand aone / Networkable Front end application, which incorporates Querying ability as in Oracle, but with BUG free validation routines and Robust and Fault tolerance never seen before. Lastly the Interface is true point and click with allowance for mouseless stations Description Type = Installation Details Unzip the program into it's own directory and then run the SETUP.EXE file from Windows and VIOLA! that's it. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION PIMSList MT-Tracker 7.3 Contact/client/prjct tracking and sche Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: RICHARD KELLY INTEGRA COMPUTING 910 COBB PLACE MANOR DRIVE MARIETTA, GA 30066 Telephone: 770-426-5735 Description Type = Short Description Contact/client manager based upon TickleX, the scheduler which reviews have called "best buy" ,"the ultimate", "far and away the most powerful", and "the best of the systems that cost under $1000". Including all the features found in TickleX, MT-Trak will also keep a full screen of information about each client or project, accept notes on such things as telephone calls, and tie it all together like no other program. Description Type = Long Description This is the client tracker that is based upon TickleX, the scheduler which reviews have called "best buy" ,"the ultimate", "far and away the most powerful", and "the best of the systems that cost under $1000". Including all the features found in TickleX, MT-Trak will also keep a full screen of information about each client or project, accept notes on such things as telephone calls, and tie it all together like no other program. Network-ready and capable of being optionally used as a TSR, MT-Trak must be tried. Description Type = Keywords Calendar, Scheduler, Schedule, PIM, Client, Contact, Business, Docket, Management, Sales, Track, Shareware, Integra Description Type = Registration Details $90 Description Type = Installation Details Create a MANAGEX directory on your hard disk. Copy the MTRKDOS.ZIP archive file into it. Then unzip the files contained in that archive. Finally, follow the instructions in the just-extracted README.DOC file. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION PIMSList Mail list manager 1.5 Windows professional mailing list syst Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=Yes OTH=No Author Information: KUNO EGGER TRUE NORTH COMPUTER SERVICES P.O. BOX 985 HUNTSVILLE, ON P0A 1K0 CANADA Telephone: 705-789-0928 Fax: 705-789-0928 Description Type = Short Description D-Mail 1.5 Mailing List Manager for Windows Makes mailing lists a breeze including multiple lists, lots of sort options and support for ink jet and laser printers. Export addresses to word processors or import addresses from other sources. D-Mail is easy to use and is loaded with advanced features. Comes pre-loaded with sample data so you can try it without any long setups. Description Type = Long Description D-Mail 1.5 Mailing List Manager for Windows. D-Mail for Windows makes handling mailing lists a breeze. It can create master lists and sub-lists, has lots of sorting options and support for ink jet or laser printers. You can export selected addresses to a word processors for merge printing or import addresses from another source. Above all D-Mail is easy to use but has many advanced features. It comes pre-loaded with sample data so you can try it without any long setups. Description Type = Keywords Mail list contact manager label printer Description Type = Registration Details D-Mail registration costs $39 for the single user version and $95 for the multiuser network version. Send a check or money order, or you register by phone if you have a Visa card . Unlimited telephone support is included in the registration price. Description Type = Installation Details D-Mail has a standard Windows installation program. Simply run SETUP.EXE and follow the prompts. Description Type = Vendor Instructions None Description Type = Permissions D-Mail may be freely distributed by any means available. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION PIMSList Maint.Planning&Mgmt 2.1 Maintenance Planning and Management Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: BORJE KYRKLUND VIA DEI RADIOTELEGRAFISTI 28B3 ROME, 00143 ITALY Description Type = Short Description Maintenance Planning and Management MPM Description Type = Long Description M P M for Windows What MPM is MPM is short for Maintenance Planning and Management. It is a tool for planning and management of the maintenance activities of an industry of any kind that uses equipment to produce its output. It can be applied to industry of any size, although it was essentially designed for medium sized industry. What MPM does The principle of MPM is very simple: First you assign inventory areas to your system, based on the location of the equipment. Then you complete on screen 'cards' for inventory, maintenance and repair data. This will be your database for your maintenance planning and management activities. MPM will then provide a daily listing of what maintenance activites needed to be carried out. It will display, print or file records for the mainten- ance and repair work done, including downtime, for future reference. The package also includes two companion programs, SPARES, for spare parts inventory management, and SUPPLY, for creating and using a database on suppliers of spare parts and equipment. Description Type = Keywords MPM Maintenance Management Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......US$ Minimum registration price..................130.00 Maximum registration price..................130.00 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................0.00 South America.....................0.00 Europe............................0.00 Asia..............................0.00 Africa............................0.00 Pacific...........................0.00 Description Type = Permissions Although the unregistered, shareware version of the program can be copied freely and distributed as long as no charge was made for this, except to cover reasonable costs of distribution, the registered version must not under any circumstances be copied for distribution. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION PIMSList Membership Tracking 3.0 Membership Tracking System Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: FRANK BUCHER BUCHER'S PCSOFTWARE P.O. BOX 162 DOGWOOD STREET #220 KELSO, MO 63758 Telephone: 1-800-699-6395 Description Type = Short Description A full membership tracking system that can be used to track information on membership, committee assignments, awards, offices held, and reservations (banquet rooms, equipment, etc.). Many reports, mailing labels, and post cards can be printed. The program provides automatic billing for membership dues; including automatic reminders. Description Type = Long Description P.O. Box 162 Kelso, MO 63758 Dear Club Officer: Many organizations are now looking to put their membership information on computer. The problem is finding the right program that is simple to use, flexible, and can be changed if needed. If that description fits your situation, I have just the program for you. M-TRAC (Membership Tracking System) is a program that will run on any IBM or IBM compatibl computer. It's purpose is to help your organization keep and maintain information on each member of the organization. M-TRAC consist of five main areas: Membership Committees Awards Offices Held Reservation System (banquet rooms, equipment, etc.) Data stored in each member's file may include: name, address, phone numbers, information on dues, date joined, date transferred, committee assignments, awards received, offices held, and more. M-TRAC can print reports, mailing labels, and post cards (refer to the last page for a complete list of available reports). A key element of M-TRAC is the automatic billing system for membership dues. M-TRAC was designed to be simple to use so it can be passed on to other members of your organization when responsibilities change with little or no training. It was designed as a menu driven system. This means you tell M-TRAC what you want to do by selecting options displayed on menus. For example, you can print any report listed on the last page by selecting the one you want from the appropriate menu. You can add, change, and/ or remove information from a member's record by selecting the appropriate option from a menu. M-TRAC was also designed to be flexible so each club can name its own committees, awards, offices, etc. There is no limit to the number of committees, awards, and offices that you can set up. M-TRAC is used by organizations with memberships that range from 100 to 1200 members (the only limit is your hard disk). Organizations that use M-TRAC include: Knights of Columbus Veterans of Foreign War (VFW) American Legion ELKS Country Clubs Senior Citizens Associations Members of the Foreign Services Many organizations that use M-TRAC find it does every- thing they need it to do. But, occasionally, an organization has special requirements that are unique to them. If necessary M-TRAC can be changed to fulfill those special needs. For more information on this service, please write or call (314) 264- 2537. (Because of space constraints, please see author documentation for full description) Description Type = Registration Details $85.00 (includes shipping and handling) Description Type = Installation Details Installing from 3.5 or 5 1/4 STEP 1: At the C:\> prompt, type MD M-TRAC3 i.e. C:\>MD M-TRAC3 STEP 2: At the C:\> prompt, type CD\M-TRAC3 i.e. C:\>CD\M-TRAC3 STEP 3: Place the M-TRAC diskette in Drive A or B STEP 4: At the C:\M-TRAC3> prompt, type A: (or B: if you are using Drive B) i.e. C:\M-TRAC3>A: STEP 5: At the A:\> prompt, type PKUNZIP M-TRAC3 C: i.e. A:\>PKUNZIP M-TRAK3 C: STEP 6: Wait for all of the files to be copied from Drive A to Drive C STEP 7: After all files are copied to Drive C, remove the M-TRAC3 diskette from Drive A STEP 8: At the A:\> prompt, type C: i.e. A:\>C: STEP 9: You are now ready to begin using M-TRAC CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION PIMSList Pragmatic XL Com 2.0 Canadian Windows Name/Address/Label Ma Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: STEVE MILLER PRAGMATIC SOFTWARE 6728 BELLEHAVEN DR. PLANO, TX 75023 Telephone: 800-699-6395 Fax: 803-699-5465 Description Type = Short Description Canadian Windows name/address/phone/label/PIM Prints phone lists, address books, envelopes, mailing and file-folder labels on any type paper. Store unlimited notes. Print preview. Allows searching and displaying of names that meet specific selection criteria. Contains 10 fields per file that you can customize to track anything you like. Create and memorize your own reports. Handles large databases (over 40,000 names). Description Type = Long Description Canadian Windows name/address/phone/label/PIM. An easy way to keep track of all your personal and business contacts. Pragmatic XL Com for Windows not only stores basic information like names and addresses, but also has room for unlimited notes such as birthday, anniversary, spouse's or childrens' names, etc. It prints a variety of handy rosters, including a phone list, address book, compressed address book, address book with notes and envelopes. You may also create and memorize your own reports. You select the fields, the size, up to 3 levels of sorting and whether to provide report subtotals/totals. Reports can be previewed and any sized paper including Day Timer, Day Runner or any other sized paper. In addition, it prints mailing and file- folder labels (supports any type of labels). It has an automatic phone dialer and allows you to import or export information from other programs in comma-delimited format - no need to re-type! It has 10 fields per file that you can personalize. For example, you can track email addreses, spouse's name, anniversary or anything else by naming these user-defined fields. Supports stand-alone or network access. Can use multiple databases to allow read-only and read-write access to the different databases. For those upgrading from Address Database to Pragmatic XL Com, it automatically converts the Address Database standard files to Pragmatic XL Com with a click of a button. Description Type = Keywords Phone Address Label Folder Win 95 Mail PIM Dial Pragmatic To Do Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......Canadian dollars Minimum registration price..................74.99 Maximum registration price..................74.99 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................0.00 South America.....................0.00 Europe............................0.00 Asia..............................0.00 Africa............................0.00 Pacific...........................0.00 Description Type = Installation Details INSTALLING PRAGMATIC XL COM ---------------------------------------- Windows 3.x: 1. Insert the Pragmatic XL Com diskette into your A or B drive. 2. Go to a Dos Prompt and enter dir a:\*.* or b:\*.*, depending on which drive the diskette is in. 3. If the only file you see is XLCOM20.ZIP, you must first uncompress this file. Otherwise, go to step 5. 4. To uncompress XLCOM20.ZIP, enter at the DOS Prompt, a:\pkunzip XLCOM20.ZIP (or b:\pkunzip XLCOM20.ZIP) 5. Now go into Windows. 6. Access Window's Program Manager, and click on File/Run. 7. Enter a:\setup.exe (or b:\setup.exe) 8. Follow the on-screen directions to install Address Database Professional. Windows 95: 1. Insert the Pragmatic XL Com diskette into your A or B drive. 2. Click Start, Settings, Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs. 3. Click the Install button. It will guide you from there. ------------------------------------------------------ Note: If you experience any problems trying to install or run Address Database Pro, call Steve Miller at Pragmatic Software Company 972-517-2540. All problems will be promptly fixed. You can reach me by email: ------------------------------------------------------ CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION PIMSList Project Mgmt.Package 2.31 A PLAN 2.3 Project Management Package Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: BILL SHOR PIK A PROGRAM, INC. 13 SAINT MARKS PLACE NEW YORK, NY 10003 Telephone: 212-598-4939 Fax: 212-228-5879 Description Type = Short Description A PLAN 2.3 Project Management Package A Plan creates and maintains an overview of your data in a gantt diagram. This program fills the gap between PIMs (to-do lists) and full scale commercial project managment software at a price anyone can afford. 2.5 Mb Hard Disk Required/Windows 3.1 Shareware from KLR PC Service and BRainbow CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION PIMSList Scheduler/Calendar 1.5b The "ultimate" scheduler for Win95/NT Filter: DOS=No WIN=No OS2=No OTH=Yes Author Information: RICHARD KELLY INTEGRA COMPUTING 910 COBB PLACE MANOR DRIVE MARIETTA, GA 30066 Telephone: 770-426-5735 Description Type = Short Description The ultimate scheduler/calendar for Win95, CHRONILIST NT can handle the scheduling needs of everyone in your office as easily as your own. LAN-ready. Features galore, including a multitude of reports, each of which can be filtered to include only those items that meet certain criteria. Conflict checking, including weekends and national & religious holidays (Chrstn, Jwsh, Mslm). Quickly finds free time. Everything you're likely to need. Description Type = Long Description CHRONILIST NT is among the most complete schedulers available. It will handle not only your busy itinerary, but that of everyone in your office (or family). It will prepare calendars and other reports that display one person's upcoming events or those for several people simultaneously. Data can be filtered when a report is generated, so that only events for a particular project, or only those events containing a particular word, will be displayed. The program's main strength is the completeness of its scheduling capacity. Few programs even approach it in this regard, much less match it. And, considering all it can do, the program is surprisingly easy to use. Its reports, while not as infinitely customizable as those provided by those output-oriented calendar producers with limited scheduling capability, are attractive, functional, and simple to set up. This program will optionally drag events forward from day to day until you tell the program to tag them for deletion. Chronilist even allows you to link related events, so that a change to one will result in the automatic modification of others. Finding free time, establishing recurring events, viewing religious dates (Christian, Jewish, and Muslim), and tracking julian dates are a snap for this program. And, as a bonus, the program includes a Log module that tracks services performed, money spent, and money received. It will even produce an Income-Expense report for any period of time you desire. And please note that entries into the Chronilist Log can be used directly by BillPower (timekeeping, billing and bookkeeping software available from Integra Computing). Description Type = Keywords Calendar, Scheduler, Schedule, PIM, Business, Office, LAN, Network, Law, Legal, Docket, Management, Windows, Windows 95, Win95, Windows NT, Religion, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Integra, Shareware Description Type = Registration Details $60 Description Type = Installation Details Extract program files from KRNLNTxx.ZIP and run SETUP routine. TKLXDOS.ZIP archive file into it. Then unzip the files contained in that archive. Finally, follow the instructions in the just-extracted README.DOC file. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION PIMSList ShareCon 2.00E Share contacts with others Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: DAVE GJESSING WAVERLYSTREET BOX 14249 COLUMBUS, OH 43214 Telephone: 614-447-1600 Description Type = Short Description Home/Office Contacts Database Share contacts with others Description Type = Long Description ShareCon is a name/address/phone number (contacts) program for DOS/Windows that operates on stand-alone computers, yet allows users to share their records with others via a merge utility. On-screen manual, keywords system, alphabetical search, word search, optional passcode protection, user-defined screen colors, backup utility, several print output formats (with on-screen preview), reminder utility, and installation program. Description Type = Keywords contacts address phone pim group name mail list simple easy cheap just wonderful Description Type = Registration Details single user $15.00 (US) + $2.50 S&H multiple users, (same order) $15.00 per user + $2.50 S&H site licence $250.00 (unlimited users - same employer) make checks (US funds)payable to WaverlyStreet, and send to: WaverlyStreet P.O. Box 14249 Columbus, Ohio 43214 In exchange, I will send the latest version, with no restrictions and no nag screens, via the US postal service. Description Type = Installation Details Unzip in a temporary directory and then type "readme" (without the quotes) and press enter. The installation program allows viewing and printing the documentation, and will create a directory and install the program on command. Description Type = Vendor Instructions if there are any questions, contact, or surface mail to WaverlyStreet, P.O. Box 14249, Columbus, Ohio, 43214 Description Type = Permissions ShareCon 2.0(E) may be freely distributed so long as the entire contents of the file are included in the distribution. The five files in are as follows: SC2E.EXE SHARECON.MAN ABOUT_SC.TXT INSTALLE.EXE README.BAT The registered version will be called sc[version number].zip, and MAY NOT be distributed. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION PIMSList Smart Address 3.10 Smart Address Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MICHAEL JONES INSIGHT SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS,INC P.O. BOX 354 BOUNTIFUL, UT 84011-0354 Telephone: (801) 295-1890 Fax: (801) 299-1781 Description Type = Short Description Smart Address v3.1 - A sophisticated Windows address management system. Direct Links to any WordProcessor, Mail-Merge Data file Creation for MS-Word, Modem Support, Envelope and Label Printing, Mail-Shot capabilities, Reminder systems, callbacks, tabbed dialogs, dialling, very user configurable, User defined notes, MDI, sophisticated searching, Import/Export, Full context sensitive Windows Help. Tooltips. Description Type = Long Description Smart Address v3.1 - A sophisticated Windows address management system. Direct Links to any WordProcessor, Mail-Merge Data file Creation for MS-Word, Modem Support, Envelope and Label Printing, Mail-Shot capabilities, Reminder systems, callbacks, tabbed dialogs, dialling, very user configurable, User defined notes, MDI, sophisticated searching, Import/Export, Full context sensitive Windows Help. Tooltips. Description Type = Keywords SMART ADDRESS WINDOWS LABELS PHONE AVERY DIAL Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......Sterling Minimum registration price..................25.00 Maximum registration price..................25.00 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................0.00 South America.....................0.00 Europe............................0.00 Asia..............................0.00 Africa............................0.00 Pacific...........................0.00 Description Type = Installation Details Run the INSTALL.EXE file. Description Type = Vendor Instructions The evaluation version of Smart Address may be distributed by anyone without further permission, providing it remains unaltered, no charge beyond a reasonable fee for copying and delivering the software is charged, and it is clear that the software is not "free", but that a registration fee must be paid for continued use beyond the terms of the evaluation licence. For other cases or to distribute in modified form, you must consult the attached data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute the evaluation version of the Smart Address package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is Oakley Data Services Oakley Data Services may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Oakley Data Services. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION PIMSList Smart Address 95 3.10 Smart Address 32Bit Filter: DOS=No WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MICHAEL JONES INSIGHT SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS,INC P.O. BOX 354 BOUNTIFUL, UT 84011-0354 Telephone: (801) 295-1890 Fax: (801) 299-1781 Description Type = Short Description Smart Address v3.1 32Bit - A sophisticated Windows address management system. Direct Links to any WordProcessor, Mail-Merge Data file Creation for MS-Word, Modem Support, Envelope and Label Printing, Mail-Shot capabilities, Reminder systems, callbacks, tabbed dialogs, dialling, very user configurable, User defined notes, MDI, sophisticated searching, Import/Export, Full context sensitive Windows Help. Tooltips. Description Type = Long Description Smart Address v3.1 32bit - A sophisticated Windows address management system. Direct Links to any WordProcessor, Mail-Merge Data file Creation for MS-Word, Modem Support, Envelope and Label Printing, Mail-Shot capabilities, Reminder systems, callbacks, tabbed dialogs, dialling, very user configurable, User defined notes, MDI, sophisticated searching, Import/Export, Full context sensitive Windows Help. Tooltips. Description Type = Keywords SMART ADDRESS WINDOWS 95 NT LABELS PHONE DIAL Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......Sterling Minimum registration price..................25.00 Maximum registration price..................25.00 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................0.00 South America.....................0.00 Europe............................0.00 Asia..............................0.00 Africa............................0.00 Pacific...........................0.00 Description Type = Installation Details Run the INSTALL.EXE file. Description Type = Permissions The evaluation version of Smart Address may be distributed by anyone without further permission, providing it remains unaltered, no charge beyond a reasonable fee for copying and delivering the software is charged, and it is clear that the software is not "free", but that a registration fee must be paid for continued use beyond the terms of the evaluation licence. For other cases or to distribute in modified form, you must consult the attached data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute the evaluation version of the Smart Address package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is Oakley Data Services Oakley Data Services may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Oakley Data Services. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION PIMSList StarTrack 2.0 2.0 Personal Information Manager Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: SAM SAAD APEX COMPUTER SERVICES P.O. BOX 807 ALHAMBRA, CA 91802-0807 Telephone: 818-574-8101 Fax: 818-458-3344 Description Type = Short Description StarTrack is a Personal Information Manager which combines projects and tasks tracking, employee information, daily planner (To-do list, appointments, and notes), and phone book all in one program. Description Type = Long Description StarTrack is one of the most complete Personal Information Manager programs available on the market today. The program combines projects and tasks tracking, employee information, daily planner (To-do list, appointments, and notes), and phone book all in one program. Daily Planner The Daily Planner allows users to access and display calendar, to-do list, appointments, and diary (notes) from one screen. You can search for a word or a phrase in any of the to-do list, appointments, diary during the last few days, weeks, or even months. Moves your to-do items or appointments to different days. StarTrack moves uncompleted to-do items forward automatically. From the Diary notes you can export to and import from text files. You can print the agenda (to-do list, appointments, and diary) of any day. You can print appointments, to-do list, or diary of current day, current week, current month, or for a selected range of days. Direct link to Projects, Tasks, and Telephone Book. Projects & Tasks You can track projects and tasks within projects. StarTrack will calculate the task completion date based on the duration of each task. The report query system is very powerful. You can create a report filter (query) based on any combination of fields, save it to file, and use it later to re-print reports. Track information about your employee. Phone Book Keeps telephone numbers and addresses about your contacts. Reminds you of birth-dates and anniversaries up to 99 days in advance; this future can be a life saver. Prints phone directory, and address book sorted by first name, last name, company name, city, state, or zip code. Other Consistent CUA compliance interface. Password protection. Runs external programs. Built-in utilities to fix corrupted index files, backup, restore, and clean-up of old data. Mouse and keyboard driven. Registrants will received a printed bound manual and free technical support. Description Type = Keywords STARTRACK,STARTRK,PIM,TRACK,TIME,APPOINTMENTS,CALENDAR, BUSINESS,EMPLOYEES,TELEPHONE Description Type = Registration Details $19 USA Description Type = Installation Details Insert Disk #1, and from the DOS prompt type A:INSTALL and press Enter. Follow instructions on the screen. Description Type = Vendor Instructions unZIP STARTRK.ZIP file into a sub-directory on your hard drive, then create installation disks the way you desire. Description Type = Permissions Any vendor, BBS, rack vendor, CD-ROM producer, satellite distributor may carry this system without obtaining further permission from APEX Computer Services ONLY IF your catalogs, screens, advertising, brochures, etc. make it clear that that this is shareware that requires a registrations fee to the author if used beyond the evaluation stage. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION PIMSList THE CALLING TREE 2.40 CONTACT MANAGER Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: JIM TURNER IN/QUEST, INC. 200 S. Wilcox St Unit 217 CASTLE ROCK, CO 80104-1913 Telephone: 303-671-0800 Fax: 303-688-0188 Description Type = Short Description THE CALLING TREE, CONTACT MANAGER v2.30 {DOS}. Maintain information on people in a hierarchially related group. MLM, Emergency contact networks, Political Party matrixes, etc. I call 5, they each call 5, the each call 5, etc. Tracks 7 phone numbers, 5 dates, and a comments field. Fully searchable with several printout options. Description Type = Long Description THE CALLING TREE - CONTACT MANAGER v2.40 {DOS}, Registration $49 The Calling Tree is a database to help a hierarchial organization track and stay in touch with their members more efficiently. At the very top (the upside down tree's root) there is one person who is the beginning of an organization of some nature or another. He/She has some function or responsibility where they have to contact one or more people directly and those people then have a function or responsibility to contact others directly under them. And so on down through the tree. It might be an emergency calling system for some emergency response effort, or some simple contact tree to keep club members up to date on meeting changes, or for a large network marketing organization want to track all the people downline from them. Track Member Name, Address, 7 Phone Numbers (Day, Night, Fax, Voice Mail, Cellular, Pager, Other), 5 dates (configurable), and comments. Use the integrated dialer with modem to dial number from screen. Lots of search options. Print out Sheets, Forms, Labels, Lists and MLM Genealogy up to 12 levels. Description Type = Keywords CALLING TREE MLM EMERGENCY POLITICAL CONTACT Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......USA $ Minimum registration price..................39.00 Maximum registration price..................49.00 Shipping: within same country...............5.00 North America.....................8.00 South America.....................12.00 Europe............................12.00 Asia..............................12.00 Africa............................12.00 Pacific...........................12.00 Description Type = Installation Details The installation procedure for THE CALLING TREE is quite simple. The package includes a program, "INSTALL.EXE", which automates the entire process. You will need about 1 megabyte of available disk space on the hard drive on which you plan to install THE CALLING TREE. Is this going to be a NEW Installation or an UPGRADE Installation? NEW INSTALLATION. If you are installing THE CALLING TREE for the first time on your system, o Simply copy the distribution file to a new directory on your hard disk. o Self Extract (.EXE) or Unarchive (.ZIP) files. o Run program by typing 'CT' [ENTER] o Enter System Operator information and save. o Optionally, you may want to go to System Default - Configuration and customize how you want this system to work. There is plenty of built in context sensitive help through the [F1] key. UPGRADE INSTALLATION (Two Methods) Method A or B A. Install distribution files directly to OLD directory. Perform the same two steps as above for a new installation. Using the included 'Install' program, install this new version into the old directly as follows INSTALL {present directory} {old version directory} Example: INSTALL c:\temp c:\ctree Install will rename some files, copy all new version files to the old directory and then leave you at the DOS prompt of the old directory. Run the program by typing 'CT' as always, but this time the system will immediately jump to conversion mode and update all the files with the old data before giving you control. NOTE: If you choose this method, you must use the INSTALL program to install the new version to the old version directory. B. Install distribution files to NEW directory and copy old data. Same as if you are installing CT for the first time (see above), but once your installation is completed and you are at the main menu, select Operator Information, then [F4] Options, then '5' Copy Old data. This will copy the old data to the new version. When you're comfortable with the new version, you should delete the old version from your system. YOU'RE READY TO GO Description Type = Permissions As the copyright holder for THE CALLING TREE, IN/QUEST authorizes distribution by individuals only in accordance with the following restrictions. (User Groups, Computer Clubs, Disk Vendors and Distributors, Subscription Services, Disk-of-the-Month Clubs, etc., should refer to the VENDOR.DOC file for complete information relating to them.) (BBS SYSOPs should refer to the SYSOP.DOC file for complete information relating to them.) Individuals are hereby granted permission by IN/QUEST to copy the THE CALLING TREE diskette or compressed file for their own use (for evaluation purposes) or for other individuals to evaluate, ONLY when the following conditions are met. The THE CALLING TREE package is defined as containing all the material listed in the PACKING.LST text file. If any files listed in the PACKING.LST text file, or the PACKING.LST file itself, are missing, then the package is not complete and distribution is forbidden. Please contact me to obtain a complete package suitable for distribution. o The THE CALLING TREE package - including all related program files and documentation files - CANNOT be modified in any way and must be distributed as a complete package, without exception. The PACKING.LST text file contains a list of all files that are part of the THE CALLING TREE package. o No price or other compensation may be charged for the THE CALLING TREE package. A distribution cost may be charged for the cost of the diskette, shipping and handling, as long as the total (per disk) does not exceed US$8.00 in the U.S. and Canada, or US$12.00 internationally. o The THE CALLING TREE package CANNOT be sold as part of some other inclusive package. Nor can it be included in any commercial software inclusive package. Nor can it be included in any commercial software packaging offer, without a written agreement from IN/QUEST. o The PRINTED User's Guide may not be reproduced in whole or in part, using any means, without the written permission of IN/QUEST. In other words, the disk-based documentation may not be distributed in PRINTED (hardcopy) form. o The THE CALLING TREE package cannot be "rented" or "leased" to others. o The person receiving a copy of the THE CALLING TREE package MUST be made aware that each disk or copy is ONLY for evaluation, and that IN/QUEST has not received any royalties or payment for the product. This requirement can be met by including the complete THE CALLING TREE package, which contains any appropriate registration reminders. o The person receiving a copy of the THE CALLING TREE package MUST be made aware that he or she does not become a registered user until IN/QUEST has received payment for registration of the software. This requirement can be met by including the complete THE CALLING TREE package, which contains any appropriate registration reminders. o IN/QUEST prohibits the distribution of outdated versions of the THE CALLING TREE package, without written permission from IN/QUEST If the version you have is over twelve (12) months old, please contact us to ensure that you have the most current version. Check the data stamp of the program files to determine when the version you have was released. o Licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program except as provided in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license. o U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is: IN/QUEST, LLC, (303)671-0800 All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Jim Turner, IN/QUEST, LLC. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION PIMSList TIE LAN GROUPWARE 3.0 Teamwork Information Exchange-Groupwar Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: STEPHEN WILLIAMS OTTO-WILLIAMS LTD. P.O. BOX 794 LANHAM, MD 20703-0794 Telephone: (301) 306-0409 Fax: (301) 794-4533 Description Type = Short Description Teamwork Information Exchange (TIE) is a complete multi-user system designed to provide work groups with enhanced intra-group communications, and improved time management, work flow and productivity. TIE combines EMail, personal time scheduling, meeting scheduling, task management and personal to do lists into a single fully integrated system. Requires DOS 3.3 compatible network. Description Type = Long Description Teamwork Information Exchange (TIE) is a complete multi-user system designed to provide work groups with a tool to enhance intra-group communications and improve time management, work flow and productivity. TIE combines electronic mail, personal time scheduling, meeting scheduling, task management and personal to do lists into a single fully integrated system. TIE's electronic mail (E-Mail) subsystem differs from stand- alone systems by combining standard e-mail capabilities with automatic messaging. For example, when a meeting is scheduled, rescheduled or canceled; TIE automatically creates and sends mail messages to all attendees announcing the status. Similarly, TIE creates mail messages to inform appropriate users of assignment, delivery and completion of tasks. The Personal Schedule subsystem provides each user with a semi-private workday scheduling system. While other users will have access your composite daily schedule, they cannot see the details (descriptions of individual items) in your personal schedule. For example, if you schedule an appointment with your doctor, other users, when scheduling a meeting, will see only that you have reserved that time for an appointment. TIE's Meeting subsystem provides an automatic means of scheduling meetings by displaying the schedules of attendees so that you can quickly identify a time when both personnel and meeting resources are available. An auto schedule function is available to search all applicable schedules to find the first time when all personnel and resources are simultaneously available. Each time a meeting is scheduled or rescheduled, the personal schedules of all attendees are automatically updated and e-mail messages are automatically sent to inform attendees of a change in their schedules. Meeting agenda's can be reviewed on-line or printed for distribution. The task management subsystem is designed to track the progress and status of work assignments and to provide an objective means of measuring individual performance. Effective work management requires clear communication of the work to be performed, when it is due and how successful performance will be measured. TIE incorporates these elements through written assignments, specified due dates and complete reporting of on-time performance. In addition, the task management subsystem provides an effective means for employees and supervisors to communicate progress on assigned tasks. While simple in concept, TIE's To Do subsystem can be a powerful tool in managing your workday. By maintaining a prioritized list of things to be done on a given workday, you can key into those things that are the highest priority while addressing lower priority items as time permits. To Do items that are not completed on the day they are scheduled are automatically moved forward until they are completed. This way, what you didn't get around to yesterday, won't be forgotten today. The Report subsystem brings each of TIE's major subsystems together to provide hard copy or on-screen information about your schedule, work assignments, to do lists, etc. Description Type = Keywords BUSINESS, GROUPWARE, NETWORK, LAN, PIM, SCHEDULE, TASK, TODO, EMAIL, CALENDAR, OWL Description Type = Registration Details $199.00 (USD) Description Type = Installation Details See File: README.TXT Description Type = Vendor Instructions BULLETIN BOARDS: No special Instructions. Librarian please note: TIE30.ZIP supersedes files TIE??.ZIP where ?? is any number less than 30. See Vendor.Doc Description Type = Permissions 'Otto-Williams Ltd. (OWL) grants you a license to distribute our shareware provided that you distribute all files required for operation of the program and: 1. You identify it as shareware with an appropriate definition. 2. You leave all intellectual property including copyright notices in place. 3. We do not request that you discontinue distribution of the product. To summarize, you may archive our programs, unarchive them and distribute them on whatever media you choose so long as you do not alter the program or accompaning data files in any way or charge distribution fees that are so large that they would lead the purchaser to believe that they have paid for the program rather than the distribution service you provide. We want the widest possible distribution for our shareware programs and will be glad to assist you in designing a distribution scheme that is appropriate for your operation. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION PIMSList The Disk Vendor (SW) 2.22 Makes shareware catalogs on a disk Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: PHILIP KAPUSTA 406 Monroe Avenue FALMOUTH, VA 22405 Telephone: (540) 371-5746 Description Type = Short Description The Disk Vendor sales catalog system. For shareware businesses who need an interactive on-line disk based catalog for their customers. Complete instructions and compiler is included to show you how to make your own catalog that can be distributed royalty-free to customers. Produces very professional looking results very simply and quickly. (Shareware vendor version). Description Type = Long Description The Disk Vendor is a program for creating an on-disk or printed shareware product catalog. It was written SPECIFICALLY for shareware distributors who want a professional looking, tightly integrated, menu driven product catalog on disk. The program handles multi-disk sets, 4 separate price levels (360/720/1.2/1.4) for each title, credit cards, sales tax, shipping charges, personalized opening & closing screen, discounts on large disk purchases, printed catalogs and order forms, plus more... Description Type = Keywords MARKETING, SALES, CATALOG, BUSINESS, PUBLISHING, TEXT, ASCII, SHAREWARE, VENDOR Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S.A. $ Minimum registration price..................60.00 Maximum registration price..................60.00 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................2.50 South America.....................3.50 Europe............................3.50 Asia..............................3.50 Africa............................3.50 Pacific...........................3.50 Description Type = Installation Details Before you compile your very own electronic catalog we recommend that you try one that has already been set up for you. Run the compiler first by typing: COMPILE then press [ENTER] ...and step through the prompts. After the compilation is complete, then browse through the resulting catalog by typing: CATALOG then press [ENTER] If you like what you see, and would like to create similar electronic catalogs, print the instructions to the program by typing: COPY COMPILE.DOC PRN then press [ENTER] CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION PIMSList TickleX 7.3 The ultimate schedular for DOS/Windows Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: RICHARD KELLY INTEGRA COMPUTING 910 COBB PLACE MANOR DRIVE MARIETTA, GA 30066 Telephone: 770-426-5735 Description Type = Short Description TICKLEX: Superb scheduler for DOS/Windows. "Best buy" -- "the ultimate" -- "far and away the most powerful" -- "the best of the systems that cost under $1000". Beyond these quotes from reviews describing TickleX, what more need be said? Simply that no other pro- gram at any price offers as much personal or office scheduling power as TickleX, whether on a single machine or local area network. Automated MS Windows installation included. Description Type = Long Description "best buy" -- "the ultimate" -- "far and away the most powerful" -- "the best of the systems that cost under $1000". Beyond these quotes from reviews describing TICKLEX, what more need be said? Simply that, if you need something scheduled, TickleX can handle it like no other program. It will keep track of up to 200 people's appointments and deadlines, print a schedule for any period of time you desire, keep a "to-do" list of deadlines, and chart the projected course of any projects that you handle. Alarms, numerous report formats, a stopwatch, holidays, optional religious events, an income/expense log, and many other features round out this robust software. Network-ready and capable of being optionally used as a TSR, TickleX will out-schedule every other program, regardless of source or price. Especially if you're used to one of those cute but cumbersome Windows-based schedulers, you'll be delighted with TickleX's breadth of scope, speed, and ease of use. Automated Windows installation included. Description Type = Keywords Calendar, Scheduler, Schedule, PIM, Business, Office, LAN, Network, Law, Legal, Docket, Management, Religion, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Integra, Shareware Description Type = Registration Details $60 per workstation Description Type = Installation Details Create a MANAGEX directory on your hard disk. Copy the TKLXDOS.ZIP archive file into it. Then unzip the files contained in that archive. Finally, follow the instructions in the just-extracted README.DOC file. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION PIMSList WINBOND for EE bonds 6.2 Windows program to track Series EE bon Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: BOB STECH 35151 GLEN KYLE LANE WILLOUGHBY HILLS, OH 44094 Telephone: (216) 946-7791 Description Type = Short Description WINBOND V6.2 for Series EE bonds. To track and valuate Series EE bonds. Winbond-E for Series E bonds is also available. Provides import capabilities to convert from other files, export tool to interface to other applications. QUICKEN interface, multiple bond files, owner info, up-to-date bond redemption tables, and reporting, including a 20 year projection of bond values. Redemption rates starting with Nov 96. Description Type = Long Description WINBOND is a Windows application to track and valuate Series EE savings bonds. The program provides for multiple bond files if desired. Several viewing options are available to view current bond values, interest earned and a special option to project bond values over the next 20 years starting with current actual bond value. Owner information may be entered and reported if desired. Department of the Treasury tables are provided. Sold bonds are also maintained if desired and interest earned history can be kept. Capability to create ASCII report files or printed reports is provided, and these file can be printed or loaded in a word processor. An import function is provided to convert any current bond files to this programs' format from an ASCII file or report. Bond redemption tables are provided as issued by the Department of the Treasury and these tables are updated every six months (the ability is provided to maintain these files yourself, if desired). An export function is available to create customized ASCII files for importing into other applications, such as spreadsheets or other financial programs. Includes QUICKEN interface. This is a shareware program and once registered, all future updates including bond redemption tables can be obtained at no additional charge. See Registration in on-line help for more information. All versions of the program will be upward compatible, meaning that all bond files created with earlier versions will compatible. Description Type = Keywords bonds,series ee,finance,earnings,money,track,savings bonds Description Type = Registration Details $15.00 Description Type = Installation Details To install WINBOND, unzip the file into a temporary directory and run the SETUP program from File Manageer. Copy the file VBRUN300.DLL, distributed separately, to the windows/system directory. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION PIMSList WINBONDE for E bonds 6.2 Windows program to track Series E bond Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: BOB STECH 35151 GLEN KYLE LANE WILLOUGHBY HILLS, OH 44094 Telephone: (216) 946-7791 Description Type = Short Description WINBOND-E V6.2 is a WINDOWS application to track and valuate Series E bonds. Provides import capabilities to convert from other files, export tool to interface to other applications like QUICKEN, multiple bond files, owner info, up-to-date bond redemption tables issued by the Department of the Treasury, and reporting, including a 20 year projection of bond values. Redemption rates starting with Nov 96. Description Type = Long Description WINBOND-E is a Windows application to track and valuate Series E savings bonds. The program provides for multiple bond files if desired. Several viewing options are available to view current bond values, interest earned and a special option to project bond values over the next 20 years starting with current actual bond value. Owner information may be entered and reported if desired. Department of the Treasury tables are provided. Sold bonds are also maintained if desired and interest earned history can be kept. Capability to create ASCII report files or printed reports is provided, and these file can be printed or loaded in a word processor. An import function is provided to convert any current bond files to this programs' format from an ASCII file or report. Bond redemption tables are provided as issued by the Department of the Treasury and these tables are updated every six months (the ability is provided to maintain these files yourself, if desired). An export function is available to create customized ASCII files for importing into other applications, such as spreadsheets or other financial programs like Quicken. This is a shareware program and once registered, all future updates including bond redemption tables can be obtained at no additional charge. See Registration in on-line help for more information. All versions of the program will be upward compatible, meaning that all bond files created with earlier versions will compatible. Description Type = Keywords bonds,series ee,finance,earnings,money,track,savings bonds Description Type = Registration Details $15.00 Description Type = Installation Details To install WINBOND, unzip the file into a temporary directory and run the SETUP program from File Manageer. Copy the file VBRUN300.DLL, distributed separately, to the windows/system directory. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION PIMSList WinGRAB 2.0/3.0 WinGRAB & WinGDB Contact Manager Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: PAUL MAYER ZPAY PAYROLL SYSTEMS, INC. 2526 69TH AVE SO ST. PETERSBURG, FL 33712-5631 Telephone: (813) 866-8233 Fax: (813) 866-8034 Description Type = Short Description WinGRAB with WinGDB v2.0/3.0 Contact Manager with Envelope and Label printing! Dials the phone; reminds you of calls; shows calls made; logs calls to disk. Pastes name and address into your word processor or grabs name and address from word processor. Incremental searching can find a contact in as little as two or three keystrokes. Prints postnet bar codes for ZIP+4 or ZIP+6 ZIP codes and more! Description Type = Long Description WinGRAB with WinGDB v2.0/3.0 Contact Manager with Envelope and Label printing! Dials the phone; reminds you of calls; shows calls made; logs calls to disk. Pastes name and address into your word processor or grabs name and address from word processor. Incremental searching in database program can find a contact in as little as two or three keystrokes. Prints postnet bar codes for ZIP+4 or ZIP+6 ZIP codes. Manages your telephone contacts, mailing lists, mail merge files and more! Contact management features will show you calls you need to make today, calls you need to make tomorrow, calls you've made today or in the last week. Has powerful filter which will allow you to selectively display and use records by your selection criteria. Large 2k notepad allows you to enter notes as you talk on the phone with a contact. Timer keeps track of call length while you are on the phone and logs the call information to disk. Too many features to list. Recommended by PC Magazine and PC World! Check this out today. Now prints rotary index cards, phone books and Daytimer books too! Description Type = Keywords PIM, Contact, Manager, Lists, Mailing, Database, Dialer, Envelopes, Labels, Mayer, WinGRAB, WinGDB Description Type = Registration Details Registration is $39.95 and the user receives a printed manual with the latest version of the program on disk. Description Type = Installation Details Run the setup.exe file after extracting the files from the ZIP archive. Description Type = Vendor Instructions Do not re-package this ZIP file. Description Type = Permissions Any shareware vendor, BBS, or on-line service has our permissioin to distribute this package. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BProgrms Book-It 2.0a Member/Client Event/Activity Booking Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: PAUL HERSCHELL INSTINCTIVE SYSTEMS LTD. 5 SPRINGFIELD TERRACE VALLEY ROAD,HAYFIELD,STOCKPORT CHESHIRE, SK12 5LT ENGLAND Telephone: +44(0)1663 741894 Fax: +44(0)1663 741894 Description Type = Short Description Book-It v2.0 Member/client base admin and activity/ event booking for Windows. For clubs, assocs, societies, institutes, fraternities, alumni, recreation and sports groups, business groups, event organisers, charities, education etc. Enquiry handling, member terms, dues and renewal, credit notes, event scheduling, bookings, payments. Easy searching, filtering, sorting, reporting, labels, WP and mailmerge. Multi-User. Description Type = Long Description Book-It v2.0 . Run your organisation like a Pro with Book-It Software - the greatest help in running a club or association to come out of England since "Robert's Rules Of Order". Book-It from Instinctive Systems Ltd is a Windows software system designed to efficiently manage large member or client bases and / or frequent event and activity scheduling and booking. Organisations to benefit from Book-It include * clubs and associations * societies * institutes * charities * fraternities * alumni * recreation and sports * education Book-It also has wide appeal to business organisations who regularly organise activities such as * courses * seminars * conferences * dinners * holidays etc Book-It can maintain very large membership and client bases. It provides easy filtering, sorting, reporting, label printing and mail-merge facilities. New enquirers about your organisation receive automatic response letters and follow-up. Members can be sent automatic renewal letters. Schedule events, collect payments, chase late payments and issue credit notes. Write to everybody booked on a particular event in a couple of easy mouse clicks without any of the headaches usually associated with mailmerging. Quickly analyse membership trends, sources of contact, payment breakdowns, event profitability and many more. Demonstration data and "review guide" supplied to make evaluation easier. Self-running demonstration and network version also available. Description Type = Keywords club association institute society member activity membership booking mailmerge Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......US Dollars Minimum registration price..................159.00 Maximum registration price..................1000.00 Shipping: within same country...............7.00 North America.....................7.00 South America.....................7.00 Europe............................5.00 Asia..............................7.00 Africa............................7.00 Pacific...........................7.00 Description Type = Installation Details The installation procedure for Book-It is quite simple. The package includes a program, "SETUP.EXE", which automates the entire process. You will need about 7Mb of available disk space on the hard drive to complete the installtion although only 4Mb will be required once all temporary installation files have been deleted. The exact steps you need to take will depend on how you received your software. INSTALLING FROM A HARD DRIVE OR CD-ROM If you downloaded Book-It from a BBS/CIS/INTERNET, or received it on a CD-ROM, you will probably have received it as a single file (eg BOOKIT.ZIP). You will need to perform the following steps. o Extract the contents of the archive file in a temporary directory on your hard drive. The procedure for doing this varies, depending on the form in which you received the package. In all likelihood, the fact that you are reading this text means that you already have the necessary tools and knowledge to perform this step. If not, you should be able to obtain directions for this from the same source from which you received the package. o Now run SETUP.EXE by clicking on it twice from Windows File Manager or selecting File, Run from Windows Program Manager and enter. ing x:SETUP.EXE where x: is the drive and directory name where you uncompressed your files. An automated installation routine will then install the system for you. INSTALLING FROM 1.44MB FLOPPY DISKETTES To install from diskettes, you need to perform the following steps. o Insert the disk labelled 'Disk 1' in your floppy drive, then select 'File', 'Run' from Windows Program Manager. Finally enter A:SETUP.EXE as the name of the file to run when prompted. An automated install routine will then complete the installation for you. There should be several files on Disk 1 but only 1 file called DISK2.EXE on disk 2 if the disks have been sent to you correctly. Consult your vendor if this is not the case. Description Type = Permissions The following may distribute Book-It, completely unaltered, without further permission - all ASP vendors; for other cases or to distribute in modified form, you must consult the attached data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute the Book-It package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. Instinctive Systems Ltd may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Instinctive Systems Ltd. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BProgrms Business Clock Link 2.5a Business Clock Link 2.5 Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MARK HICKS BIZMARK DEVELOPMENT P.O. BOX 182 PRINCETON, LA 71067-0182 Telephone: 318-949-4309 Fax: 318-949-4400 Description Type = Short Description Business Clock Link 2.5 Networkable PC Time Clock with real-time job and task reporting, E-mail, barcoded badges, on-line discipline and Ticker Tape reports. Written in C with dBASE file format. "This Clock Means Business". XT, 640K, 2 meg drive required. $149. Written to help managers manage. Description Type = Long Description Business Clock Link v2.5 An incredibly easy-to-use PC-based Time Clock. Helps managers monitor production, maintain discipline and improve worker communication. "This Clock Means Business." Features include (1) Continuous scrolling display (2) Real-time job and task reporting system. (3) Networkable file system.(4) Worker messaging system known as "blue collar E-mail" that gets messages to workers immediately and confidentially. (5) dBASE IV file formats with exporting. (6) On-Line worker discipline with demerits, reprimands and locking workers. (7) Worker Scheduling. (8) Barcoded worker badges (9) "Ticker Tape" continuous printing of transactions to guard data and provide a quick scan of the latest transactions, (10) Netware time synchronization and (11) TSR Utility. Description Type = Keywords CLOCK TIME TIMECLOCK PERSONNEL TSR MANAGE PAYROLL OFFICE BARCODES Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......US Dollars Minimum registration price..................149.00 Maximum registration price..................149.00 Shipping: within same country...............4.00 North America.....................4.00 South America.....................8.00 Europe............................8.00 Asia..............................8.00 Africa............................8.00 Pacific...........................8.00 Description Type = Installation Details The INSTALL.EXE program will move the files from the diskette to a hard drive directory, will check for a minimum of 640K of memory, and will display this README.1ST file for you. You do not have to run INSTALL if you have already accomplished these things. Installation is accomplished by inserting the diskette and typing "A:INSTALL" if the diskette was placed in drive A or "B:INSTALL" if the diskette was placed in drive B. No changes are made to your computer's config.sys or autoexec.bat files. If you are reinstalling Business Clock Link and you have existing data that you wish to keep, be sure to install to another directory or first move your old data to another directory temporarily. Installation will destroy existing Business Clock Link data files in the directory. If you are upgrading from a prior version and you wish to retain your existing data, you must run the File Upgrade Utility to convert your data files. This is provided without charge to licensed users. Attention WINDOWS USERS: You may add an icon and program group to your WINDOWS desktop by running PMSETUP.EXE from Windows. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BProgrms Fixed Asset Pro 2.1 Comprehensive depreciation system Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: DAVID W. HAMMER HAMMERSOFT P.O. BOX 205 KANSAS, OH 44815-8205 Telephone: 419-986-6007 Fax: 419-986-6007 Description Type = Short Description Fixed Asset Pro is a comprehensive fixed asset depreciation system. Using pull down menus the program calculates depreciation on multiple bases, applies tax limits, performs projections and comparisons and prints reports to screen, printer or file. Provides 38 U.S. Tax Law depreciation methods with on-line help. Mouse support. Manual includes a tutorial. Registration $79.95 Description Type = Long Description FIXED ASSET PRO is a comprehensive fixed asset depreciation system. The program quickly calculates depreciation on multiple bases, applies tax limits automatically, performs projections and comparisons and easily prints various reports. TAX EXPERT ON BOARD Fixed Asset Pro is designed by a tax expert with over 20 years experience with income tax preparation. So tax law is a primary concern of the program. FIXED ASSET PRO FEATURES MACRS (formulas and tables) ALTERNATIVE MACRS ACRS ALTERNATIVE ACRS SUM OF YEARS DIGITS MULTIPLE DECLINING BALANCE STRAIGHT LINE REMAINING YEARS AMORTIZATION Allows fiscal years other than the calendar year. Special expensing election with limitations. Calculates early disposition deductions. Half year, Mid Quarter and Mid Month convention applied. Limits applied to luxury automobiles and listed property. Alternative Minimum Tax Depreciation Adjustments and Preferences. Five sets of Books for each asset, Income Tax, AMT, Financial, State and Other, with key fields transferred automatically. Look up tables make selecting codes simple. Easy reference to IRS asset lives table. Assets are sortable on 3 different fields. View all the assets key information on screen via one key stroke. Easy to use pull down menus. Easy data entry - all one screen. Mouse support. Look up table for group and location with names defined by you to eliminate errors. Context sensitive help screens in hypertext format available. Timely enhancements and updates to keep current with the tax laws. Printed or On-Screen Reports: Summary report Tax report Annual acquisitions and dispositions report Annual AMT report Asset Lifetime Projection Asset Inventory Card Compare accelerated depreciation to straight line Site License Available Free Technical Support Free Fax Support Special renewal and upgrade offers. Description Type = Keywords Fixed,Assets,Depreciation,Tax Description Type = Registration Details $79.95 Description Type = Installation Details At the DOS prompt type Install. Description Type = Vendor Instructions When distributing FApro on 360k disks please use the files in the VENDOR subdirectory. Distributors using 3 1/2" or high density 5 1/4" may use the files in the ZIP subdirectory. Additional information may be found in the Vendor.Doc file. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BProgrms Hotel Motel Manager 2.6b MotelMAX - HOTEL/MOTEL MANAGER v2.6b Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: KEN MASHBURN MKM SOFTWARE 2812 INGRID LANE METAIRIE, LA 70003 Telephone: 713-488-2436 Fax: 713-524-6398 Description Type = Short Description MotelMAX - HOTEL/MOTEL MANAGER v2.6b Includes reservations, deposits, front desk, guest history, accounting and reports. Custom confirmation and marketing letters. Assigns room rates for up to 10 room types. Book reservations up to two years in advance. One key check in/out. Tracks travel agent commissions. Password protected. Data export and online help. Supports US & international date and currency formats. Description Type = Long Description MotelMAX - Hotel, Motel and Resort Manager. MotelMAX is a complete Hotel, Motel, B&B and Resort Manager. It includes reservations, advance deposits, front desk, accounting, room inventory, room rack, guest history, night audit, general ledger, travel agent commissions and many reports. Drop down menus, online help and a consistent user interface make this program easy to learn and use. Room charges are assigned automatically for up to 10 room types according rate tables that you enter. Book reservations up to two years in advance. Tracks travel agent commissions and exports data and reports to your favorite word processor, spreadsheet, database or small business accounting program. Supports all printers and international date and currency formats. All entries are verified so you cannot make a mistake. One key check-in / check-out, autoposting and password protected. Limit user access to only the areas they need. Room rack report displays which guest, by name, is in what room each day of any given week. There are over 50 reports. The standard version manages up to 50 rooms. Other versions can manage any number of rooms. Data from all prior versions can be imported into this version. Single and multi user versions available. Description Type = Keywords HOTEL MOTEL RESERVATION RESORT B&B LODGE Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......US dollars Minimum registration price..................135.00 Maximum registration price..................250.00 Shipping: within same country...............4.00 North America.....................4.00 South America.....................11.00 Europe............................11.00 Asia..............................11.00 Africa............................11.00 Pacific...........................11.00 Description Type = Installation Details DOS Installation ---------------- Unzip the MotelMAX zip file into any directory on your hard drive. We suggest creating a new directory called \MOTEL. The DOS command to make a new directory is: MD \MOTEL The installation directory, \MOTEL, must be the default directory whenever you start the program. To make \MOTEL your default directory, use the DOS change directory command, type: CD \MOTEL The program start command is: MOTELMAX . Use MOTELMAX as your user name and password. In the registered version, you can setup your own user names. Trouble Shooting: ---------------- If you have any problems installing and running the program, try this: 1. Be sure you are in the \MOTEL directory before you start the program. The DOS command to change to the \MOTEL directory is: CD \MOTEL . 2. Check your CONFIG.SYS file. Be sure the FILES= setting is 45 or higher: FILES=45 If you change this setting in your CONFIG.SYS file, reboot your computer. 3. After checking points 1 & 2, try restarting the program with this command: MOTELMAX NEW . The NEW switch will verify that all files are present. Windows 3.x and Windows 95 -------------------------- You can launch MotelMAX from an icon in any version of Windows. First, install the program according to the DOS installation instructions. For this example, we assume you have installed MotelMAX in a directory called C:\MOTEL. Create an icon using the Windows Program Manager, select FILE | NEW and create a 'Program Item.' Next edit the 'Program Item Properties' to read as follows: Description......: MotelMAX 2.6 Command Line.....: C:\MOTEL\MOTELMAX.EXE Working Directory: C:\MOTEL Now you only need to click on the icon to start MotelMAX. When you exit the MotelMAX program, you return to the Windows Program Manager. You have to correctly identify the 'Working Directory' in order to launch How to Order ------------ Please refer to the file ORDER.TXT Description Type = Permissions Permission is granted to individuals charging no fees, and to BBSes, User Groups, Mail-Order Disk Vendors, CD-ROM publishers, and BBS File-Distribution Networks regardless of fees, to distribute the MotelMAX program, provided they convey a complete and unaltered copy of the shareware version of this program, and provided they claim no ownership of the program. Distribution by other channels, and distribution of modified versions, are also allowed, but only under the terms of the attached VENDINFO data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute this program is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute MotelMAX must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. MKM Software may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BProgrms ProDev*EPRICE 6.0 Convert Price Files To ProDev*QUOTE Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: GEORGE ABBOTT PRO DEV SOFTWARE 545 GROVER ROAD MUSKEGON, MI 49442-9427 Telephone: (616) 788-2243 Description Type = Short Description ProDev*EPRICE Price Service interface program to transfer Trade Service price data to ProDev*QUOTE Material data files. Compatible with Trade Service files in USA, U.K. and Australia. $35 registration. Description Type = Long Description ProDev*EPRICE Electrical, Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Contractors Price Maintenance system is companion software to the ProDev*QUOTE system to allow these contractors to take advantage of weekly/monthly price updates from either the Trade Service Corporation (USA), Trade Service Of Australia, Trade Service Information (UK), Plumlee Custom Publishing (USA). Compare the registration price of $35 of ProDev*EPRICE combined with the $70 ProDev*QUOTE registration price, with the $800 to $2,500 Quote/Bid systems that use the weekly price updates. The ProDev*QUOTE Quotation system is an excellent full featured Quotation or Bid Estimating system for any Electrical, Plumbing, Heating or Air Conditioning Contractor (or any other type) business. Requires hard disk. Description Type = Keywords PRO DEV,QUOTE,BIDDING,PRICE,SERVICE,CONVERSION Description Type = Registration Details $35 USA Description Type = Vendor Instructions For any size disk, unZIP PDEPRIC6.ZIP to Disk 1 of 1. The user changes the DOS prompt to the floppy drive and types INSTALL C: (Enter), or any hard drive letter. Description Type = Permissions Any vendor, BBS, rack vendor, CD-ROM producer, sattelite distributor may carry this system without obtaining further permission from Pro Dev Software ONLY IF your catalogs, screens, advertizing, brochures, etc. make it clear that this is shareware that requires a registration fee to the author if used beyond the evaluation stage. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BProgrms ProDev*QUOTE 6.0d Quotation & Bidding System Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: GEORGE ABBOTT PRO DEV SOFTWARE 545 GROVER ROAD MUSKEGON, MI 49442-9427 Telephone: (616) 788-2243 Description Type = Short Description ProDev*QUOTE Quote System. Extremely full featured Quotation or Bidding system for any type or size of business. Point & Shoot browse allows rapid preparation of quotes. Uses dBASE III+ compatible files. For only $70 registrats receive a 112 page bound manual and 1 year of technical support. Description Type = Long Description ProDev*QUOTE [ASP] is an excellent full featured Quotation or Bid Estimating system for any type or size business. Consulting services can even use the Auto Labor feature to create labor only quotes without material, or any combination in between. An unlimited number of Labor Groups can be associated with any quotation. Includes actual cost tracking. Using dBASE compatible files for the Supplier, Labor and Material costs, you can browse the material data base 4 different ways with a Point & Shoot browse method to rapidly build a customized quote. The latest in pull-down menus and constant on-screen and F1 Help "what to do next" instructions make the system highly intuitive to learn and use. You can use the system's natural defaults to build simple quotes or use all of the many bells and whistles to build complex quotes. The stand-alone program does NOT require the user to own Borland's dBASE III Plus or dBASE IV systems. To support your sales efforts, you can print complete catalogs of your products and services with either your prices, List prices or both. You can even include unlimited sized Specifications for the material items in your data base and optionally print them on the quote. Material items can also carry automatic multi-rate labor units so that labor can optionally be pulled in with the selected material items. You can place notes anywhere in the quote as desired. Sub-assemblies can be rapidly merged to a quote to save time and increase accuracy. When modifying a large quote, you can instantly jump to any item. At a registration price of only $70 this is a BEST BUY. Registrants receive the registered disk(s) and a 112 page printed bound manual as well as 1 year of free technical support. Description Type = Keywords PRO DEV,QUOTE,BIDDING,COST TRACKING Description Type = Registration Details $70 USA Description Type = Vendor Instructions For 360k disks, unZIP PDQUOT5A.ZIP to Disk 1 of 2 and unZIP PDQUOT5B.ZIP to Disk 2 of 2. If preparing a single 720k disk, unZIP both files to a single 720k (or higher) disk). The INSTALL program will automatically handle a 1 or 2 disk configuration. The user changes the DOS prompt to the floppy drive and types INSTALL C: (Enter), or any hard drive letter. Description Type = Permissions Any vendor, BBS, rack vendor, CD-ROM producer, sattelite distributor may carry this system without obtaining further permission from Pro Dev Software ONLY IF your catalogs, screens, advertizing, brochures, etc. make it clear that this is shareware that requires a registration fee to the author if used beyond the evaluation stage. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BProgrms RAINTREE Reservation 1.1a Raintree Reservation System Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: KEN MASHBURN MKM SOFTWARE 2812 INGRID LANE METAIRIE, LA 70003 Telephone: 713-488-2436 Fax: 713-524-6398 Description Type = Short Description Raintree Reservation System Resort, Motel and Inn Reservation Manager - Book reservations upto 2 years in advance. Tracks room inventory, guest history, source of business. Quick check-in feature prints folio invoice and posts payment at check-in. Includes reports for arrivals, departures, current guests. Online help and data export. BUSINESS MKM Software Description Type = Long Description Raintree Reservation System is a reservations and guest tracking program designed for Hotels, Motels, B&B's and Resorts. Reservations can be booked up to two years in advance. The program calculates room rates and taxes according to rate tables you design. It prints custom confirmation letters, numerous reports for arrivals and current guests and, optionally, an invoice at check-in time. This is a reservations and reports program only and does not include front desk or accounting features. Guest histories are maintained and are available for helping to book repeat guests. Travel agent commissions can be calculated based on the projected amount of a guest's stay. This shareware version is a single user version and supports up to 50 rooms. More rooms are available for registered users and also a multi user version of the program. The program includes a mail manager for printing custom confirmation and marketing letters. You can likewise print mailing labels for all or a subset of your guest file selected by zip code, key word searchs or last stay date. Description Type = Keywords HOTEL MOTEL INN RESERVATION RESORT B&B LODGE Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......US dollars Minimum registration price..................85.00 Maximum registration price..................175.00 Shipping: within same country...............4.00 North America.....................4.00 South America.....................11.00 Europe............................11.00 Asia..............................11.00 Africa............................11.00 Pacific...........................11.00 Description Type = Installation Details DOS Installation ---------------- Unzip the Raintree zip file into any directory on your hard drive. We suggest creating a new directory called \RRS. The DOS command to make a new directory is: MD \RRS The installation directory, \RRS, must be the default directory whenever you start the program. To make \RRS your default directory, use the DOS change directory command, type: CD \RRS The program start command is: RRS . Trouble Shooting: ---------------- If you have any problems installing and running the program, try this: 1. Be sure you are in the \RRS directory before you start the program. The DOS command to change to the \RRS directory is: CD \RRS . 2. Check your CONFIG.SYS file. Be sure the FILES= setting is 45 or higher: FILES=45 If you change this setting in your CONFIG.SYS file, reboot your computer. 3. After checking points 1 & 2, try restarting the program with this command: RRS NEW . The NEW switch will verify that all files are present. Windows 3.x and Windows 95 -------------------------- You can launch Raintree from an icon in any version of Windows. First, install the program according to the DOS installation instructions. For this example, we assume you have installed Raintree in a directory called C:\RRS. Create an icon using the Windows Program Manager, select FILE | NEW and create a 'Program Item.' Next edit the 'Program Item Properties' to read as follows: Description......: Raintree 1.1a Command Line.....: C:\RRS\RRS.EXE Working Directory: C:\RRS Now you only need to click on the icon to start Raintree. When you exit the Raintree program, you return to the Windows Program Manager. You have to correctly identify the 'Working Directory' in order to launch Raintree from Windows. How to Order ------------ Please refer to the file ORDER.TXT Description Type = Permissions Permission is granted to individuals charging no fees, and to BBSes, User Groups, Mail-Order Disk Vendors, CD-ROM publishers, and BBS File-Distribution Networks regardless of fees, to distribute the Raintree program, provided they convey a complete and unaltered copy of the shareware version of this program, and provided they claim no ownership of the program. Distribution by other channels, and distribution of modified versions, are also allowed, but only under the terms of the attached VENDINFO data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute this program is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute Raintree must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. MKM Software may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BProgrms Rental Property Mgr 1.0b RENTAL PROPERTY MANAGER Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: KEN MASHBURN MKM SOFTWARE 2812 INGRID LANE METAIRIE, LA 70003 Telephone: 713-488-2436 Fax: 713-524-6398 Description Type = Short Description RENTAL PROPERTY MANAGER APARTMENT & CONDO RESERVATIONS & BILLING - Supports multiple properties. Prints confirm letters, check-in forms and invoices. Tracks income and expenses for owner statements. Automatically calculates unit rates and tax for all units. Includes guest history, 50+ reports, password protected, online help. Business-MKM SOFTWARE Description Type = Long Description Rental Property Manager is a full working business shareware program designed to manage the reservation and billing of apartments, condominiums or other vacation property rentals on a short to medium term basis. The program calculates rates and taxes and compiles income and expenses to produce owner statements for any given date range. The program is capable of managing any number of units for one or more different properties. In addition to organizing reservations, powerful mail manager features are included to facilitate correspondence with your customer base through custom letters, or by simply printing mailing labels for a selected subset of your guest file. You can book reservations up to two years in advance and let the program calculate unit rates on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, using rate tables that you design. You can likewise enter a fixed rate at reservation time. Description Type = Keywords RENTAL REAL ESTATE RESERVATION CONDO APARTMENT Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......US dollars Minimum registration price..................145.00 Maximum registration price..................250.00 Shipping: within same country...............4.00 North America.....................4.00 South America.....................11.00 Europe............................11.00 Asia..............................11.00 Africa............................11.00 Pacific...........................11.00 Description Type = Installation Details DOS Installation ---------------- Unzip the RPM zip file into any directory on your hard drive. We suggest creating a new directory called \RPM. The DOS command to make a new directory is: MD \RPM The installation directory, \RPM, must be the default directory whenever you start the program. To make \RPM your default directory, use the DOS change directory command, type: CD \RPM The program start command is: RPM . Use RPM as your user name and password. In the registered version, you can setup your own user names. Trouble Shooting: ---------------- If you have any problems installing and running the program, try this: 1. Be sure you are in the \RPM directory before you start the program. The DOS command to change to the \RPM directory is: CD \RPM . 2. Check your CONFIG.SYS file. Be sure the FILES= setting is 45 or higher: FILES=45 If you change this setting in your CONFIG.SYS file, reboot your computer. 3. After checking points 1 & 2, try restarting the program with this command: RPM NEW . The NEW switch will verify that all files are present. Windows 3.x and Windows 95 -------------------------- You can launch RPM from an icon in any version of Windows. First, install the program according to the DOS installation instructions. For this example, we assume you have installed RPM in a directory called C:\RPM. Create an icon using the Windows Program Manager, select FILE | NEW and create a 'Program Item.' Next edit the 'Program Item Properties' to read as follows: Description......: RPM 1.O Command Line.....: C:\RPM\RPM.EXE Working Directory: C:\RPM Now you only need to click on the icon to start RPM. When you exit the RPM program, you return to the Windows Program Manager. You have to correctly identify the 'Working Directory' in order to launch RPM from Windows. How to Order ------------ Please refer to the file ORDER.TXT Description Type = Permissions Permission is granted to individuals charging no fees, and to BBSes, User Groups, Mail-Order Disk Vendors, CD-ROM publishers, and BBS File-Distribution Networks regardless of fees, to distribute the RPM program, provided they convey a complete and unaltered copy of the shareware version of this program, and provided they claim no ownership of the program. Distribution by other channels, and distribution of modified versions, are also allowed, but only under the terms of the attached VENDINFO data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute this program is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute RPM must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. MKM Software may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BProgrms SmartTracker Inventy 3.0i Track Office/Personal Possessions Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MICHAEL JONES INSIGHT SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS,INC P.O. BOX 354 BOUNTIFUL, UT 84011-0354 Telephone: (801) 295-1890 Fax: (801) 299-1781 Description Type = Short Description SmartTracker Inventory v3.0i [ASP] Track, Organize and Catalog your home/office possessions. Enter a multitude of info for each item. Narrow Data down to a search, Sort Data on any Field 4 Levels Deep, Search and Replace, Import, Export, User Definable Reports, Select Colors, Select Fonts, Maintain Multiple Databases, More. Include insurance info on reports. Know what you had if you loose it! (Ziff Davis Award Winner) Description Type = Long Description SmartTracker Inventory v3.0i [ASP] Track, Organize and Catalog your home/office possessions. Enter a multitude of info for each item. Narrow Data down to a search, Sort Data on any Field 4 Levels Deep, Search and Replace, Import, Export, User Definable Reports, Select Colors, Select Fonts, Maintain Multiple Databases, More. Include insurance info on reports. Know what you had if you loose it! (Ziff Davis Award Winner) Description Type = Keywords HOME OFFICE PERSONAL POSSESSIONS INVENTORY COLLECT CATALOG ORGANIZE INSURANCE Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S. Dollars Minimum registration price..................25.00 Maximum registration price..................25.00 Shipping: within same country...............3.00 North America.....................5.00 South America.....................5.00 Europe............................5.00 Asia..............................5.00 Africa............................5.00 Pacific...........................5.00 Description Type = Installation Details FOR WINDOWS 3.1 --------------- Run "SETUP" off the floppy disk from the Windows File Manager Example: if the disk is in drive A: then do the following: 1. Press Alt-F in the Windows Program Manager 2. Select "Run" 3. Enter "A:\SETUP" 4. Press Enter and following instructions FOR WINDOWS 95 -------------- Run "SETUP" off the floppy disk Example: if the disk is in drive A: then do the following: 1. Click the "Start" Button 2. Select "Run" 3. Enter "A:\SETUP" 4. Press Enter and following instructions Description Type = Permissions The attached VENDINFO data record is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Please consult the attached VENDINFO data record for distribution rights. You must obtain written permission directly from Insight Software Solutions if you are unsure of your distribution rights. Permission to distribute SmartTracker Inventory package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is Insight Software Solutions, P.O. Box 354, Bountiful, UT 84011. Insight Software Solutions may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Insight Software Solutions. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BProgrms SmartTracker Invt 95 3.0i Track Office/Personal Possessions Filter: DOS=No WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MICHAEL JONES INSIGHT SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS,INC P.O. BOX 354 BOUNTIFUL, UT 84011-0354 Telephone: (801) 295-1890 Fax: (801) 299-1781 Description Type = Short Description SmartTracker Inventory 95 v3.0i [ASP] Track, Organize and Catalog your home/office possessions. Enter a multitude of info for each item. Narrow Data down to a search, Sort Data on any Field 4 Levels Deep, Search and Replace, Import, Export, User Definable Reports, Select Colors, Select Fonts, Maintain Multiple Databases, More. Include insurance info on reports. Know what you had if you loose it! (Ziff Davis Award Winner) Description Type = Long Description SmartTracker Inventory 95 v3.0i [ASP] Track, Organize and Catalog your home/office possessions. Enter a multitude of info for each item. Narrow Data down to a search, Sort Data on any Field 4 Levels Deep, Search and Replace, Import, Export, User Definable Reports, Select Colors, Select Fonts, Maintain Multiple Databases, More. Include insurance info on reports. Know what you had if you loose it! (Ziff Davis Award Winner) Description Type = Keywords HOME OFFICE PERSONAL POSSESSIONS INVENTORY COLLECT CATALOG ORGANIZE INSURANCE Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S. Dollars Minimum registration price..................25.00 Maximum registration price..................25.00 Shipping: within same country...............3.00 North America.....................5.00 South America.....................5.00 Europe............................5.00 Asia..............................5.00 Africa............................5.00 Pacific...........................5.00 Description Type = Installation Details FOR WINDOWS 95 -------------- Run "SETUP" off the floppy disk Example: if the disk is in drive A: then do the following: 1. Click the "Start" Button 2. Select "Run" 3. Enter "A:\SETUP" 4. Press Enter and following instructions Description Type = Permissions The attached VENDINFO data record is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Please consult the attached VENDINFO data record for distribution rights. You must obtain written permission directly from Insight Software Solutions if you are unsure of your distribution rights. Permission to distribute SmartTracker Inventory package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is Insight Software Solutions, P.O. Box 354, Bountiful, UT 84011. Insight Software Solutions may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Insight Software Solutions. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BProgrms The Video Store 2.0 The Video Store 2.0 Rev AA. Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MICHAEL COLUCCI SOFTWARE STORE PRODUCTS, INC. 10351 SW 69TH COURT OCALA, FL 34476 Telephone: 800-232-8561 Fax: 352-237-0662 Description Type = Short Description The Video Store 2.0 Rev AA. Video Rental Store POS system. Tracks customers, rentals & sales, inventory management, late charges, taxes, payments, mailing labels, customized reports, network ready, plus much more! Very simple to learn & use. Description Type = Long Description The Video Store 2.0 Rev AA. Video Rental Store POS system. Tracks customers, rentals & sales, inventory management, late charges, taxes, payments, mailing labels, customized reports, network ready, plus much more! Very simple to learn & use. Description Type = Keywords VIDEO STORE RENTAL POS INVENTORY Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......United States dollar Minimum registration price..................75.00 Maximum registration price..................75.00 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................0.00 South America.....................5.00 Europe............................5.00 Asia..............................5.00 Africa............................5.00 Pacific...........................5.00 CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BProgrms WinCharging 2.0 The Credit Card Manager Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: JOHN LEE SALISBURY MY LITTLE REALM ENTERPRISES 22 Church St. #103, Suite 376 RAMSEY, NJ 07446 Description Type = Short Description WINCHARGING V2.0 - Ziff-Davis called it "a sophisticated credit card management system ... for detail-oriented people." It displays outstanding amounts; monitors credit limits and target amounts; charts, displays and prints all kinds of reports; and much more. Now Win95 compatible and works with international date and currency formats (Roman alphabet). Req: 4MB RAM, 386DX, 2MB hard disk space, Win 3.1. Cost: $24.95+s/h. Description Type = Long Description WINCHARGING V2.0 - Ziff-Davis calls it "a sophisticated credit card management system ... for detail-oriented people." Runner-up in the Z-D 1995 Shareware Awards contest, it displays outstanding amounts; monitors credit limits and target amounts; charts, displays and prints all kinds of reports; and much more. It helps you come to terms with credit cards. Highlights of this version: WinCharging is now Win95 compatible, handles high video resolutions, and works with all international date and currency formats that use the Roman alphabet. Its pay down methodology has been automated, and it has been optimized for speed. Requires 4MB RAM, 2MB hard disk space, and Windows 3.1 or 3.11. Cost: $24.95 plus shipping and handling. Description Type = Keywords credit cards, charge cards Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......USA Minimum registration price..................24.95 Maximum registration price..................24.95 Shipping: within same country...............4.00 North America.....................6.00 South America.....................12.00 Europe............................12.00 Asia..............................12.00 Africa............................12.00 Pacific...........................12.00 Description Type = Installation Details WinCharging needs about 2 MB of available disk space and 4 MB RAM. To install WinCharging from a distribution disk, perform the following steps: o Place the distribution disk in floppy drive A:. o In Windows Program Manager, open the File Menu and select Run. Type a:setup. o Follow the instructions presented by the setup program. You will have a chance to approve installation before any changes are actually made to your hard drive. Setup asks you for a a directory and then expands the files to that directory. The default directory is WINCHARG. o Setup makes no changes to your system files. BBS Downloads: o If you received WinCharging as a download from a BBS, you will have to expand the ZIP file in a temporary directory. To install the program, open Program Manager's File Menu and select Run. o Enter the entire path name plus SETUP. Example: c:\tempdir\setup Description Type = Permissions Any current member of the Association of Shareware Professionals may distribute WinCharging without further permission. For other cases or to distribute in modified form, you must consult the attached data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute the WinCharging package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is: My Little Realm Enterprises 22 Church Street #103, Suite 376 Ramsey, New Jersey 07446. My Little Realm Enterprises may revoke any permissions granted here by notifying the party in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to My Little Realm Enterprises. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BUtility Alert ScrSvr/Alarm 1.00 ALERT: Screen Saver / Burglar Alarm Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MENDEL COOPER M/COOPER P.O. Box 237 St. David, AZ 85630-0237 Telephone: 520-720-9431 Description Type = Short Description ALERT: Combination Screen Saver / Burglar Alarm. A "screen saver" that flashes an INTRUDER ALERT message on a changing-color screen while sounding a klaxon at random intervals should certainly discourage a would-be burglar, or at least prevent anyone from tampering with your computer. Description Type = Long Description ALERT: Combination Screen Saver / Burglar Alarm. A "screen saver that flashes an INTRUDER ALERT message on a changing-color scree while sounding a klaxon at random intervals should certainly discourage a would-be burglar, or at least prevent anyone from tampering with your computer. Includes C source. Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed...... Minimum registration price..................0.00 Maximum registration price..................7.50 Shipping: within same country...............1.00 North America.....................2.00 South America.....................3.00 Europe............................3.00 Asia..............................3.00 Africa............................3.00 Pacific...........................3.00 Description Type = Installation Details Unpack files in subdirectory of your choice. VGA and 286 or better required. May also work with mono VGA, but this has not been tested. Description Type = Permissions The following may distribute ALERT, completely unaltered, without further permission...; for other cases or to distribute in modified form, you must consult the attached data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute the ALERT package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is M\Cooper, 3425 Chestnut Ridge Rd., Grantsville, MD 21536-9801. M\Cooper may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to M\Cooper. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BUtility Backup Utility 3.5 Backup Utility Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: RON PARKER CT SOFTWARE 759 Galleon Lane Elk Grove, IL 60007 Telephone: 847-923-7572 Description Type = Short Description (v3.5) - Backup Utility Safety Net is a utility for backing up key files. It has 1 default setting - to backup key "windows" & system files - & 3 user configurable options. Safety Net could easily backup all of your DOC and/or database files, for example. An added function - the files can be ZIPped to disk. It can also print your directory tree. VBRUN300.DLL required. (CT Software) Description Type = Long Description Safety Net is a highly acclaimed utility for backing up key files by file extension. It has one default setting - to backup key windows & system files including INI files, Group Files, CONFIG.SYS, and AUTOEXEC.BAT - and 5 user configurable options. Safety Net could easily backup all of the document and/or database files on your drive, for example, and it can ZIP them to disk (PKZIP is required for this option)! Safety Net can also print file lists, print your directory tree, and make a boot disk. VBRUN300.DLL required. Description Type = Keywords Backup CT SafetyNet Copy Zip Description Type = Registration Details $15.00 Description Type = Installation Details Install in Win 3.1 Description Type = Permissions Frely distributable. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BUtility DEED PLOT 0.53 Plots map from your deed, finds errors Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: DAVID PERRY BEITER CAVE, INC. 1/2 FAST SOFTWARE DIV. 1/2 FAST ROAD RITNER, KY 42633-8809 Telephone: (606) 376-3137 Fax: switched on demand Description Type = Short Description DEED PLOT ver 0.53 - ($10 to $100) DEEDPLOT draws a map from your land description on screen and printer, closes open boundaries, and calculates acreage. DEEDPLT accepts an assortment of units for the direction and distance, and translates amongst them. This is very useful for finding mutations and blunders in your land description. New and improved! Now with virtually virtual virtuosity!! Description Type = Long Description DEED PLOT ver 0.53 - ($10 to $100) DeedPlot plots your plat and plats your plot. Draw a map from the legal gibberish in your deed and see if it makes sense. Close open boundaries, calculate acreage. Find mutations, typograhpical errors and blunders in your deed calls. Virtually Virtual Virtuosity. Help is available anywhere, compliments of HyperRez hypertext reader. Directions and distances may be entered in a variety of units, and are translated amongst them. Video modes are supported from none [plots with the +|-\/ symbols] to VGA [highest mode supported by QuickBasic]. The program automagically detects and uses the highest resolution graphics mode available. Maps may be printed at [almost] any scale on [almost] any printer. There are several examples, with explanatory comments. There are also many support files, information on vacation or retirement land in The Boonies of Kentucky, and some filler to make a 360KB diskful. The commented file directory is in DDPLT053.DOX Description Type = Keywords DEED PLOT PLAT MAP SURVEY LAND CAVE BYTER BEITER MAR95 REAL ESTATE GENEALOGY Description Type = Registration Details $10 TO $100, depending upon usage. Description Type = Installation Details From DOS CAVE for a guided tour. Description Type = Permissions Permission granted for shareware distribution under the following conditions: 1) Copyright 1995 by David P Beiter. 2) Buyer must be informed that any fee is your materials & service fee only. 3) Copy fee may not exceed US$5. 4) No files may be altered or deleted (files may be added). 5) Distribution copy with your name on the registration form & an update, supplied to legitimate vendors upon request. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BUtility DR. FORM 3.2 DR. FORM v3.2 Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: RUSS IRWIN IRWINWARE 113 BEECHMONT AVE. PITTSBURGH, PA 15229 Telephone: 412-931-9577 Fax: 412-931-8442 Description Type = Short Description DR. FORM v3.2 The easiest, fastest way for anybody to create, edit, fill in and print standard or custom made forms. Full Mouse Support. Move, copy, draw lines, etc. Automatic Grid Maker. Print on pre-printed forms and make templates. Much more.... Shareware Magazine Editor's Choice Award. DOS program which includes a Windows Setup. Description Type = Long Description DR. FORM v3.2 The easiest, fastest way for anybody to create, edit, fill in and print standard or custom made forms. Full Mouse Support. Move, copy, draw lines, etc. Automatic Grid Maker. Print on pre-printed forms and make templates. Much more.... Shareware Magazine Editor's Choice Award. DOS program which includes a Windows Setup. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BUtility Econ Market Forecast 2.0 Forecast S&P 500, gold, interest rates Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: DAVID CHAMNESS DC ECONOMETRICS 1001-A EAST HARMONY SUITE 349 FORT COLLINS, CO 80525 Description Type = Short Description ECON 2.0: Stock Market Forecasting Econometric models of S&P 500, T Bond and T Bill interest rates, inflation, and gold. Enter 9 numbers monthly to get statistically optimized forecasts for 3, 6, and 12 months ahead. Asset Allocation lists four optimal portfolios low to high risk; plus futures and options. 39% per year is possible. Menus, help, & graphs. DOS 3.3 up, 640K memory, hard disk needed. $49.95 shareware for IBM-PC Description Type = Long Description ECON v2.0, Stock Market Forecasting: ECON predicts the S&P 500, T Bond and T Bill interest rates, Gold prices, Zero coupon Bonds, and inflation. All are forecast 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months ahead. An Asset Allocation routine lists optimal portfolios. Choose from minimum risk, conservative, aggressive, maximum return, or futures and options. ECON's maximum return portfolio shows a 39% per year return from 1971 to 1993, turning $1,000 into $2 million. The econometric models in ECON were derived by multiple linear regression to 30 years of data 1963 to 1993. In tests the program predicted all major bull and bear markets from 1963 including the 1982 and 1991 bull markets, the crash of '87, and the drop in interest rates and inflation seen in 1991-1992. Once a month you enter nine numbers: S&P 500 close, S&P 500 P/E ratio, S&P 500 dividend yield, Prime rate, 90 day T Bill discount rate, 30 year T Bond rate, gold price, CPI, and unemployment. Pull-down menus, context-sensitive help, and text-mode graphics make ECON fun and easy to use. Requires 640K memory, DOS 3.3 or above, and a hard disk or a high density floppy. Color screen and mouse are recommended. $49.95 shareware. Description Type = Keywords STOCK, BOND, GOLD, FORECAST, PREDICT, TECHNICAL, ANALYSIS, ECON, MARKET, INFLATION Description Type = Registration Details $49.95 CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BUtility FED Forms Editor 1.15 FED Forms Editor and Forms Printer-DOS Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: JIM HASS MICROFOX COMPANY 3310 FOX RUN P.O. BOX 447 RICHFIELD, OH 44286-0447 Telephone: 216-659-9489 Fax: 216-659-9489 Description Type = Short Description FED Forms Editor and Printer uses standard ASCII text files as forms and underlines as input fields. You can print the blank or filled out form to your printer and save it to a file with or without the input fields. Has the ability to set field defaults that can be changed at a later time. FED can pop up a list of files to choose another form. You can also clear all the input fields to fill out the same form with new information. Description Type = Long Description FED Form Editor and Printer Usage: FED [DRIVE:\PATH\FILENAME] [ONLY] A flexible and easy-to-use form filler program. Create a form with any text editor, then use FED to fill it out and print it. If the command line is empty or a directory is entered without a file name or there are wild card characters (* or ?) in the file name, FED will pop up a list of files to choose from. Wild card characters will restrict what files are displayed in the list. If the keyword ONLY is specified after the file name you will not be able to choose another file from inside the program. The file name entered on the command line is a standard ASCII text file. FED uses the file as a form with input fields designated by a series of underlines with a leading and trailing space. The user will be able to enter text into the fields. The form can be printed or saved to a file with the information that was entered into the fields. The input file itself is not changed unless you overwrite it when saving to a file. There are three types of files you can save: a standard text that will be exactly the same as the printed output, a data fields only file, and a special Form File that contains the form and field information. The Form File can be read back into the FED program any time with the information entered into the fields still in place. This is a way to place defaults into the form. You will be able to add, change, and delete all field information. Description Type = Keywords FORM EDIT FILL FILE PRINT TEXT LETTER FED FIELD DATA Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......United States Dollar Minimum registration price..................15.00 Maximum registration price..................750.00 Shipping: within same country...............2.00 North America.....................3.00 South America.....................5.00 Europe............................5.00 Asia..............................5.00 Africa............................5.00 Pacific...........................5.00 Description Type = Installation Details ===== Installation ===================================== The installation procedure for the MicroFox Forms Editor (FED) is quite simple. The package includes a program, "INSTALL.EXE", which automates the entire process. You will need about 64K of available disk space on the hard drive on which you plan to install FED. The exact steps you need to take will depend on how you received the FED product. INSTALLING FROM DISKETTES To install from diskette(s), you need to perform the following steps. o Place the FED distribution diskette in the appropriate diskette drive. o Execute the "INSTALL.EXE" program on the distribution diskette. For example, if the distribution diskette is on drive A:, type the MS-DOS command, "a:install". o Follow the instructions presented by the installation program. You will have a chance to approve installation before any changes are actually made to the contents of your hard drive. The program will ask you for a destination directory, and will copy the FED product files to that directory. If you so direct it, the installation program will install executable programs and documentation in other directories of your choice. It will make no other changes; specifically, it will not modify your autoexec.bat or config.sys files. INSTALLING FROM A HARD DRIVE If you downloaded FED from a BBS (or received it in the form of archive files from some other source), you will need to perform the following steps. o Extract the contents of the archive file(s) in a temporary directory on your hard drive. The procedure for doing this varies, depending on the form in which you received the package. In all likelihood, the fact that you are reading this text means that you already have the necessary tools and knowledge to perform this step. If not, you should be able to obtain directions for this from the same source from which you received the package. o Execute the "INSTALL.EXE" program which you have extracted. For example, if the temporary directory into which you have extracted the FED package is C:\TEMPDIR, you would execute the MS-DOS command, "c:\tempdir\install". o Follow the instructions presented by the installation program. You will have a chance to approve installation before any changes are actually made to the contents of your hard drive. The program will ask you for a destination directory, and will copy the FED product files to that directory. If you so direct it, the installation program will install executable programs and documentation in other directories of your choice. It will make no other changes; specifically, it will not modify your autoexec.bat or config.sys files. When you're satisfied that the installation was successful, you should delete the temporary directory FROM which you installed the FED product (C:\TEMPDIR, in the above discussion), including all its contents. YOU'RE READY TO GO Once you've complete the installation, you should consult the documents (filename extension "doc") which have been installed. In particular, read at least the "FED.DOC" and "REGISTER.DOC" files. Those documents will tell you how to invoke the program, and will give you other information you need to properly evaluate FED. We hope you enjoy the program. Description Type = Permissions You may distribute FED, completely unaltered, without further permission. For special cases or to distribute in modified form, you must contact MicroFox Company and read the attached data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute the FED form package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is MicroFox Company, PO Box 447, Richfield OH 44286-0447. MicroFox Company may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to MicroFox Company. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BUtility Financial Manager 1.3 Eval Corp. Performance and Planning Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: BORJE KYRKLUND VIA DEI RADIOTELEGRAFISTI 28B3 ROME, 00143 ITALY Description Type = Short Description Financial management tool for evaluation of corporate performance and for planning short- term cash flow. Description Type = Long Description Financial Manager (FinMan) FinMan is a financial business management tool. Apply financial ratios to analyze your company's operating performance, corporate liquidity, and value. Meet legal reporting obligations. Forecast future cash flow requirements and make strategic business decisions. The program covers balance sheets, profit and loss statements, liquidity and cash flow, shares, growth equilibrium and the value of time. On screen manual. Requires Windows 3.x. Price for single copy US$ 95, including packaging and air mail shipment. Description Type = Keywords Financial Management Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......US$ Minimum registration price..................95.00 Maximum registration price..................95.00 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................0.00 South America.....................0.00 Europe............................0.00 Asia..............................0.00 Africa............................0.00 Pacific...........................0.00 Description Type = Permissions Although the unregistered, shareware version of the program can be copied freely and distributed as long as no charge was made for this, except to cover reasonable costs of distribution, the registered version must not under any circumstances be copied for distribution. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BUtility GRBack 1.71a Backup utility for Windows 95/NT v1.71 Filter: DOS=No WIN=No OS2=No OTH=Yes Author Information: ROBERTO GRASSI GRC Casella Postale (P.O. Box) 48 Corso Francia, Leuman Torino, 10196 Italy Description Type = Short Description GRBack Cross Backup for Windows 95/NT V1.71a. This Full Functional Shareware 32-bit program can help you maintaining your important data. It recreate your source directory tree into the destination drive and for every directory it create a PKZIP compatible (with long file name support) archive. Fully customizable: include, exclude files, skip directories. Fully Microsoft System Agent aware. Quick. Support network and removable drives. Description Type = Long Description This full functional Shareware 32-bit Windows 95/NT backup utility can help you maintaining your vital data. It recreate your source directory tree into the destination drive and for every directory it create a PKZIP compatible(with long file name support) archive. Major Features: * Support for network and removable drives (IoMega ZIP/JAZ). * Fully customizable: include, exclude files, skip directories. * Fully Microsoft System Agent (SAGE) aware. * Fully support VFAT long file names. * Recreate exactly your source directory structure. * Create PKZIP compatible archives. * Quick and background run. * Easy registration with emailed personal key file. Install: Simply copy the package files where you want. Remove: Simply delete the package files. Shareware: Registration fee 40US$. Credit cards supported. Consult the GRBack.hlp windows help file for more detailed information. Author: Roberto Grassi e-mail: mail: Roberto Grassi, P.O.BOX 48, 10096 Leumann (Torino) ITALY. Description Type = Keywords GRBACK backup network IoMega ZIP drives IoMega JAZ drives cross backup windows 95 windows NT SAGE Microsoft System Agent Aware Microsoft Plus! diskette Description Type = Registration Details WHY TO REGISTER ? Registering this software give you the following advantages: ú You are inserted into our email list in order to be advised when new major release will become available. ú You will receive our full support via email. ú You will receive a license to use your personal copy of the program at your home and at your office in the form of a key file. In this way you are NOT in violation of international Copyright law! ú You will be entitled to get one issue of the "Best of the Author to Vendor (A2V)" CD-ROM at a cost of only US$5.95 + S&H. See the file cert0001.doc for more detailed information. HOW TO REGISTER. You are granted that your fee will be taken only after the registered program or key is delivered to you (via email or snail mail)! In order to register you must compile the form that appear running the register.exe application that you find into the package. You must perform the following symple steps: STEP 1: Insert all your personal data. Compile the "Register To:", the "Email" address and the "Postal Address". Give us your comments if you want. STEP 2: Select the software you want to register. Specify the "Quantity" and the "License" type you want. The available License types are the following: Single user license grant you to use the program at your home and at your office. Site license grant you to use the program inside a single organization for an area of up to 100 miles (160 Kilometers) in radius. World-wide license grant you to use the program inside a single organization all over the world. STEP 3: Select the payment method. You have many options: cash, cash to the author (discount 10%), check or money order, VISA, Master Card, American Express, First Virtual and Invoice. STEP 4: Send the form. If you have an email connection you can send this form directly to the "Kagi" shareware registration service, otherwise you must postal mail the form to the address specified into the lower right of the dialog. HOW DO YOU GET AFTER REGISTER. You will get an email from "Kagi" that confirm you that your payment has been processed. Also you will get an email from the "Author" with attached your personal copy of the program.key file, based on your personal data. This key file will transform your shareware program into a registered one and must be placed where reside the program executable. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you want any information about the program please contact only the author ( see Contact Information ). Be sure to include all your data into the registration form to allow us to build your personal program registration key file ! Description Type = Installation Details Install: Simply copy the package files where you want. Remove: Simply delete the package files. Description Type = Vendor Instructions I prohibits the distribution of outdated versions of the package, without written permission. If the version you have obtained is over twelve (12) months old, please contact us (Contact Information) to ensure that you have the most current version. Vendor information. You are allowed to copy this Shareware Version (and ONLY the Shareware Version) and give it to any other person, as long as it is not modified in any way. Under modifications is understood the changing, adding or removing of any files of this package without the author's written permission. Small additions to the package, such as the introductory or installation batch files used by many shareware disk vendors, are acceptable. You are NOT allowed to pack this program together with a commercial program or a book. A distribution fee may be charged for the cost of the diskette, shipping and handling, as long as the total (per disk) does not exceed US$8.00 in the U.S. and Canada, or US$12.00 internationally. You are encouraged to put this program on as many BBS systems as possible. The distribution on CD-ROM is also permitted, as long as the original files are not changed in any way. Please contact me if you want to distribute the program with a different installation program, changed files etc. This package CANNOT be sold as part of some other inclusive package. Nor can it be included in any commercial software packaging offer, without a written agreement from the author. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Roberto Grassi. We would appreciate copies of anything you print regarding this software package. Please send us a copy of any reviews, articles, catalog descriptions, or other information you print or distribute regarding this package. Thank you for your time and assistance and for supporting the shareware marketing concept. Vendor Update Program. Most vendors have standard procedures for acquiring new files. They get them from other vendors, BBSs, etc. Most authors cannot afford to mail disks to hundreds (perhaps thousands) of vendors. However, some vendors prefer to obtain programs directly from the authors. If you would like to obtain programs directly from us, automatically, then please help us to cover the cost. Under this program you can receive updates for an entire year for only $10 per program (this helps to offset our costs). To receive updates, simply send us a letter with your name, company name, mailing address, the name of the person we should contact (such as your disk librarian), the program (or programs) for which you would like to receive updates, and a check or money order for $10 for each program. See How to Register for payment details. All vendors participating in our Vendor Update Program will automatically receive any NEW programs which we may release while their Vendor Update Program is in effect. The Vendor Update Program is only intended to help us cover our expenses in those cases where a vendor desires to obtain the program directly from us. If you have other standard ways to obtain programs, then you may prefer not to use our Vendor Update Program. Description Type = Permissions Software License. Please read the following lines carefully before using this software. If you disagree with any of the following, you are not allowed to use this program. You MUST then delete it immediately. Shareware Version. You have the right to test this program for a period of one month. Use of this software after the trial period of one month is in violation of International Copyright law! It is also unfair to the author, who has spent hundreds of hours developing this program. You are allowed to copy this Shareware Version (and ONLY the Shareware Version) and give it to any other person, as long as it is not modified in any way. Under modifications is understood the changing, adding or removing of any files of this package without the author's written permission. Registration. This program is neither freeware nor public domain. Use after the 30 day trial period requires registration. Registered version (personal license). The registered version may be installed on as many computers as desired, as long as it is ONLY running on one at any one time (I.e. one installation at home and one at the office used by the same person). The usage by multiple people at the same time (on multiple computers) requires additional licenses. Licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program except as provided in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of the license. Multiple licenses (additional licenses). Multiple licenses allow an institution, company or school to install the program on multiple computers or on a server. It must be guaranteed that the program does not run on more machines at the same time than there are licenses purchased. All licenses are issued to the same (company) name. Each additional license also allows a single user to use the program at home. Licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program except as provided in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of the license. Liability. We try to keep our software as bug free as possible. But it's a general rule (Murphy's), that no software ever is error free, and the number of errors increases with the complexity of the program. That's why we cannot guarantee that this software will run in every environment, on any Windows 95 compatible machine, together with any other application, without producing errors. Any liability for damage of any sort is hereby denied. In any case, the liability is limited to the registration fee. Please test this program with noncritical data. We cannot guarantee the safety of your data. Should you detect errors before registration, you accept them if you register. Any description of bugs will be accepted, but we cannot guarantee that we will be able to correct them. All mentioned trademarks and copyrights belong to their respective owners. Legal domicile is Torino, Italy. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BUtility I'm Out - Business 1.9B I'M OUT Screen Saver - Business Ver. Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: STEVE HUDGIC PSG-HOMECRAFT SOFTWARE P.O.BOX 974 TUALATIN, OR 97062 Telephone: 503-692-3732 Fax: 503-692-0382 Description Type = Short Description I'M OUT Screen Saver - Business Ver. 1.9b - the only screen saver that works for you. Yes, it displays pretty pictures, just like other screen savers, but I'M OUT does more! You can leave a custmized message for others and others can leave private messages for you. Let people know where you are, and when you'll be back. Or use I'M OUT to remind yourself of an important meeting. Description Type = Long Description I'M OUT Screen Saver - Business Ver. 1.9b - the only screen saver that works for you. Yes, it displays pretty pictures, just like other screen savers, but I'M OUT does more! You can leave a custmized message for others and others can leave private messages for you. Let people know where you are, and when you'll be back. Or use I'M OUT to remind yourself of an important meeting. Created by PC Conquest and published by PSG-HomeCraft Software. Description Type = Keywords I'M OUT SCREEN SAVER MESSAGES Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S. Dollars Minimum registration price..................39.95 Maximum registration price..................39.95 Shipping: within same country...............6.00 North America.....................6.00 South America.....................10.00 Europe............................10.00 Asia..............................10.00 Africa............................10.00 Pacific...........................10.00 Description Type = Installation Details INSTALLATION: If you downloaded this software from a BBS, be sure that it has been unzipped before you try to install it. Run Windows. Go to the Files Menu and click on "Run". Select and run the "SETUP.EXE" file that is included as one of the files with the software. Description Type = Permissions The following may distribute this software, completely unaltered, without further permission...; for other cases or to distribute in modified form, you must consult the attached data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute this software is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BUtility I.S. User Info. 2.09 Manages user information on networks. Filter: DOS=No WIN=No OS2=No OTH=Yes Author Information: JASON FRANKLIN 10303 E. Peakview Avenue #102 Englewood, CO 80111 Telephone: 303-779-3689 Description Type = Short Description Manages user information on large networks such as UNIX / NT /Novell. Tracks information such as hardware, NIC addresses, TCP/IP addresses,network hub ports, multiple logins, passwords(optional), phone extentions, and many other fields including definable. TODO Utility and scheduler built in. Capital asset tracking built in. Description Type = Long Description Manages user information on large networks such as UNIX / NT /Novell. Tracks information such as hardware, NIC addresses, TCP/IP addresses, network hub ports, multiple logins, passwords (optional), phone extentions, and many other fields including some user definable. Also includes a TODO utility to remind busy network system administrators of important projects and a built in scheduler with an alarm for appointments. Also has ability to print detailed or overview lists of your network for accounting (capital asset tracking). Description Type = Keywords Network User Information I.S. Novell NT Windows95 UNIX AIX SUN HP Capital Asset Tracking Managment Database Utility Description Type = Registration Details Registration Information With registration you will recieve a "Registration Code" that will be good for the latest release of the software. This code will disable all "nag" screens and display registered at the top of the I.S. User Information for Windows95 v2.09 window. Registration will also entitle you to bug fixes. Registration Schedule : 1 User = $50.00 5 User = $100.00 Unlimited = $250.00 Register via mail, send $50.00 US to : Jason Franklin 10303 E. Peakview Ave #102 Engelwood, CO 80111 Registering via Visa / Mastercard / Discover online ($50.00) Description Type = Installation Details If you are upgrading from version 2.08 you will have to either backup your database or manually copy it to the new install directory. You can have the user data base reside on any physical drive or network drive You can have multiple administrators share the same data base. You can have multiple instances of I.S. User Information running concurrently The first time you start I.S. User Information You will use the default password USERINFO If you have multiple databases you wish to use you can automatically start which ever database you wish to use the syntax is : "C:\USERINFO\USER INFORMATION.EXE DATABASE.MDB" Please note the " " they allow spaces in Windows95. Through the use of this command line you can create multiple icons for different companies and have them all running at the same time in one windows session. I.S. User Information was created out of need for a SOLID system administration tool for tracking user information such as hardware, operating system, passwords, phone extensions, network shells, etc. I have made it very flexible with several "USER DEFINABLE" fields. I can be reached at To register this program or find a recent release vist it's web site at: This is version 2.09 released September 30, 1996. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BUtility Just To Quote 3.11 Automatic daily Quote-for-the Day Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: WILLIAM E. PEACE P.O. BOX 627 SOUTH DENNIS, MA 02660-0627 Description Type = Short Description JUST TO QUOTE ... will automatically provide you with a quote for the day upon start up of your computer. It is easy to use, takes up no resident memory, and is a pleasant way to start a day of work. With so much to do every day, we need to stop to think, to smile, and to slow ourselves a bit. What better way than to ponder the wisdom and the follies of those who have gone before us? Description Type = Long Description JUST TO QUOTE ... will automatically provide you with a quote for the day upon start up of your computer. It is easy to use, takes up no resident memory, and is a pleasant way to start a day of work. With so much to do every day, we need to stop to think, to smile, and to slow ourselves a bit. What better way than to ponder the wisdom and the follies of those who have gone before us? WITH JUST TO QUOTE ... You can search for particular quotes, or topics, you can print the quotes or series of quotes, and you can even edit the quote file to include your own quotes. Most importantly, you can mark any quote of your choice to appear on a particular date. Quotes have been individually selected to provide a mix of humor, motivation, and thought. Description Type = Keywords Quotations, philosophy, quotes, humor, wisdom Description Type = Registration Details $19.95 Description Type = Installation Details To install the program on the hard drive, insert the program disk in drive A and type INSTALL Follow the instructions that you will see. The program will start automatically once installation is complete. To run at other times, type C: CD QUOTE QUOTE You may type QUOTE M to run the program in monochrome. FOR AUTOMATIC QUOTE UPON COMPUTER START UP: Choose this option when prompted as you install to the hard drive. Then your computer will run JUST TO QUOTE ... the first thing every time you run the computer each day. INSTALLATION TO WINDOWS 3.1: Follow these steps to install JUST TO QUOTE to WINDOWS 3.1. This procedure will enable you to run quote manually from the WINDOWS program. If you wish to run quote automatically when you start up your computer, follow the procedure above to install to the hard drive. As you install, you will be given an automatic start up option. Description Type = Vendor Instructions Please do not combine the program with other programs on the same disk (except for zips). Please do not alter the quote file or any other files. Please inform your users that continued use of shareware requires registration or the user is in violation of copyright laws. Please charge fees only to duplicate/ship, not for software itself. I would appreciate a courtesy catalog if you list this software Description Type = Permissions Contents of Manual and Programs Copyright 1995 by William E. Peace. Shareware vendors and bulletin board systems may duplicate and post the software and manuals provided that fees are charged only for duplication or access, not for the rights to the software itself. Permission is hereby granted for this type of duplication. Software or manuals may not be altered in anyway except for addition of explanatory vendor files. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BUtility PCCLOCK 4.1 Digital Clock with Timesetting by Mode Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MICHAEL J. SADAWAY P.O. BOX 128-P SOUTH WALPOLE, MA 02071 Telephone: 508-668-0379 Description Type = Short Description PCCLOCK v4.1 - Calls NIST, USNO, or NRC atomic clock or CompuServe to get the time. Sets your PC's clock by modem to the exact time by calling an atomic clock (usually long-distance) or to the nearest minute by calling a CompuServe access number (usually local). Now supports new USNO Washington and future USNO Colorado Springs phone numbers. Boardwatch called PCCLOCK "charming from front to back." PC World called it "cool". Description Type = Long Description PCCLOCK v4.1 - Calls NIST, USNO, or NRC atomic clock or CompuServe to get the time. Sets your PC's clock by modem to the exact time by calling an atomic clock (usually long-distance) or to the nearest minute by calling a CompuServe access number (usually local). Now supports new USNO Washington and future USNO Colorado Springs phone numbers. Boardwatch called PCCLOCK "charming from front to back." PC World called it "cool". Description Type = Keywords TIME SET MODEM NIST USNO NRC COMPUSERVE ASP PCCLOCK Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S. Dollars Minimum registration price..................20.00 Maximum registration price..................20.00 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................0.00 South America.....................0.00 Europe............................0.00 Asia..............................0.00 Africa............................0.00 Pacific...........................0.00 Description Type = Permissions Shareware disk and CD-ROM vendors, user groups, computer clubs, computer stores, bulletin board systems, and individuals are permitted to copy and distribute PCCLOCK for others to use on the same 30-day free trial basis, provided that the program is unmodified and all necessary files are included. A reasonable fee may be charged for media, copying, and shipping and handling or for transmission time. The attached VENDINFO data record is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BUtility ROCKFORD! 4.0 Business card maker for Windows Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: GEORGE CAMPBELL OSOSOFT 1472 SIXTH STREET LOS OSOS, CA 93402 Telephone: (805) 528-1759 Fax: (805) 528-3074 Description Type = Short Description OSOSOFT'S ROCKFORD! v4.0 - Business card maker for Windows 3.1. Fonts, Clip Art, and Line Drawing. Works with all custom card stock. Many new features. WYSIWYG. Camera ready cards too. Shareware. Registration: $20 Requires VBRUN300.DLL. Description Type = Long Description OSOSOFT'S ROCKFORD! v4.0 - Business card maker for Windows 3.1. Fonts, Clip Art, and Line Drawing. Works with all custom card stock. Many new features. WYSIWYG. Camera ready cards too. Shareware. Registration: $20 Requires VBRUN300.DLL. Description Type = Registration Details $20 CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BUtility Schedule/Automation 1.1b Scheduling and Automation program Filter: DOS=No WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MIKE DZICEK P.O. Box 32706-184 TUCSON, AZ 85750-2706 Description Type = Short Description Mini Scheduler version 1.1b - A scheduling and automation program for the Windows 95 point and click crowd. Description Type = Long Description A scheduling and automation program for the Windows 95 point and click crowd. No complicated scripts or programming processes to learn. With Mini Scheduler you can keep track of appointments, online time or anything you desire with the built in audio and visual reminders, or have Mini Scheduler run any program or file as a reminder. You can have Mini Scheduler free your system resources by starting all of the programs you currently have running in the background, like backups or virus scans, or have it start any program or file you desire at any time you desire. Description Type = Keywords Scheduling And Automation. Description Type = Registration Details To Register send your Name, address and email address plus $8.95 to: Mike Dzicek PO Box 32706-184 Tucson, AZ 85750-2706 Be sure to state the program name and where you found it. Description Type = Installation Details Unzip contents into a temporary directory and run the setup.exe. These files have been removed from the zip: VB40032.dll VEN2232.dll OLEPRO32.olb MSVCRT20.dll MSVCRT40.dll CTL3D32.dll Most systems will have these files installed, if yours does not and you encounter problems because of that you can find them at the address below as well as numerous other locations. Description Type = Vendor Instructions This is a shareware program and may be distributed by any means. Description Type = Permissions "Mini Scheduler" 1.1b is Copyrighted c by Mike Dzicek All Rights Reserved CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BUtility Timeclock I 2.4S PC/LAN Replacement for Mech. Timeclock Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: RICHARD FAUGHT FAUGHT DATA SYSTEMS, INC. 2151 OAKLAND ROAD #24 P.O. BOX 361927 MILPITAS, CA 95035 Telephone: 408-394-4837 Fax: 408-577-0198 Description Type = Short Description TIMECLOCK I v2.4S - PC and LAN ready Employee Timeclock. Eliminates timecard tab- ulation. Adds..Kybd/Barcode input, Bulletin board, Emp. messages, Status Board, Post- facto entry, Job/Client labor report, Over- time calc. Tracks Sick, Vac., Hol. time. Exports avail. Registration Bonus to users. Faught Data Systems, Inc. $79.95 Description Type = Long Description If keeping track of employee and project hours is important in your business, don't settle for a timeclock..use Timeclock I. Timeclock I not only logs your employees' "in" and "out", it tabulates their hours automatically at end of each pay period. And unlike manual methods, it never makes a mistake! Entries can be made from the keyboard or a barcode scanner. It's so easy for emploees to use. If your networked they just type PUNCH and an ID code right from their workstations. Captures every billable hour. If your tracking time by project or client simply enter a name/code with any punch and Timeclock I logs employee hours by project too. No other recordkeeping needed! Delivers messages! Send general announcements over the program's bulletin board, or enter private message of up to 80 characters for individual employees. They'll get their messages when they "punch". Employees can use the on-screen timecard to see their hours and you can use the status board to see who's in or out. Calculates overtime and premium time, tracks sick leave, vacations and holidays and can round off to the nearest tenth or quarter of an hour. Saves hundreds of dollars compared to other systems (or manual methods). Try it, you'll like it. Description Type = Keywords TIMECLOCK, TIME, CLOCK, TIMECARD, TIMEKEEPING Description Type = Registration Details $79.95 Description Type = Installation Details TimeClock I can be installed in just a few minutes. If you are an experienced PC user, just make a new directory (typically TC) and copy on the distribution data files from the expanded TC24S.??? file. You can enter COPY PACKING.LST PRN to print a list of the files. 1. Enter COPY *.DOC PRN to print the users manual and supporting files. (Last count was less than 30 pages) 2. Execute the TC.EXE program. (This will create the files DAILY.DAT, MASTER.DAT and EMPLOYEE.DAT as well as their associated key files. 3. Proceed with the SETUP instructions in the manual and you are ready to go. Note! The TimeClock program will open 13 files. Your CONFIG.SYS file should have a FILES= statement with at least this number. Description Type = Vendor Instructions Please see file VENDOR.DOC Description Type = Permissions Please see files VENDOR.DOC, SYSOP.DOC, LICENSE.DOC CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BOther__ BMP Randomizer 2.2 Randomly Changes Windows Wallpaper Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: STEVE MILLER PRAGMATIC SOFTWARE 6728 BELLEHAVEN DR. PLANO, TX 75023 Telephone: 800-699-6395 Fax: 803-699-5465 Description Type = Short Description A utility that randomly changes your Windows background (wallpaper) each time you log into Windows or each time you run it. You can set it up to change a maximum of once a day (if you log in and out of Windows several times per day). Description Type = Long Description A utility that randomly changes your Windows background (wallpaper) each time you log into Windows or each time you run it. You can set it up to change a maximum of once a day (if you frequently load and unload Windows several times per day). Description Type = Keywords Pragmatic Win BMP Wallpaper Paper Random Control Panel Background Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......dollars Minimum registration price..................15.00 Maximum registration price..................15.00 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................0.00 South America.....................0.00 Europe............................0.00 Asia..............................0.00 Africa............................0.00 Pacific...........................0.00 Description Type = Installation Details INSTALLING BMP RANDOMIZER ----------------------------- 1. Insert the BMP Randomizer diskette into your A or B drive. 2. Go to a Dos Prompt and enter dir a:\*.* or b:\*.*, depending on which drive the diskette is in. 3. If the only file you see is, you must first uncompress this file. Otherwise, go to step 5. 4. To uncompress, enter at the Dos Prompt, a:\pkunzip (or b:\pkunzip 5. Now go into Windows. 6. Access Window's Program Manager, and click on File/Run. 7. Enter a:\setup.exe (or b:\setup.exe) 8. Follow the on-screen directions to install BMP Randomizer. ------------------------------------------------------ Note: If you experience any problems trying to install or run BMP Randomizer, call Steve Miller at Pragmatic Software Company 972-517-2540. All problems will be promptly fixed. You can reach me by email: ------------------------------------------------------ CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BOther__ CEnvi for DOS 2.00 Scripting language/batch-enhancer Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: BRENT NOORDA NOMBAS P.O. BOX 875 MEDFORD, MA 02155 Telephone: 617-391-6595 Description Type = Short Description C-interpreter/batch-enhancer/macro tool- CEnvi gives the DOS professional a complete C-like environment, including the standard library and interrupt calls, in an easy-to- use form and all in one 150K executable. Now 'C' is as easy to use as a batch file, and can even mix with batch files. Description Type = Long Description Cmm (C minus minus) is 'C' for the rest of us. CEnvi runs Cmm programs in the DOS, Windows, OS/2, NT, Unix, etc... environments. Together, CEnvi and Cmm make the power and flexibility of the C programming language part of every computer user's environment, without the hardware, time, and programmer resources needed for developing full-blown C programs. With CEnvi and Cmm, anyone can take control of their computer environment. C is not just for programming nerds anymore. CEnvi utilites, macros, batch files, and scripts can quickly be created, shared, and modified among all computer users, professional and amateur alike. CEnvi can be incorporated at a pace that is comfortable to you: you may just want to use CEnvi code set up by a more experienced user, you may want to enhance existing batch files with a line or two of CEnvi code, or you may write complete utilities using CEnvi. 150+ built-in functions or create your own. Interact with DOS commands, interrupts, and environment variables. 50 sample utilities are included to demonstrate Cmm programming, looping in batch files, altering environment variables, user input, reading time, sounds, setting ERRORLEVEL, file read/write, program run-time scheduling, and much more. Description Type = Keywords C, INTERPRETER, BATCH, ENHANCER, ENVIRONMENT, MACRO Description Type = Registration Details See Readme.doc Description Type = Installation Details Create a directory (recommend name CENVID). Unzip CENVID.ZIP into that directory. From that directory enter CENVI INSTALL. Description Type = Permissions May be freely distributed if no files are removed or modified. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BOther__ CEnvi for OS/2 2.00 Scripting language/batch-REXX-enhancer Filter: DOS=No WIN=No OS2=Yes OTH=No Author Information: BRENT NOORDA NOMBAS P.O. BOX 875 MEDFORD, MA 02155 Telephone: 617-391-6595 Description Type = Short Description C-interpreter;bach/rexx-enhancer;Automator- CEnvi gives the OS/2 professional a complete C-like environment, including the standard library and kernel/DLL calls, in an easy-to- use form and all in one 150K executable. Now 'C' is as easy to use as a batch file, and can even mix with batch or REXX. Description Type = Long Description Cmm (C minus minus) is 'C' for the rest of us. CEnvi runs Cmm programs in the DOS, Windows, OS/2, NT, Unix, etc... environments. Together, CEnvi and Cmm make the power and flexibility of the C programming language part of every computer user's environment, without the hardware, time, and programmer resources needed for developing full-blown C programs. With CEnvi and Cmm, anyone can take control of their computer environment. C is not just for programming nerds anymore. CEnvi utilites, macros, batch files, and scripts can quickly be created, shared, and modified among all computer users, professional and amateur alike. CEnvi can be incorporated at a pace that is comfortable to you: you may just want to use CEnvi code set up by a more experienced user, you may want to enhance existing batch files with a line or two of CEnvi code, or you may write complete utilities using CEnvi. nearly 100 samples are included, demonstrating such tasks as: looping in batch files, setting the NumLock key, killing processes, calling DLLs, deleting directory trees, opening desktop folders, scheduling task times and priorities, controlling PMSHELL and WPS, fine-tuning DOS sessions and appearances, sending keystrokes to PM and Windowed applications, menu selections, automating DOS, Windows, and OS/2 sessions, and much more... Description Type = Keywords C, INTERPRETER, BATCH, REXX, SCRIPT, AUTOMATE, MACRO Description Type = Registration Details See README.DOC Description Type = Installation Details Create a directory (recommend name CENVI2). Unzip CENVI2.ZIP into that directory. From that directory enter CENVI INSTALL. Description Type = Permissions May be freely distributed if no files are removed or modified. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BOther__ CEnvi for Windows 2.00 Windows-batch-language/C-interpreter Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: BRENT NOORDA NOMBAS P.O. BOX 875 MEDFORD, MA 02155 Telephone: 617-391-6595 Description Type = Short Description C-interpreter/Windows-batch/macro tool- CEnvi gives the Windows professional a complete C-like environment, including the standard library and DLL calls, in an easy-to-use form and all in one 150K executable. Now 'C' is as easy to use as a batch file. Script almost any Windows tasks. Description Type = Long Description Cmm (C minus minus) is 'C' for the rest of us. CEnvi runs Cmm programs in the DOS, Windows, OS/2, NT, Unix, etc... environments. Together, CEnvi and Cmm make the power and flexibility of the C programming language part of every computer user's environment, without the hardware, time, and programmer resources needed for developing full-blown C programs. With CEnvi and Cmm, anyone can take control of their computer environment. C is not just for programming nerds anymore. CEnvi utilites, macros, batch files, and scripts can quickly be created, shared, and modified among all computer users, professional and amateur alike. CEnvi can be incorporated at a pace that is comfortable to you: you may just want to use CEnvi code set up by a more experienced user, you may want to enhance existing batch files with a line or two of CEnvi code, or you may write complete utilities using CEnvi. 150+ built-in functions, create your own, or call into Windows or other DLLs. 50+ sample files are included to demonstrate Cmm programming, DLL links, reading time, file read/write, controlling other programs, interacting with Windows and DOS, creating graphics and dialog windows, serial communications, menu and dialog creation or automation, and much more. $38. Also available for OS/2 and DOS. Description Type = Keywords C, INTERPRETER, WINDOWS, BATCH, SCRIPT, MACRO Description Type = Registration Details see readme.doc Description Type = Installation Details Create a directory (recommend name CENVIW). Unzip CENVIW.ZIP into that directory. Run CEnvi.exe and enter INSTALL at the prompt. Description Type = Permissions May be freely distributed if no files are removed or modified. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BOther__ Car Book Plus 2.0 Car Mileage Book & Car Expenses Book Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=Yes OTH=Yes Author Information: ANDRZEJ BRZEZINSKI PRIMASOFT, INC. P.O. BOX 456 SURREY, BC V3T 5B7 CANADA Telephone: (604) 951-1085 Description Type = Short Description CAR BOOK PLUS for Windows(MS Windows 3.1). Includes two separate programs: Car Mileage Book and Car Expenses Book. Both programs will help you keep track of all car records (services, maintenance, repairs, insurance license fees, fuel & oil costs, leasing costs, mileage, and more...). Well suited for both personal and business car use. A similar format to a regular book makes both programs very easy to use and intuitive. Description Type = Long Description CAR BOOK PLUS for Windows(MS Windows 3.1) (excellent for Laptops).Includes two separate programs: Car Mileage Book and Car Expenses Book. Both programs will help you keep track of all car records (services, maintenance, repairs, insurance & license fees, fuel & oil costs, leasing costs, mileage, and more...). CAR BOOK PLUS is well suited for both personal and business car use. A similar format to a regular book makes both programs very easy to use and intuitive. Description Type = Keywords CAR,EXPENSES,MILEAGE,SHAREWARE,WINDOWS,HOME,BUSINESS,TAX,PIM,PRIMASOFT Description Type = Registration Details $22 USA Description Type = Installation Details UnZIP compress file to DISK. The INSTALL program will automatically handle installation to hard drive. To start the installation, place the diskette in drive A: (or B:), start Windows, select File/Run menu function in Windows Program Manager, and type: A:INSTALL or (B:INSTALL). Follow the instructions of the installation program. Description Type = Vendor Instructions For 360k,720k,1440k disks, unZIP compress file to DISK. The INSTALL program will automatically handle installation to hard drive. To start the installation, place the diskette in drive A: (or B:), start Windows, select File/Run menu function in Windows Program Manager, and type: A:INSTALL or (B:INSTALL). Follow the instructions of the installation program. Description Type = Permissions Any vendor, BBS, rack vendor, CD-ROM producer, sattelite distributor may carry this system without obtaining further permission from PrimaSoft, ONLY IF your catalogs, screens, advertizing, brochures, etc. make it clear that this is shareware that requires a registration fee to the author if used beyond the evaluation stage. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BOther__ FundRaiser Basic 1.40 Donor Management Software Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: GENE WEINBECK PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT SOFTWARE 106 GARFIELD AVE P.O. BOX 901 WEST PLAINS, MO 65775 Telephone: (800) 880-3454 Fax: (417) 256-4280 Description Type = Short Description FundRaiser Basic v1.40 Donor Mgt software, VERY easy to learn and use. Here are the tools you need to fundraise like a real pro. In one session: record donations, make address changes, code donors, print timely thank you letters and labels, print a deposit report - all without leaving the program! Targeted mailings are a snap, as are the impressive and useful reports. Now imports and exports, too. Description Type = Long Description FundRaiser Basic v1.35 Donor Management software. VERY easy to learn and use. Here are the tools you need to fundraise like a real pro. In one session: record donations, make address changes, code donors, print timely thank you letters and labels, print a deposit report - all without leaving the program! Targeted mailings are a snap, as are the impressive and useful reports. Now imports existing list from other programs, and exports to other programs. Context sensitive help plus extensive "hint boxes". Handles international dates and phone numbers. Fundraising booklet, printed manual, updates, lots more, come with $48 registration. Description Type = Keywords FUNDRAISING FUND RAISING NONPROFIT NON-PROFIT DONORS MEMBERSHIP CHURCH Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......US$ Minimum registration price..................48.00 Maximum registration price..................48.00 Shipping: within same country...............5.00 North America.....................5.00 South America.....................8.00 Europe............................8.00 Asia..............................8.00 Africa............................8.00 Pacific...........................8.00 Description Type = Installation Details FundRaiser Basic has no installation requirements. o However, to simplify continued use, it is best to put FundRaiser in its own directory. We suggest \FRB, which is the default directory we use when sending updates. If you have already placed the FRB files in another directory and want an easy way to move them all over to \FRB, type: INSTALL and press Enter. o You will need at least 900 k and preferably about 2 Mb of available disk space on the hard drive or diskette on which you plan to install FundRaiser Basic. The program and empty databases take almost 900k, the help files and manual about 400k. In addition, you must have sufficient room to record data on your donors and their donations. Depending on how extensive your notes are, and how many donations, you should figure about 1k for every 1 to 2 donors. o We do not recommend installation onto a diskette because the disk's limited disk capacity will limit the number of donors that can be recorded, and will result in VERY slow operation. o You start the program by first changing to the program's directory. Do that by typing: CD \FRB and pressing Enter. Then to start the program, type: FRB and press Enter. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BOther__ Ins.Agency Forms Gen 1.0 Insurance Agency Forms Generator Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: JIM HASS MICROFOX COMPANY 3310 FOX RUN P.O. BOX 447 RICHFIELD, OH 44286-0447 Telephone: 216-659-9489 Fax: 216-659-9489 Description Type = Short Description Insurance Agency Forms Generator CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BOther__ PSP Parcel Shipping 6.00 UPS Manifest System Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: KENNETH FERRIN EAST HAMPTON INDUSTRIES 81 NEWTOWN LANE BOX 5069 EAST HAMPTON, NY 11937 Telephone: (800) 645-1188 Fax: (516) 324-2248 Description Type = Short Description THE PARCEL SHIPPING PROGRAM PSP V6.0\ A complete UPS Manifest system.Automates your UPS shipping and eliminates UPS Log Book. Meets all UPS reporting requirements. Is accepted nationally by UPS. Keeps an address file for frequently shipped-to customers. Looks up rates from zip codes and prints manifests, labels and COD Tags. Supports all UPS services. Description Type = Long Description THE PARCEL SHIPPING PROGRAM PSP V6.0\ A complete UPS Manifest system.Automates your UPS shipping and eliminates UPS Log Book. Meets all UPS reporting requirements. Is accepted nationally by UPS. Keeps an address file for frequently shipped-to customers. Looks up rates from zip codes and prints manifests, labels and COD Tags. Supports all UPS services. Description Type = Keywords UPS,Shipping,Manifest,Labels Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......US Dollars Minimum registration price..................99.00 Maximum registration price..................99.00 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................99.00 South America.....................0.00 Europe............................0.00 Asia..............................0.00 Africa............................0.00 Pacific...........................0.00 Description Type = Installation Details To Install: The PSP programs and UPS rates are contained in the distribution files. Copy all files to a directory. If you received a PSPXX.ZIP file then unzip the files. To start PSP be sure the current directory is the directory containing PSP and then enter PSP and press return. After you have entered your local PSP Zone chart you are ready to use PSP. Please read the Users' Manual for instructions on how to get UPS to validate your system. Description Type = Permissions The following may distribute PSP, completely unaltered, without further permission...; for other cases or to distribute in modified form, you must consult the attached data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute the PSP package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is East Hampton Industries, 81 Newtown Lane, East Hampton, NY,11937. EAST HAMPTON INDUSTRIES may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to EAST HAMPTON INDUSTRIES. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BOther__ Production Economics 1.2 ProdEc - Convert Production to US$ Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: BORJE KYRKLUND VIA DEI RADIOTELEGRAFISTI 28B3 ROME, 00143 ITALY Description Type = Short Description Production Economics ProdEc to convert production to US$ Description Type = Long Description Production Economics (ProdEc) ProdEc is a tool for managing production in terms of economics and for evaluation of production and marketing strategies. Get help with preparation of next years corporate budget, Use prime costing for determining a recommended price for a new product and marginal costing for arriving at the unit contribution and profit to volume ratio for a product. Formulate and evaluate strategies for production and marketing channels to maximize profit to volume ratio for a mix of products. On screen manual. Requires Windows 3.x. Price for single copy US$ 105, including packaging and air mail shipment. Description Type = Keywords Production Management Economics Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......US$ Minimum registration price..................105.00 Maximum registration price..................105.00 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................0.00 South America.....................0.00 Europe............................0.00 Asia..............................0.00 Africa............................0.00 Pacific...........................0.00 Description Type = Permissions Although the unregistered, shareware version of the program can be copied freely and distributed as long as no charge was made for this, except to cover reasonable costs of distribution, the registered version must not under any circumstances be copied for distribution. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BOther__ Riches Turn your computer into a gold mine Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: CLARK CONSOLIDATED INDUSTRIES, INC. 1555 E. FLAMINGO ROAD, ST#135 LOS VAGAS, NV 89119 Telephone: 702-735-0503 Description Type = Short Description FILE-ID.DIZ This program shows you how to turn your computer into a gold mine...4 different ways. Learn how to copy and sell disks at astounding profits... 8 different home computer-based businesses you can run...secrets of online BBS ads...and electronic publishing for profit. Just type "GO" then [enter] from your DOS prompt! Description Type = Long Description FILE-ID.DIZ This program shows you how to turn your computer into a gold mine...4 different ways. Learn how to copy and sell disks at astounding profits... 8 different home computer-based businesses you can run...secrets of online BBS ads...and electronic publishing for profit. Just type "GO" then [enter] from your DOS prompt! CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BOther__ SCBA Trak 2.5 SCBA Trak v2.50 Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: RAYMOND A. J. PESEK 4706 COTTONWOOD LANE BRUNSWICK, OH 44212-2412 Telephone: 330.225.0248 Fax: 330.225.0248 Description Type = Short Description SCBA Trak v2.50 - Fire Dept. Self Contained Breathing Apparatus & Personal Alert Safety System (PASS) Maintenance Record System. Tracks bottle hydros, composite bottle end of life dates, back pack & mask repetitive and unscheduled maintenance, PASS unit battery changes, mask fit tests, etc. Can automatically alert you to upcoming maintenance items (using a lead time) each time the program is used. Description Type = Long Description SCBA Trak v2.50 Fire Dept. Self Contained Breathing Apparatus & Personal Alert Safety System (PASS) Maintenance Record System. Tracks bottle hydros, visual inspections, composite bottle end of life dates, back pack & mask repetitive and unscheduled maintenance, PASS unit battery changes & functional tests, air bottle fillings, mask fit tests, pressure reducer and mask regulator overhauls, flow tests, etc. Lists all of your equipment and the apparatus where located or the person it's assigned to for better control. You can use your own "I.D. Number" (up to twelve characters) to identify each piece of equipment instead of being forced to use serial numbers. Records purchase price and dates to help with making HazMat reimbursement claims. Can automatically alert you to upcoming maintenance items (using a lead time) each time the program is used. All reports can be sent to a disk file for importing into a word processor. Mouseable. Will run as a protected mode program if your computer is at least a 286 with at least 512K of extended memory. Registered users are given instructions on changing the shareware evaluation copy into a registered version, so you only pay once for the license to use the program and can then use all future versions at no additional charge. Easy to use query system. User- changeable field names. On-line help system. Description Type = Keywords SCBA TRAK FIRE NFPA 1404 1500 PASS SAFETY Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S. Dollars Minimum registration price..................45.00 Maximum registration price..................75.00 Shipping: within same country...............5.00 North America.....................5.00 South America.....................10.00 Europe............................10.00 Asia..............................10.00 Africa............................10.00 Pacific...........................10.00 Description Type = Installation Details All files should be extracted into a separate directory. I suggest using the name \SCBATRAK as the automatic installation program provided with the registered version defaults to that name. To run the program, change to the \SCBATRAK directory, type SCBATRAK at the DOS prompt, and press the Enter key. When SCBA Trak detects that this is the first time you've used the program, it'll ask you a few basic questions to get itself set up correctly for your computer. I strongly urge you to print the instruction manual if you're serious about using the program. The instructions are contained in the file named MANUAL.DOC and can be printed by typing the command: copy manual.doc prn and pressing the Enter key. Thank you for trying SCBA Trak ! Description Type = Permissions The attached VENDINFO data record is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BOther__ SMALL BUS. ADVISOR 95.4 The Expert Legal/Tax Advisor Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MICHAEL D. JENKINS RONIN SOFTWARE 3020 ISSAQUAH-PINE LAKE ROAD SUITE #36 ISSAQUAH, WA 98027-7255 Telephone: 206-391-4036 Description Type = Short Description SMALL BUSINESS ADVISOR v95.4 -- Expert, tax/ legal consultant-on-a-disk. Advises small business on vast range of business, legal, tax issues. Over 600 pages up-to-date info (Fed & all 50 states), by a Harvard lawyer- CPA. Menu-driven, 5 minutes to learn. Inter- active consulting sessions on whether to in- corporate, home office, etc.; custom startup checklists; tax planning modules & much more. Nothing else like it! $29.95 Description Type = Long Description SMALL BUSINESS ADVISOR v95.4 Expert, tax/legal consultant- on-a- disk. Advises small businesses on vast range of business, legal, tax issues. Provides equivalent of over 600 pages up-to- date info (Fed & all 50 states); by Harvard lawyer/CPA. Menu- driven, 5 minutes to learn. Interactive consulting sessions on: Whether to incorp., home office, etc. Creates custom startup checklist for your business, based on YOUR facts and YOUR state's requirements. Includes 1995 & 1996 tax planning modules & much more! Used by U.S. Small Business Admin. offices and universities, as well as by thousands of small businesses. Nothing else like it! "...This superb all-in-one information source gives you advice on everything from finding money for your startup to developing a business plan, marketing your goods and services, hiring personnel, franchising, and paying taxes, as well as EVERY CONCEIVABLE LAW that could apply to your business...." - The COMPUTER SHOPPER (3/95 issue). Selected by PC WORLD Magazine as one of the "Best of Business Shareware" programs: "...Need answers, but don't want to start your attorney's clock ticking? For about the price you'd pay for a billable hour, this program answers [your] questions about taxes, [etc.]...." --PC WORLD (2/94 issue) By RONIN SOFTWARE, $29.95. Description Type = Keywords SMALL BUSINESS, LEGAL, TAX PLANNING Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S. Dollars Minimum registration price..................29.95 Maximum registration price..................49.95 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................0.00 South America.....................5.00 Europe............................5.00 Asia..............................5.00 Africa............................5.00 Pacific...........................5.00 Description Type = Installation Details INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR SMALL BUSINESS ADVISOR: 1. For the .ZIP file version (this version), simply copy the compressed file SBA*.ZIP into a directory on your hard disk (preferably with the directory name \SBE) and use PKUNZIP 2.04 or higher to "unzip" the files. Once they have been unzipped, simply type "RUN" or "SBZ" to start the program. It will create its own configuration files the first time you run it. 2. For shareware distributors who wish to obtain a self-extracting version of the program with automated INSTALL.EXE program, for diskette distributrion of Small Business Advisor, contact Ronin Software to request a copy of the (LHA-compressed) self- extracting version and our INSTALL.EXE and READ.ME files for users. Description Type = Permissions DISTRIBUTION LICENSE (DISTRIBUTORS): Ronin Software wishes to grant distributors of the shareware version of Small Business Advisor considerable flexibility in distributing this software program. The attached VENDINFO data record is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Copyright (C) 1995 Ronin Software and Michael D. Jenkins, All Rights Reserved CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BOther__ SOHO Business Wisdom 2.5 SMALL BUSINESS WISDOM - 1500 Tips & mo Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: BARRY FETTER MICRO COMPUTER RESOURCES 6116 MERCED AVE. #81 OAKLAND, CA 94611 Telephone: 1-800-767-6797 Fax: 510-444-6561 Description Type = Short Description SMALL BUSINESS WISDOM v2.5 contains a wealth of useful information for Entrepreneurs and SOHO business people. Over 1,900 valuable tips, quotations, insights, and motivational sayings from 1,100 experts; 101 Home Business Ideas; contact info on 200+ entrepreneurial suppliers - save $$ Add, Edit and Delete your own records; Quote-A-Day, Filters, Browser,...more. Shareware-V2.5 Req.: 4MB; Win 3.1 or 95. Description Type = Long Description SMALL BUSINESS WISDOM Shareware Version 2.5 for Windows SMALL BUSINESS WISDOM contains a wealth of useful information for Entrepreneurs and SOHO business people. 1. ADVICE - 1,950 valuable tips, insights, and motivational sayings from 1,100 experts. Distilled business wisdom from successful entrepreneurs, executives, and leaders in many fields - past and present. Clearly organized; easy to understand. 2. IDEAS - 101 Businesses you can run from your home office. Thousands of people are making money in them right now. Brief descriptions. 3. RESOURCES - Names, addresses and phone numbers of 200+ suppliers, associations, publishers, etc. offering products, services or information designed to increase an entrepreneur's revenue or reduce their expenses. Program features include: Quote-A-Day, Two Toolbars, an Iconic Subject Menu, Nine Filters, Browser with Six Indexes, Seven Sections, Quick Start Menu, Word Search, View Screen, Custom Fonts, Sizes and Colors, Hypertext Help, plus the ability to Add, Edit and Delete your own records. Version 2.5 gives you the ability to import external text into the database via the clipboard and index it six ways. The program will work with any IBM or compatible PC running Windows 3.1 or higher with a VGA graphics card and hard disk drive with about 4.0MB of free disk space. Keywords: Business, Work, Home, Money, SoHo, Office, Quotes, Quotations Description Type = Keywords Quotes Quotations Business Speeches SOHO Communications Jokes Writing Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S. Dollars Minimum registration price..................29.00 Maximum registration price..................79.00 Shipping: within same country...............5.00 North America.....................5.00 South America.....................10.00 Europe............................10.00 Asia..............................10.00 Africa............................10.00 Pacific...........................10.00 Description Type = Installation Details A. INSTALLATION OVERVIEW FOR A BBS DOWNLOAD Before you can use SMALL BUSINESS WISDOM for Windows you have to run the SETUP program from Window's Program Manager so it will work properly on your computer. YOU CANNOT JUST COPY THE UNZIPPED FILES TO A DIRECTORY ON YOUR HARD DISK. SBW_PACK.EXE is a self extracting archive. The SETUP program will expand it; put files in their correct places; and optionally create a Windows Program Group. B. INSTALLATION PROCEDURE Although the program can be installed to any Target Directory on any Hard Disk Drive, the instructions below assume that you are using the default values of: Hard Disk Drive: C: Source Directory: \DOWNLOAD (Where the UnZipped Files are Located.) Target Directory: \SBW25 If you use different values modify the instructions accordingly. We suggest that you Copy BIZWIZ25.ZIP to a floppy disk and save it as your backup copy before proceeding. 1. The installation process is started by running SETUP. Since SETUP is a Windows application, you must start Windows (if you haven't already done so), then Windows 3.1 Users: Select Files|Run from Program Manager's menu Windows 95 Users: Click Start|Run In the provided text box type C:\DOWNLOAD\SETUP and click .* (* Where "DOWNLOAD" is the name of the directory containing the UnZipped files from BIZWIZ25.ZIP.) 2. SETUP assumes you will install to C:\SBW25. You will be given the opportunity to change this assumption. SETUP will also ask your permission to create a SMALL BUSINESS WISDOM Program Group and populate it with group files. Unless you'd prefer to do this yourself, we'd suggest you answer "Yes." ** 3. The entire SETUP procedure takes about four minutes. Much of that time will be spent unpacking compressed files. When SETUP is done, there will be about a six second delay when nothing seems to be happening, and then SMALL BUSINESS WISDOM will start to run. 4. After the program has run, you can delete all the SMALL BUSINESS WISDOM files in the Download directory, such as BIZWIZ25.ZIP and SBW_PACK.EXE. ** Please wait three seconds before answering "Yes." This dialog will briefly flash on the screen before the files have been unpacked. Some 386 owners, with quick reflexes, have managed to answer "Yes" before the files have been unpacked. If you wait three seconds, you're sure to answer "Yes" at the right time. Description Type = Permissions Shareware Distributors, Disk Vendors, CD-ROM Vendors and BBS SYSOPs are granted permission to copy these MCR Software disk(s) only under the following conditions. Any exceptions to these conditions must be received in writing from MCR Software, 6116 Merced Ave. #81, Oakland, CA, Phone: 510-763-9134, Fax: 510-444-6561, Compuserve 73327,1172. A. You can only distribute the shareware version of SMALL BUSINESS WISDOM for Windows if you: 1. Market it as shareware using "try before you buy" or similar words. 2. Try to sell only the most current version of it. 3. Distribute the complete Program, including all of its related files, each in compressed or other format in its original unmodified state, as released by MCR. B. You can charge a disk copying fee for the cost of media, shipping and handling provided it does not exceed $9.00 per disk or $9.00 total. C. You cannot sell or distribute this program in connection with or as part of some more inclusive product or service. Nor can you rent, lease, abridge or otherwise modify this program. D. You cannot sell this program in multiple retail locations without a written royalty contract from us. Nor can you sell to distributors, sublicense or otherwise cause this program to be sold in multiple retail locations without a written royalty contract from us. Liquidated damages for unauthorized sales in multiple retail locations shall not be less than $2.00 for each copy of the program sold to the end user. E. OWNERSHIP: Except to the extent expressly licensed by us, we have and reserve the exclusive copyright and other rights, title and interest to distribute the Program and all earlier versions of it, and the right to use the Trademark in connection with them. F. TERM: This License terminates upon 30 days prior written notice by either of us to the other. If terminated by us by such written notice, you may distribute the Program until the earlier of 30 days after the termination date in the notice, or completion of the distribution of the copies you have in stock. Sections E, G and H will survive the termination of this License. G. THE PROGRAM IS PROVIDED "AS-IS". NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ARE MADE AS TO IT OR ANY MEDIUM IT MAY BE ON. WE WILL PROVIDE NO REMEDY FOR INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES ARISING FROM IT, INCLUDING SUCH FROM NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, OR BREACH OF WARRANTY OR CONTRACT, EVEN AFTER NOTICE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. H. MISCELLANY 1. Since we would be irreparably damaged if Section A, B, C, D or E of this License were not specifically enforced, we will be entitled without bond, other security or proof of damages, to appropriate equitable remedies with respect to breaches of such sections, in addition to such other remedies as we may have. 2. You will hold us, our partners, contractors, employees and agents harmless from damage, loss and expense arising directly or indirectly from your acts and omissions in copying and distributing the Program. 3. With respect to every matter arising under this License, you consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the state and federal courts sitting in Oakland, California, and to service by certified mail, return receipt requested, or as otherwise permitted by law. (V.941208) CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BOther__ SURVEY LAND YOURSELF 2.53 Quick, easy, with compass & tape metho Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: DAVID PERRY BEITER CAVE, INC. 1/2 FAST SOFTWARE DIV. 1/2 FAST ROAD RITNER, KY 42633-8809 Telephone: (606) 376-3137 Fax: switched on demand Description Type = Short Description SURVEY LAND YOURSELF ver 2.53 - ($10 to $100) You can survey it yourself, quickly, easily, & inexpensively. Get 98% of the information with 2% of the effort. You can find lost corners and lines, calculate acreage, & write land descriptions. You can establish test plots, subdivide property, layout building foundations & landscapes & gaming fields, hide & recover buried treasure, or even map a cave. No magic. Description Type = Long Description SURVEY LAND YOURSELF: v2.53 ($10 to $100) You can survey it yourself, quickly, easily, & inexpensively. Contains a book on Compass & Tape surveying plus a program to calculate your data and draw a map on screen & printer. You can plot your deed, find errors, find lost corners and lines, calculate acreage, write land descriptions, and keep professional surveyors honest. You can establish test plots, subdivide property, layout building foundations & landscapes & gaming fields, hide & recover buried treasure, or even map a cave. Surveying instruments cost <$100 from the author. Instructions are written in AMER_ENG.LNG (plain English). Data are plotted with CAVEMAP2. There are several examples, with explanatory comments. No magic; this is a simple compass & tape survey. Precision is only about 1%, about what you could draw with a protractor & ruler. Usually, this is sufficient precision for my purposes. It may also be for yours. Mosttimes, half fast is plenty fast enuf. Also contains info on cheap retirement/vacation land in Kentucky. & much more. The commented file directory is in SLY253.DOX Description Type = Keywords SURVEY LAND DEED PLOT PLAT MAP CAVE BYTER BEITER MAR95 REAL ESTATE COMPASS ENGINEER Description Type = Registration Details $10 TO $100, depending upon usage. Description Type = Installation Details From DOS enter CAVE for a guided tour. Description Type = Vendor Instructions Consists of two parts. Description Type = Permissions Permission granted for shareware distribution under the following conditions: 0) Copyright 1995 by David P Beiter. 1) I have not told you to cease &/or desist. 2) Buyer must be informed that any fee is your materials & service fee only. 3) This copy fee may not exceed US$5. 4) No files may be altered or deleted (files may be added). 5) Distribution copy with your name on the registration form & an update, supplied to legitimate vendors upon request. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BOther__ Truck Data System 6.1 Complete vehicle maintenance records Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: JAMES H. WILSON TLC SOFTWARE 570 CASH RD. P.O. BOX 1229 ASHVILLE, AL 35953-1229 Telephone: 205-594-5711 Fax: 205-594-5711 Description Type = Short Description TLC's The TRUCK DATA SYSTEM, a Complete vehicle maintenance records. Repairs, fuel, inspections, permit and tag expirations, inventory control, work orders, tire tracking, odometer changes. Backup routine, vehicle part specs. Menu driven, Network version available. ASP Description Type = Long Description TLC's The TRUCK DATA SYSTEM, a Complete vehicle maintenance records. Repairs, fuel, inspections, permit and tag expirations, inventory control, work orders, tire tracking, odometer changes. BACKUP routine, vehicle part specs. Menu driven - fill in the blanks. Network version available. Many printed reports mostly can be on screen. Setups for most any printer. Runs in extended memory if available but will run in conventional. Must use EASY install routine. Install on any valid drive, most any directory. Registration includes printed 100+ page user manual. ASP member James H. Wilson Description Type = Keywords ASP, TRUCKS, VEHICLES, MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS, FUEL Description Type = Registration Details $125 plus $5 shipping (US dollars) Description Type = Installation Details The TRUCK DATA SYSTEM must be installed using the included EASY install program. Installs from any valid drive to any valid hard drive in YOUR directory. The installation creates the necessary directory and expands the program, data files and indices to that directory. Can modify your config.sys file if needed (your choice). Can be installed on a DOS network file server. A network version is available for multi users. Description Type = Vendor Instructions To distribute the program on a diskette, copy the file TLC610.ZIP or the unzipped content of that file to a 720K (or 1.2 or 1.4M) diskette. That ZIP file contains all of the files including a specific routine to install the program and files. Just unzip the file TLC610 to a temporary directory. (If the unzipped files are distributed, you can run the install routine from that diskette.) From that temporary directory, (or the diskette with the unzipped files) use the command: INSTALL The program will be installed in a default C:\VEHICLES but user can enter another drive or directory during the installation. Please DO NOT change the install program or substitute a different routine. The program and files must be installed properly or the program will not work. Description Type = Permissions Any vendor, BBS, rack vendor, CD-ROM publisher, etc. may freely distribute this program without obtaining further permission from TLC Software but ONLY IF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ARE MET: The file TLC610.ZIP or the content of the file TLC610.ZIP will be distributed in its' complete and unmodified form. That such distribution must BOLDLY declare and describe the nature of Shareware as a distribution method; including the fact that any charge for the medium used to distribute the program is not a registration fee for the use of the program; and that the owner of the copyright of the program is to be paid the prescribed user fee if the program is used beyond the evaluation period. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION BOther__ What Vehicle History 2.4z Mechanical device maint. tracking/bill Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: ANGEL BABUDRO ORGANIC COMPUTER WIZARDRY P.O. BOX 132 PAONIA, CO 81428 Telephone: 303-527-6756 Description Type = Short Description WHAT VEHICLE HISTORY? v2.4z for MS/PC-DOS Maintenance history tracking, reporting, and billing plus parts inventory. Tracks one or a fleet of mechanical devices (cars, trucks, tractors, etc.); mechanics, departments, cost of parts, labor, etc. *NEW* Corrected printer drivers; added phone # to Customers For $99 registration fee you get a 150+ page manual including mini computer course, the latest version, and unlimited tech support. Description Type = Long Description WVH is designed for companies with fleets of vehicles or for shops which maintain other peoples' vehicles. Just about anything that is tracked by hours or miles can be entered into WVH - cars, trucks, tractors, big rigs, power generators, etc. WVH lets you set up four data bases: þ Customers (or departments or divisions within a company) þ Mechanics þ Service types (brakes, mufflers, electrical, etc.) þ Vehicles þ (A parts vendor data base is being designed and will be released in 1995) Once you have placed the necessary information in WVH you can enter maintenance information about vehicles and print reports. WVH will also print billing statements and keep track of which items are billed and un-billed. A maintenance record includes labour, parts, and comments. You can set your local tax rate for parts and flat rate or hourly rate figures for each type of service, and you can over-ride any of these settings as desired. In the area of inventory, WVH offers a flexible and thorough system which is still new and growing. You can code your inventory any way you want - using letters and/or numbers. WVH will keep track of the last four purchase prices, last four purchase orders, and four selling prices (Standard plus Alternate 1, 2, and 3 "jobber" prices). When you enter a customer you tell WVH which price level to use or you can use "Cost plus Overhead" for sales between departments/divisions of a company or to other retailers. WVH was designed to be used by mechanics - not computer programmers. In fact, it's initial design was done by a mechanic for a major construction firm in Las Vegas. Since that time school bus companies, taxi companies, independent shops, and others in the USA and Canada have begun to use WVH to track their maintenance records. For the registration fee of $99 you will receive: þ The latest version on the disk type of your choice with automated installation þ 150+ page 3-ring-bound manual with mini computer course in hardware, software, and DOS þ Bonus Shareware and Freeware þ Unlimited technical support via phone (during business hours), mail, or E-Mail. þ FREE UPDATES from bulletin board systems - you need only buy a registration key once. Updates through the mail from any version to the current version are just FOUR DOLLARS. Description Type = Keywords vehicle,service,maintenance,history,car,truck,tractor, big rig,billing,mechanic,shop,repair,automotive Description Type = Registration Details $99 Description Type = Installation Details You may use the INSTALL programme or do the following: 1. Make a directory for the package (for example, "MD \WVH") 2. Go to that directory (e.g., "CD \WVH") 3. Extract the archive (e.g., "PKUNZIP A:WVH24Z") 4. Type "WVH" and set your Preferences. Installing on Floppy Disk WVH can be run from a 720k (or greater) floppy disk although it will run very slowly as its primary function is working with disk files. Thus, for serious use a hard disk is highly recommended. You will need two disk drives to install to floppy disk. Place the original WVH disk in A: and a blank disk in B:, then: 1. Go to the blank disk (e.g., "B:" then press ENTER) 2. Extract the archive (e.g., "PKUNZIP A:WVH24Z"). The entire package is about 770k, but there are many files which are not needed for the programme to run (such as the documentation). See the PACKING.LST file for a list of files which may be erased from the working disk. 3. Go to the programme disk (e.g., "A:" then press ENTER) 4. Type "WVH" and set your Preferences. Description Type = Vendor Instructions CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THIS SOFTWARE MAY BE COPIED AND DISTRIBUTED: Individual users may freely copy this disk and share it with friends, family, and acquaintances. Non-profit groups (including user groups and BBSs) may distribute copies of this disk. A fee of no more than $5 may be charged to cover disk copying costs. If the files on this disk have dates more than a year old please contact the author for a free update to the current version. Disk distributors and dealers must have written permission before selling copies of this software. When you contact me you will receive a free copy of the latest version and you will be placed on my mailing list to receive updates as they are released. Disk distributors may charge no more than $10 per disk for copies of this software. If, as a distributor, you supply copies to other resellers, the end price to the user may not exceed $10. ll files originally distributed as part of the package (including this notice) must be included without modification. The complete list of files can be found in the PACKING.LST file which is part of this package. You must obtain written permission prior to distribution as part of any "bundled" packages (e.g., CD-ROM, placing on new computer systems, etc.) - I want to be sure you have the latest version. If the software is packaged for retail sale the packaging must explain that the software is Shareware, that the purchaser is receiving a trial version, and that use beyond the trial period requires registration with the author. You must immediately stop selling/distributing copies of this software upon notice from the author. A Description Type = Permissions The Unregistered Edition of WVH may be used for evaluation purposes for 60 days, after which time the REGISTERED Edition must be purchased or the use of the Unregistered Edition discontinued. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Calcultr FRACTION 1.0 Command Line FRACTION Calculator Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MENDEL COOPER M/COOPER P.O. Box 237 St. David, AZ 85630-0237 Telephone: 520-720-9431 Description Type = Short Description FRACTION is a command line fraction calculator that supports the basic four math operators. C++ source, with Fraction class included. Freeware. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Calcultr Sci/eng calculator 3.4 Sci/eng/fin/stats calc with units/cons Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: BILL AYERS FLOW SIMULATION INTERNATIONAL Sheffeild Science Park Arundel Street SHEFFIELD, S1 2NS England Description Type = Short Description Sci/eng/stats/fin/conversion calculator Calc95 version 3.34 is a 32-bit Windows scientific/engineering statistics and financial calculator with a wide range of built- in units conversions and physical constants. It is very compact on the desktop and can be customised. Description Type = Long Description Calc95 version 3.34 is a 32-bit Windows scientific/engineering statistics and financial calculator with a wide range of built- in units conversions and physical constants. It is very compact on the desktop and can be customised. Description Type = Keywords calculator units constants math science engineering financial statistics Description Type = Registration Details free of charge Description Type = Installation Details Can run under Win32s Description Type = Permissions Copyright 1996 Flow Simulation International Ltd. Components files must not be distributed separately. Copyright notice must be included on all copies. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Calcultr SmartSum 1.6 Windows Calculator Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MICHAEL JONES INSIGHT SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS,INC P.O. BOX 354 BOUNTIFUL, UT 84011-0354 Telephone: (801) 295-1890 Fax: (801) 299-1781 Description Type = Short Description SmartSum Calculator v1.6 - Windows based talking printing calculator (no sound card needed). Host of features including loading/saving of calculations; notes by entries; user-defineable macros; correction of previous entries with automatic recalculation; interfaces with any Windows Spreadsheet; sales tax type calculations; supplied conversion macros; 10 memories; and much more! Description Type = Long Description SmartSum Calculator v1.6 - Windows based talking printing calculator (no sound card needed). Host of features including loading/saving of calculations; notes by entries; user-defineable macros; correction of previous entries with automatic recalculation; interfaces with any Windows Spreadsheet; sales tax type calculations; supplied conversion macros; 10 memories; optional entry and result vocalisation; check-back; find and much more. Can replace standard Windows Calculator, doesn't need feeding with paper rolls or new print-heads, takes up no additional desk-space, improves accuracy because of audible feedback, doesn't wear out, and costs less than the equivalent mechanical device too! Description Type = Keywords SMART WINDOWS CALCULATOR TALKING SPREADSHEET Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......Sterling Minimum registration price..................23.50 Maximum registration price..................23.50 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................0.00 South America.....................0.00 Europe............................0.00 Asia..............................0.00 Africa............................0.00 Pacific...........................0.00 Description Type = Installation Details Run the INSTALL.EXE program. Description Type = Permissions The evaluation version of SmartSum may be distributed by anyone without further permission, providing it remains unaltered, no charge beyond a reasonable fee for copying and delivering the software is charged, and it is clear that the software is not "free", but that a registration fee must be paid for continued use beyond the terms of the evaluation licence. For other cases or to distribute in modified form, you must consult the attached data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute the evaluation version of the SmartSum package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is Oakley Data Services Oakley Data Services may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Oakley Data Services. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Calcultr Wind Chill Calculatr 1.0 simple wind chill calculator Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MENDEL COOPER M/COOPER P.O. Box 237 St. David, AZ 85630-0237 Telephone: 520-720-9431 Description Type = Short Description This is a simple wind chill calculator. C source included. Freeware. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Catalogg Book/Magazine Catalg 2.0 Catalog your books and/or magazines Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=Yes OTH=Yes Author Information: ANDRZEJ BRZEZINSKI PRIMASOFT, INC. P.O. BOX 456 SURREY, BC V3T 5B7 CANADA Telephone: (604) 951-1085 Description Type = Short Description BOOK CATALOG for Windows 3.1. Catalog your library (books and/or magazines) in as much detail as you need. Unlimited number of entries, automatically sorted. Searching by any field, printing and much more. A similar format to a regular catalog book makes the program very easy-to-use and intuitive. On-line help messages are only one mouse click away. Can be used by beginners and advanced computer users. Description Type = Long Description BOOK CATALOG for Windows: program for IBM-PC (MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your library (books and/or magazines) in as much detail as you need. Unlimited number of entries, automatically sorted. Searching by any field, printing and much more. A similar format to a regular catalog book makes the program very easy-to-use and intuitive. On-line help messages are only one mouse click away. Can be used by beginners and advanced computer users. Description Type = Keywords BOOK,MAGAZINE,CATALOG,SHAREWARE,WINDOWS,HOME,UTILITY,COLLECTING PRIMASOFT Description Type = Registration Details $17 USA Description Type = Installation Details UnZIP compress file to DISK. The INSTALL program will automatically handle installation to hard drive. To start the installation, place the diskette in drive A: (or B:), start Windows, select File/Run menu function in Windows Program Manager, and type: A:INSTALL or (B:INSTALL). Follow the instructions of the installation program. Description Type = Vendor Instructions For 360k,720k,1440k disks, unZIP compress file to DISK. The INSTALL program will automatically handle installation to hard drive. To start the installation, place the diskette in drive A: (or B:), start Windows, select File/Run menu function in Windows Program Manager, and type: A:INSTALL or (B:INSTALL). Follow the instructions of the installation program. Description Type = Permissions Any vendor, BBS, rack vendor, CD-ROM producer, sattelite distributor may carry this system without obtaining further permission from PrimaSoft, ONLY IF your catalogs, screens, advertizing, brochures, etc. make it clear that this is shareware that requires a registration fee to the author if used beyond the evaluation stage. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Catalogg Coin Catalog 2.0 Catalogs your coin collection. Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=Yes OTH=Yes Author Information: ANDRZEJ BRZEZINSKI PRIMASOFT, INC. P.O. BOX 456 SURREY, BC V3T 5B7 CANADA Telephone: (604) 951-1085 Description Type = Short Description COIN CATALOG :IBM-PC (MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your coin collection in as much detail as you need, including the Country of issue, Description, Catalog Number, Value, Date and Price of Purchase, and more. Unlimited number of entries, automatically sorted. Searching by any field, printing and much more. A similar format to a physical catalog book makes the program very easy to use, intuitive, and straightforward. Description Type = Long Description COIN CATALOG for Windows: program for IBM-PC (MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your coin collection in as much detail as you need, including the Country of issue, Description, Catalog Number, Value, Date and Price of Purchase, and more. Unlimited number of entries, automatically sorted. Searching by any field, printing and much more. A similar format to a physical catalog book makes the program very easy to use, intuitive, and straightforward. Description Type = Keywords COIN,CATALOG,SHAREWARE,WINDOWS,HOME,COLLECTING,HOBBY,PRIMASOFT Description Type = Registration Details $17 USA Description Type = Installation Details UnZIP compress file to DISK. The INSTALL program will automatically handle installation to hard drive. To start the installation, place the diskette in drive A: (or B:), start Windows, select File/Run menu function in Windows Program Manager, and type: A:INSTALL or (B:INSTALL). Follow the instructions of the installation program. Description Type = Vendor Instructions For 360k,720k,1440k disks, unZIP compress file to DISK. The INSTALL program will automatically handle installation to hard drive. To start the installation, place the diskette in drive A: (or B:), start Windows, select File/Run menu function in Windows Program Manager, and type: A:INSTALL or (B:INSTALL). Follow the instructions of the installation Description Type = Permissions Any vendor, BBS, rack vendor, CD-ROM producer, sattelite distributor may carry this system without obtaining further permission from PrimaSoft, ONLY IF your catalogs, screens, advertizing, brochures, etc. make it clear that this is shareware that requires a registration fee to the author if used beyond the evaluation stage. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Catalogg Dynotech S/W Catalog 6.1 DynoTech Software Catalog - Winter 199 Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=Yes OTH=No Author Information: DAVID W. CARLSON DYNOTECH SOFTWARE 1105 HOME AVE. WAYNESVILLE, MO 65583-2231 Telephone: 573-774-5001 Fax: 573-774-3052 Description Type = Short Description DynoTech Software Catalog - Winter 1996 Describes DynoTech Software games & products. May be copied and distributed freely as long as no files are altered/removed. Req: 386+; Win 3.1, Win 95, or OS/2 Warp; 256 color VGA. DynoTech,1105 Home Ave, Waynesville,MO 65583 Orders: 1-800-DynoTech [800-396-6832] Info: (573) 774-5001 Fax: (573) 774-3052 Free Technical Support: (573) 336-3390 Description Type = Long Description DynoTech Software Catalog - Winter 1996 Describes DynoTech Software games & products. May be copied and distributed freely as long as no files are altered/removed. Req: 386+; Win 3.1, Win 95, or OS/2 Warp; 256 color VGA. DynoTech,1105 Home Ave, Waynesville,MO 65583 Orders: 1-800-DynoTech [800-396-6832] Info: (573) 774-5001 Fax: (573) 774-3052 Free Technical Support: (573) 336-3390 CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Catalogg Hardware Catalog 2.0 Catalog for computer parts. Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=Yes OTH=Yes Author Information: ANDRZEJ BRZEZINSKI PRIMASOFT, INC. P.O. BOX 456 SURREY, BC V3T 5B7 CANADA Telephone: (604) 951-1085 Description Type = Short Description HARDWARE CATALOG (MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your computer hardware in as much detail as you need, including the serial # and phone support number. Unlimited number of entries, automatically sorted. Searching by any field, printing and much more. A similar format to a regular catalog book makes the program very easy-to-use and intuitive. On-line help messages are only one mouse click away. Description Type = Long Description HARDWARE CATALOG for Windows: program for IBM-PC (Windows 3.1). Catalog your computer hardware in as much detail as you need, including the serial # and phone support number. Unlimited number of entries, automatically sorted. Searching by any field, printing and much more. A similar format to a regular catalog book makes the program very easy-to-use and intuitive. On-line help messages are only one mouse click away. Description Type = Keywords HARDWARE,CATALOG,SHAREWARE,WINDOWS,HOME,BUSINESS,COMPUTER,PRIMASOFT Description Type = Registration Details $17 USA Description Type = Installation Details UnZIP compress file to DISK. The INSTALL program will automatically handle installation to hard drive. To start the installation, place the diskette in drive A: (or B:), start Windows, select File/Run menu function in Windows Program Manager, and type: A:INSTALL or (B:INSTALL). Follow the instructions of the installation program. Description Type = Vendor Instructions For 360k,720k,1440k disks, unZIP compress file to DISK. The INSTALL program will automatically handle installation to hard drive. To start the installation, place the diskette in drive A: (or B:), start Windows, select File/Run menu function in Windows Program Manager, and type: A:INSTALL or (B:INSTALL). Follow the instructions of the installation program. Description Type = Permissions Any vendor, BBS, rack vendor, CD-ROM producer, sattelite distributor may carry this system without obtaining further permission from PrimaSoft, ONLY IF your catalogs, screens, advertizing, brochures, etc. make it clear that this is shareware that requires a registration fee to the author if used beyond the evaluation stage. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Catalogg MANAGE Your Books! 1.01 MANAGE Your Books ! -- Book Cataloging Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: LEMUEL D. TURNER TURBOSYSTEMS CO. P. O. BOX 965368 MARIETTA, GA 30066 Telephone: 770-516-8575 Fax: 770-591-4988 Description Type = Short Description MANAGE Your Books! v1.0 -- Book Cataloging Organize and manage a book library for church, school, business or personal use. Multiple indexes, tabbed entry screen, 25 information fields and a 64K note field. Eight reports with print preview. Track checkout status and borrowers. Includes a Query Wizard to quickly locate the correct books. Shareware by TurboSystemsCo Description Type = Long Description MANAGE Your Books! is a feature packed easy-to-use program to organize and manage your personal, club, school, church or corporate library. Tracks borrowers and due dates. Has 28 information fields, plus a 64,000 character note field so you can record all the information you need. Inludes eight reports with a full featured print preview module. A easy to use Query Wizard, make selecting just the book or list of books a snap. The Query Wizard is fully intergrated with the report system. The program indexes each entry by Title, Author, Subject, Book#, Catalog#, and Book Type. Just click the applicable browse tab to display your data sorted by that index. Description Type = Keywords Books Catalog TurboSystemsCo Library Database Dewey ASP STAR ESC Organizer Win95Windows Description Type = Registration Details Registration Price $19.95 plus $4.00 shipping/handling US/Canada and $8.00 all others. Description Type = Installation Details After unzipping run SETUP.EXE and follow the on screen instructions. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Catalogg MANAGE Your Books! 1.00 MANAGE Your Books ! 95 Book Catalogi Filter: DOS=No WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: LEMUEL D. TURNER TURBOSYSTEMS CO. P. O. BOX 965368 MARIETTA, GA 30066 Telephone: 770-516-8575 Fax: 770-591-4988 Description Type = Short Description MANAGE Your Books! 95 v1.0 -- Book Cataloging Organize and manage a book library for church, school, business or personal use. Multiple indexes, tabbed entry screen, 25 information fields and a 64K note field. Eight reports with print preview. Track checkout status and borrowers. Includes a Query Wizard to quickly locate the correct books. Shareware by TurboSystemsCo Description Type = Long Description MANAGE Your Books! 95 is a feature packed easy-to-use program to organize and manage your personal, club, school, church or corporate library. Tracks borrowers and due dates. Has 28 information fields, plus a 64,000 character note field so you can record all the information you need. Inludes eight reports with a full featured print preview module. A easy to use Query Wizard, make selecting just the book or list of books a snap. The Query Wizard is fully intergrated with the report system. The program indexes each entry by Title, Author, Subject, Book#, Catalog#, and Book Type. Just click the applicable browse tab to display your data sorted by that index. Description Type = Keywords Books Catalog TurboSystemsCo Library Database Dewey ASP STAR ESC Organizer Win95Windows Description Type = Registration Details Registration Price $19.95 plus $4.00 shipping/handling US/Canada and $8.00 all others. Description Type = Installation Details After unzipping run SETUP.EXE and follow the on screen instructions. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Catalogg McBase 2.3D the Music Collection dataBase system Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: HARRY DOLDERSUM WEERSELOSE STRAAT 26 DA BORNE, 7623 NETHERLANDS Telephone: +31 (0) 74 266 8480 Fax: +31 (0) 74 266 8480 Description Type = Short Description MCBASE V2.3: Music Collection dataBase The new MCBase V2.3: a fully event driven, mouse controlled, object oriented, dBaseIII+ compatible, relational-to-the-max, windowing database management system, with handy dialogs and picklists and very flexible configuration preferences. The only REAL database system for the music collector. XT, AT and protected mode versions available. Installation instructions are included. Description Type = Long Description MCBase V2.3: the Music Collection dataBase system MCBase is a fully event driven, object oriented, mouse controlled, dBaseIII+ compatible, relational-to-the-max, windowing databasae system for music collections, giving you full access to your collection, onscreen or on hardcopy. You can access an item in your collection (with either picklist or a "find" dialogbox) on songtitle, albumtitle, author, producer or category. You will find MCBase to be the most flexible Music Collection dataBase system around. Information memo's may be used throughout all databases, since the memo editor is an integral part of the MCBase software. Also included is a multiple file editor (for textfiles), currently able to accomodate 20 files simultaniously (if the "FILES=xx" setting, in your system's CONFIG.SYS is set to a corresponding value, that is. For use with MCBase alone, using MS-DOS, you should set "FILES=40" as a minimum. Use "Files=60" when running MCBase under Windows). MCBase enables you to work with all databases (6) simultaniously (through various editing windows) and is very flexible in both usage and configuration options. -- MCBase V2.3: the Music Collection dataBase system. -- The only REAL database system for the music collector. This shareware version of MCBase requires MS-DOS 3.x and 590kb conventional memory. MCBase is also known to perform very well under Windows 3.x (and higher: default DOS-box parameters are sufficient). Installation instructions and a 50 page manual are included on disk (or in the archive file) as a textfile. (Registered version disk includes the manual file in WordPerfect V5 format). XT, AT and protected mode (DPMI) versions are available upon registration. Description Type = Keywords MCBASE FLEXIBLE MUSIC COLLECT RELATIONAL MULTIPLE WINDOW DATABASE Description Type = Registration Details See Enclosed Documentation Description Type = Installation Details ========== I M P O R T A N T ================ SET VALUE FOR "FILES=xxx" IN YOUR SYSTEM'S CONFIG.SYS TO FOLLOWING MINIMUM VALUE: MS-DOS USERS: FILES=40 WINDOWS USERS: FILES=60 OR HIGHER! SEE "MCBASE REQUIREMENTS" IN THE DOCUMENTATION FILE "MCBASE.DOC" FOR FURTHER INFORMATION! =================================================== IMPORTANT NOTE: this section discribes the installation of MCBase from the original "ZIP"-type archive file. It is very lightly that the various BBS-sysops will convert this original archive file to a format that is standard on their system. Two other common archivers, that you might encounter, are ARJ (by Robert K. Jung) with the filetype "ARJ" and LHA (by Haruyasu Yoshizaki) with the filetype "LZH". Normally, you will have received the shareware version of MCBase as the archive file MCBxxx.ZIP (xxx = version number). If you did NOT receive MCBase as this archive file, then please make sure, you have at least the following files after extrac- tion of the archive: MCBASE.EXE - MCBase executable file, for XT-compati- bles and up. MCBASE.DOC - MCBase documentation file (as an ASCII-text file). ORDER.MCB - MCBase order form. LICENSE.MCB - MCBase license agreement. REVISION.MCB- MCBase revision history. GENMCB.EXE - Utility to create a new (and empty) set of database files. INSTALL.DOC - MCBase installation guide. README.1ST - IMPORTANT MESSAGE ON CONFIG.SYS. FILE_ID.DIZ - Description file. VENDINFO.DIZ- Description file, according to VENDINFO standard. The following files (a demonstration database set) should also be included: MCB1.DBF MCB2.DBF MCB3.DBF MCB1.DBT MCB2.DBT MCB3.DBT MCB4.DBF MCB5.DBF MCB6.DBF MCB4.DBT MCB5.DBT MCB6.DBT (Your copy could be incomplete and you might get the wrong idea about the performance and documentation of the MCBase system). You will need PKWare's PKUNZIP.EXE to extract the archive. Use the following command to extract all files: PKUNZIP MCBxxx.ZIP In case of an ARJ-file format, use: ARJ x MCBxxx.ARJ In case of an LZH-file format, use: LHA e MCBxxx.LZH Installing MCBase on your system should not be very difficult, if you follow these steps: - 1) Copy the original MCBxxx.ZIP archive file to a floppy disk and store it in a safe place. - 2) Note: Among the extracted files, should be a demonstra- tion database set. In case you don't want to use the demonstration database (anymore), execute GENMCB.EXE to generate a new set of datafiles. DELETE GENMCB.EXE after use! It generates NEW and EMPTY databases, so you wouldn't want to use it after you've been entering data. (You can retrieve another copy from the MCBxxx.ZIP archive file, should you need it). - 3) Create a new directory for the MCBase system, place the archive file in it and extract all files. - 4) Start your wordprocessor, import the ASCII-document MCBASE.DOC and print it. - 5) Run MCBase. If missing, the program will now create the neccesary index files (MCBxKEYx.NDX) and the configura- tion file MCBASE.CFG. Note: If an MCBASE.CFG configuration file was INCLUDED in the copy of the MCBxxx.ZIP archive file that you received, then delete this MCBASE.CFG prior to execute MCBASE.EXE. If the contents of this particular MCBASE.CFG configuration file does NOT match YOUR system's configuration, MCBase may not be able to com- plete initialisation. - 6) Access the dialog "Printer settings" (using the menu items: "MCBase - Configuration - Printer". Consult your printer manual for the correct commandset and see section "Configuring MCBase", topic "Printer" in the MCBASE.DOC file for assistance on printer configurati- on. After these steps you'll be ready to run the shareware version of the MCBase Music Collection DataBase system. Description Type = Vendor Instructions Bulletin Board system operators may post the unregistered SHAREWARE version of MCBase on their BBS for downloading by their users WITHOUT written permission of the author (= Harry Doldersum) ONLY if the above mentioned conditions are met, and only if no special fee is necessary to access the MCBase archive file. Distributors of SHAREWARE and Public Domain software, MUST obtain written permission from the author (Harry Doldersum) before distributing MCBase and must follow the above mentioned conditions (EXCLUSIONS: PLEASE SEE "IMPORTANT NOTES" BELOW). Permission is almost always granted; this requirement is necessary to ensure protection for ourselves and MCBase users from unscrupulous individuals. Important notes: -1) You may not advertize MCBase as free software, but as SHAREWARE only! Please explain the shareware concept to prospective buyers. -2) Distributors, who are an ASP member (or those who follow the ASP's guidelines), do NOT need our written permission for distribution. -3) ALL distributors and/or BBS-systems must seize distributing MCBase within one month of written request by the author. For further information on distribution topics, see the file VENDINFO.DIZ: ANY distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Catalogg Movie Catalog 2.0 Catalogs your movie collection. Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=Yes OTH=Yes Author Information: ANDRZEJ BRZEZINSKI PRIMASOFT, INC. P.O. BOX 456 SURREY, BC V3T 5B7 CANADA Telephone: (604) 951-1085 Description Type = Short Description MOVIE CATALOG (MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your movie library in as much detail as you need. Unlimited number of entries, automatically sorted. Searching by any field, printing and much more. A similar format to a regular catalog book makes the program very easy-to-use and intuitive. On-line help messages are only one mouse click away. Can be used by beginners and advanced computer users. Description Type = Long Description MOVIE CATALOG for Windows: program for IBM-PC (MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your movie library in as much detail as you need. Unlimited number of entries, automatically sorted. Searching by any field, printing and much more. A similar format to a regular catalog book makes the program very easy-to-use and intuitive. On-line help messages are only one mouse click away. Can be used by beginners and advanced computer users. Description Type = Keywords MOVIE,CATALOG,SHAREWARE,WINDOWS,HOME,COLLECTING,VIDEO,TAPES,PRIMASOFT Description Type = Registration Details $17 USA Description Type = Installation Details UnZIP compress file to DISK. The INSTALL program will automatically handle installation to hard drive. To start the installation, place the diskette in drive A: (or B:), start Windows, select File/Run menu function in Windows Program Manager, and type: A:INSTALL or (B:INSTALL). Follow the instructions of the installation program. Description Type = Vendor Instructions For 360k,720k,1440k disks, unZIP compress file to DISK. The INSTALL program will automatically handle installation to hard drive. To start the installation, place the diskette in drive A: (or B:), start Windows, select File/Run menu function in Windows Program Manager, and type: A:INSTALL or (B:INSTALL). Follow the instructions of the installation program. Description Type = Permissions Any vendor, BBS, rack vendor, CD-ROM producer, sattelite distributor may carry this system without obtaining further permission from PrimaSoft, ONLY IF your catalogs, screens, advertizing, brochures, etc. make it clear that this is shareware that requires a registration fee to the author if used beyond the evaluation stage. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Catalogg Music Catalog 2.0 Catalogs your music collection. Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=Yes OTH=Yes Author Information: ANDRZEJ BRZEZINSKI PRIMASOFT, INC. P.O. BOX 456 SURREY, BC V3T 5B7 CANADA Telephone: (604) 951-1085 Description Type = Short Description MUSIC CATALOG (MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your music library (records, CDs, casettes, etc.) in as much detail as you need. Unlimited number of entries, automatically sorted. Searching by any field, printing and much more. A similar format to a regular catalog book makes the program very easy to use, intuitive, and straightforward. On-line help messages are only one mouse click away. Can be used by any level of a computer user. Description Type = Long Description MUSIC CATALOG for Windows: program for IBM-PC (MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your music library (records, CDs, casettes, etc.) in as much detail as you need. Unlimited number of entries, automatically sorted. Searching by any field, printing and much more. A similar format to a regular catalog book makes the program very easy to use, intuitive, and straightforward. On-line help messages are only one mouse click away. Can be used by any level of a computer user. Description Type = Keywords MUSIC,CATALOG,SHAREWARE,WINDOWS,HOME,COLLECTING,CD,TAPE,RECORD,PRIMASOFT Description Type = Registration Details $17 USA Description Type = Installation Details UnZIP compress file to DISK. The INSTALL program will automatically handle installation to hard drive. To start the installation, place the diskette in drive A: (or B:), start Windows, select File/Run menu function in Windows Program Manager, and type: A:INSTALL or (B:INSTALL). Follow the instructions of the installation program. Description Type = Vendor Instructions For 360k,720k,1440k disks, unZIP compress file to DISK. The INSTALL program will automatically handle installation to hard drive. To start the installation, place the diskette in drive A: (or B:), start Windows, select File/Run menu function in Windows Program Manager, and type: A:INSTALL or (B:INSTALL). Follow the instructions of the installation Description Type = Permissions Any vendor, BBS, rack vendor, CD-ROM producer, sattelite distributor may carry this system without obtaining further permission from PrimaSoft, ONLY IF your catalogs, screens, advertizing, brochures, etc. make it clear that this is shareware that requires a registration fee to the author if used beyond the evaluation stage. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Catalogg ODS CD Browser 1.10 ODS CD Browser Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MICHAEL JONES INSIGHT SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS,INC P.O. BOX 354 BOUNTIFUL, UT 84011-0354 Telephone: (801) 295-1890 Fax: (801) 299-1781 Description Type = Short Description ODS CD Browser v1.00. A complete CD Front End for Windows. Run, Install, Uninstall, Screenshots, Descriptions, System Reqs, Categories, Keywords, Autorun on W95, modern, easy to use, full help. Tooltips. Description Type = Long Description ODS CD Browser V1.0 Windows Customizable CD Front-End The ODS CD Browser is a complete front-end for CD's including functionality for providing product descriptions, screenshots, publisher information and system requirements. It has a modern interface that looks very much like a Windows 95 "Wizard", and uses HTML for the text elements which provides excellent formatting capabilities. It can provide category and keyword searching, install, uninstall and run-from-CD options and complete help for the end user. The modern interface features fly-by tooltips and a tabbed notebook style presentation. The whole thing becomes a no-brainer for the end user who is then confident of trying the products on the CD without needing any technical knowledge of installation/ uninstallation issues, and keeps him coming back for more. Consideration has been given to usability from a publishers/ magazines perspective and subsections of the CD can be constructed and tested individually perhaps by different departments or sections of a magazine, and the whole thing merged for final cut. Make your CD the best! Requires: WINDOWS 3.1, VGA MONITOR Description Type = Keywords SMART CD BROWSE INSTALL UNINSTALL Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed...... Minimum registration price..................0.00 Maximum registration price..................0.00 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................0.00 South America.....................0.00 Europe............................0.00 Asia..............................0.00 Africa............................0.00 Pacific...........................0.00 Description Type = Installation Details To install the ODS CD Browser Demonstration extract the internal ODSCDB.ZIP file using the parameters required to maintain the original directory structure. (The "Use Directory Names" option with WINZIP for example). Refer to the readme.txt file before you go any further. Description Type = Permissions The evaluation version of ODS CD Browser may be distributed by anyone without further permission, providing it remains unaltered, no charge beyond a reasonable fee for copying and delivering the software is charged, and it is clear that the software is not "free", but that a registration fee must be paid for continued use beyond the terms of the evaluation licence. For other cases or to distribute in modified form, you must consult the attached data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute the evaluation version of the ODS CD Browser package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is Oakley Data Services Oakley Data Services may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Oakley Data Services. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Catalogg SmartCat Plus 1.9 Disk Cataloger Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MICHAEL JONES INSIGHT SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS,INC P.O. BOX 354 BOUNTIFUL, UT 84011-0354 Telephone: (801) 295-1890 Fax: (801) 299-1781 Description Type = Short Description The ultimate Windows Disk/CD Cataloger. MDI, ZIP, ARJ etc. support. Multiple mergeable catalogs. Unique extension concept allows analysing any format file to determine internal files or grab comments. Great searching capabilities. Label printing, WIN3.1 sound support, multiple display tions, full font support. CSV export, 240 byte comments. Program launching, Virus Scans, File Printing, previewing & more. Description Type = Long Description The ultimate Windows Disk/CD Cataloger. MDI, ZIP, ARJ etc. support. Multiple mergeable catalogs. Unique extension concept allows analysing any format file to determine internal files or grab comments. Great searching capabilities. Label printing, WIN3.1 sound support, multiple display tions, full font support. CSV export, 240 byte comments. Program launching, Virus Scans, File Printing, previewing & more! Description Type = Keywords Catalog Smart Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......USD Minimum registration price..................29.95 Maximum registration price..................29.95 Shipping: within same country...............3.00 North America.....................3.00 South America.....................0.00 Europe............................0.00 Asia..............................0.00 Africa............................0.00 Pacific...........................0.00 Description Type = Installation Details Run the INSTALL.EXE program from within Windows. Description Type = Permissions The evaluation version of SmartCat Plus may be distributed by anyone without further permission, providing it remains unaltered, no charge beyond a reasonable fee for copying and delivering the software is charged, and it is clear that the software is not "free", but that a registration fee must be paid for continued use beyond the terms of the evaluation licence. For other cases or to distribute in modified form, you must consult the attached data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute the evaluation version of the SmartCat Plus package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is Oakley Data Services Oakley Data Services may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Oakley Data Services. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Catalogg Software Catalog 2.0 Catalog for software products. Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=Yes OTH=Yes Author Information: ANDRZEJ BRZEZINSKI PRIMASOFT, INC. P.O. BOX 456 SURREY, BC V3T 5B7 CANADA Telephone: (604) 951-1085 Description Type = Short Description SOFTWARE CATALOG (MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your software in as much detail as you need, including the serial # and phone support number. Unlimited number of entries, automatically sorted. Searching by any field printing and much more. A similar format to a regular catalog book makes the program very easy-to-use and intuitive. On-line help messages are only one mouse click away. Description Type = Long Description SOFTWARE CATALOG : program for IBM-PC (MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your software in as much detail as you need, including the serial # and phone support number. Unlimited number of entries, automatically sorted. Searching by any field, printing and much more. A similar format to a regular catalog book makes the program very easy-to-use and intuitive. On-line help messages are only one mouse click away. Description Type = Keywords SOFTWARE,CATALOG,PROGRAMS,COMPUTER,SHAREWARE,WINDOWS HOME,BUSINESS,PRIMASOFT Description Type = Registration Details $17 USA Description Type = Installation Details UnZIP compress file to DISK. The INSTALL program will automatically handle installation to hard drive. To start the installation, place the diskette in drive A: (or B:), start Windows, select File/Run menu function in Windows Program Manager, and type: A:INSTALL or (B:INSTALL). Follow the instructions of the installation program. Description Type = Vendor Instructions For 360k,720k,1440k disks, unZIP compress file to DISK. The INSTALL program will automatically handle installation to hard drive. To start the installation, place the diskette in drive A: (or B:), start Windows, select File/Run menu function in Windows Program Manager, and type: A:INSTALL or (B:INSTALL). Follow the instructions of the installation program. Description Type = Permissions Any vendor, BBS, rack vendor, CD-ROM producer, sattelite distributor may carry this system without obtaining further permission from PrimaSoft, ONLY IF your catalogs, screens, advertizing, brochures, etc. make it clear that this is shareware that requires a registration fee to the author if used beyond the evaluation stage. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Catalogg Sport Card Catalog 2.0 Catalogs your sport card collection. Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=Yes OTH=Yes Author Information: ANDRZEJ BRZEZINSKI PRIMASOFT, INC. P.O. BOX 456 SURREY, BC V3T 5B7 CANADA Telephone: (604) 951-1085 Description Type = Short Description SPORT CARD CATALOG (MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your Sport Card Collection in as much detail as you need, including the year of issue, brand, card number, team, type, description, date and price of purchase, and more. Unlimited number of entries, automatically sorted. Searching by any field, printing and much more. A similar format to a physical catalog book makes the program very easy to use, and intuitive. Description Type = Long Description SPORT CARD CATALOG : program for IBM-PC (MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your Sport Card Collection in as much detail as you need, including the year of issue, brand, card number, team, type, description, date and price of purchase, and more. Unlimited number of entries, automatically sorted. Searching by any field, printing and much more. A similar format to a physical catalog book makes the program very easy to use, and intuitive. On-line help messages are only one mouse click away. Description Type = Keywords SPORT,CARD,CATALOG,SHAREWARE,WINDOWS,HOME,COLLECTING,PRIMASOFT Description Type = Registration Details $17 USA Description Type = Installation Details UnZIP compress file to DISK. The INSTALL program will automatically handle installation to hard drive. To start the installation, place the diskette in drive A: (or B:), start Windows, select File/Run menu function in Windows Program Manager, and type: A:INSTALL or (B:INSTALL). Follow the instructions of the installation program. Description Type = Vendor Instructions For 360k,720k,1440k disks, unZIP compress file to DISK. The INSTALL program will automatically handle installation to hard drive. To start the installation, place the diskette in drive A: (or B:), start Windows, select File/Run menu function in Windows Program Manager, and type: A:INSTALL or (B:INSTALL). Follow the instructions of the installation program. Description Type = Permissions Any vendor, BBS, rack vendor, CD-ROM producer, sattelite distributor may carry this system without obtaining further permission from PrimaSoft, ONLY IF your catalogs, screens, advertizing, brochures, etc. make it clear that this is shareware that requires a registration fee to the author if used beyond the evaluation stage. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Catalogg Stamp Catalog 2.0 Catalogs your stamp collection. Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=Yes OTH=Yes Author Information: ANDRZEJ BRZEZINSKI PRIMASOFT, INC. P.O. BOX 456 SURREY, BC V3T 5B7 CANADA Telephone: (604) 951-1085 Description Type = Short Description STAMP CATALOG (MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your stamp collection in as much detail as you need, including the Country of issue, Description, Catalog Number, Value, Date and Price of Purchase, and more. Unlimited number of entries, automatically sorted. Searching by any field, printing and much more. A similar format to a physical catalog book makes the program very easy to use, intuitive, and straightforward. Description Type = Long Description STAMP CATALOG for Windows: program for IBM-PC (MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your stamp collection in as much detail as you need, including the Country of issue, Description, Catalog Number, Value, Date and Price of Purchase, and more. Unlimited number of entries, automatically sorted. Searching by any field, printing and much more. A similar format to a physical catalog book makes the program very easy to use, intuitive, and straightforward. Description Type = Keywords STAMP,CATALOG,SHAREWARE,WINDOWS,HOME,COLLECTING,HOBBY,PRIMASOFT Description Type = Registration Details $17 USA Description Type = Installation Details UnZIP compress file to DISK. The INSTALL program will automatically handle installation to hard drive. To start the installation, place the diskette in drive A: (or B:), start Windows, select File/Run menu function in Windows Program Manager, and type: A:INSTALL or (B:INSTALL). Follow the instructions of the installation program. Description Type = Vendor Instructions UnZIP compress file to DISK. The INSTALL program will automatically handle installation to hard drive. To start the installation, place the diskette in drive A: (or B:), start Windows, select File/Run menu function in Windows Program Manager, and type: A:INSTALL or (B:INSTALL). Follow the instructions of the installation program. Description Type = Permissions Any vendor, BBS, rack vendor, CD-ROM producer, sattelite distributor may carry this system without obtaining further permission from PrimaSoft, ONLY IF your catalogs, screens, advertizing, brochures, etc. make it clear that this is shareware that requires a registration fee to the author if used beyond the evaluation stage. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Communic BBS Access 2.25 Easy Data Communications Software Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: JIM HASS MICROFOX COMPANY 3310 FOX RUN P.O. BOX 447 RICHFIELD, OH 44286-0447 Telephone: 216-659-9489 Fax: 216-659-9489 Description Type = Short Description BBS Access from MicroFox Company is a very easy-to-use data communications program for calling BBSs and uploading & downloading files. The protocols included are ASCII, Kermit, Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem, Xmodem/1K, Xmodem/G, Ymodem/G. It can capture screens to file and will record the time and length of each call. BBS can change and save modem initialization strings and all screen colors can be changed & saved. {STAR} [ASAD] Description Type = Long Description BBS Access Data Communications Software used to connect to bulletin board systems and upload/download files using a variety of protocols. Very easy to set up and use. Keeps track of date and time on each Bulletin Board. BBS Access was written by Jim Hass (member of ASP, STAR & ASAD) from MicroFox Company. BBS Access is a simple to use communications program for calling BBSs and uploading & downloading files. Protocols included are ASCII, Kermit, Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem, Xmodem/1K, Xmodem/G, Ymodem/G. It can capture screens to file and will record the time and length of each call. BBS Access now allows a modem initialization string and all screen colors can be changed & saved. You can also specify a directory for file downloads and the screen capture file. You can scroll back the last eight screens from the current BBS (if online) or from the last BBS if you are disconnected and still in the BBS Access program. Create and use macros in phone numbers for dialing prefix, credit card calls, area codes, etc. (ESC) {STAR} [ASAD] - Author: Jim Hass, MicroFox Software Company. Probably the easiest to use of all the communications software available. Description Type = Keywords BBS Access Communications ASP STAR ASAD XMODEM YMODEM ZMODEM Kermit PROTOCOL ESC Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......United States Dollar Minimum registration price..................29.00 Maximum registration price..................900.00 Shipping: within same country...............2.00 North America.....................3.00 South America.....................5.00 Europe............................5.00 Asia..............................5.00 Africa............................5.00 Pacific...........................5.00 Description Type = Installation Details The installation procedure for BBS Access is quite simple. The package includes a program, "INSTALL.EXE", which automates the entire process. You will need about 200K of available disk space on the hard drive on which you plan to install BBS Access. The exact steps you need to take will depend on how you received the BBS Access communications package. INSTALLING FROM DISKETTES To install from diskette(s), you need to perform the following steps. o Place the BBS Access distribution diskette in the appropriate diskette drive. o Execute the "INSTALL.EXE" program on the distribution diskette. For example, if the distribution diskette is on drive A:, type the MS-DOS command, "a:install". o Follow the instructions presented by the installation program. You will have a chance to approve installation before any changes are actually made to the contents of your hard drive. The program will ask you for a destination directory, and will copy the BBS Access files to that directory. If you so direct it, the installation program will install executable programs and documentation in other directories of your choice. It will make no other changes; specifically, it will not modify your autoexec.bat or config.sys files. INSTALLING FROM A HARD DRIVE If you downloaded BBS Access from a BBS (or received it in the form of archive files from some other source), you will need to perform the following steps. o Extract the contents of the archive file(s) in a temporary directory on your hard drive. The procedure for doing this varies, depending on the form in which you received the package. In all likelihood, the fact that you are reading this text means that you already have the necessary tools and knowledge to perform this step. If not, you should be able to obtain directions for this from the same source from which you received the package. o Execute the "INSTALL.EXE" program which you have extracted. For example, if the temporary directory into which you have extracted the BBS Access package is C:\TEMPDIR, you would execute the MS-DOS command, "c:\tempdir\install". o Follow the instructions presented by the installation program. You will have a chance to approve installation before any changes are actually made to the contents of your hard drive. The program will ask you for a destination directory, and will copy the BBS Access files to that directory. If you so direct it, the installation program will install executable programs and documentation in other directories of your choice. It will make no other changes; specifically, it will not modify your autoexec.bat or config.sys files. When you're satisfied that the installation was successful, you should delete the temporary directory FROM which you installed BBS Access (C:\TEMPDIR, in the above discussion), including all its contents. YOU'RE READY TO GO Once you've complete the installation, you should consult the documents (filename extension "doc") which have been installed. In particular, read at least the file "BBS.DOC". That document will tell you how to invoke the program, and will give you other information you need to properly evaluate BBS Access. We hope you enjoy the program. Description Type = Permissions You may distribute BBS Access, completely unaltered, without further permission. For special cases or to distribute in modified form, you must contact MicroFox Company and consult the attached data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute the BBS Access package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is MicroFox Company, PO Box 447, Richfield OH 44286-0447. MicroFox Company may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to MicroFox Company. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Communic Baby Banana 2.3a Custom Communication Software Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: PAUL WHEATON BANANA PROGRAMMING 1916 BROOKS #205 MISSOULA, MT 59801 Telephone: 406-543-1928 Fax: 406-549-3522 Description Type = Short Description Baby Banana v2.3a - Custom Communication software for Sysops to distribute to potential users of their service. It can be used as a marketing tool, tech support, or for fun! It auto installs, auto finds the modem, and auto dials the service it was customized for. It works under DOS, Windows, or Windows 95. Registration is only $69 and includes an unlimited distribution license. Description Type = Long Description Baby Banana v2.3a - Custom Communication software for Sysops to distribute to potential users of their service. It can be used as a marketing tool, tech support, or for fun! It auto installs, auto finds the modem, and auto dials the service it was customized for. It works under DOS, Windows, or Windows 95. Registration is only $69 and includes an unlimited distribution license. Sysops may pass out as many copies as they like. It also performs a com port conflict test to let the user know if they have com port conlfict problems. The program is designed to be simple and easy to use, and is perfect for marketing your service to first time modem users. Minor upgrades are free for life. Boardwatch magazine says, "BananaCom is widely known as the easiest to use communication program in the world." Description Type = Keywords Communications Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S. Dollars Minimum registration price..................69.00 Maximum registration price..................69.00 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................0.00 South America.....................0.00 Europe............................0.00 Asia..............................0.00 Africa............................0.00 Pacific...........................0.00 CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Communic BananaCom 2.3a Simple Modem Software Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: PAUL WHEATON BANANA PROGRAMMING 1916 BROOKS #205 MISSOULA, MT 59801 Telephone: 406-543-1928 Fax: 406-549-3522 Description Type = Short Description BananaCom 2.3a - Simple and easy to use communication software designed with the first time modem user in mind. It automatically finds the modem, port and speed upon install and is ready to dial out in 20 seconds. There is no easier to use communication software in the world. Works under DOS, Windows, and Windows 95. Description Type = Long Description BananaCom 2.3a - Simple and easy to use communication software designed with the first time modem user in mind. It automatically finds the modem, port and speed upon install and is ready to dial out in 20 seconds. There is no easier to use communication software in the world. Works under DOS, Windows, and Windows 95. Description Type = Keywords Communications Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S. Dollars Minimum registration price..................25.00 Maximum registration price..................25.00 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................0.00 South America.....................5.00 Europe............................5.00 Asia..............................5.00 Africa............................5.00 Pacific...........................5.00 CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Communic BananaCom Custom 2.3a Custom Communication Software Demo Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: PAUL WHEATON BANANA PROGRAMMING 1916 BROOKS #205 MISSOULA, MT 59801 Telephone: 406-543-1928 Fax: 406-549-3522 Description Type = Short Description BananaCom Custom v2.3a Custom Communication Software Demo. This is a demo of the award winning BananaCom Custom. Customized communication software for specific online services. BananaCom Custom comes with an unlimited distribution license, auto install, auto modem port and speed scan, and auto dial. This is the most effective way of getting new users online to a service. Description Type = Long Description BananaCom Custom v2.3a Custom Communication Software Demo. This is a demo of the award winning BananaCom Custom. Customized communication software for specific online services. BananaCom Custom comes with an unlimited distribution license, auto install, auto modem port and speed scan, and auto dial. This is the most effective way of getting new users online to a service. It works under DOS, Windows or Windows 95. Many options are available for an exreemly customized version. This demo dials the Montana Banana BBS in the same fashion as it would dial the service it is customized for. It is idiot proof! Description Type = Keywords Communications Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S. Dollars Minimum registration price..................0.00 Maximum registration price..................0.00 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................0.00 South America.....................0.00 Europe............................0.00 Asia..............................0.00 Africa............................0.00 Pacific...........................0.00 CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Communic Comm Port Utilities 30 Setup, diagnose, fix & control comm po Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: JOHN JERRIM COMPUTER TELECOMM SYSTEMS INC. 3847 FOXWOOD ROAD SUITE 1000 DULUTH, GA 30136-6100 Telephone: 770-263-8623 Fax: 770-263-0124 Description Type = Short Description CTS SERIAL PORT UTILITIES v3.0: Fix comm problems. Detect Com Port conflicts, IRQs used, failed ports & ports that can't generate IRQs. Three NEW utilities: BIOS_FIX fixes many BIOS comm problems. RESETMODEM & HANGUP utilities solve many problems when using modems. Additional Windows Setup tests provided to registered users. DOS Description Type = Long Description The CTS Serial Port Utilities (SPU) is a collection of DOS software utilities that provide you with control over the serial ports in your computer. Most serial port problems can be resolved by using these utilities. Each of the utilities support all standard and any user-defined serial ports. Version 2 allows each of the utilites to operate as a Windows or OS/2 DOS application. New in Version 3: * BIOS_FIX - a utility for your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to ensure correct Com port detection on all computers * ResetMod(em) - a utility to regain control of a modem * HangUp - a utility to force the modem to disconnect * Windows setup test - verifies that the Windows port setup is correct for the computer by comparing the actual port addresses and IRQs to those detected by the bios and set in the Windows SYSTEM.INI file. This feature is included in BIOS_FIX as well to make sure the setup is always accurate. The windows setup tests are in registered versions only. * A list of IRQs that are constantly in use and cannot be used by a serial port. * 16650 and 16750 UART support. These new UARTs provide additional buffering and flow control features. Complete descriptions are included in the SPU.DOC file. * A specific test for a mouse/modem conflict. * Modem Identification report displays the results of the modem identification commands (registered versions only). * Introduction of an OEM version: "PortInfo for Customer Support". See the file OEM.DOC for more information. PortInfo is a comprehensive utility which tests your system to determine everything possible about your serial ports, including interrupt and addressing conflicts. PortInfo provides you with FAILURE and WARNING messages about actual and possible conflicts. PortInfo provides details on the following: * Detects multiple serial ports at the same address (eg, 2 Com1 ports) * Serial ports that have failed * Interrupt conflicts between a mouse and a serial port * Shared interrupts (2 serial ports, or a serial port and a serial mouse sharing an IRQ) * Conflicts between COM4 and 8514/A compatible monitors * Unusual BIOS serial port setups * Serial ports that cannot generate interrupts * Helps to determine when interrupts can be shared Other information provided: * Actual IRQ used by each port and the current IRQ status * DOS port assignments (com1-com4, mouse) * Detects which ports have modems or FAXmodems connected, and (in many cases) if the modem is internal or external * Detects which FAX classes are supported by the modem(s) * Port (UART) Identification (8250, 8250A/16450, 16550, 16550A, ESP, HSSP, the T/Port, and some "emulated UARTs" * FIFO status: If it exists, on / off, else 'None' * If the FIFO is ON, the current FIFO receiver trigger level is displayed. * All programmable port parameters: speed, format, parity, current RTS and DTR settings * Current status of modem lines: Ring Indicator, Carrier Detect, Clear to Send, Data Set Ready, with indication of when the lines are tied together (looped back). Additional features: * Can update the system BIOS to accurately match the actual serial port setting. * Ports are COMPLETELY restored to their original settings * Supports standard serial ports 1-4 on PC/AT, 1-8 on PS/2 * Supports up to 8 user definable serial ports (*any* serial port address and IRQ) * Displays detailed messages about conflicts with reference numbers to assist looking up the detailed assistance in the User Guide. Special Utilities: * Control the 16550A FIFO trigger level * Set port speed and format * Add or swap serial ports in the BIOS Comm Port data area * Control the RTS, DTR, and Out2 (IRQ enable) lines * Reset a serial port to initial settings And Much More!!!! Description Type = Keywords Serial Port, Comm Port, Modem, FAX, IRQ, Interrupt, Diagnostic, UART, DOS, Communications, Utilities, Port Conflicts Description Type = Registration Details 20/35/59/79 (Personal/Personal PLUS/Professional/Professional PLUS) Description Type = Installation Details Installation of the the CTS Serial Port Utilities (SPU) consists of three easy steps: 1) Creating a sub-directory to hold the SPU with the DOS "Make Directory" (MD) command. 2) Change to the CTSSPU directory and copy the distribution file containing the SPU to the directory. 3) Unpack the distribution file. If the extension is ".EXE", then just run the file - it will be self-extracting. If the extension is ".ZIP", then you need to unpack the file with PKUNZIP version 2.04g (or another compatible program) Description Type = Vendor Instructions UnZIP CTSSPU30.ZIP to a 720K or larger diskette. Total unpacked space required: 505K Description Type = Permissions BBS SYSOPs: Please refer to the LICENSE.DOC and SYSOP.DOC text file for information. Individual and Corporate Users: Please refer to LICENSE.DOC and OEM.DOC for information. ASP Approved Vendors in good standing are hereby given permission to distribute the CTS Serial Port Utilities package. Other Vendors: Please refer to LICENSE.DOC and VENDOR.DOC for information. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Communic DIALER Pro 1.5 DIALERPRO v1.5 Win/Win95 phone dialer. Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: DAVID VEDDER GALT TECHNOLOGY 14150 BIG BASIN WAY SUITE #195 SARATOGA, CA 95070 Telephone: (408) 730-2467 Fax: (408) 730-2467 Description Type = Short Description DIALERPRO v1.5 Win/Win95 phone dialer. Dial you phone using your modem. Create list of names and numbers, double-click to dial. No need to search through your address book. Sort, Edit, Move. Shareware. Galt Technology. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Communic DiaLog 3.4.9 3.4.9 Phone Dialer, Logger win3.x/95 Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: WOLFGANG JOHN AM-WOLJO SHAREWARE 10920 PORTAL RD. ATASCANDERO, CA 93422 Telephone: (805)461-3090 Description Type = Short Description Windows phone Dialer and Logger and much more. Has a 'No Modem' mode. Extremely easy to use. Tone or pulse dialing. Speed dialer, log incoming calls. 4 addr books, 6 phone #'s and 4 BBS ID's per entry. Dials special Tone- Dial services. International dates and times. 6-city world clock, 3 appointment books. Password protection, auto-redial. Creates label file. Does not alter any files on your hard disk. Description Type = Long Description > Tone or Pulse dialing. > Logging of incoming and outgoing calls > Manual dialing if no modem. (All other features still functional) > Speed Dialing of 24 numbers. > 4 address books. Empty books require no disk space. > Up to 6 phone numbers and up to 4 BBS User ID's per entry. Blank fields can be used for other purposes. > 3 convenient popup calendar/appointment books/diaries. > Dials special Tone-Dial services that require additional numbers and/or digits. > Auto-redial busy numbers. > Accepts non-numeric phone numbers ( 1-800-Egg-Head ). > Easy to set the system time while calling your local time operator. > Phone logs may contain job codes. > Phone logs may be viewed, printed and saved to another file. > Password protection. > Quick notepad for each address book and one if no name selected. > Prints envelopes. > Functions as a stop watch. > Features an alarm clock. > Programmable 6-City world clock. > Lots of Help data - with output (print, etc.) capability. > Create your own Help files, recipe books etc. > Search Address Books. > Import Address Book data. Description Type = Keywords phone dialer logger DiaLog appointment book Description Type = Registration Details 30 day free trial - $18.00 to register. To register use the registration form from the Help menu, or register by credit card from our website at: Description Type = Installation Details ***** DiaLog Installation: ***** Unzip to an empty directory. To try only - doubleclick on DialLog.exe - to delete, delete all files in that directory. To install - doubleclick on Install.exe - then delete all files in the temp directory. DiaLog does NOT change any of your files such as AutoExec.bat, Config.sys, Win.ini etc. Note: DiaLog requires the file VBRUN300.DLL to reside in your Windows\System directory. It is not included with this package. ***** Remove DiaLog from your System ***** 1. Simply delete all files in the DiaLog directory. 2. Remove the DiaLog directory. 3. Remove the DiaLog icon from the Program Group 4. Remove the Program Group 5. DiaLog did NOT change any of your files such as Win.ini etc. 6. The following files were added to your Windows\System directory: VBRUN300.DLL, CSCALNDR.VBX, CSSPIN.VBX, CURTIME.VBX, CMDIALOG.VBX, and THREED.VBX. You may delete any of them if you are sure they are not used by other applications. Description Type = Permissions TRIAL USE LICENSE DiaLog is NOT a public domain program. It is copyrighted by Wolfgang John of AM-WOLJO Shareware. This software and accompanying documentation are protected by United States Copyright law and also by International Treaty provisions. Wolfgang John of AM-WOLJO Shareware grants you a limited license to use this software for evaluation purposes for a period not to exceed thirty days. If you continue using this software after the thirty-day evaluation period, you MUST make a registration payment to Wolfgang John of AM-WOLJO Shareware. LIMITED DISTRIBUTION LICENSE INDIVIDUALS may distribute DiaLog to friends or associates, provided they charge no fees for this service, and they convey a complete and unaltered copy of the shareware version of this product. All other distribution is allowed only under the terms of the attached VENDINFO data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. You may not distribute this product, modify it, or bundle it with other products except as specifically allowed therein. You may not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program except as provided in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license. Permission to distribute the DiaLog package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is AM-WOLJO Shareware, 10920 Portal Rd. Atascadero, CA 93422. AM-WOLJO Shareware may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to AM-WOLJO Shareware. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Communic FindCIS 1.3 1.3 CompuServe phone number launching syst Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: A. KURT GODWIN AKG SOFTWARE 33 POLARIS COURT NEWARK, DE 19711 Telephone: 301-953-0175 Description Type = Short Description FindCIS eases the task of traveling and connecting to Compuserve by storing all CIS local access numbers then auto-launching CIS com app's with all phone data auto-loaded. You can be connected almost anywhere in world with three clicks. Description Type = Long Description See included FCISABST.WRI file Description Type = Keywords findcis, cis, laptop, access, phone, network, cities, local Description Type = Registration Details US $15.00 Description Type = Installation Details The FindCIS installation file is self-executing and automatic. Simply double-click on the fndcs1_3.exe file. Description Type = Vendor Instructions The Findcs1_3.exe file needs only to be made available to potential users. Description Type = Permissions Vendor should include info indicating FindCIS is a share- ware application with registration required. Also, this is timed shareware. It is completely functional up until 60 days. If the user has not registered by 60 days, the program will only function to remind the user to register. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Communic Guide to Internet 2.0 The Beginner's Guide to the Internet Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: PATRICK J. SUAREZ SUAREZ ASSOCIATES P.O. BOX 764 MIAMISBURG, OH 45343 Telephone: 513-323-6121 Description Type = Short Description "The Beginner's Guide to the Internet" is a full-color, computer-based tutorial about the Internet. It covers E-mail, ftp, telnet, gopher, Archie, Veronica, WAIS, World Wide Web, newsgroups, mailing lists, IRC and more. Includes pictures and step-by-step instructions. Ziff-Davis 4 star rating! Perfect for Internet novices! Description Type = Registration Details Site licenses: $25 for the first user, each additional user within your company or group is $1 per user. Description Type = Installation Details Put all the files into their own subdirectory. Start the program by typing TWTEACH INT (caps are unnecessary, but the space is necessary), then hit the Enter key. Description Type = Vendor Instructions The vendor or bulletin board system to which "The Beginner's Guide to the Internet" was sent has permission to distribute the program. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Communic HOME-PHONE-BOOK, Win 1.0 HOME-PHONE-BOOK for Windows; Ver 1.0 Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: THOMAS E. BONITZ VILLAGE SOFTWARE 7903 KONA CIRCLE HAWAIIAN VILLAGE PAPILLION, NE 68046 Telephone: (402) 339-0775 Description Type = Short Description dj148: HOME-PHONE-BOOK for Windows; Ver 1.0 Name and Address program designed for the casual home user. HPBW has separate name fields for both heads of house which allows for the storage of separate birth dates and work phone numbers. Children names and birth dates can also be stored. Printouts include reports, labels, and envelopes. Includes an auto-dialer. Author: Thomas E. Bonitz, $20. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Communic InfoDisk On-Line#s 4.0 Data and Contact Lists (BBS, US Gov,et Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: KELLY MURPHY MSM SYSTEMS, LTD. P.O. BOX 1184 SUN CITY, AZ 85372 Telephone: 800-242-4775 Fax: 602-572-9289 Description Type = Short Description InfoDisk contains various data and contact lists such as, Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) Nationwide, U.S Government BBS Numbers, On Line Job Service Companies and more. The registered version contains all the above information including an Internet guide on Gophers, World Wide Web, Telnet, Bitnet, Unix, Internet service providers, World Wide Web and Newsgroup listings. Hundreds of 800 BBS numbers are also provided. To install run setup from windows. Description Type = Long Description InfoDisk contains various data and contact lists such as, Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) Nationwide, U.S Government BBS Numbers, On Line Job Service Companies and more. The registered version contains all the above information including an Internet guide on Gophers, World Wide Web, Telnet, Bitnet, Unix, Internet service providers, World Wide Web and Newsgroup listings. Hundreds of 800 BBS numbers are also provided. To install run setup from windows. Description Type = Installation Details Run Setup from Windows CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Communic Internet Book 2.0 Catalogs your internet addresses. Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=Yes OTH=Yes Author Information: ANDRZEJ BRZEZINSKI PRIMASOFT, INC. P.O. BOX 456 SURREY, BC V3T 5B7 CANADA Telephone: (604) 951-1085 Description Type = Short Description INTERNET BOOK Windows 3.1. Whether you are an Internet experienced user or just a beginner Internet Book is for you. It gives you an easy way to gather information about all the Internet Resources: World-Wide Web Pages, Gophers, Archie Servers, FTP Sites, E-Mail Addresses, and News Groups. All your information about the Internet can now be stored at one place and easily retrieved. Internet greatest resources included. Description Type = Long Description INTERNET BOOK Windows 3.1. Whether you are an Internet experienced user or just a beginner Internet Book is for you. It gives you an easy way to gather information about all the Internet Resources: World-Wide Web Pages, Gophers, Archie Servers, FTP Sites, E-Mail Addresses, and News Groups. All your information about the Internet can now be stored at one place and easily retrieved. Internet greatest resources included. You can register on-line on Compuserve (GO SWREG, ID# 5011). Description Type = Keywords INTERNET,BOOK,SHAREWARE,WINDOWS,PRIMASOFT,NETWORK,SITES, ADDRESS DIRECTORIES Description Type = Registration Details $17 USA Description Type = Installation Details UnZIP compress file to DISK. The INSTALL program will automatically handle installation to hard drive. To start the installation, place the diskette in drive A: (or B:), start Windows, select File/Run menu function in Windows Program Manager, and type: A:INSTALL or (B:INSTALL). Follow the instructions of the installation program. Description Type = Vendor Instructions For 360k,720k,1440k disks, unZIP compress file to DISK. The INSTALL program will automatically handle installation to hard drive. To start the installation, place the diskette in drive A: (or B:), start Windows, select File/Run menu function in Windows Program Manager, and type: A:INSTALL or (B:INSTALL). Follow the instructions of the installation program. Description Type = Permissions Any vendor, BBS, rack vendor, CD-ROM producer, sattelite distributor may carry this system without obtaining further permission from PrimaSoft, ONLY IF your catalogs, screens, advertizing, brochures, etc. make it clear that this is shareware that requires a registration fee to the author if used beyond the evaluation stage. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Communic Internet Resource DB Internet Resource Database Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: JIM NICOARA MICROEXCEL SOFTWARE 1701 CIENEGA ROAD HOLLISTER, CA 95023 Telephone: 408-636-6968 Fax: 408-636-6968 Description Type = Short Description The Internet Resource database is an adapt- ation of Perfect Recall. It provides URL,s for Web search engines and the means to store anything off the Net; graphics, URL's documents, email addresses and whole Web pages saved as files. Uses your browser. Description Type = Long Description The Internet Resource database is an adapt- ation of Perfect Recall. It provides URL,s for Web search engines and the means to store anything off the Net; graphics, URL's documents, email addresses and whole Web pages saved as files. Uses your browser. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Communic LAN Menu System 2.06 Local Area Network Menu and Security Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: JIM HASS MICROFOX COMPANY 3310 FOX RUN P.O. BOX 447 RICHFIELD, OH 44286-0447 Telephone: 216-659-9489 Fax: 216-659-9489 Description Type = Short Description LAN Menu (Network Menu) by MicroFox Company. Menu and Security System for DOS Networks. LANnnn.ZIP contains the Network Menu, Help System, and User Guide. It has Lotus 1-2-3 style menu system with password protection, telephone dialer, on-line help, built-in network support and mouse support. Screen Blanker, 10,000 menu entries, macros and menu action functions. (Author: Jim Hass) Member of [ASAD] and {STAR} Description Type = Long Description This program is a Network DOS shell that hides the underlying operating system from the uninitiated user, yet does not get in the way of the expert user. The basic system consist of up to one hundred Menu Files with ten menu pages each, and each page having ten selections to choose from. You start a selection by pointing to it with the cursor and pressing the ENTER key or by pressing the number key associated with that selection. Each selection can start a program, run a batch file, or execute any DOS command. A selection can also have multiple steps which can include any or all of the possibilities above. You can change menu pages by pressing the F1 thru F10 keys to go directly to page 1 thru 10 or use the PgUp and PgDn keys. Each page and each selection on each page has a user definable description. The slash key displays a 1-2-3 type menu at the top of the screen. The choices from the menu include: Help, Add, Change, Delete, Move, Page, Run, Exit, and Quit. If you select HELP you are presented with another menu and screens that explain how to use the Menu System. ADD, CHANGE, DELETE, and MOVE allow you to alter the description and action taken by a Main Menu selection. PAGE lets you change the description of a Page Index entry, import pages, and delete pages. RUN allows you to execute any program, DOS command, or batch file from within the Menu System. EXIT returns you to the DOS prompt and QUIT returns to the main menu. Description Type = Keywords LAN Network Menu Security Password DOS Novell Banyan Vines Lantastic ASP Star Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......United States Dollar Minimum registration price..................29.00 Maximum registration price..................1495.00 Shipping: within same country...............2.00 North America.....................3.00 South America.....................5.00 Europe............................5.00 Asia..............................5.00 Africa............................5.00 Pacific...........................5.00 Description Type = Installation Details ===== Installation ===================================== The installation procedure for LANmenu is quite simple. The package includes a program, "INSTALL.EXE", which automates the entire process. You will need about 256K of available disk space on the hard drive on which you plan to install LANmenu. The exact steps you need to take will depend on how you received LANmenu. INSTALLING FROM DISKETTES To install from diskette(s), you need to perform the following steps. o Place LANmenu distribution diskette "Disk 1" in the appropriate diskette drive. o Execute the "INSTALL.EXE" program on the distribution diskette. For example, if the distribution diskette is on drive A:, type the MS-DOS command, "a:install". o Follow the instructions presented by the installation program. You will have a chance to approve installation before any changes are actually made to the contents of your hard drive. The program will ask you for a destination directory, and will copy the LANmenu files to that directory. If you so direct it, the installation program will install executable programs and documentation in other directories of your choice. It will make no other changes; specifically, it will not modify your autoexec.bat or config.sys files. INSTALLING FROM A HARD DRIVE If you downloaded LANmenu from a BBS (or received it in the form of archive files from some other source), you will need to perform the following steps. o Extract the contents of the archive file(s) in a temporary directory on your hard drive. The procedure for doing this varies, depending on the form in which you received the package. In all likelihood, the fact that you are reading this text means that you already have the necessary tools and knowledge to perform this step. If not, you should be able to obtain directions for this from the same source from which you received the package. o Execute the "INSTALL.EXE" program which you have extracted. For example, if the temporary directory into which you have extracted the package is C:\TEMPDIR, you would execute the MS-DOS command, "c:\tempdir\install". o Follow the instructions presented by the installation program. You will have a chance to approve installation before any changes are actually made to the contents of your hard drive. The program will ask you for a destination directory, and will copy the LANmenu files to that directory. If you so direct it, the installation program will install executable programs and documentation in other directories of your choice. It will make no other changes; specifically, it will not modify your autoexec.bat or config.sys files. When you're satisfied that the installation was successful, you should delete the temporary directory FROM which you installed LANmenu (C:\TEMPDIR, in the above discussion), including all its contents. YOU'RE READY TO GO Once you've complete the installation, you should consult the documents (filename extension "doc") which have been installed. In particular, read at least the file "LANmenu.DOC". That document will tell you how to invoke the program, and will give you other information you need to properly evaluate LANmenu. We hope you enjoy the program. Description Type = Permissions You may distribute LANmenu, completely unaltered, without further permission. For special cases or to distribute in modified form, you must contact MicroFox Company and consult the attached data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute the LANmenu package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is MicroFox Company, PO Box 447, Richfield OH 44286-0447. MicroFox Company may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to MicroFox Company. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Communic LITZ 2.0 UUENCODE/UUDECODE Files/Messages Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: DIRK WRIEDT WEISSENBURGSTRASSE 30 KIEL, D-24116 GERMANY Description Type = Short Description LITZ 2.00- compresses,encrypts, uuencodes at the same time. Cliboard text handling. The program of your choice to transmit files or secure text by email. (Windows) Description Type = Long Description LITZ 2.00- compresses,encrypts, uuencodes at the same time. Cliboard text handling. The program of your choice to transmit files or secure text by email. (Windows) Description Type = Installation Details LITZ consists of the program file LITZ.EXE and a library BWCC.DLL. LITZ.WRI is this text. ORDER.WRI is the order form for the license to use LITZ for more than 30 days. LITZ.EXE is the Windows program. Just copy it anywhere to your hard disk. BWCC.DLL is a library providing LITZ with all those nice buttons and message boxes. It should reside in the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. You may already have this file. It is used by Borland programming languages. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Communic Mosaic Spry's New Air Mosaic Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MIKE MATHIESEN LIGHTHOUSE PRODUCTIONS P.O. BOX 7885 SANTA CRUZ, CA 95061 Telephone: 408-423-8580 Fax: 408-423-0131 Description Type = Short Description MOSAIC.ZIP>Spry's New Air Mosaic, the next generation of NCSA Mosaic, the World Wide Web Browser WITH an INTERNET DIAL UP ACCOUNT created with one command; 'setup'. 500 local phone numbers around the world. 2 Minutes and you're on the Internet with the newest and fastest Mosaic Browser. Includes a dialer program. Nothing else required! Description Type = Long Description MOSAIC.ZIP>Spry's New Air Mosaic, the next generation of NCSA Mosaic, the World Wide Web Browser WITH an INTERNET DIAL UP ACCOUNT created with one command; 'setup'. 500 local phone numbers around the world. 2 Minutes and you're on the Internet with the newest and fastest Mosaic Browser. Includes a dialer program. Nothing else required! CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Communic PERSONAL-E MAILBOX 3.0 PERSONAL-E MAILBOX V3.0... Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: JAMES M. PICKETT AMERCOM, INC. P.O. BOX 19868 PORTLAND, OR 97280-0868 Telephone: (503) 452-8196 Description Type = Short Description Personal-E Mailbox v3.0L - PC-to-PC direct, person-to-person E-Mail, FAX. Make and send Greeting Cards, Smart Forms, Insert Graphics/Photos, run Mini- Bulletin Board, Attach Files, make and distribute self running/returning Electronic Forms for Surveys, Market Research, Catalogs, Orders. V3.0 does it all, V3.0L shows you How and allows you to Send and Receive E-Mail and comes with a FREE copy of Windows 3.0 Description Type = Long Description PERSONAL-E MAILBOX V3.0... the person-to-person, PC-to-PC direct e-mail program that integrates three great applications--word processing, desktop publishing and communications--so you can share instant messages with any friend, family member or business associate without subscribing to any service or paying any fees, other than ordinary phone time charges. ALL NEW 3.0 is a major breakthrough in e-mail power and ease of use that gives you the ability to: . insert a picture right into the text of your message...from happy birthday to hand written equation, scanned family photos, cartoons, clip art or technical drawing, all go right into your text where you point and click. . create personal electronic greeting cards, product data sheets or newsletters with your own paint program graphics . send e-mail directly to a FAX machine . create electronic forms for business orders and surveys that auto return mail themselves to your organization in standard data base format . send a message to the famous on the Internet using Personal-E's Internet Gateway . start your own private Bulletin Board for company, family, church organization or consultancy . transfer files and broadcast messages to everyone in your family, club, team, or work group These features and many more... are all yours when you order the full function 3.0 using the electronic order form in the program IN TRAY...similar capabilities are only available in the most powerful network-based e-mail and forms programs costing many thousands of dollars...but Personal-E gives you all the functionality plus privacy point-to-point for only $49.95...along with a graphical user interface so easy to use, kids are sending drawings to their grandparents in 10 minutes. Description Type = Installation Details type: install...After installation the program will start. On any PC with a modem...the program will automatically detect the modem, set the com port, and start ready for mailing. No technical knowledge is required. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Communic PageMate for Windows 1.0 Calls pager when phone rings Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: ROBERT MATTER R.J. MATTER & ASSOCS. P.O. BOX 9042 HIGHLAND, IN 46322-9042 Telephone: 219-845-5247 Description Type = Short Description PageMate for Windows v1.0 As featured in the Sybex Book "The Home Office ShareWareHouse" by Sharon Crawford. Windows version of the popular PageMate for DOS Program. Monitors your phone line for an incoming ring and calls your pager to notify you of possible messages left on your answering machine. Calls are logged to disk. Can transmit the time, call count, or your phone number to pager. Works with COM1-4. Description Type = Long Description PageMate for Windows v1.0. Windows version of the popular PageMate for DOS program featured in the Sybex book "The Home Office ShareWareHouse" by Sharon Crawford (ISBN: 0-7821-1569-1). PageMate monitors your phone line for an incoming ring and calls your pager to notify you of possible messages left on your answering machine. Calls are logged to disk. Can transmit the time, call count, or your phone number to pager. Works with COM1-4. Note: Visual Basic 3.0 Runtime VBRUN300.DLL required in Windows\System Directory. The registered version features an "acknowledgement time" that allows you to retrieve your messages without activating another page. PageMate for Windows has proven very reliable over abroad range of hardware. The Author provides telephone and e-mail support, however, if needed. Description Type = Keywords PAGE,PAGER,PAGEMATE,BEEP,BEEPER,PHONE,TELEPHONE,DIAL,DIALER,MESSAGES Description Type = Registration Details $35 US Description Type = Installation Details Unzip PAGE10.ZIP to a floppy (anysize) or hard drive. Run Windows. In the Program Manager, choose Run from the File Menu. Type A:INSTALL and press ENTER. If the distribution files are in a different drive or directory, type that drive and directory instead of A:. Description Type = Vendor Instructions Unzip PAGE10.ZIP to any size floppy. Description Type = Permissions A limited license is granted to copy and distribute PageMate only for the trial use of others, provided that it is distributed as a complete set without modification and no fee is charged other than a nominal handling or duplication fee of $5.00 or less. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Communic Photo Newsreader 1.0 slideshow like display of posted jpegs Filter: DOS=No WIN=No OS2=No OTH=Yes Author Information: PETER KERAMAS PHONTICS INTERNATIONAL, INC 145 4th Ave. Apt 11E New York, NY 10003 Telephone: 212-529-7688 Fax: 212-5297922 Description Type = Short Description TIFNY: Photo NewsReader for UseNet! TIFNY is a radical Usenet Browser for jpeg photographic material. It performs a slideshow like display of posted jpeg images, using flexible filters for controlling spamming, offensive posters and cross-postings. Tifny performs automatic downloads of the images and catalogs your favorites for off-line browsing and the creation of special collections. Description Type = Long Description TIFNY is a new product with a visual, powerful, and automated interface to the images in the USENET newsgroups. You can reach the entire photographic content of the newsgroups without effort and finally discover it's treasures. TIFNY sets a new standard for interfaces to USENET. All the tedious or repetitive work has been greatly reduced or completely eliminated. Your bandwidth usage will be enhanced by TIFNY's knowledge of your own preferences and past usage. TIFNY is a radical Usenet Browser for jpeg photographic material. It performs a slideshow like display of posted jpeg images, using flexible filters for controlling spamming, offensive posters and cross-postings. Tifny performs automatic downloads of the images and catalogs your favorites for off-line browsing and the creation of special collections. There are many features in Tifny that enhance what was previously a dry exposure to Usenet. For more info, go to Description Type = Keywords newsreader browser jpeg TIFNY UseNet newsgroups photo agent slideshow catalog image viewer decoder encoder shareware filter Description Type = Registration Details See enclosed documentation Description Type = Installation Details 2 - Installation Notes -------------------------------------------- TIFNY works with fully-compliant 32-bit Wsock32 4.0 (or higher) stacks. It does not work with some stacks offered by some online services which appear to not fully implement the WINSOCK spec or are 16-bit WINSOCK.DLLs. Under Windows 95 and NT, we recommend the built-in Microsoft TCP/IP support. TIFNY supports Windows 95 dialers which must be properly set up in order to use TIFNY's automatic dial-up capability. Please be sure that there is a WSOCK32.DLL either somewhere in the path or in the WINDOWS directory or in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. Otherwise, TIFNY will not run. To install TIFNY, run SETUP.EXE and follow the on-screen instructions. For further information, please consult the Help system. This includes a Tutorial and is available under the Help menu. The following system files: vb40032.dll, mfc40.dll, and oc30.dll are NOT included in the setup.exe but must be available in your '/windows/system/' directory. If you do not have them download from 3 - To Run TIFNY -------------------------------------------- 1. Install the program by running SETUP.EXE. 2. Run the program (from the Program Manager or Start menu). 3. Set up your connection information. 4. Check the Help file for answers to any questions. 4 - File Descriptions -------------------------------------------- TIFNY produces two kinds of files: 1. MBD file (TIFNY.mbd) is a Microsoft Access database of information. 2. JPG files (purple.jpg, etc.) are images file dowloaded from the newsgroups. Description Type = Vendor Instructions See enclosed Documentation Description Type = Permissions Scope of Grant. You may: 1) Use the software on any single computer; 2) Use the software on a network, provided that each version accessing the software through the network must have a copy licensed to that person; 3) Use the software on a second computer so long as only one copy is used at a time. 4) Copy the software for archival purposes, provided any copy must contain all of the original software's propietary notices; or 5) If you have purchased multi user licenses: You must retain all of the original software's propietary notices. The number of copies is the total number of copies that may be made for all platforms. You may not: 1) Permit other individuals to use the software except under the terms listed above; 2) Permit concurrent use of the software; 3) Modify, Translate, Reverse Engineer, Decompile, Disassemble (except to the extent applicable laws specifically prohibit such restriction), or create derivative works based on the software; 4) Copy the software other than as specified above; 5) Rent, Lease, Grant a security interest in, or otherwise transfer rights to the software; or 6) Remove any proprietary notices or labels on the software. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Communic Remote Control-Win95 Remote Control for Windows 95 Filter: DOS=No WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: RICK TACELLI AVALAN TECHNOLOGY P.O. BOX 6888 HOLLISTON, MA 01746 Telephone: 508-429-6482 Fax: 508-429-3179 Description Type = Short Description Remote Control for Windows 95 from AVALAN. Remotely Possible/32 lets you take complete control of one or more Windows 95 PC's from a remote location. RP32 is perfect for Telecommuters, Support Centers and Classroom Instructors. RP32 works over any TCP/IP connection (even the Internet) or via the built in direct Dialler. Fully functional version becomes a FREE Lite versin after 30 days. Also, File Transfer & Chat included. Description Type = Long Description Remote Control for Windows 95 from AVALAN. Remotely Possible/32 lets you take complete control of one or more Windows 95 PC's from a remote location. RP32 is perfect for Telecommuters, Support Centers and Classroom Instructors. RP32 works over any TCP/IP connection (even the Internet) or via the built in direct Dialler. Fully functional version becomes a FREE Lite versin after 30 days. Also, File Transfer & Chat included. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Communic SmartSurf 1.00 SmartSurf Online Usage Monitor v1.00 Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MICHAEL JONES INSIGHT SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS,INC P.O. BOX 354 BOUNTIFUL, UT 84011-0354 Telephone: (801) 295-1890 Fax: (801) 299-1781 Description Type = Short Description SmartSurf Online Usage Monitor v1.00 - FREE package to automatically monitor online usage and costs. Works with all on-line services. Install and forget. Real-time display and later reports/analysis. Understands most charging structures, and different charging bands/times. Spreadsheet interface. Full Windows Help and tooltips. Description Type = Long Description SmartSurf Online Usage Monitor v1.00 - FREE package to automatically monitor online usage and costs. Works with all on- line services. Install and forget. Real-time display and later reports/analysis. Understands most charging structures, and different charging bands/times. Spreadsheet interface. Full Windows Help and tooltips. Description Type = Keywords WINDOWS MODEM TIME LOG CALL ONLINE COST MONITOR Description Type = Registration Details Free Description Type = Installation Details Simply create a directory to hold the SmartSurf files and copy/unzip them to that location. Then refer to the smartsrf.hlp file for further information. Description Type = Permissions SmartSurf may be distributed by anyone without further permission, providing it remains unaltered and no charge beyond a reasonable fee for copying and delivering the software is charged. For permission to distribute in any other form you must consult the attached data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute the SmartSurf package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is Oakley Data Services Oakley Data Services may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Oakley Data Services. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Communic WinNET Mail and News 2.50 WinNET mail and news with TCP/IP Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MICHAEL TAGUE WINNET COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 330F DISTELLERY COMMONS LOUISVILLE, KY 40206 Telephone: 502-589-6800 Fax: 502-589-7300 Description Type = Short Description WinNET Mail (tm) v2.50 - Direct access to the world-wide Internet and Usenet networks with powerful Windows MDI E-Mail System. Address Book, Mail Folders, Message Search, Binary Transfer, Scheduling, Background Communications, Toolbar, 57.6 Comm speeds, on-line help, easy to install. New rates include 800 number access. Supports Alternative UUCP service providers. Includes a TCP/IP Winsock for WWW browsers. Description Type = Long Description WinNET Mail is a an MS Windows MDI application that provides a tremendous front end interface to WinNET Communications' UUCP Internet/Usenet service or to any UUCP service provider. This version now includes a high performancs TCP/IP Winsock for use with WinNET's online services such as WWW browsers and all WinNET accounts include a personal WWW home page. Account setup with the WinNET service is automatic, -- total setup time is about 10 minutes for even a novice user. The software is extremely easy to use and has a beautiful tool bar for point and click functionality. Full access to the 6000+ news groups (WinNET carries *everything*, including clarinet). WinNET has integrated mail and news readers, a high performance Windows implementation of UUCP (14.4KB connect capability with v.42bis), a dial-up scheduler, extensive on-line help, integrated uuencode/decode for sending/ receiving binary files, built-in news subscription tools for easily adding and removing usenet news groups, a powerful text editor that can handle files of any size, sizable display fonts, user-definable folders for mail messages, an article-threading news reader, search tools for finding specific text in the folder systems, etc. When used with an alternative UUCP provider WinNET is shareware with a registration cost of $39.95. Description Type = Keywords MAIL, NEWS, INTERNET, USENET, MODEM, COMMUNICATIONS, UUCP, TCP/IP, WWW, FTP, BINARY, RESEARCH, EDUCATION, LAPTOP Description Type = Registration Details None when used with WinNET service, $39.95 for others. Description Type = Installation Details (READ_1ST.TXT) partial listing STEP 1. Create a temporary directory and copy the file to this directory. Run the pkunzip program (commonly available shareware from PKWARE) to unzip the file in this directory. STEP 2. From the Windows program manager File menu, or directly from the Window's File Manage program, Run the SETUP.EXE program supplied with the WinNET distribution. Use the More Information button to get more information on each screen. STEP 3. Run the WCI Account Setup program (ACCOUNT.EXE). This will ask you for billing and credit card information. The program will call the WinNET server and submit your account request. After a one minute pause, the program will call back to verify that the account was accepted. All account requests will be accepted unless the System Name that you choose under SETUP is already taken by another WinNET customer. If the account request is not successful, you will need to re-run SETUP, select a different System Name, and re-run the account program. UPGRADING FROM AN EARLIER VERSION OF WINNET The instructions for upgrading a previous version of WinNET are basically the same as outlined in the above steps describing a new installation. Make sure that you put the distribution .zip file in a *temporary* directory before you start (NOT the directory that currently contains WinNET) and run setup from this temporary directory. When you are asked to specify the directory where WinNET should be installed, specify the same directory where your old copy of WinNET was installed. This will cause the setup program to overwrite the old WinNET files with the files from the new version. Your old setup parameters will be detected and appear as the defaults in the setup process. Note: Do not update WinNET with an older version than you already have installed. SPECIAL EXCEPTION: Version 2.50 and later will recognize when WinNET Plus, a retail version of WinNET, is installed and will only install the online software and not replace the WinNET Plus programs. Description Type = Permissions (partial listing of read_1st.txt) D i s t r i b u t i o n o f W i n N E T M a i l (TM) WinNET Communications, INC., UNCONDITIONALLY RETAINS ALL RIGHTS PURSUANT TO THE COPYRIGHT LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. That said, we very much encourage distribution of this product, under the following conditions: 1. Any person serving as a distributor of WinNET Mail (TM) must retain exactly the original form of the WinNET Communications, Inc., distribution by including ALL files in unmodified condition. The following files that are included with the WinNET Mail (TM) distribution: ACCOUNT 001 MEGAED DLL SOURCE DAT ALT TXT NETSCAPE INI TERMS TXT BWCC DLL PROTOCOL TROUBLE TXT CHAT TXT QUEUEED EX_ UUCICO EX_ CLEANUP EX_ QUEUEED HL_ VENDOR TXT CLEANUP HL_ READ_1ST TXT VIEWER EXE CORE INI REGISTER TXT WINSOCK DL_ CORETCP DL_ RELEASE TXT WNMAIL EX_ CTL3D DL_ RESOLVER CFG WNMAIL HL_ DAEMON EX_ SERVICES WSACORE EX_ DECODE EX_ SETUP 001 WSASLIP EX_ ENCODE EX_ SETUP 002 WS_FTP INI FILELIST SETUP 003 SETUP 009 FILE_ID DIZ SETUP 004 SETUP EXE HOSTS SETUP 005 LZEXPAND DLL SETUP 006 MAILCALL EX_ SETUP 007 MAILMAN EX_ SETUP 008 2. Owners or operators of Electronic Bulletin Boards (EBB's), such as CompuServe, may acquire or accept, and then distribute copies of WinNET Mail (TM) through their EBB service, subject to the conditions above, and may further do so in the context of charging subscribers to their services a general fee for belonging to the membership of the service, and/or for time on-line, as long as these charges are not specifically related to overt sale of the WinNET Mail (TM) product. This should in no way be construed as relinquishment, by WinNET Communications, Inc., of its copyright protection and sole ownership of WinNET Mail (TM). 3. Persons wishing to contact WinNET Communications, Inc., for the purpose of negotiating limited distribution rights for WinNET Mail (TM) should review the file VENDOR.TXT, included with this distribution, which contains an application form that distributors may use to initiate the process. 4. Any persons possessing a bona fide copy of WinNET Mail (TM) as originally distributed by WinNET Communications, Inc., may freely copy and distribute the product to whomever they like, as long as exactly the original form of the distribution is retained, by including ALL files, in unmodified condition, especially but not limited to all documentation files, as long as they assess no fees beyond those required for materials needed in distributing the product, i.e., matching exactly the cost of floppy disks, mailing materials and costs, or long-distance phone charges relevant to electronic distribution. 5. With the exceptions of EBB operators, under the conditions described above, and that of persons entering into written contractual distribution agreements with WinNET Communications, Inc., other persons engaged in the distribution of software for profit ARE EXPLICITLY PROHIBITED from marketing or selling, in any form, any files or parts of files, or modified versions of files, that are part of WinNET Communications' distribution. 6. Developers of software products who incorporate ANY portion of the binary portions of the author's product, or who copy features or aspects of the user-interface of the product subject to protection by the laws of copyright, SHALL BE PROSECUTED, unless they have the express, written permission of WinNET Communications, Inc., to do so. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Communic {COMMO} Communicatns 6.5 High performance telecomm program Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=Yes OS2=Yes OTH=No Author Information: FRED P. BRUCKER NEW STANDARD SOFTWARE P.O. BOX 141537 COLUMBUS, OH 43214 Telephone: (614) 326-1309 Description Type = Short Description {COMMO} 6.5 - High-performance DOS terminal program, also excellent under Windows and OS/2. Chosen by professionals for it's speed, reliability and versatility. Easy, comprehensive macro programming language addresses almost any communications need. {COMMO} is very friendly to the visually impaired. This release features a new upload file selector, new utilities and many other enhancements. Shareware. Description Type = Long Description {COMMO} is a high performance communications program which has been acclaimed for its speed, small size, reliability and power. The program is easily customized for use with almost any host and application. Some major features: - Powerful macro language for automating any task, creating custom features, keyboard macros, etc. - Host mode macro. - Free-form dialing directory and support files. - Multi-tasking support for DESQview, Windows, OS/2, etc. - ANSI-BBS and VT102 terminal emulation. - Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem and ASCII protocols. Macros supplied for external Kermit, HS/Link, BPlus protocols. - Supports most text display modes (e.g., 25x132). - Automatic macro execution on received strings. - Chat and Doorway modes supported. - Scrollback, capture log, screen save, print log, usage log. - Extensive support for blind users with speech synthesizers. - Many additional features. Description Type = Keywords terminal,communications,dos Description Type = Registration Details $30-$60, see REGISTER.FRM for details. Description Type = Installation Details Create a \COMMO subdirectory. Copy all distribution files to this directory. Run GUIDE.BAT. See "Getting Started" in COMMO.DOC for additional details. Description Type = Permissions ELECTRONIC BULLETIN BOARD systems (BBS's, including ONLINE COMMERCIAL SERVICES) may distribute the {COMMO} Shareware package (all files in the original archive must be present and unaltered). PC user groups, computer clubs and COMMERCIAL DISTRIBUTORS of Shareware may distribute {COMMO} on diskette and/or CD ROM if the following conditions are met: 1) ALL files contained in the original {COMMO} archive (as listed in READ.ME) must be distributed INTACT and UNMODIFIED. They must be contained on their own diskette or within their own archive or subdirectory. 2) The charge for distribution must be no more than $5.00 US per diskette, plus shipping and handling (this limit does not apply to collections on CD ROM or Bernoulli disk). 3) Your literature must contain a clear and prominent explanation of the SHAREWARE CONCEPT and state that a SHAREWARE FEE is to be paid to the author if the program is used beyond the trial period. Any other means of distribution without express written permission is strictly prohibited. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION DB_Appls BALLCARDS(tm) 3.2 3.2 The Best Selling Sports Card Program! Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: BOB SMITH BOB-KIT SOFTWARE CO. 26154 COLMAN DRIVE SUITE ONE WARREN, MI 48091-3930 Telephone: 810-758-4580 Fax: 810-758-4121 Description Type = Short Description BALLCARDS v3.2: Leading sports card tracker! Inventory any cards you collect (Baseball, Hockey, etc.) from any card company. Create detailed reports based on player, value, yr, user-specified criteria, much more! 'Want Lists' are quick & easy. Very user-friendly. Customize your copy with 'user-definables'! Stick with the winner -> First release: 9/91 Registration includes 175,000+ card data- base and printed user guide. Description Type = Long Description BALLCARDS is an easy-to-use inventory program. It helps collectors track the cards they have, how much they're worth, and which cards are needed to complete a set. Whether you're new to the hobby or have been at it for years, this program will be a welcome organizer and reporter for your entire collection! Up to 40 card-types may be defined, so you're not limited to just a few sports - ANY cards you collect may be tracked & reported on. Four years have been spent developing, writing, and re- writing this software to make it EASY, FAST, and the ULTIMATE program for card collectors. Plus, this is the only card program with hundreds of "user-definables" - you're able to CUSTOMIZE fieldnames, pop-up window data, and the Manufacturers for your own needs! Many fields are pre-defined to help get you going, but you can edit them easily. BALLCARDS comes complete with a fantastic report generator. Each report can be created, printed, or viewed anytime. Summary Summary reports are also available. Let the program: * Find all cards of one player. * List your collection and show you its total value. You need an inventory of your cards for insurance purposes - now you'll have one! * Locate all cards worth over $5. (or ANY value you choose) * Search for Rookie Cards. * Find all cards you've put in one particular box (by taking advantage of user-definable fields) * Create a 'Want List' for your next visit to the local card shop. * Show only cards from one card manufacturer. * Narrow a search down to any one year or range of years. * Much more! New Features in Version 3.2: * 'YEAR' menu stays one year ahead. * 'Card #' field allows letters and/or numbers. * Each card-type has its own set of 175 user-definables. * Expanded Manufacturer and name fields. * User-definables are alphabetized after edits. * 2 new value fields added: PAID and SOLD This shareware release includes the complete 1994 Donruss baseball card database. Over 450 data-files are included with the registered version! Stick with the winner: More collectors trust their cards to BALLCARDS than any other card inventory program available as shareware. Registration benefits include a 175,000+ card database that lists current values and saves you alot of typing! Description Type = Keywords BALLCARDS,Baseball,Basketball,BOB-KIT,Cards,Collect,Football,Hockey Description Type = Registration Details $29.95 USA Description Type = Vendor Instructions Be sure these files are together in the same directory: README, BC.EXE, BC32.DOC, BSBLL.DAT, BSKTBLL.DAT, FOOTBLL.DAT, HOCKY.DAT, ORDER.DOC, VENDOR.DOC, VIEW.COM, FILE_ID.DIZ, & DOSSBSBL.394 Description Type = Permissions Any vendor, BBS, rack vendor, CD-ROM producer, or satellite distributor may carry this shareware release without obtaining further permission from Bob-Kit Software ONLY IF your catalogs, screens, advertising, brochures, etc. make it clear that this software requires a registration fee to the author if used beyond the evaluation period. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION DB_Appls BIBL for Windows 2.16 Personal Library Management System Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: CLYDE W. GROTOPHORST GMUTANT SOFTWARE 39692 CHARLESTOWN PIKE HAMILTON, VA 22068 Telephone: 703-993-2239 Fax: 703-993-2229 Description Type = Short Description BIBL for Windows is a full-featured package for managing your personal and/or office library of books and journal articles. Features: multiple databases; full-text, indexed and/or boolean searching; flexible report generator; link images to records & view with BIBL's built-in viewer; large (up to 24K) note field for each record; value field totals across database; spell-check note field; create bibliographies & more. Description Type = Long Description BIBL for Windows is a full-featured package for managing our personal and/or office library collection. Great for both collectors and bibliographers--with features to please both audiences. BIBL offers support for multiple databases; large (up to 24K) note field in each record (great for recording abstracts); full-text (any word in a record), indexed and boolean (and/or/not) searching; create bibliographies; extremely flexible report generator; ASCII import and export supported; global find/replace across a database; spell-checker for note field; link images to individual records (and view with BIBL's built-in image viewer); pop-up index viewers during data entry improve database integrity; powerful display grid shows matching records; import BIBL for DOS databases. Registered version adds: 100,000 word dictionary for spell-checker (German and French dictionaries also included free if desired), global find/replace for additional fields; comma-delimited export file creation supported (for transferring records to other software); launch word processor to view report files; and more. Description Type = Keywords Books,Library,Collecting,Bibliography,Database Description Type = Registration Details $39.00 US Description Type = Installation Details Unzip BIBLWIN.ZIP to a directory then FILE | RUN SETUP.EXE Description Type = Permissions Any vendor, BBS, rack vendor, CD-ROM producer may carry this software without obtaining further permission ONLY IF your catalogs, screens, advertising, brochures, etc. make it clear that this is a shareware product that requires a registration payment to the author if used beyond a 30 day evaluation period. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION DB_Appls Diary and Journal 3.4 Diary and Journal for Windows Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: SHELDON LEE LASKY II JRE ENTERPRISES P.O. BOX 5643 MESA, AZ 85211-4406 Description Type = Short Description MY LIFE v3.4 - My Life is a personal diary, scrapbook, and word processor. The scrapbook can be used to store and play movies and sounds. Pictures can be stored and viewed, too. Multiple My Life databases can be created, one for each member of the family. Each database can be password protected. A full-functioning word processor is included for writing letters. Description Type = Long Description MY LIFE v3.4 - My Life is a personal diary, scrapbook, and word processor. The scrapbook can be used to store and play movies and sounds. Pictures can be stored and viewed, too. Multiple My Life databases can be created, one for each member of the family. Each database can be password protected. A full-functioning word processor is included for writing letters. Requires Windows 3.1+ or Windows 95. Description Type = Keywords Diary, Journal, Scrapbook, Writing, Letter, JRE, Windows Description Type = Registration Details Becoming a Registered User We thank you for giving My Life a test drive. Registration is easy and it ensures that we at JRE Enterprises can continue to develop low cost, quality applications for Windows. Registration Form, My Life 3.4 This registration form is good until October 1, 1997. Registration also can be done on CompuServe (GO SWREG, title "My Life", registration id 2155). Quantity __ONE___ x $ 26.00 = $ __26.00___ -- For first copy registered. Quantity _________ x $ 14.00 = $ __________ -- For each additional copy Quantity __ONE___ x $ 3.00 = $ __________ -- Include postage for non-USA address TOTAL = $ __________ Method of Payment (please check one): ___Check ___Money Order Check or money order must be in U.S. dollars made payable to JRE Enterprises. Shipping Address: Name ____________________________________________________________ Company ____________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ From where did you obtain My Life? ____________________________________________________________ Mail this form to: JRE Enterprises P.O. Box 5643 Mesa, AZ 85211-5643 Description Type = Installation Details Install Instructions for My Life Copyright c 1993-1996 JRE Enterprises, All Rights Reserved 4+ meg memory (8 meg recommended) 4+ meg hard drive space 386-33 processor or better recommended Windows 3.1+ or Windows 95 Users of My Diary V2.0 or earlier: 1. My Life V2.1+ changes the database structure used by My Diary V2.0 and earlier. My Life V2.1+ will automatically modify any existing My Diary V2.0 or earlier database to the new structure. We recommend that you install My Life V2.1+ into a different directory and copy the following files from your My Diary V2.0 or earlier directory to the My Life V2.1+ directory: *.LDB, *.MDB, and *.INI files. After you have verified that the databases where converted correctly, you can delete the My Diary V2.0 or earlier directory. 2. My Life now supports the importing of BMP, GIF, PCX, and TGA picture formats into the picture scrapbook. Unfortunately, any DIB, ICO, or WMF file stored with My Diary will not be displayed with My Life. BMP files are unaffected. To install My Life, run SETUP.EXE. If you are using a windows shell program other than Program Manager or Norton Desktop, you may have to manually create groups and group items for My Life. If you have a previous release of My Life installed, we recommend installing into a new directory. We recommend creating a group MY LIFE. In group MY LIFE, create four items: 1. Description = My Life Command Line = path\MYLIFE.EXE Working Directory = path 2. Description = My Life Help Command Line = path\MYLIFE.HLP Working Directory = path 3. Description = My Life Database Maintenance Command Line = path\MYMAINT.EXE Working Directory = path 4. Description = My Life Database Maintenance Help Command Line = path\MYMAINT.HLP Working Directory = path KNOWN PROBLEMS: Mouse cursor sticks to edge of screen. This occurs when screen-wrap is turned on for the mouse and the main window is not maximized. As a bypass, either turn screen-wrap off for the mouse or leave the main window maximized. A permanent solution is being worked on. GP fault occurs when run on a 286 machine. Problem is due to a bug in VBRUN300.DLL. You must use VBRUN300.DLL dated 5/12/93 or later to fix this problem. An "Invalid File Format" error may occur when starting MYLIFE.EXE and MYMAINT.EXE. My Life ships will the following files, older versions of these files are incompatible with Visual Basic Version 3.0: CMDIALOG.VBX 4-28-93 CSCALNDR.VBX 2-11-94 CSMETER.VBX 11-8-93 CSPICTUR.VBX 2-9-94 CSTEXT.VBX 3-10-94 HE_BMP.DIL 3-3-95 HE_GIF.DIL 3-3-95 HE_PCX.DIL 3-3-95 HE_TGA.DIL 3-3-95 HE_TIFF.DIL 3-3-95 2NDDLG.DLL 3-3-95 FMTIO.DLL 3-3-95 HEDLG.DLL 3-3-95 HEICON.DLL 3-3-95 HEIMGMAN.DLL 3-3-95 HERTF.DLL 3-3-95 HETOOLS.DLL 3-3-95 HEVB.VBX 3-3-95 HIGHEDIT.DLL 3-3-95 HIGHTBL.DLL 3-3-95 MCI.VBX 4-28-93 MHSPELL.VBX 4-20-95 MHTHES.VBX 5-5-95 MSABC200.DLL 4-5-94 MSAJT112.DLL 3-24-94 MSAJT200.DLL 11-20-94 THREED.VBX 4-28-93 TRUEGRID.VBX 5-5-94 VBDB300.DLL 3-24-94 WSHELP.VBX 7-25-94 These files are supposed to reside in the windows system directory. Other products may have installed these files in the windows directory or elsewhere. Scan all directories for these files and eliminate any occurrence of these files outside of the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. Make sure the files in the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory are the ones shipped with My Life or NEWER. Visual Basic file formats were changed between Version 1.0, Version 2.0 and Version 3.0. This is NOT a problem with My Life, but is an incompatibility between Visual Basic 1.0, Visual Basic 2.0 and Visual Basic 3.0 VBX files. Description Type = Permissions License Agreement Copyright c 1993-1996, JRE Enterprises All Rights Reserved Installation of My Life on your computer system implies agreement with the terms and conditions below. Distribution of My Life, its accompanying programs and documentation is considered as is. JRE Enterprises offers no warranties of any kind, expressed or implied. This includes, but is in no way limited to, warranties of My Life's merchant ability or fitness for a particular purpose. Under no circumstances will JRE Enterprises be liable for any damages which result from the use of this program or the inability to use it. Exclusion from liability includes, but is not limited to, lost profits, lost savings, or any other incidental or consequential damages. My Life is distributed as Shareware. It is not free, freeware, or in the public domain. You may use My Life for a trial period of thirty days, at no cost to you, to determine if it fits your needs. If you decide to use My Life past the thirty day trial period, you must register and pay the applicable registration fee. Individual copies of the unregistered version of My Life may be given to friends and associates for the same thirty day free trial period. You may also upload My Life to the public section of a public BBS. You may not modify or disassemble My Life, nor distribute any modified or disassembled versions of My Life. My Life may not be included with any other product without written permission from JRE Enterprises. A single registered copy of My Life can be on more than one computers' hard drive at a time as long as no more than one of these computers has My Life in memory at the same time . You may make backup copies of My Life as necessary for archival purposes only. U.S. Government RESTRICTED RIGHTS: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION DB_Appls FF Cards & Labels 2.1 Business cards and labels for Windows Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MICHAEL R. RAUSTAD M & R TECHNOLOGIES, INC. P.O. BOX 061298 PALM BAY, FL 32906-1298 Telephone: (407) 951-2268 Fax: (407) 951-2268 Description Type = Short Description FF Cards & Labels v2.10 Business cards and label printing for Windows. Features a drag and drop interface. Use all of your fonts and bitmaps. Print in color or black and white! Features a database engine to connect to any dbase-compatible file or create your own! Place text, pictures, lines and rectangles anywhere on your layout. We have the best database engine on the market! Check it out! Description Type = Long Description FF Cards & Labels v2.10 Business cards and label printing for Windows. Features a drag and drop interface. Use all of your fonts and bitmaps. Print in color or black and white! Features a database engine to connect to any dbase-compatible file or create your own! Place text, pictures, lines and rectangles anywhere on your layout. We have the best database engine on the market! Check it out! Description Type = Keywords BUSINESS CARDS LABELS ROTARY ROLODEX DATABASE FONTS BITMAPS GRAPHICS Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......US Dollars Minimum registration price..................19.95 Maximum registration price..................19.95 Shipping: within same country...............2.00 North America.....................2.00 South America.....................4.00 Europe............................4.00 Asia..............................4.00 Africa............................4.00 Pacific...........................4.00 Description Type = Permissions The following may distribute , completely unaltered, without further permission...; for other cases or to distribute in modified form, you must consult the attached data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Anyone may distribute this software as is without further permission from M & R Technologies, Inc, so long as it is distributed as Shareware. You may distribute this product using any media you desire. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is M & R Technologies, Inc., P. O. Box 061298, Palm Bay, Fl. 32906-1298. M & R Technologies, Inc. may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to M & R Technologies, Inc. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION DB_Appls InfoRecall 4.1A Freeform Information Manager Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: SHUKRI BERISHA PHANTECH SOFTWARE INC. 200 YORKLAND BLVD. SUITE 801 TORONTO, ON M2J 5C1 CANADA Telephone: 416-502-1311 Fax: 416-502-1345 Description Type = Short Description InfoRecall 4.1a Not Crippled! Fully functional demo. 1995 release. Advertised in PC Magazine. Thousands sold. Store and find Information FAST and EASY! A few words to 30K plus in a FREE-FORM, Variable size database. Hypertext, Extensive Search Features, Help/Sample files Windows 3.x, Windows 95 Description Type = Long Description InfoRecall 4.1a ******************************* Information Overload? Find it difficult to properly manage information? Is your staff as productive as they could be? Information is POWER, but you need the right information at the right time to assert that power. In today's competitive environment you simply must know! PROBLEM SOLVED! Consider InfoRecall. The easiesr to use, most powerful information manager you can own. Fully featured, free-form and with a strong retrieval engine -you'll be master of your information. Become more productive, work smarter be more successful with InfoRecall NO PROGRAMMING REQUIRED! Advertised in PC Magazine, this is a fully functional demo. Help/Sample files also included. Windows 3.x and Windows 95 compatible. Description Type = Keywords InfoRecall, Info, Business, PIM, Management Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......US Dollars Minimum registration price..................79.95 Maximum registration price..................79.95 Shipping: within same country...............5.00 North America.....................5.00 South America.....................10.00 Europe............................10.00 Asia..............................10.00 Africa............................10.00 Pacific...........................10.00 Description Type = Installation Details ===== Installation ===================================== IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ! So that InfoRecall and its files can set up correctly, you must run INSTALL.EXE. To Install InfoRecall 1. Place the InfoRecall diskette in drive B. 2. From the Program Manager, click File and select Run. 3. In the run dialog box, type b:Install. 4. Click OK. The Install program will be loaded. 5. Install suggests that InfoRecall be installed in directory C:\INFO. You can accept this by clicking OK or change it to a directory you prefer. You can also do a custom installation. If you choose this option you can install the InfoRecall program files only, without the sample files or the sample files only, without the program files. Install will now install all the necessary files to the directory you have chosen and while doing so, will show you its progress to completion. 6. When all the files have been copied into your directory, Install will ask you if it should add InfoRecall to the Program Manager. Click Yes to crate a program group or click No if you don't wish to do so at this time. When all the files have been installed successfully Install will notify you. Thank you. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION DB_Appls InfoRecall Pro 5.5 Freeform Information Manager Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: SHUKRI BERISHA PHANTECH SOFTWARE INC. 200 YORKLAND BLVD. SUITE 801 TORONTO, ON M2J 5C1 CANADA Telephone: 416-502-1311 Fax: 416-502-1345 Description Type = Short Description InfoRecall Pro 5.5 v5.50 Not Crippled! No Nag Screens! Store and find Information FAST and EASY! A few words to 30K plus in a FREE-FORM, Variable size database. Developed for the Power User. Has very sophisticated search engine with Boolean Logic, Search- Anything Total Hard Disk Search Hypertext, Hypergraphics, Print, Print Preview, DDE, Delimited Import/Export, Spell Checker,Templates,Help/Sample file Win3.x/95 Description Type = Long Description InfoRecall Pro 5.5 v5.50 ******************************* New Professional Version of Find-It-Fast Information Manager. With Total Hard Disk Search, Hit List, Templates, Hypertext, Hypergraphics and Easy-To-Use Windows Features. With InfoRecall Pro nothing stays hidden. With the new Total Hard Disk feature, users can search through thousands of Word Processing files, E- mails, faxes, Scanned documents, text files, Database files and so on to find key information, FAST! Proprietary file searches are faster too because they can be conducted across either a single file, all files or a specific INDEX of files. The addition of a Hit List lets you know where the Hits occur,as they occur and makes flipping from find to find as easy as clicking on a button. Search Criteria are remembered so they can be used repeatedly and they can be SAVED for later use! The program provides pre-defined Templates and the ability to create Templates for future use. Other new features include Hypergraphics, the ability to double-click on a graphic name to view it. Multiple Import and Export of delimited ASCII files, import of very large files, more complete print options, a pop-up automatic reminder feature and a Network Version that supports single, multiple file or Global READ-ONLY. Supports Windows 3.1x or Windows 95. Description Type = Keywords InfoRecall, Info, Business, PIM, Management Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......US Dollars Minimum registration price..................149.95 Maximum registration price..................149.95 Shipping: within same country...............7.00 North America.....................10.00 South America.....................10.00 Europe............................10.00 Asia..............................10.00 Africa............................10.00 Pacific...........................10.00 Description Type = Installation Details ===== Installation ===================================== IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ! So that InfoRecall and its files can set up correctly, you must run INSTALL.EXE. To Install InfoRecall 1. Place the InfoRecall diskette in drive B. 2. From the Program Manager, click File and select Run. 3. In the run dialog box, type b:Install. 4. Click OK. The Install program will be loaded. 5. Install suggests that InfoRecall be installed in directory C:\INFO. You can accept this by clicking OK or change it to a directory you prefer. You can also do a custom installation. If you choose this option you can install the InfoRecall program files only, without the sample files or the sample files only, without the program files. Install will now install all the necessary files to the directory you have chosen and while doing so, will show you its progress to completion. 6. When all the files have been copied into your directory, Install will ask you if it should add InfoRecall to the Program Manager. Click Yes to crate a program group or click No if you don't wish to do so at this time. When all the files have been installed successfully Install will notify you. Thank you. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION DB_Appls SCIM for Windows 1.0 Sports Card Inventory Manager Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: DAVID L. DYSON SILVER HILL DEVELOPMENT 1811 PORTER AVENUE SUITLAND, MD 20746 Telephone: 301-736-7299 Description Type = Short Description SCIM - The Sports Card Inventory Manager. An inventory system for sports card collectors. Includes pre-defined data for baseball, basketball, hockey, and football cards. Registered users receive complete card data for 1950 -present for major card brands. Tracks purchases & sales, Rookie & Common Cards, and more. Many flexible reports can be directed to the screen, printer, or disk. Description Type = Long Description An inventory system designed to evaluate a sports card collection. It includes pre-defined data for baseball, basketball, hockey, and football cards. Registered users receive complete card data for 1950 - present for major card brands. There is also an option to create your own customized sets. Many flexible reports can be directed to the screen, printer, or disk. "Rookie" and "Common" cards can be easily identified and you can define as many as 3 flags for your own purposes. Also allows you to track purchases and sales for cards and sets. Description Type = Keywords Sports Cards, Baseball, Football, Basketball, Hockey, Collect, Cards Description Type = Registration Details $45.00 Description Type = Installation Details No Installation Necessary Description Type = Vendor Instructions You are encouraged to make copies of this software and pass them on to others, provided that all program files are distributed unmodified and as a complete package. Description Type = Permissions You are encouraged to make copies of this software and pass them on to others, provided that all program files are distributed unmodified and as a complete package. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION DB_Appls weather forcaster 9.5 weather forcaster & database Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: ELDON DE HART DRAGONSOFT 1655 COUNTRY CLUB CIRCLE LAS CRUSES, NM 88005 Telephone: 813-347-7452 Description Type = Short Description weather forcaster and database uses charts for major conditions dos Description Type = Keywords weather, forcaster, convertions, database Description Type = Registration Details 25.00 for a registered version with forcasting routings to you local area Description Type = Installation Details but all files in a directory of your choice CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION DB_FullF Easy Base 10.6 Network Data Application Generator Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: JOHN TURNBULL EASY SOFTWARE 3 BROOKSIDE COURT PRESTBURY ROAD MACCLESFIELD, SK10 3BR ENGLAND Telephone: 044-01625-614669 Fax: 044-01625-614669 Description Type = Short Description EASY BASE V10 - Rapid Application Developer (RAD) for data management. - Easy Base is the first true RAD system to be available on shareware. Create sophisticated menu driven apps in record time. Sample App included. Applications created in Easy Base can be sold as stand alone programs with the Easy Base Runtime Module (not Included). Multi User Network Version Description Type = Long Description Easy Base is a comlpete rapid programming system for data management. Virtually every data management problem can be broken down into three areas. Creating disk files (referred to as "Forms" in Easy Base) in which to store data, creating procedures which manipulate that data and presenting those forms and procedures in a logical menu system for use. In Easy Base you create the forms in which to store data in a simple screen painting environment which not only designs the data file but at the same time provides a default entry screen for your data. As you place the "Fields" in which data is to be stored, you can use relational links (Lookups) to import data from other forms. Each field you create for data storage is also treated as a deriveable "Cell" similar to a spread sheet. You can make almost any calculation within fields. Apart from all the arithmetic and relational operators there are over fifty functions including "if(Condition,True,False)" which extends to a case function and supports And, Or, Xor, Eqv and Imp. The requirement for a field to be filled can be free, mandatory or conditionaly mandatory. Cursor entry to a field can also be allowed, prevented or conditionally allowed. You can also provide your own custom error messages when out of range data is entered. There are field types for Text, Formatted Text, Text Blocks(providing word wrap and spell checking), Integer, Fixed and Floating Point Numbers, Date, Time and Fixed Choice. Once you have data stored you need to be able to manipulate and report on it. Easy Base provides a combined transaction and reporting system (Procedure Generator). With the procedure generator you can use the default screens you have designed or create custom screens in which to gather input either from the keyboard or from relational lookups. You then instruct Easy Base what to do with this information using a simple "Basic" like programming language. If your procedure is transactional you have commands to enter, modify or delete records in any number of forms. If your procedure is reporting then there are commands to group, order and list data in almost every conceivable way. You now have all the "parts" required to create a useful data management system. All that remains is to tie your procedures to a menu system so that other people can use your application without having to know anything about Easy Base. Creating an end user menu system in Easy Base is as simple as filling in a form with the text you wish to display and the procedure or form you wish to run. You give at least one of your menus a start up password. If you then restart Easy Base but sign on with that password instead of your developers password then you will be running your own custom designed program. Easy Base is the most modern and comprehensive data programming system available for the IBM PC. If you currently use any form of Spread Sheet or Data Base then you just won't believe how much easier you can do things in Easy Base. A Non Shareware Runtime Module is available for professional developers. Description Type = Keywords EASYBASE,DATABASE,RELATIONAL,DBMS,RUNTIME Description Type = Registration Details From $75 Description Type = Installation Details Type "Install" Description Type = Vendor Instructions Handle as Shareware Supplied Version is packed for a 1.44 disk Unpacked EXE file is 1.2Meg If you wish to repackage on smaller disks please use shareware version of Easy Install. Description Type = Permissions May be distributed on disk,BBS or CD without further permission CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION DB_FullF Internet Resources 2.0 Internet Resources Database Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MARTIN BOHNET MARKT CONSULTING KG IM HIRTENSTEIN 17 HUENSTETTEN, D-65510 GERMANY Telephone: +49 (0) 6126 93100 Fax: +49 (0) 6126 93107 Description Type = Short Description Internet Resources Database - Reader & Notebook An easy to use, powerful Internet Information System. Allows to use the numerous continuously updated Internet Resources Database datafiles available as Freeware via the WWW, FTP, Compuserve etc. to build a Internet Guide on your PC pertinent with your interests and likes. Datafiles are available "by type of resource": Mailing Lists, Telnet, Newsgroups, FTP, WWW, Gopher and "by subject": i.e. Art & Entertainment, Computer, Business.... etc. The database can be easily updated with new information by downloading and appending new files to your database. The program also offers powerful "Notebook" functions to store news sites, notes, email- addresses, even complete WWW pages etc. Requires Windows, Shareware, 486, 8 MB RAM recommended. IRD Web site at: Info about IRD via email to: CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION DB_FullF VIABASE for Windows 1.4 _V I A B A S E ! 1.4 for Windows_ Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: CASEY BUTLER VIABLE SOFTWARE ALTERNATIVES P.O. BOX 98134 LAS VEGAS, NV 89193-8134 Telephone: (618) 549-5227 Description Type = Short Description _V I A B A S E ! 1.4 for Windows_ ----------------NEW!!---------------- ViaBase is a simple to use, entirely configurable database builder and editor. Drag and drop database design, then just "lock" the design and start editing your database! Use Character, Numeric, List, Date, Note, Picture/Sound, Formula, or Data List Fields for versatile recording of all your database information. MANY features not found in other programs. Full Querying ability. Use with our popular ViaPrint program to turn out professional quality mailing labels, cassette labels, name badges... more! Requires VBRUN300.DLL. ----Viable Software Alternatives---- CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION DB_FullF dbMODULES PLUS 1.1 dbModules PLUS and Project for dbMODUL Filter: DOS=No WIN=No OS2=Yes OTH=No Author Information: KA WAH CHAN COMPUTABILITY DEVELOPMENT CO. 39120 ARGONAUT WAY, #462 FREMONT, CA 94538-1304 Description Type = Short Description dbMODULES PLUS and Project for dbMODULES Amodule using the latest object-oriented programming technique and the AVL-tree/ B-tree algorithms that guarantees fast sequential and random keyed access to data. Also includes a utility program that analyzes the database structures and programming functions that are created by the database data management module dbMODULES. Description Type = Long Description 1. dbMODULES includes file locking routines. 2. To install program: > a:install.cmd 3. To print Readme.1st (turn on your printer) > c:print Readme.1st 4. To execute dbMODULES.exe in OS/2 Window session: > c:\database\dbmodule 5. To execute PROJECT.exe in OS/2 Window session: > c:\database\project 6. To view dbMODULES USER'S GUIDE from IBM Hyperwise file: > cd c:\os2 > view c:\database\dbmodule.inf Step 1: Point-and-double click to the topic "dbMODULES User's Guide" in Contents Dialog box. Step 2: To view each topic, point-and-double click to: * Introduction * Getting Started * How To Create A Forms File * How To Operate dbMODULES * Object-Oriented Programming 7. To view PROJECT USER'S GUIDE from IBM Hyperwise file: > cd c:\os2 > view c:\database\project.inf Step 1: Point-and-double click to the topic "Contents" in Contents Dialog box. Step 2: To view each topic, point-and-double click to: * Contents * Project User's Guide * Introduction * Preparation * How To Operate ? * About The dbMODULE.lib 8. To compile the ".c" program with IBM C Set++ compiler: > compile 9. To try our sample: > cd a:\sample copy a:\sample\*.* to your work-diskette NOTICE: For Shareware version, we only supply dbMODULE.lib for IBM C Set++ Ver. 2.1 compiler. User will get the dbMODULE.lib for IBM VisualAge C++ 3.0 compiler when they order the package from NorthStar Solutions. For order information, please find in any user's guide ".inf" file. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION DB_Other Texplore 4.1 Text Retrieval System Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: ALAN J. WHITE AGATE SOFTWARE LTD AGATE HOUSE, 15 WILTON DRIVE WHITLEY BAY TYNE & WEAR, NE25 9PU ENGLAND Telephone: (+44) 191-252-0488 Fax: (+44) 191-252-0488 Description Type = Short Description Texplore 4.1 is an easy-to-use text retrieval system. Give it a word or combination of words, and it will display all occurrences in a set of text files, using a super-fast indexing technique. * Searches using AND, OR and NOT operations * Abbreviations and fuzzy search * Can access WP docs * Graphics hook * Prints extracts * Non-English alphabets * Elimination of common words * Customisable Description Type = Long Description Texplore 4.1 is an easy-to-use text retrieval system. Give the QUERY program a word (or combination of words), and it will seek and display the text in which it finds the word. If the word occurs more than once, it displays all occurrences under your control. It does this at lightning speed. In order to achieve this, it needs an index to be set up. An index is a compact set of disk files containing information about where all the words occur in your text files. You create this index automatically using the INDEX and BLEND programs supplied. FEATURES: - AND, OR and NOT operations in searches - Word abbreviations in searches - Printing of extracts - Compact index - Elimination of common words from index - Flexible text section definition - Date handling - Non-English alphabets - Custom colours - Custom initial screen and title lines - Custom printouts - Word statistics program (STATS) - Easy re-indexing of individual files - Easy document deletion - Freedom to give away text databases with a copy of QUERY - Low-price licence for database vendors NEW FEATURES: - Wordprocessor file handling - Horizontal scrolling of text - Optional wrap-around of long text lines - Hyphens at end of line (word wrap) handled - Ability to extract and edit text sections - Fuzzy search: word combinations in nearby sections - Gateway to image viewer (to see scanned images etc) Description Type = Keywords text information document retrieval index indexing free-format database viewer Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......Pounds sterling Minimum registration price..................25.00 Maximum registration price..................25.00 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................0.00 South America.....................0.00 Europe............................0.00 Asia..............................0.00 Africa............................0.00 Pacific...........................0.00 CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION DkTopPub Smart 'n Sticky 1.2 Labeller Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MICHAEL JONES INSIGHT SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS,INC P.O. BOX 354 BOUNTIFUL, UT 84011-0354 Telephone: (801) 295-1890 Fax: (801) 299-1781 Description Type = Short Description Smart 'n Sticky V1.2 - Labelling for Windows with FULL OLE CLIENT SUPPORT - giving you the power of packages such as Corel Draw, MS WordArt and hundreds more! Easy to use with MDI, Undo, Mark & Revert, Bitmaps, Metafiles, TrueType with rotation & justification, Color Graphics, Serial Numbers, Date & Time fields, import from ASCII & DBF, vast range of labels predefined or add your own. Description Type = Long Description Smart 'n Sticky V1.2 - Labelling for Windows with FULL OLE CLIENT SUPPORT - giving you the power of packages such as Corel Draw, MS WordArt and hundreds more! Easy to use with MDI, Undo, Mark & Revert, Bitmaps, Metafiles, TrueType with rotation & justification, Color Graphics, Serial Numbers, Date & Time fields, import from ASCII & DBF, vast range of labels predefined or add your own. Description Type = Keywords LABEL AVERY PRINTING DESIGN DTP SMART Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......Pounds Sterlin Minimum registration price..................20.00 Maximum registration price..................20.00 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................0.00 South America.....................0.00 Europe............................0.00 Asia..............................0.00 Africa............................0.00 Pacific...........................0.00 Description Type = Installation Details Simply create a directory for the Smart 'n Sticky program and copy all the files in this package into it. You can create a directory in Windows by switching to the File Manager and selecting the "Create Directory" option from the "File" menu. You can then run Smart 'n Sticky by double-clicking on it from the Windows File Manager, and you can add an icon to a group in Program Manager (refer to your Windows documentation for how to do this, or select the "Help" menu in Program Manager). If you want to de-install the package simply delete the directory you put it in. Description Type = Permissions The evaluation version of Smart 'n Sticky may be distributed by anyone without further permission, providing it remains unaltered, no charge beyond a reasonable fee for copying and delivering the software is charged, and it is clear that the software is not "free", but that a registration fee must be paid for continued use beyond the terms of the evaluation licence. For other cases or to distribute in modified form, you must consult the attached data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute the evaluation version of the Smart 'n Sticky package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is Oakley Data Services Oakley Data Services may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Oakley Data Services. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Editors_ ASCII Text Editor 3.3 ASCII Text Editor and Viewer Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: ROBERT WELLS ROBERT LINDSAY WELLS 1405 LYNN AVENUE CLEARWATER, FL 34615 Telephone: (813) 447-0604 Description Type = Short Description READ Text Editor v3.4 - A compact PC/AT DOS program for reading and editing ASCII text files of virtually unlimited size. Includes a file selection menu, large text mode, word wrap, search and replace, cut-and-paste and printer support. Comes with an ASCII text file (READ.DOC) describing the features. On-line help for editing keys. Description Type = Long Description READ.EXE is a DOS program for reading and editing ASCII text files of virtually unlimited size. You can type READ FILENAME at the DOS prompt, or you can use the program's File Selection Menu. Huge files are handled by breaking them into segments. Features include cutting and pasting of text blocks, search and replac selectable word wrap for long text lines, and printer support. You can also redefine the text screen colors, and switch to a large text (40 character) display. The program is ideal for creating or editing any kind of ASCII text file, as well as viewing ASCII data sets created by computer simulation or data acquisition systems. See the ASCII file READ.DOC for a complete description of the program. READ.TXT describes registration, and READ.ORD is a ready-to-print order form. Description Type = Keywords ASCII TEXT EDITOR EDIT VIEW VIEWER READ READER Description Type = Registration Details Send $12 US (plus $2 US shipping for international orders) to: Robert Lindsay Wells 1405 Lynn Avenue Clearwater, FL 34615 (813) 447-0604 To order by credit card: PsL: Call toll free 1-800-242-4PSL and ask for product #14822. Albert's Ambry: - Search for and click on Buy It." Description Type = Installation Details INSTALLING FROM DISKETTE TO HARD DRIVE To install from diskette, you need to perform the following steps. 1) Place the READ distribution diskette in the appropriate diskette drive. 2) Copy READ.* from the distribution disk to a directory of your choosing on your hard drive. 3) Change to the directory where you installed the program and type READ [filename] at the DOS prompt to run the program (filename is optional), or use the File Selection Menu to choose an ASCII text file for viewing or editing. INSTALLING FROM A HARD DRIVE If you downloaded READ from a BBS (or received it in the form of archive files from some other source), you will need to perform the following steps. 1) Extract the contents of the archive file in a diretcory of your choosing on your hard drive. The procedure for doing this varies, depending on the form in which you received the package. 2) Type READ [filename] at the DOS prompt to run the program. INSIDE READ You can press F1 to see a help screen outlining the editing keys. It is suggested that you read the text file READ.DOC for a complete description of the capabilities of the program. Read the file READ.TXT for information about registering the program. Note that inclusion of a filename on the DOS command line is optional. Description Type = Vendor Instructions may be freely distributed. Description Type = Permissions may be freely distributed. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Editors_ BOXER/OS2 Text Editr 7.0A Powerful, top-rated text editor! Filter: DOS=No WIN=No OS2=Yes OTH=No Author Information: DAVID R. HAMEL BOXER SOFTWARE P.O. BOX 3230 PETERBOROUGH, NH 03458-3230 Telephone: (603) 924-6602 Fax: (603) 924-4471 Description Type = Short Description BOXER/OS2 Text Editor v7.0a: Top Rated! "Best Major Application" winner at the 1994 Shareware Industry Awards! Version 7.0 adds 85+ features to what was already a feature packed program. A favorite of many users, BOXER gets consistently strong reviews. Easy to use with powerful features: color syntax highlighting, undo/redo, mouse support, S&R, column blocks, WP, macros, compilation, more! Shareware $89 from David R. Hamel Description Type = Long Description BOXER is a remarkably full-featured text editor which has quickly become the favorite of all types of computer users: programmers and writers -- power users and novices. BOXER is the result of an 8-year effort by a self-proclaimed perfectionist, and the outcome is a highly polished software program. Attention to detail is apparent throughout: BOXER's interface is smooth, intuitive and courteous. Designed with an emphasis on flexibility, BOXER can be easily configured to suit most every user's taste. New users consistently praise BOXER in the strongest terms. A complete feature list would be huge, so here are some of BOXER's most important capabilities: multi-level Undo and Redo, Color Syntax Highlighting, multiple files and windows, full mouse support, keyboard reconfiguration, support for extended screen sizes, column marking, macros, color, pull-down menus, word processing, and context sensitive online help. Also: search with wildcards, compile within the editor, small footprint shell, graphic drawing mode, auto indent, find mating parenthetical characters, block commands: cut, copy, append, paste, delete, write, print, fill, sort, total, average, case convert, invert, entab, detab, more! Shareware from David R. Hamel $89. ** BOXER 7.0 adds over 85 new features and options! ** New: select macros from a new Macro List interface for playback, recording or erasure. Up to 100 macros can now be loaded simulatan- eously. Search and Replace will restrict its attention to matches within a column-marked region when marking is active. Up to 20 text anchor positions can now be recorded and manipulated from a pop-up anchor list. The Paragraph Reformat command will reformat all those lines contained within a marked region, if run while text is marked. Column-marked areas can now be FILL-ed with a string of characters, rather than just a single character. And much, much more! * * * BOXER.BIN is a compressed file containing the BOXER Text Editor release. BOXER.EXE is a special installation program -- run this program from either floppy or hard drive to install BOXER. BOXER.EXE must simply reside in the same directory as the other release files when installation begins. An automatic demonstration can be run following installation. Description Type = Keywords BOXER, TEXT EDITOR, WORD PROCESSOR, UNDO, MOUSE, MACRO, ASP, EDIT, OS2 Description Type = Registration Details $89 Description Type = Permissions Restrictions: Shareware versions of BOXER may be freely distributed, subject to the following restrictions: * BOXER must be distributed without modification, in its entirety. * BOXER may not be distributed by any for-profit entity which fails to disclose the following points somewhere in their literature: . The fee paid by the customer for an evaluation diskette is a dis- tribution fee, and does not cover the cost of the program itself. . Additional payment to the Author is required if a program is used beyond the evaluation period prescribed by the Author. . Registration entitles the customer to various rights and benefits which may include: current software, printed manual, technical support, upgrade notifications and other goods or services. Note that Shareware is "Try-Before-You-Buy" software, it is not free. We urge all parties who distribute Shareware to help educate the public about the true nature of Shareware distribution. * BOXER is not to be used as an enticement to purchase another product without the explicit consent of the Author. * BOXER is not to be packaged for sale with its reference manual, or other supporting documentation pre-printed for the end-user. * BOXER evaluation diskettes may not be sold for a price in excess of Ten U.S. Dollars ($10.00). * BOXER is not to be "rented" or leased. These distribution restrictions apply to anyone who wishes to distribute BOXER, whether they be commercial vendors, user groups, BBS operators, or individuals. All parties are hereby given permission to capture screen shots of BOXER for use in catalogs or newsletters listing or reviewing our product. Please identify the image in some way as being of the Boxer Text Editor. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Editors_ Boxer Text Editor 7.0A Fast, full-featured, easy-to-use edito Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: DAVID R. HAMEL BOXER SOFTWARE P.O. BOX 3230 PETERBOROUGH, NH 03458-3230 Telephone: (603) 924-6602 Fax: (603) 924-4471 Description Type = Short Description BOXER/DOS Text Editor v7.0a: Top Rated! "Best Major Application" winner at the 1994 Shareware Industry Awards! Version 7.0 adds 85+ features to what was already a feature packed program. A favorite of many users, BOXER gets consistently strong reviews. Easy to use with powerful features: color syntax highlighting, undo/redo, mouse support, S&R, column blocks, WP, macros, compilation, more! Shareware $50-89 from David R. Hamel Description Type = Long Description BOXER is a remarkably full-featured text editor which has quickly become the favorite of all types of computer users: programmers and writers -- power users and novices. BOXER is the result of an 8-year effort by a self-proclaimed perfectionist, and the outcome is a highly polished software program. Attention to detail is apparent throughout: BOXER's interface is smooth, intuitive and courteous. Designed with an emphasis on flexibility, BOXER can be easily configured to suit most every user's taste. New users consistently praise BOXER in the strongest terms. A complete feature list would be huge, so here are some of BOXER's most important capabilities: multi-level Undo and Redo, Color Syntax Highlighting, multiple files and windows, full mouse support, keyboard reconfiguration, support for extended screen sizes, column marking, macros, color, pull-down menus, word processing, and context sensitive online help. Also: search with wildcards, compile within the editor, small footprint shell, graphic drawing mode, auto indent, find mating parenthetical characters, block commands: cut, copy, append, paste, delete, write, print, fill, sort, total, average, case convert, invert, entab, detab, more! Shareware from David R. Hamel $50-89. ** BOXER 7.0 adds over 85 new features and options! ** New: select macros from a new Macro List interface for playback, recording or erasure. Up to 100 macros can now be loaded simulatan- eously. Search and Replace will restrict its attention to matches within a column-marked region when marking is active. Up to 20 text anchor positions can now be recorded and manipulated from a pop-up anchor list. The Paragraph Reformat command will reformat all those lines contained within a marked region, if run while text is marked. Column-marked areas can now be FILL-ed with a string of characters, rather than just a single character. And much, much more! See TKO.DOC for full details on BOXER/TKO, our professional-level product which is capable of editing multi-megabyte files! * * * Note: BOXER/DOS 7.0 is compiled with a newer version of the Borland compiler, and therefore will not run on 8086-based CPUs. An 80286 or better CPU is now required. * * * BOXER.BIN is a compressed file containing the BOXER Text Editor release. BOXER.EXE is a special installation program -- run this program from either floppy or hard drive to install BOXER. BOXER.EXE must simply reside in the same directory as the other release files when installation begins. An automatic demonstration can be run following installation. Description Type = Keywords BOXER TEXT EDITOR WORD PROCESSOR UNDO MOUSE MACRO ASP EDIT Description Type = Registration Details $50-89 Description Type = Installation Details to install, simply run the custom installer, BOXER.EXE Description Type = Permissions Restrictions: Shareware versions of BOXER may be freely distributed, subject to the following restrictions: * BOXER must be distributed without modification, in its entirety. * BOXER may not be distributed by any for-profit entity which fails to disclose the following points somewhere in their literature: . The fee paid by the customer for an evaluation diskette is a dis- tribution fee, and does not cover the cost of the program itself. . Additional payment to the Author is required if a program is used beyond the evaluation period prescribed by the Author. . Registration entitles the customer to various rights and benefits which may include: current software, printed manual, technical support, upgrade notifications and other goods or services. Note that Shareware is "Try-Before-You-Buy" software, it is not free. We urge all parties who distribute Shareware to help educate the public about the true nature of Shareware distribution. * BOXER is not to be used as an enticement to purchase another product without the explicit consent of the Author. * BOXER is not to be packaged for sale with its reference manual, or other supporting documentation pre-printed for the end-user. * BOXER evaluation diskettes may not be sold for a price in excess of Ten U.S. Dollars ($10.00). * BOXER is not to be "rented" or leased. These distribution restrictions apply to anyone who wishes to distribute BOXER, whether they be commercial vendors, user groups, BBS operators, or individuals. All parties are hereby given permission to capture screen shots of BOXER for use in catalogs or newsletters listing or reviewing our product. Please identify the image in some way as being of the Boxer Text Editor. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Editors_ CMEditor 3.54 CMEditor - File Text Editor Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: CHARLES F. MARTIN NOVASOFT 3239 RIVERVIEW DRIVE TRIANGLE, VA 22172-1421 Telephone: (703) 221-1471 Description Type = Short Description CMEditor File Text Editor v3.54 -- Small, handy text editor loaded with features. Edit or view large files. Mark blocks of lines for copy, move, delete, print, exportto file. Search/replace string operators, modest mouse support. 25/43/50- line VGA support, four color schemes, new popup ASCII table make this little editor even handier. Only $10 registration. Description Type = Long Description CMEditor File Text Editor Viewer v3.54 -- Small, handy text editor loaded with features. Edit or view large files. Mark blocks of lines for copy, move, delete, print or export to file. Search/replace string operators, modest mouse support. 43/50-line VGA support, four color selections, integrity self-check on startup. "Remembers" settings and display options for next use. Popup ASCII table facilitates use of upper ASCII characters for graphics drawing, scientific editing. Written in 100% optimized assembly language for speed. Intuitive command structure. Description Type = Keywords TEXT FILE EDITOR CMEDITOR NOVASOFT Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed...... Minimum registration price..................10.00 Maximum registration price..................10.00 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................0.00 South America.....................0.00 Europe............................0.00 Asia..............................0.00 Africa............................0.00 Pacific...........................0.00 Description Type = Installation Details CMEditor requires no special installation. Just copy the compressed file to a directory you have created for this new version, extract it to get the uncompressed file set, and run CMEDITOR at the DOS prompt. Description Type = Permissions The shareware edition of CMEditor may be further distributed by any individual or shareware distributor under the conditions specified in the distribution policy expressed in this VENDOINFO.DIZ file. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Editors_ Easy Edit 1.05 Advanced HTML / Text editor Filter: DOS=No WIN=No OS2=No OTH=Yes Author Information: JASON FRANKLIN 10303 E. Peakview Avenue #102 Englewood, CO 80111 Telephone: 303-779-3689 Description Type = Short Description Easy Edit for Windows95 Easy to use text editor with built in HTML functions. Has no file size limit, built in spell checker, multiple document edit, HTML tags with the click of a mouse button, and a tool bar. Can also print text into a "booklet" format to conserve paper. This program is not just a HTML editor, it's great replacement for Windows Notepad. Description Type = Long Description Easy Edit for Windows95 - Easy to use text editor with built in HTML functions. Has no file size limit, built in spell checker, multiple document edit, HTML tags with the click of a mouse button, and a tool bar. Can also print text into a "booklet" format to conserve paper. This program is not just a HTML editor, it's a great replacement for Windows Notepad. Description Type = Keywords Edit Editor HTML Web WWW Spell Checker Easy Windows95 95 Windows NT WindowsNT Note Notepad text ASCII TAG TAGS Description Type = Registration Details Program Registration : If you find this program useful, please register it. With registration you will receive a code that will disable ALL the NAG / BEG screens and will display the fact that it is registered in the program window. Send $15.00 check or money order to : Jason Franklin 10303 E. Peakview Ave. #102 Englewood, CO 80111 Credit Card orders are $20.00 : Register On-Line Description Type = Installation Details Installation : Run setup and you will be guided through installation. An icon for Easy Edit will be added to your start menu . De-Installation : Select Add/Remove Programs from the Control Panel. Select Easy Edit and click Add/Remove. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Editors_ Large File Text Edit 3.9 Large File Text Editor Filter: DOS=No WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: RON PARKER CT SOFTWARE 759 Galleon Lane Elk Grove, IL 60007 Telephone: 847-923-7572 Description Type = Short Description (v3.9) Notebk39 - Large File Text Editor Notebook is a Notepad replacement which (1).Will open VERY large files; (2).Has a toolbar; (3).Supports DRAG and DROP editing; (4).Features full font control (5). Supports overtype mode; (6). Will allow printing/saving to file SEL- ECTED text. VB40032.DLL Required. Shareware (U.S. $15.00 + ship). Ron Parker (CT Software) Description Type = Long Description There is one and only one point to this program - to replace Notepad. Notebook is not a word processor. It's sole purpose is to view and edit text files. Notebook does have 6 major features (and several minor ones) which we believe make up for Notepad's inadequacies: 1.It will open very large files, and allow you to edit them. 2.It features complete font control - you can set the font name, style, size, and color, and your settings will be saved when you exit the program. 3.Notebook has a taskbar which keeps track of your cursor position, and a toolbar, complete with help balloons. 4.Notebook features Drag and Drop text editing. 5.Notebook supports overtype, as well as insert mode. 6.Notebook can both print and save to a file selected text only, if so desired. The VB 4.0 32 bit Runtime Module, VB40032.DLL, is required to run this program. program. Description Type = Keywords CT Notebook Notepad Text Edit Editor Windows95 Win95 Description Type = Registration Details $15.00 Description Type = Installation Details Install in Win 95. Description Type = Permissions Freely distributable. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Editors_ Large Text Editor 2.4 Large File Text Editor Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: RON PARKER CT SOFTWARE 759 Galleon Lane Elk Grove, IL 60007 Telephone: 847-923-7572 Description Type = Short Description (v2.4) Notebk24 - Large File Text Editor Notebook is a Notepad replacement which (1).Will open VERY large files; (2).Has a toolbar; (3).Supports DRAG and DROP editing; (4).Features full font control (5). Supports overtype mode; (6). Will allow printing/saving to file SEL- ECTED text. VBRUN300.DLL Required. Shareware (U.S. $12.00 + ship). Ron Parker (CT Software) Description Type = Long Description There is one and only one point to this program - to replace Notepad. Notebook is not a word processor. It's sole purpose is to view and edit text files. Notebook does have 6 major features (and several minor ones) which we believe make up for Notepad's inadequacies: 1.It will open very large files, and allow you to edit them. 2.It features complete font control - you can set the font name, style, size, and color, and your settings will be saved when you exit the program. 3.Notebook has a taskbar which keeps track of your cursor position, and a toolbar, complete with help balloons. 4.Notebook features Drag and Drop text editing. 5.Notebook supports overtype, as well as insert mode. 6.Notebook can both print and save to a file selected text only, if so desired. VBRUN300.DLL required. Description Type = Keywords Text Edit Editor Notebook Notepad CT Description Type = Registration Details $12.00 Description Type = Installation Details Install in Win 3.1 Description Type = Permissions Freely distributable. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Editors_ MEGA EDIT Txt Editor 2.12 Text Editor for Large files Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MICHAEL TAGUE WINNET COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 330F DISTELLERY COMMONS LOUISVILLE, KY 40206 Telephone: 502-589-6800 Fax: 502-589-7300 Description Type = Short Description MEGA EDIT VERSION 2.12 MEGA EDIT TEXT EDITOR FOR LARGE FILES- Mega Edit is a MS Windows application to allow editing of very large files. Split screen for up to 20 files, variable sizable display fonts, Import/Export UNIX and Mac files, word-wrap, CUA compliant, search and replace, binary display. Windows - Utilities WinNET Communications, INC. Description Type = Long Description Mega Edit is an MS-Windows application that allows the editing of very large text files. The program has had many positive press reviews, including being named "WinAp of the Month" by Compute Magazine and was included in PC World's round up of the best programs ever for less than $50.00 dollars. The size of files that Mega Edit can handle is limited only by the amount of virtual memory available under Windows. The program also includes a split screen feature to compare/edit 2 files side by side (or view the same file in 2 locations). It is possible to load up to 20 files into the program simultaneously for editing. Editing functions are fully CUA compliant. Mega Edit has an import/export capability between Unix, MacIntosh and DOS file formats, search and replace facilities, variable sizing of display fonts, and many other features. Description Type = Keywords EDITOR, WINDOWS, MACINTOSH, UNIX, ASCII, TEXT, PROGRAMMERS, BINARY, NOTEPAD Description Type = Registration Details $35.50 + S&H. Description Type = Installation Details (partial listing) (READ1ST.TXT) STEP 1. Make a separate directory anywhere on your system and store ALL of the distribution files that are part of Mega Edit (TM) in that directory. If you are using Windows 3.1, you may want to delete the copy of COMMDLG.DLL that is supplied with Mega Edit (TM) - it is already supplied with Windows 3.1. It is generally best to keep all the distribution files together in the same directory. STEP 2. Install the Mega Edit (TM) executable file 'MEGAEDIT.EXE' in a Program Manager application folder. If you do not know how to do this, please see your Microsoft Windows 3.x documentation. STEP 3. To RUN Mega Edit (TM), select the Mega Edit (TM) icon by either double-clicking on it with your mouse, or cursor to the icon and hit the ENTER key. Description Type = Permissions (VENDOR.TXT) partial listing Vendors who wish to distribute Mega Edit on diskette, CD ROM, or other physical media may do so freely as long as the following guidelines are followed: 1. The offering and sale of Mega Edit (TM) will be stopped at *any* time the author so requests. 2. Vendors may *only* distribute the shareware version of Mega Edit. 3. All the files that are part of the orginal shareware distribution of Mega Edit must be included in the vendor's distribution of Mega Edit, including especially register.txt, reg_form.txt, and the other text files which provide information about how to contact WinNET Communications to register Mega Edit and to receive technical support. 4. Your library's catalog or listing must state that this program is not free, but is copyrighted software that is provided to allow the user to evaluate it before paying. 5. Vendors who charge their clients a fee to receive their materials containing Mega Edit must make it clear to their customers that the fee does not include the purchase price or registraion fee for Mega Edit. This clarification should be included, in writing, with the vendor's distribution. 6. Problems or complaints about the program will be reported to the author for investigation. Any questions about these policies should be directed to: WinNET Communications, Inc. Post Office Box 4189 Lousiville, KY 40204 (502) 589 6800 CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Editors_ Smooth Editor 2.0 FAST smooth scrolling DOS text editor Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MICHAEL DUBBELDAM DUBBELDAM SOFTWARE JULIANALAAN 36 DELFT, 2628 BH NETHERLANDS Description Type = Short Description Smooth Editor v2.0 The first DOS text editor with FAST Smooth Scrolling technique and interface for windows. FAST Smooth Scrolling makes moving through text extremely swift and fluid. Features:copy/cut/ paste from/to Windows, macros, LARGE files, multiple documents, multilevel undo, Drag & Drop, symbol table, customizable scrolling and color usage, bookmarks, word wrapping etc. Required: 386,VGA. Shareware $20 Description Type = Long Description Smooth Editor v2.0 The first DOS text editor with FAST Smooth Scrolling technique and interface for windows. FAST Smooth Scrolling makes moving through text extremely swift and fluid. Features:copy/cut/paste from/to Windows, macros, virtually unlimited file sizes, multiple documents, multilevel undo, Drag & Drop, symbol table, customizable scrolling and color usage, bookmarks, word wrapping etc. Required: 386,VGA. Shareware $20 Description Type = Keywords Edit Editor ASCII Smooth Scrolling Smoothscrolling Clipboard FAST Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......US $ Minimum registration price..................20.00 Maximum registration price..................20.00 Shipping: within same country...............4.00 North America.....................4.00 South America.....................4.00 Europe............................4.00 Asia..............................4.00 Africa............................4.00 Pacific...........................4.00 Description Type = Installation Details Installation is done by simply putting all files in one directory. It will be usefull to include this directory in the Path statement, so you can start up SE from anywhere on the drive. Description Type = Permissions Provided that you are distributing the unregistered version you are hereby licensed to make as many copies of the shareware version of this software and documentation as you wish and provide them to anyone. The attached VENDINFO data record is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in the data record is hereby authorized. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION TeachTol Attendance Monitor 3.11 EZ, power. attendance prog. for educat Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: WILLIAM E. PEACE P.O. BOX 627 SOUTH DENNIS, MA 02660-0627 Description Type = Short Description ATTENDANCE MONITOR attendance program. The ATTENDANCE MONITOR is a full-featured attendance program for educators. With it you can monitor absences, excused absences, and tardies; you can show or print the data in several formats. Data can also be imported from the GRADE PLUS grading program. Description Type = Long Description The ATTENDANCE MONITOR is a full-featured attendance program for educators. Entry of attendance or tardies to class will take only about a minute a day. With it you can monitor absences, excused absences, and tardies; you can show or print the data in several formats. Work is much easier at the end of the term. No more counting little "A's" or "T's"! Easy to use pull down menus. Program includes full manual and demo attendance file. Data can also be imported from the GRADE PLUS grading program. Description Type = Keywords Education, teacher utility, attendance, teacher Description Type = Registration Details $19.95 Description Type = Installation Details If unzipping directly to hard drive, unzip to C:\ATTEND\ To learn to run the program, type READNOW IF you unzip to a disk, unzip to a 3 1/2" 1.44 Meg disk. You can install from the disk to a hard drive by typing INSTALL To run the program from hard drive: CD ATTEND ATTEND To run the program from disk drive: ATTEND First time users should read the information file by typing READNOW which contains more detailed startup information including installation to WINDOWS, printing of manual, setup of attendance file, and use of demo file. Description Type = Vendor Instructions Please do not combine the program with other programs on the same disk (except for zips). Please do not alter any files. Please inform your users that continued use of shareware requires registration or the user is in violation of copyright laws. Please charge fees only to duplicate/ship, not for software itself. I would appreciate a courtesy catalog if you list this software in a catalog. Description Type = Permissions Contents of Manual and Programs Copyright 1995 by William E. Peace. Shareware vendors and bulletin board systems may duplicate and post the software and manuals provided that fees are charged only for duplication or access, not for the rights to the software itself. Permission is hereby granted for this type of duplication. Software or manuals may not be altered in anyway except for addition of explanatory vendor files. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION TeachTol CLASSLIST 6.1 Class Records and Management Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: HENRY A. BARLOW BARLOW TRUSTWARE 1189 GUILDWOOD BLVD. LONDON, ON N6H 4G8 CANADA Telephone: 519-472-2942 Description Type = Short Description Easy record keeping for teachers. The processing of records may be as simple or complexed as the user wishes. The screens contain ample instructions with `HELP' available when needed. The program will print its own manual on request, together with an appendix that illustrates the 14 different types of printout. Individual student codes permit posting lists & graphs. Description Type = Long Description CLASSLIST programs have been researched and developed over a period of 12 years. The design of the programs is to provide the power of computing to the classroom teacher for record keeping and class management in a simple and straight forward manner. Considerable attention has been paid to provide meaningful instructions, with `WHY' and `HOW' panels displayed on most screens with further assistance available with HELP(press F1) screen. The manual and appendix, which the program will print on request, give further information, definition of terms and illustrative printouts available,( 14 hardcopy plus screens.) Parameter menu ( Rarely visited after being set.) sets teacher enviroment(Name of teacher and School, Year or semestered, No. of terms, back-up drive);sets categories of marks,(Upto 6 sets of upto 9 categories.) sets printer, (Codes); prints manual and appendix. Data submission menu allows for: Creating new classfiles including names ,homerooms (If desired) and multi-listing (Where a teacher, teaches the same group of students for different subject, i.e. Elementary Shools.) :Select a class file:New marks,(Category,Max.Mk.,Weight,Descrpt,Date): Change Marks:Attendance:Term and final exams:Median changes(2rd degree):++ Retrieval menu: 4 digit individual student code: Term mark to- date in list or graph (including `PART'ial mark showing the effect of missed MK.): Critical(Term,Final):Attenance registers:Analysis:Reports:Seating Plans:++ Description Type = Keywords Teacher School Class Records Reports Education Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......USA or Canadian Minimum registration price..................16.00 Maximum registration price..................125.00 Shipping: within same country...............5.00 North America.....................5.00 South America.....................5.00 Europe............................5.00 Asia..............................5.00 Africa............................5.00 Pacific...........................5.00 Description Type = Installation Details Once CLASSLIST 6.1 have been expanded and its files extracted (if necessary). CLASSLIST's own INSTALL program can be used to: (1). Copy the files to or from a floppy or hard disks. (2). Make a directory C:/CLASSLIS> (This would normally done from a floppy disk.) If you are using INSTALL to make a directory make sure your computer is in the root directory. You will see c:/> on the screen. (3). Install CLASSLIST into any preset directory. If you have used the make a directory routine about the preset directory will be C:/CLASSLIS> To run CLASSLIST's INSTALL.EXE simply type INSTALL The INSTALL program; screens all the necessary instructions and information required by the user and finishes with the start-up procedure for CLASSLIST. If you are downloading into a tempary directory, it would probable pay you to extract the files; delete CLASSLIS.***; Use INSTALL to copy the files to your floppy. Change to a:/> (i.e.Type a: and then run INSTALL from the floppy. Good luck with CLASSLIST. Most teachers who are using it wonder how they manage without. Description Type = Permissions The user(s) is/are permited to copy CLASSLIST files at will and use the programs upto 30 days. However continued use, requires the user(s) to pay the modist fee to acquire the necessary licence(s). The attached Vendinfo data record is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satifying all distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION TeachTol Crossword Cons. Kit 2.0 Windows Crossword Puzzle Creator Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MICHAEL JONES INSIGHT SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS,INC P.O. BOX 354 BOUNTIFUL, UT 84011-0354 Telephone: (801) 295-1890 Fax: (801) 299-1781 Description Type = Short Description Crossword Construction Kit V2.0b [ASP] features the unique ability to make puzzles in fun shapes with over 25 predefined puzzle shapes (diamonds, doughnuts, trains, etc) with the ability to create unlimited new shapes. Up to 30 x 30 in size. Print options include skeleton or filled box, answer key, font selection, metafiles & more. Teachers, Students, Publishers and Fans: PUT MORE FLARE AND PIZZAZZ into your puzzles. Description Type = Long Description The Crossword Construction Kit v2.0b [ASP] features the unique ability to create puzzles in fun shapes. It includes over 25 predefined puzzle shapes (diamonds, donuts, trains, etc) and includes the ability to create unlimited new shapes. Teachers, students, publishers and puzzle fans will be able to put more flare and pizzazz into their puzzles. The Kit can create puzzles up to 30 x 30 in size. Simply select a shape, enter your words and clues, enter a title and click on the "Create Puzzle" button. Words and clues can be imported from a text file. A variety of print options are available including printing answer keys, selecting fonts for clues and answers, selecting color of filled boxes, exporting metafiles, 1 or 2 page printout, skeleton puzzles, column naming (for foreign languages) and arrangement, selection of puzzle parts to print including list of puzzle words, and viewing the puzzle before printing. Description Type = Keywords GAME CROSSWORD PUZZLE FUN ENTERTAINMENT WINDOWS WORD Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S. Dollars Minimum registration price..................18.00 Maximum registration price..................18.00 Shipping: within same country...............2.00 North America.....................3.00 South America.....................3.00 Europe............................3.00 Asia..............................3.00 Africa............................3.00 Pacific...........................3.00 Description Type = Installation Details FOR WINDOWS 3.1 --------------- Run "SETUP" off the floppy disk from the Windows File Manager Example: if the disk is in drive A: then do the following: 1. Press Alt-F in the Windows Program Manager 2. Select "Run" 3. Enter "A:\SETUP" 4. Press Enter and following instructions FOR WINDOWS 95 -------------- Run "SETUP" off the floppy disk Example: if the disk is in drive A: then do the following: 1. Click the "Start" Button 2. Select "Run" 3. Enter "A:\SETUP" 4. Press Enter and following instructions Description Type = Permissions The attached VENDINFO data record is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Please consult the attached VENDINFO data record for distribution rights. You must obtain written permission directly from Insight Software Solutions if you are unsure of your distribution rights. Permission to distribute the Crossword Construction Kit package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is Insight Software Solutions, P.O. Box 354, Bountiful, UT 84011. Insight Software Solutions may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Insight Software Solutions. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION TeachTol GradeBook Power 4.24 Teacher's Grade Book Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: TERRY L. JEPSON WISCO COMPUTING P.O. BOX 8 WISCONSIN RAPIDS, WI 54495-0008 Telephone: (715) 423-8189 Fax: (715) 423-7889 Description Type = Short Description GradeBook Power Teacher's GradeBook ver 4.24 use either 2-9 week quarters or 3-6 week terms per semester. Teacher developed. Many special options and printouts for both elementary and secondary teachers. Prints over 30 different reports for students, parents, and administrators. Many schools use the progress reports for their mid-term mailings to parents. Includes attendance and seating chart options. Constantly improved. Description Type = Long Description GradeBook Power Teacher's Grade Book ver 4.24 use either 2-9 week quarters or 3-6 week terms per semester. Teacher developed. Many special options and printouts for both elementary and secondary teachers. Prints over 30 different reports for students, parents, and administrators. Many schools use the progress reports for their mid-term mailings to parents. Includes attendance and seating chart options. Up to 15 classes of 40 students per class, and 60 assignments per term, plus optional semester exam supported. Grades can be calculated by cumulative points, weighting by categories, andweighting by terms. Letter grades, numerical grades, and special grades(Absent, Excused, Unexcused, Incomplete, Cheat, No Credit, and Checkmark) can be used. Option to use grading scale other than the standard A+ to F scale. Teacher defined grading scale. Extra Credit points easily recorded. Add general messages to all student reports and personal messages to individual reports. Optional parent signature request on forms. Elementary class summaries on one sheet. Generate missing assignment reports for one class, all classes, or one student. Creates detailed reports suitable for gluing into your gradebook. Prepares grade distributions of any assignment over several classes. Can combine classes to find student rank. Constantly improved. Description Type = Keywords Teacher Gradebook Education Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......US Dollars Minimum registration price..................59.00 Maximum registration price..................236.00 Shipping: within same country...............2.00 North America.....................2.00 South America.....................2.00 Europe............................3.00 Asia..............................3.00 Africa............................3.00 Pacific...........................3.00 Description Type = Installation Details DIRECTIONS FOR COPYING TO THE HARD DISK USING WINDOWS 1. Go to FILE MANAGER On the left side of the screen you should see C:\ with the directories listed under the C:\ symbol. 2. Place the mouse pointer on the C:\ symbol and click once. C:\ should now be highlighted. 3. Click on the File Menu. 4. Click on Create Directory You should see a box Create Directory. At Name type C:\GRADES Click OK. If you scroll down the left side of the screen, you should see the new directory GRADES 5. Place the GRADEBOOK POWER diskette in drive A: 6. Click on the A: Drive Icon (under the Title Bar). You should see a directory for the files on the disk listed. 7. Click on the File Menu. A menu will drop down. 8. Click on Select Files. A window will appear. 9. Click on Select. Lines will appear around the file names, 10. Click on Close. The file names will appear to be colored in. 11. Click on File. A menu will drop down. 12. Click on Copy. A window will appear. In the box following TO: type C:\GRADES 13. Click OK 14. You can start Gradebook Power from FILE MANAGER On the left side of the screen you should see C:\ with the directories listed under the C:\ symbol. 15. If you scroll down the left side of the screen, you should see the directory GRADES Place the mouse pointer on the GRADES symbol and click once. GRADES should now be highlighted. 16. The Gradebook Power file names will appear on the right side of the screen. 17. Click on the filename GRADES.EXE DIRECTIONS FOR COPYING TO THE HARD DISK USING DOS 1. First Create a Subdirectory named GRADES for the program. At the DOS prompt, you will see C:\> Type MD GRADES and press Enter 2. Now you will change to the GRADES subdirectory. Type CD GRADES and press Enter Your DOS prompt now reads C:\GRADES\> 3. Now you will copy the files from the diskette to this subdirectory. Place the GRADEBOOK POWER diskette in drive A: Type COPY A:*.* and press Enter You will see a message when the copying is done. 4. Remove the diskette from the disk drive and store it in a safe place. 5. Type GRADES and press Enter to start Gradebook Power. Description Type = Permissions The following may distribute WISCO Computing, completely unaltered, without further permission...; for other cases or to distribute in modified form, you must consult the attached data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is WISCO Computing, P. O. Box 8, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495-0008 WISCO Computing may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to WISCO Computing. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION TeachTol GradePlus 7.11 EZ, power. grading prog. for educators Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: WILLIAM E. PEACE P.O. BOX 627 SOUTH DENNIS, MA 02660-0627 Description Type = Short Description GRADE PLUS GRADING PROG. VER 7.1 Accepts letter or numerical grades, any order, any time. Weighted or unweighted. Points, percents, or letters. Semester grades. Final exams. TEAM grades. Dozens of easy to use reports including class lists, customizable progress reports, printed gradebook, individual reports, class reports. Powerful, flexible, easy to use. Complete with users manual, demonst. files. Description Type = Long Description With the GRADE PLUS grading program for educators you will be able to easily and flexibly keep track of student progress and issue well-designed reports for student, parent, or teacher use. Easy to use pull- down menus. With GRADE PLUS, you can: - enter grades in any order at any time - enter new names or assignments at any time - use points, percents, or letter grades - get numerical or letter grade for term, semester, year - combine quarter or other period grades for year grade - choose from dozens of report options; many reports can be printed in several ways: - alphabetical class lists - ranked class lists - blank grade book sheets for record keeping - grade reports with student grades and averages - progress reports with student grades and averages - cooperative learning team reports - gradebook report with all grades for all students - summary reports with all averages for all categories for all students - summary reports: rank performance in all categories - list of students who have completed all assignments - list of assignments missing for each student - statistical analyses of individual assignments or of all assignments - list of grades or averages for any assignment - bar graphs of grades - list showing variability of grades - year long reports combining grades for each quarter or semester along with exams to show year grade - use different grading procedures for each class - mark grades so that they "don't count" - scale any or all grades - instantly set up the next quarter or semester without reentry of names - instantly average grades as they are entered - automatically save grades as you work, even if you forget - define up to ten grade categories PER CLASS - use weighted or unweighted grades - use a built in word processor to edit progress report comments section - print reports for one student or all of your classes at the same time - flexibly change any entry at any time - add or delete students quickly and easily - compare one assignment with another - enter grades as quickly as you can to a gradebook - no hunting through spreadsheets Description Type = Keywords Education, teacher utility, grading, teacher Description Type = Registration Details $29.95 Description Type = Installation Details If unzipping directly to hard drive, unzip to C:\GRPLUS\ To learn to run the program, type READNOW IF you unzip to a disk, unzip to a 3 1/2" 1.44 Meg disk. You can install from the disk to a hard drive by typing INSTALL To run the program from hard drive: CD GRPLUS GRPLUS To run the program from disk drive: GRPLUS First time users should read the information file by typing READNOW which contains more detailed startup information including installation to WINDOWS, printing of manual, setup of grade files, use of demo files. Be certain to use the SETUP section to specify DRIVE/ PATH for data before looking for sample data files! Description Type = Vendor Instructions Please do not combine the program with other programs on the same disk (except for zips). Please do not alter any files. Please inform your users that continued use of shareware requires registration or the user is in violation of copyright laws. Please charge fees only to duplicate/ship, not for software itself. I would appreciate a courtesy catalog if you list this software in a catalog. Description Type = Permissions Contents of Manual and Programs Copyright 1995 by William E. Peace. Shareware vendors and bulletin board systems may duplicate and post the software and manuals provided that fees are charged only for duplication or access, not for the rights to the software itself. Permission is hereby granted for this type of duplication. Software or manuals may not be altered in anyway except for addition of explanatory vendor files. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION TeachTol Grading Skills Power 3.04 for Outcome-Based Education Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: TERRY L. JEPSON WISCO COMPUTING P.O. BOX 8 WISCONSIN RAPIDS, WI 54495-0008 Telephone: (715) 423-8189 Fax: (715) 423-7889 Description Type = Short Description Grading Skills Power for Outcome-Based Education (OBE) ver 3.04 Record student skill mastery. Reports with up to 900 skills per student can be printed. Up to 15 classes, 36 students per class, 60 skills per group. Achieved skills can be weighted, revised, dropped. Add general and personalized comments for administrators and parents. Complete attendance module. Description Type = Long Description Grading Skills Power for Outcome-Based Education (OBE) ver 3.04 Record student skill mastery. Reports with up to 900 skills per student can be printed. Up to 15 classes, 36 students per class, 60 skills per group. Achieved skills can be weighted, revised, dropped. Add general and personallized comments for administrators andparents. Complete attendance module. Seating chart support. Calculate quarter/term and semester weights based on mastery levels and skill weighting. Ideal for self-paced and regular courses. Description Type = Keywords Teacher OBE Mastery Education Outcome Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......US Dollars Minimum registration price..................59.00 Maximum registration price..................236.00 Shipping: within same country...............2.00 North America.....................2.00 South America.....................2.00 Europe............................3.00 Asia..............................3.00 Africa............................3.00 Pacific...........................3.00 Description Type = Installation Details DIRECTIONS FOR COPYING TO THE HARD DISK USING WINDOWS 1. Go to FILE MANAGER On the left side of the screen you should see C:\ with the directories listed under the C:\ symbol. 2. Place the mouse pointer on the C:\ symbol and click once. C:\ should now be highlighted. 3. Click on the File Menu. 4. Click on Create Directory You should see a box Create Directory. At Name type C:\SKILLS Click OK. If you scroll down the left side of the screen, you should see the new directory SKILLS 5. Place the GRADING SKILLS POWER diskette in drive A: 6. Click on the A: Drive Icon (under the Title Bar). You should see a directory for the files on the disk listed. 7. Click on the File Menu. A menu will drop down. 8. Click on Select Files. A window will appear. 9. Click on Select. Lines will appear around the file names, 10. Click on Close. The file names will appear to be colored in. 11. Click on File. A menu will drop down. 12. Click on Copy. A window will appear. In the box following TO: type C:\SKILLS 13. Click OK 14. You can start GRADING SKILLS POWER from FILE MANAGER On the left side of the screen you should see C:\ with the directories listed under the C:\ symbol. 15. If you scroll down the left side of the screen, you should see the directory SKILLS Place the mouse pointer on the SKILLS symbol and click once. SKILLS should now be highlighted. 16. The GRADING SKILLS POWER file names will appear on the right side of the screen. 17. Click on the filename SKILLS.EXE DIRECTIONS FOR COPYING TO THE HARD DISK USING DOS 1. First Create a Subdirectory named SKILLS for the program. At the DOS prompt, you will see C:\> Type MD SKILLS and press Enter 2. Now you will change to the SKILLS subdirectory. Type CD SKILLS and press Enter Your DOS prompt now reads C:\SKILLS\> 3. Now you will copy the files from the diskette to this subdirectory. Place the GRADING SKILLS POWER diskette in drive A: Type COPY A:*.* and press Enter You will see a message when the copying is done. 4. Remove the diskette from the disk drive and store it in a safe place. 5. Type SKILLS and press Enter to start GRADING SKILLS POWER. Description Type = Permissions The following may distribute WISCO Computing, completely unaltered, without further permission...; for other cases or to distribute in modified form, you must consult the attached data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is WISCO Computing, P. O. Box 8, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495-0008 WISCO Computing may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to WISCO Computing. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION TeachTol Kinder-Cartoon 1.0 Kinder-Carton: - a "carton-full" Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: VICKI WATSON KIDSTUFF SOFTWARE 6490 DUBOIS RD. LEWIS CENTER, OH 43035 Telephone: 614-548-5043 Description Type = Short Description Kinder-Carton: - a "carton-full" of 27 phonics, math, and logic activities for the advanced preschooler to second grader. The program utilizes colorful VGA graphics, and voice files for the names and sounds of each letter of the alphabet, twenty six blends and digraphs, as well as the numbers from zero to one hundred. Description Type = Long Description Kinder-Carton contains a "carton-full" of 27 phonics, math, and logic activities for the advanced preschooler to second grader. The program utilizes colorful VGA graphics, and voice files for the names and sounds of each letter of the alphabet, twenty six blends and digraphs, as well as the numbers from zero to one hundred. Phonics activities include: Letter Matching, Letter Sequencing, Alphabet Book, I Spy, Blends & Digraphs, Rhyming Words, 3 Letter Words, Amazing Words, and Word Race. Math and Logic activities include: Lasso Count, Ordinal Numbers, Greater Than/Less Than/Equal To, Manipulative Add and Subtract, Hundred Board Add and Subtract, Arrows, Count Down, Missing Numbers, Skip Count, Guess Number, Number Line Add and Subtract, Number Problems, Mazes, Nim, Tic Tac Toe, Box Game, and Patterns. Description Type = Keywords EDUCATION, PHONICS, MATH, LOGIC Description Type = Registration Details $20.00 Receive all the voice files for the names and sounds of each letter of the alphabet, twenty six blends and digraphs, as well as the numbers from zero to one hundred. Most current version at the time of registration. Support via phone or mail. Notification of and discounts on program upgrades. Removal of the shareware screens. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION TeachTol Presentation Tools 2.0 Tools for software demonstrations Filter: DOS=No WIN=No OS2=No OTH=Yes Author Information: MARK HUNTER THUNDERWARE P.O. BOX 52182 RALEIGH, NC 27612 Telephone: 919-870-7160 Fax: 919-870-7160 Description Type = Short Description A suite of software presentation tools designed to be used by software instructors, application developers and anyone else who needs to demonstrate software to other people. The SoftShow Suite contains four (4) applications which run in the taskbar area of a Windows 95 or a Windows NT 4.0 computer. Version 2.0 includes PC CHALKBOARD, MOUSE SPY, QUICK SOUND and SNAP SHOT, as well as an extensive HELP file and several WAVE files. Description Type = Long Description SoftShow v2.0 is a suite of computer demonstration and instruction utilities. It is designed to be used by software instructors, application developers and anyone else who needs to demonstrate software to other people. The SoftShow Suite contains four (4) applications which run in the taskbar area of a Windows 95 or a Windows NT 4.0 computer. PC CHALKBOARD is a pencil which begins writing when you click on it. It allows you to draw "John Madden" style on top of other running applications, pointing out features of anything on the screen. MOUSE SPY is a program which magnifies the location of the mouse pointer from 100% to 600%. Mouse Spy can be moved, resized or have it's magnification changed to suit your needs. QUICK SOUND allows you to have single-click (yes, one-click) access to .WAV files during your presentation (anticipating your needs, we have assembled 10 collections of .WAV files suitable for presentations at Spice up your presentations with a single-click for applause, a single-click for laughter, the Jeopardy theme song or any sound you might need during your presentation. Finally, SNAP SHOT is a utility that allows you to capture a defined area of a running application and leave it on the screen as you continue to work. Very handy for discussing the operation of buttons or menus. Let a picture of the button sit on the screen as you discuss how it can be used. SoftShow comes with an extensive Help file, a utility to automatically start the programs upon startup and a utility that allows you to register the product at any time. Special requirements: Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0. Requires VB40032.DLL. Description Type = Keywords SoftShow Computer Demonstration and Instruction Utilities Software Instructor Application Developer Program Demonstration PC Chalkboard John Madden Draw Circle Rectangle Drag Arrows Demo colors lines free-hand straight desktop Mouse Spy Magnification Close-up auditorium classroom demonstrate professional choose any sound file dead crowd spicy presentations dynamic show Quick Sound single-click Wav Wave sound support files reel to reel player playback jeopardy laughter applause presentation classroom instructor technical application demonstrate SnapShot Screen Shot Button menu capture tool Help file registration startup Autostart Windows 95 Windows NT 4.0 32-bit easy fun useful productive new taskbar area tools available always sidekick helpers Description Type = Registration Details Shareware. Evaluation version can be used indefinitely. Registration can be performed at any time. Detailed easy instructions can be found at , and questions about registration can be directed to any of the following addresses: mail: ThunderWare PO Box 52182 Raleigh, NC 27612 web: email: phone: 919-870-7160 Description Type = Installation Details After downloading, Unzip the .ZIP file and run the file called SOFTSHOW.EXE, which is the self-installing executable wizard. This wizard will guide you along every step of the installation process. The final step will give you the option of starting the program. Also contains an uninstall feature if you should decide that you no longer want the software on your computer. Description Type = Permissions The SoftShow.exe self-installing executable wizard and the SShow20.Zip are freely distributable in their entirety. The unregistered shareware can be used indefinitely, but registration is highly encouraged. The components files (EXE files, DLL files, HLP files, etc.) are NOT redistributable unless as part of the complete SoftShow package (SoftShow.exe or SShow20.ZIP described above). For additional information contact CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION TeachTol R&R School Maestro 1.14 Windows Gradebook/Teacher Productivity Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: RUSSELL STEVENS R&R EDWARE 5191 PINE GROVE DRIVE SPRUCE, MI 48762 Telephone: 800-727-2065 Fax: 517-727-2066 Description Type = Short Description R&R School Maestro For Windows v1.14 . Advanced Windows based software for the professional educator with extensive on-line help. User categories, opt ID#'s, tot pt or weighted scores, discard worst scores, extra credit, statistics & charts, progress reports, attendance, imp/exp clipboard & font support, interim weights, teacher notes, reqd final scores, report cards, lesson plans, contacts, appointments, much more. Description Type = Long Description R&R School Maestro For Windows v1.14 . Features; * User specified codes for not entered and not counted scores * Unlimited subjects, task & attd categories, letter grades, school years and marking periods * Specify a subject, letter grades, grading curve, and grading method independently for each class * Sum all the points or use an exact or relative weight for each category. * Calculate category averages by summing the points or by averaging the percentage scores * Discard worst "n" scores per category * Regular or weighted extra credit * Select class dates from a calendar * Optionally include attendance in the overall average * Assign students from a master list or from another class * Weight individual tasks differently * Enter raw scores, % scores, letter grades or text * Easily adjust the average and/or stddev * Flexible average rounding * Live updates * Manually override grades * Student task and attendance comments * Record attendance to nearest minute * Enter conduct and citizenship * Template classes * Student pictures * Import names, ID#s and scores * Automatic grade based teacher comment or individual comment * Easy backup and restore * User defined database fields * Appointments and To Do lists * Contact manager * Reuseable lesson plans * Seating charts * Print preview * Export data and reports * Create, edit, save and run your own queries * Extensive help * Numerous report customization options * Much more Description Type = Keywords GRADEBOOK EDUCATION WINDOWS TEACHER GRADES REPORT CARD LESSONS Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......USD Minimum registration price..................39.00 Maximum registration price..................39.00 Shipping: within same country...............4.00 North America.....................5.00 South America.....................15.00 Europe............................15.00 Asia..............................15.00 Africa............................15.00 Pacific...........................15.00 Description Type = Installation Details This version of R&R School Maestro For Windows includes an automatic installation program. Please refer to the README.TXT file for detailed installation instructions. Description Type = Permissions You are free to distribute this program and its associated files freely, as long as you charge nothing except for a small handling fee and include all the files. The attached VENDINFO data record is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION TeachTol The progress report SHAREWARE Creates Student Progress Reports Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: ARNOLD STRICKMAN A. P. SOFTWARE P.O. BOX 205 WESTFORD, MA 01886 Telephone: (508) 692-3726 Fax: (508) 692-3726 Description Type = Short Description It allows the teacher to create detailed progress reports, for all his/her students, to be sent home to parents. Reports are both positive and negative. Description Type = Long Description The Progress Report is an easy to use tool for creating, saving, printing and retrieving student progress reports. It is designed to be used by the classroom teacher with up to 5 different classes of 36 students each. A teacher enters his/her own particular data, classes are created, and student names are entered. A set of progress reports for that class is created and saved. The set may be printed out in its entirety, or as individual reports. Each class can have up to 8 different sets of reports. There is a selection of 28 preinstalled comments, both positive and negative. One additional individualized comment may be entered for each student. Up to 8 individual grades may be entered and averaged. The registered version contains the ability to change the preinstalled comments, enter up to 3 different sets of grades, with a weighted average, and get summary reports for the teachers records. Description Type = Keywords Education, Teacher Tools Description Type = Registration Details $35 US Funds Description Type = Installation Details No special instructions. The following files are necessary for operation: TPR3SW.EXE, TPR3.DAT CLASS1, CLASS1.R1 to CLASS1.R8 CLASS2, CLASS2.R1 to CLASS2.R8 CLASS3, CLASS3.R1 to CLASS3.R8 CLASS4, CLASS4.R1 to CLASS4.R8 CLASS5, CLASS5.R1 to CLASS5.R8 Description Type = Vendor Instructions No special instructions Description Type = Permissions No restrictions CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION TeachTol VAR Grade for Windws 1.01 VAR Grade for Windows Grade prgm v1.01 Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=Yes OTH=No Author Information: DENNIS REVIE VARED SOFTWARE 1490 CALLE FIDELIDAD THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91360-6819 Telephone: (805) 523-7546 Description Type = Short Description VAR Grade for Windows Grade prgm v1.01A Extremely flexible grading and attendance program. Plots, statistics, seating charts, numerous printouts, database items, sections, unlimited students and tasks. You can weight, average, discard, sum, and require tasks (assignments). It has complete analysis tools, including statistics, plots, and ways to modify grades. Description Type = Long Description Since 1988, VAR Grade has been hailed as the most flexible, complete, and capable grading program available. VAR Grade for Windows has now been released. Like VAR Grade, it allows you to grade, record attendance, and do seating charts for your classes. In addition, it is a true Windows program. This is a complete system, and will do just about anything that you need to do. In particular, it will allow you to grade, analyze, and print grades and attendance, do seating charts, and have database items. Below is a list of some of the numerous features of the program. In general, the program allows an almost unlimited number of students, grades, attendance, database items, reports, and analyses. You can: Have up to 16000 students. Group students into an unlimited number of sections. Have up to 2000 assignments (tasks). Use letter and/or number grades. Weight, sum, average, discard, or require tasks. You can have extra credit tasks. Have up to 4 different grading systems per class. Have up to 240 attendance days. Use attendance to help determine grades. Have up to 12 categories of attendance. Have up to 2 seating charts per group of students. Have up to 200 database items such as addresses, year in school, gender, or other types of data. Have an unlimited number of classes. Plot any task, either by student or by class. Correlate any two tasks. Calculate statistics on any task, and even assign the values to another task. This includes t-scores, z-scores, and percentiles. Plot trends in scores for a student. Calculate whatifs for a student (what they need for to obtain each possible grade). Sort students by name, ID, section, task scores, or database items. Export and import students and grades. Print data by individual student and by groups of students. Write your own printouts. Translate all printing text into any language. AND MUCH MORE! Note: You should install VAR Grade for Windows with INSTALL.EXE. Installation without INSTALL will prevent some features from working correctly. Description Type = Keywords Grades; Attendance; Seating charts; Plots; Statistics; Database items Description Type = Registration Details 50.00-60.00 (US) Description Type = Installation Details You should use INSTALL.EXE to install: 1) Have a hard disk with 4 megabytes available. 2) Put the disk into drive A. 3) When in Program Manager, select "File", then "Run". 4) Type "A:INSTALL". Then just follow the directions. Note: You may have to unzip INSTALL.EXE from VGW10.ZIP or VGW.ZIP. You do so by using PKUNZIP as follows: A) When in Program Manager, select "File", then "Run". B) Type "PKUNZIP VGW10 INSTALL.EXE" or "PKUNZIP VGW INSTALL.EXE". C) Follows steps 3 and 4, above. The installation will work if the ZIP file is named VGW10.ZIP or VGW.ZIP. The installation will also work if the files are unzipped in a temporary directory, as long as all the files are in that directory. Description Type = Permissions The following may distribute VAR Grade for Windows, completely unaltered, without further permission: All ASP approved distributors. For other cases or to distribute in modified form, you must consult the attached data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute the VAR Grade for Windows package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is VARed Software, 1490 Calle Fidelidad, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360-6819, USA. VARed Software may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to VARed Software. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION TeachTol Word Search Rampag95 3.0 Word Search Puzzle Delight! Filter: DOS=No WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MICHAEL JONES INSIGHT SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS,INC P.O. BOX 354 BOUNTIFUL, UT 84011-0354 Telephone: (801) 295-1890 Fax: (801) 299-1781 Description Type = Short Description Word Search Rampage 95 v3.0 [ASP] Word Search Lovers Delight! Multi-Media Ready Word Search Puzzle Game. Play Right on Computer or Print Puzzles out for parties, activities, friends or family. Select Fonts, Colors and Background Wallpaper. Optional Timer, Hint Mode, Highlight Mode, Grid, Upper/Lower Case and Sound. Easily add your congratulary remarks. Over 100 puzzles with ability to create own. Many Print Options. Description Type = Long Description Word Search Rampage 95 v3.0 [ASP] The Multi-Media ready Windows Word Search Rampage comes complete with over 100 puzzles that can be played right on the computer or can be printed out for activities, parties, friends or family. Each puzzle has its own name and falls under one of several categories. Playing a puzzle is easy and fun. Simply double click on the puzzle of your choice from a list box and the puzzle appears along with a list of words to be found in the puzzle. Once a word is spotted, click on the first letter of the word and hold the mouse button down. As you drag the mouse a line appears showing your movement. Drag the mouse to the ending letter of the word and release the mouse button. Behold, the word in the puzzle is highlighted, one of several congratulatory audio remarks will be trumpeted, and the word in the list will be marked as found. Playing at work? No problem. You may optionally turn the sound off. Sure that the word is not in the puzzle? Well, you can activate the hint mode. Other options include the ability to time yourself as you play the puzzle, use upper or lower case letters, place a grid around the puzzle for better clarity and to leave used letters in the puzzle highlighted. You may choose playing screen backgrounds, fonts and colors for the different playing board elements. You may create, edit and delete your own puzzles. Simply enter a topic, title, list of words and dimensions and press a button. Description Type = Keywords GAME WORD SEARCH PUZZLE FUN ENTERTAINMENT PLAY HUNT FIND SEEK Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S. Dollars Minimum registration price..................18.00 Maximum registration price..................18.00 Shipping: within same country...............3.00 North America.....................5.00 South America.....................5.00 Europe............................5.00 Asia..............................5.00 Africa............................5.00 Pacific...........................5.00 Description Type = Installation Details FOR WINDOWS 95 -------------- Run "SETUP" off the floppy disk Example: if the disk is in drive A: then do the following: 1. Click the "Start" Button 2. Select "Run" 3. Enter "A:\SETUP" 4. Press Enter and following instructions Description Type = Permissions The attached VENDINFO data record is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Please consult the attached VENDINFO data record for distribution rights. You must obtain written permission directly from Insight Software Solutions if you are unsure of your distribution rights. Permission to distribute the Windows Word Search Rampage package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is Insight Software Solutions, P.O. Box 354, Bountiful, UT 84011. Insight Software Solutions may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Insight Software Solutions. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION TeachTol Word Search Rampage 3.0 Word Search Puzzle Delight! Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MICHAEL JONES INSIGHT SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS,INC P.O. BOX 354 BOUNTIFUL, UT 84011-0354 Telephone: (801) 295-1890 Fax: (801) 299-1781 Description Type = Short Description Word Search Rampage v3.0 [ASP] Word Search Lovers Delight! Multi-Media Ready Word Search Puzzle Game. Play Right on Computer or Print Puzzles out for parties, activities, friends or family. Select Fonts, Colors and Background Wallpaper. Optional Timer, Hint Mode, Highlight Mode, Grid, Upper/Lower Case and Sound. Easily add your congratulary remarks. Over 100 puzzles and the ability to create your own. Many Print Options. Description Type = Long Description Windows Word Search Rampage v3.0 [ASP] The Multi-Media ready Windows Word Search Rampage comes complete with over 100 puzzles that can be played right on the computer or can be printed out for activities, parties, friends or family. Each puzzle has its own name and falls under one of several categories. Playing a puzzle is easy and fun. Simply double click on the puzzle of your choice from a list box and the puzzle appears along with a list of words to be found in the puzzle. Once a word is spotted, click on the first letter of the word and hold the mouse button down. As you drag the mouse a line appears showing your movement. Drag the mouse to the ending letter of the word and release the mouse button. Behold, the word in the puzzle is highlighted, one of several congratulatory audio remarks will be trumpeted, and the word in the list will be marked as found. Playing at work? No problem. You may optionally turn the sound off. Sure that the word is not in the puzzle? Well, you can activate the hint mode. Other options include the ability to time yourself as you play the puzzle, use upper or lower case letters, place a grid around the puzzle for better clarity and to leave used letters in the puzzle highlighted. You may choose playing screen backgrounds, fonts and colors for the different playing board elements. You may create, edit and delete your own puzzles. Simply enter a topic, title, list of words and dimensions and press a button. Description Type = Keywords GAME WORD SEARCH PUZZLE FUN ENTERTAINMENT PLAY HUNT FIND SEEK Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S. Dollars Minimum registration price..................18.00 Maximum registration price..................18.00 Shipping: within same country...............3.00 North America.....................5.00 South America.....................5.00 Europe............................5.00 Asia..............................5.00 Africa............................5.00 Pacific...........................5.00 Description Type = Installation Details FOR WINDOWS 3.1 --------------- Run "SETUP" off the floppy disk from the Windows File Manager Example: if the disk is in drive A: then do the following: 1. Press Alt-F in the Windows Program Manager 2. Select "Run" 3. Enter "A:\SETUP" 4. Press Enter and following instructions FOR WINDOWS 95 -------------- Run "SETUP" off the floppy disk Example: if the disk is in drive A: then do the following: 1. Click the "Start" Button 2. Select "Run" 3. Enter "A:\SETUP" 4. Press Enter and following instructions Description Type = Permissions The attached VENDINFO data record is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Please consult the attached VENDINFO data record for distribution rights. You must obtain written permission directly from Insight Software Solutions if you are unsure of your distribution rights. Permission to distribute the Windows Word Search Rampage package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is Insight Software Solutions, P.O. Box 354, Bountiful, UT 84011. Insight Software Solutions may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Insight Software Solutions. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Tutorial Ada95 Prog. Tutor 3.11 Ada95 Prog Lang Tutor needs no compile Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=Yes Author Information: JOHN HERRO SOFTWARE INNOVATIONS TECH. 1083 MANDARIN DR. NE PALM BAY, FL 32905-4706 Telephone: 407-951-0233 Fax: 407-259-0027 Description Type = Short Description ADA-TUTR 3.11 Ada 95 Programming Lang. Tutor Interactive Ada tutor now includes the latest Ada 95 material. When run on a PC, no compiler is needed, but the docs. include a list of PC Ada compilers, some inexpensive. Ada source code is included, so ADA-TUTR will run on other computers with Ada compilers, such as mainframes. Ada is a superior programming language. You can earn money distributing this shareware. Description Type = Long Description ADA-TUTR is an interactive tutor for the Ada 95 programming language. When run on a PC, no Ada compiler is required, but the documentation includes a list of Ada compilers available for the PC, some inexpensive. Because Ada source code is included, ADA-TUTR will also run on other computers that have Ada compilers, such as mainframes and workstations. If you do have an Ada compiler, ADA-TUTR can automatically check your "homework" assignments. Ada is an ideal programming language, because Ada catches errors at compile time that other languages catch only at run time, or not at all. Also, Ada programs tend to be easier to read, and easier to modify a month or a year later. ADA-TUTR teaches good program design, not just syntax, so that your programs will take advantage of the new features of Ada that are improvements to other languages. A special offer for a textbook from John Wiley and Sons is included. Individual shareware registration is only $25, and multi-user licenses for companies, schools, etc. are very reasonable. You can earn money by distributing ADA-TUTR; details are included in the documentation. version 3.11. Description Type = Keywords Ada Programming Language Tutorial Shareware Description Type = Registration Details Registration for an individual is only US $25. Send $5 more for a copy of the latest version on a diskette ($6 more outside the US and Canada.) Multi-user licenses for schools, companies, etc., are as follows: Up to 100 users only $ 450. Up to 500 users only $ 725. Up to 2000 users only $ 950. Unlimited users only $2400. You can earn money distributing this shareware. When you register, we give you your own personal serial number, which you put into the program before giving away copies. Each time an individual registers from a copy you distribute, we send you $5.00. But for each multi-user license sold, we send you TEN PERCENT, which can be up to $240.00 per license sold! Description Type = Installation Details Simply unzip the file, and, at the DOS prompt, enter TYPE READ.ME The program runs well under DOS, or in a DOS partition under Windows. To toggle the DOS partition between full screen and reduced size, press Alt-Enter. The tutorial requires no Ada compiler when run under DOS or Windows. But it will run on other systems with Ada compilers. For example, it has been successfully installed on Vax mainframes and Unix workstations. Directions for installing on other computers are in the PRINT.ME file. Description Type = Vendor Instructions Vendors: Feel free to distribute the AdaTutor shareware via diskettes, CD-ROMs, BBSs, etc. Please make it clear that even if the customer pays you a fee, he or she must still register the shareware if it is "used" rather than only "tried." Compiler vendors: We can supply a non-shareware version of AdaTutor that will greatly increase the value of your Ada compiler or programming tools. Please contact us for arrangements. Description Type = Permissions Feel free to distribute the AdaTutor shareware via diskettes, CD-ROMs, BBSs, etc. Please make it clear that even if the customer pays you a fee, he or she still must register the shareware if it is "used" rather than only "tried." Compiler vendors: We can supply a non-shareware AdaTutor that will greatly increase the value of your Ada compiler or programming tools. Please contact us for arrangements. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Tutorial Flashmath for Win95 4.0 Full-featured Math Flashcard Program Filter: DOS=No WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: GEORGE COLE 221 SW. 153RD ST. SUITE 428 SEATTLE, WA 98166 Telephone: 206-246-0467 Description Type = Short Description Flashmath for Windows 95 v4.0 - A full-featured math flash cards program which is very easy to use. Features include setting of limits to focus on specific areas of study, a complete testing module, and sound capability. Very easy to get started. This is a 32 bit application. Author George Cole Description Type = Long Description Flashmath for Windows 95 v4.0 - A full-featured math flash cards program which is very easy to use. Features include setting of limits to focus on specific areas of study, a complete testing module, and sound capability. Very easy to get started. This is a 32 bit application. Author George Cole CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Tutorial Flashmath for Window 3.0 A multi-featured math flashcard progra Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: GEORGE COLE 221 SW. 153RD ST. SUITE 428 SEATTLE, WA 98166 Telephone: 206-246-0467 Description Type = Short Description ***** Flashmath for Windows 3.0 ********** A multi-featured math flashcard program. This program is extremely easy to use, but very powerful. Testing is built in as is sound. Limits can be set to focus on selected areas of study. 16 or 256 color background pictures can be loaded. Created with teachers and parents in mind. Requires Windows 3.1 or higher Description Type = Keywords Windows flashcards educational children math CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Tutorial GEN7 w/Child's Tutor 1.97 GEN7 Desktop with Children's Tutors. Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: GEORGE FREAS II SYNERGISTIC CONSULTANTS, INC. P.O. BOX 18888 HUNTSVILLE, AL 35804-8888 Telephone: (800) 828-8384 Fax: (205) 539-1757 Description Type = Short Description An Icon driven interface similar to many Graphical Environments. A File manager is included that allows file related oper- ations. On screen clock, calculator and calendar are provided, with printer support. A DOS gate and the ability to assign an external program to an icon is provided. Music may be played in the background from a selection of songs. Options allow the addition of voice output for feedback. Description Type = Long Description Synergistic Consultants, Incorporated Product Descriptions: March, 1994 Features of GEN7 Desktop Environment: Graphics Desktop to accompany the functions found in the other products offered. Icon driven interface similar to many popular Graphical Environments. a) Copy, delete or create files and subdirectories. b) Format disks and perform other utilities. b) On screen clock. c) On screen alarm and calendar. d) Built-in printer support functions. e) Exit to DOS and execute commands. f) Internal or External editor. g) Music may be played in the background from a selection of songs in the database. h) A software lock prevents accidents. Application modules available now: a) Accounting Module integrated into the calendar function that keeps track of up to 4 different banking accounts. Auto debts and credits along with manual debts and credits are supported. Account balances are updated when appropriate. New credits or debts appear when the Desktop is started if they have been configured to alert the owner that day. Five digit check numbers and the ability to make transactions that recur on a weekly, biweekly or monthly basis are standard features. b) Children's tutors: i) Math tutor for children. ii) Clock tutor for children. c) Song Database: Over thirty songs to choose from instead of the usual dozen. d) Bible Study: i) New Testament version with Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. ii) Old Testament version with Genesis, Exodus and Leviticus. Both have data sets that fit on one 360K diskette. One dozen hymns may be chosen from a menu to play in the background. No registration fee for these two. e) Daily Verse: Each day a new verse is displayed on the screen when the Desktop is started. This is a standard feature, but it cannot be custom configured unless registered. f) A Voice module data is available to add close to forty voices and sounds for audible feedback. The clock and calculator speak, and errors are announced with this. Product Pricing and Availability: GEN7 Desktop: Evaluation Disks: $5 each. GEN7 Desktop (required): $10.00 Accountant Module: $10.00 Children's Tutors: $10.00 Song Database: $10.00 Voice Module Data: $10.00 All Five: $45.00 More than one subtract $ 5.00 GEN7 Desktop Manual: $ 5.00 Allow up to 6 weeks delivery after registration. Evaluation Disks available sooner. Synergistic Consultants, Incorporated Post Office Box 18888 Department PD-0294 Huntsville, AL 35804-8888 Notes: Turbo PASCAL is a Trademark of Borland International. Quick PASCAL is a Trademark of Microsoft Corporation. IBM is a Trademark of International Business Machines Incorporated. UNIX is a Trademark of Bell Laboratories. Windows is a registered Trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Description Type = Keywords GUI, EDITOR, FILE MANAGER, ACCOUNTING, MUSIC, TUTORIALS, VOICE, ALARMS, CALENDAR, CLOCK, CALCULATOR, SOFTWARE LOCK, CONTEXT SENSITIVE HELP, DAILY QUOTES, ICONS, PASSWORDS Description Type = Registration Details $10.00 Description Type = Installation Details Welcome!!! March, 1994 Instructions on using the Distributor's Disk: The disk enclosed is a High Density disk with the following programs on it: 0. The GEN7 Desktop with File Manager. These programs run within the GEN7 GUI: 1. Children's Tutors TU 2. Accountant Module AC 3. Song DataBase SO 4. Old Testament Bible Study OT 5. New Testament Bible Study NT 6. Voice Module Data VO The GEN7 Desktop program (0) is used with each of the others (1-6), but the data sets are different. Each program should be in a separate directory. Note that these are programs for evaluation, and run separately, so each directory will have the GEN7 Desktop within it also. Note also that the programs may be run with only one copy of GEN7 after the separate modules are registered. The execption is the Voice data, it may run with any of the others. To install the programs type: s:INSTALL s: d: \directory Where s: is the source disk drive where the distributor's disk resides, d: is the destination disk drive where you wish to run the program, and \directory is the desired destination directory. The disk must be one created with the MAKEDIST.BAT file described below. Note the spaces between the parameters. Example: a:INSTALL a: c: \TEST Installs the program on drive a: to drive c: in directory C:\TEST. The file: CONTENTS.FIL describes all the files in the distribution. Another batch file is included that will build a distribution disk (or directory). Note that the INSTALL.BAT is intended for the end user. The syntax of the command is the same, except the 'program' parameter: s:MAKEDIST s: d: \directory program The 'program' parameter is one of the two character designators described above. Example: c:MAKEDIST c: a: \ AC This command readies a diskette or directory with the specified program's self-extracting archive and install batch file. In the example, the Accountant Module and related files are copied from drive C: to drive A: into directory A:\ (the root directory). Now the diskette in drive A: may be used to INSTALL the Accountant Module. Some programs require two diskettes (watch for this message). Note that the file: GEN7HD16.EXE is the help data files for the GEN7 Desktop, and is required to run the desktop. Please make sure this file is included in any disks you ship. The GEN7G16.EXE file fits on one disk, but the GEN7HD16.EXE could not fit on it also. Please have a good time with this software, and register! These programs are copyrighted by: Synergistic Consultants, Incorporated Box 18888 Huntsville, AL 35804-8888 1-800-828-8384 CompuServe ID: 71232, 257 Description Type = Vendor Instructions Welcome!!! March, 1994 Instructions on using the Distributor's Disk: The disk enclosed is a High Density disk with the following programs on it: 0. The GEN7 Desktop with File Manager. These programs run within the GEN7 GUI: 1. Children's Tutors TU 2. Accountant Module AC 3. Song DataBase SO 4. Old Testament Bible Study OT 5. New Testament Bible Study NT 6. Voice Module Data VO The GEN7 Desktop program (0) is used with each of the others (1-6), but the data sets are different. Each program should be in a separate directory. Note that these are programs for evaluation, and run separately, so each directory will have the GEN7 Desktop within it also. Note also that the programs may be run with only one copy of GEN7 after the separate modules are registered. The execption is the Voice data, it may run with any of the others. To install the programs type: s:INSTALL s: d: \directory Where s: is the source disk drive where the distributor's disk resides, d: is the destination disk drive where you wish to run the program, and \directory is the desired destination directory. The disk must be one created with the MAKEDIST.BAT file described below. Note the spaces between the parameters. Example: a:INSTALL a: c: \TEST Installs the program on drive a: to drive c: in directory C:\TEST. The file: CONTENTS.FIL describes all the files in the distribution. Another batch file is included that will build a distribution disk (or directory). Note that the INSTALL.BAT is intended for the end user. The syntax of the command is the same, except the 'program' parameter: s:MAKEDIST s: d: \directory program The 'program' parameter is one of the two character designators described above. Example: c:MAKEDIST c: a: \ AC This command readies a diskette or directory with the specified program's self-extracting archive and install batch file. In the example, the Accountant Module and related files are copied from drive C: to drive A: into directory A:\ (the root directory). Now the diskette in drive A: may be used to INSTALL the Accountant Module. Some programs require two diskettes (watch for this message). Note that the file: GEN7HD16.EXE is the help data files for the GEN7 Desktop, and is required to run the desktop. Please make sure this file is included in any disks you ship. The GEN7G16.EXE file fits on one disk, but the GEN7HD16.EXE could not fit on it also. Please have a good time with this software, and register! These programs are copyrighted by: Synergistic Consultants, Incorporated Box 18888 Huntsville, AL 35804-8888 1-800-828-8384 CompuServe ID: 71232, 257 Description Type = Permissions George W. Freas II, March, 1993 President, Synergistic Consultants, Incorporated Post Office Box 18888 Huntsville, AL 35804-8888 Phone: (205) 539-1757 Toll Free: 1-800-828-8384 Dear Shareware Distributor: Please find enclosed one copy of the GEN7 Desktop Distributor's disk. This disk contains five applications: GEN7 Desktop with Children's Tutor, Song Database, Old Testament Bible Study, New Testament Bible Study, and Voice Module Data. These are Shareware evaluation programs. You may already have older version in your library (this is version 1.6). The Bible Study programs do not require registration. Attached sheets describe the distributor's disk and products. This software is not crippled, and there are reminders only upon exit. These programs require an IBM PC compatible with mouse and EGA/VGA video adapters and 512K of memory. The GEN7 Desktop has a file manager and graphical user interface that is icon driven. This letter gives the distributor right to distribute these programs in an unmodified form, for a nominal duplication fee. Note that each of the above programs require GEN7G16.EXE as well as one data set (GEN7??16.EXE) to operate (do not distribute any less). Please direct any questions or comments to the address or phone number above. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, George W. Freas II CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Tutorial Learn U.S. Geography 2.2 Highly effective way to learn U.S. Geo Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: VICKI WATSON KIDSTUFF SOFTWARE 6490 DUBOIS RD. LEWIS CENTER, OH 43035 Telephone: 614-548-5043 Description Type = Short Description If You Want to Learn U.S. Geography - 11 highly effective activities teach states, capitals, regions, flags, and more! VGA graphics, high quality speech, and full mouse support. Description Type = Long Description "If You Want To Learn U.S. Geography You Gotta Have This Program!" is the solution to the problems today's students (and adults!) have with geography. The 11 activities of USGEO will soon transform even the most geographically illiterate into a geography wizard. The program effectively utilizes colorful VGA graphics, speech, and music. Hear the state and capital names spoken! The following activities are included with the program: 1. Color the Geographic Regions; 2. A geography Quiz including State Information and Attractions, Major Cities, and Professional Sports Teams; 3. Match Capitals to states on the map; 4. Select Matching Capitals from a list; 5. A Slap Jack Card Game to match States and Capitals, or States and Nicknames; 6. Match the State Flag to the correct state; 7. Display State Information such as State Bird, Flower, Tree, Song, Motto, etc.; 8. Select a state from the map when given its Bordering States; 9. Match the State Names to states on the map; 10. Select Matching State Names from a list; 11. Put together an electronic puzzle map of the U.S.A. by moving the states with the mouse to their appropriate locations. Description Type = Registration Details $15.00 Registered users receive the sound files for all state and capital names. (Shareware version provides 10 states and their capitals). Speech Option enabled in all activities. Most current version at the time of registration. Support via phone or mail. Notification of and discounts on program upgrades. Removal of the shareware screens. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Tutorial MULTIMEDIA MAKER 2.5 Create your own presentations. Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: ORLANDO DARE DAREWARE INC. 3005 GLENMORE AVE. BALTIMORE, MD 21214 Telephone: 800-327-3929 Fax: 401-665-0193 Description Type = Short Description MULTIMEDIA MAKER will allow you to create custom presentations, advertising, tests, tutorials, courseware authoring, reports, school projects and much more. With this package you can combine real human SPEECH, and MUSIC with high resolution IMAGES (up to SVGA). Use this package to create your own custom AUDIO/VIDEO SHOWS on any subject, place, product or procedure. Now with Sound Blaster support. ASP Description Type = Long Description MULTIMEDIA MAKER is a new business and educational tool that has endless potential. This package will allow you to create your custom presentations, advertising, demos, tutorials, courseware authoring, tests, reports, school projects and much more. With this package you can combine real human SPEECH, MUSIC and sound effects with high resolution IMAGES (up to SVGA). Use this package to create your own custom AUDIO/VIDEO SHOWS on any subject, place, product or procedure you desire. Description Type = Registration Details $79.00 Description Type = Installation Details Type INSTALL Description Type = Vendor Instructions The shareware version of Multimedia Maker may be distributed, as long as the following restrictions are observed: 1. Multimedia Maker must be distributed in its entirety and without any modifications. 2. Multimedia Maker is NOT to be used as an enticement to purchase another product without prior written permission from DareWare Inc. 3. Multimedia Maker cannon be rented or leased. 4. Multimedia Maker may not be distributed by any for-profit entity which does not disclose the following points in their literature: a. The cost paid for the evaluation shareware disks is to cover the disk vendor's distribution and marketing costs, and does not cover the cost of the software. b. Additional payment to the author is required if the user continues to use a shareware program beyond the 30 day evaluation period. These restrictions apply to anyone who wishes to distribute Multimedia Maker, including commercial disk vendors, BBS operators, user groups, or individuals. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE TO DISK VENDORS -------------------- If you wish to include Multimedia Maker in your catalog, and would like pictures of the screen, this package has several bit-map screen images in PCX format. Alternatively, feel free to capture your own screen images directly from the program. Multimedia Maker comes on two disks, and it includes an INSTALL program. If you did NOT received your disks directly from us, please ensure that you have all the files. The files that make up Multimedia Maker are listed at the end of this file. Suggested one-liner: -------------------- Use this package to create presentations, tutorials and talking shows. (ASP) Suggested two-liner: -------------------- Use this package to create your own presentations, tutorials, talking slide shows, tests, advertising. Supports Sound Blaster - Shareware (ASP) Suggested six-liner: -------------------- Multimedia Maker is a new business and educational tool that has endless potential. Imagine turning dull meetings and boring classrooms into show-stopping presentations and tutorials, complete with speech, music, special effects and high quality graphic images. You can use this package to create your own custom AUDIO/VIDEO SHOWS on any subject, place, product or procedure you desire. VGA and hard drive required. Shareware (ASP) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE TO BBS OPERATORS --------------------- If you are a BBS operator, please review the "Multimedia Maker Disk Contents" section below to ensure that you have all the files. Please post Multimedia Maker with the following keywords: MULTIMEDIA AUTHORING TOOLS PRESENTATIONS TUTOR SOUND BLASTER VGA Please use the FILE_ID.DIZ file for a description. if you did NOT reveive the disk from us, We recommend that you archive all the files on disk 1 (see below) in a file called MMM20A.*, and all the files on disk 2 (see below) in a file called MMM20B.*, where the "*" stands for (ZIP, ARC, LZH, etc.). CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Tutorial Mouse Math 1.00 Verbal Math Drill Program Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: HENRY M. HUFNAGEL HUFNAGEL SOFTWARE 501H MAIN STREET CLARION, PA 16214-0747 Telephone: (814) 226-5600 Fax: (814) 226-5551 Description Type = Short Description Mouse Math is a verbal mathematics drill program for Windows that gradually uncovers whimsical photographs as answers to spoken basic math problems are clicked with a mouse. Setup options allow you to select problem ranges appropriate for young children, teens and adults. Mouse Math performs best on systems with a sound card and at least 256 color video. Description Type = Long Description Over the years, my son Pete has used many commercial basic math programs, some shareware and a few programs which I have written for him myself. As he is now 11, much of this stuff is now too babyish for him, and so this summer we set out to write a new program that he would look forward to using each day. What we ended up with was Mouse Math. Although Mouse Math will work in text mode, my primary design goal was to improve Pete's mental math abilities in the area of spoken math problems. In school, math problems tend to be written rather than spoken, and students are encouraged to use paper and pencil to solve them. That is fine, but, in the real world, the person who can hear a problem and spit out an answer often has a distinct advantage. Mouse Math strengthens this ability and also is an interesting alternative method for drilling younger children on basic math facts. Although Pete is 11, I have included setup options within Mouse Math that make it effective for children as young as 3, as well as for teens and adults. The whimsical pictures that you select in the main Mouse Math menu and that appear in full as you do the drills seem to keep Pete interested in using the program. He has been doing a drill a day for most of the summer. Yesterday when I tried him on standard flash cards, we were both amazed at how much faster he had gotten! Description Type = Keywords Math Drill Mouse Sound Windows Fun Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......$US Minimum registration price..................20.00 Maximum registration price..................20.00 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................10.00 South America.....................15.00 Europe............................15.00 Asia..............................15.00 Africa............................15.00 Pacific...........................15.00 Description Type = Installation Details The installation procedure for Mouse Math is quite simple. The package includes a program, "SETUP.EXE", which automates the entire process. You will need about 2MB of available disk space on the hard drive on which you plan to install Mouse Math. The exact steps you need to take will depend on how you received Mouse Math. INSTALLING FROM DISKETTES To install from diskette(s), you need to perform the following steps. o Place the Mouse Math distribution diskette in the appropriate diskette drive. o Start Windows and from the Program Manager click on FILE and then on RUN. Now type A:SETUP and press Enter. Mouse Math will be installed from your computer's A drive. o Follow the instructions presented by the installation program. INSTALLING FROM A HARD DRIVE If you downloaded Mouse Math from a BBS (or received it in the form of archive files from some other source), you will need to perform the following steps. o Extract the contents of the archive file(s) in a temporary directory on your hard drive. The procedure for doing this varies, depending on the form in which you received the package. In all likelihood, the fact that you are reading this text means that you already have the necessary tools and knowledge to perform this step. If not, you should be able to obtain directions for doing this from the same source from which you received the package. o Execute the "SETUP.EXE" program which you have extracted. For example, if the temporary directory into which you have extracted the Mouse Math package is C:\TEMPDIR, you should get into the Windows Program Manager, click FILES and then click RUN. Now type C:\TEMPDIR\SETUP.EXE and press Enter to start the installation. When you're satisfied that the installation was successful, you should delete the temporary directory FROM which you installed Mouse Math (C:\TEMPDIR, in the above discussion), including all its contents. YOU'RE READY TO GO Once you've complete the installation, double click on the Mouse Math icon to start the program. Click on Help to get started using the program. Have fun! UNINSTALLING As part of the installation process, a Mouse Math uninstall program will be added to your system. Double click on this program's icon to remove Mouse Math from Windows and your hard disk. Description Type = Permissions You may distribute the Shareware Version of Mouse Math, completely unaltered, without further permission. To distribute in modified form, you must consult the attached data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute the Shareware Version of Mouse Math is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is Hufnagel Software, PO Box 747, Clarion PA 16214. Hufnagel Software may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Hufnagel Software. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Tutorial Ms. Piggy Bank 2.2 Many activities which teach about mone Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: VICKI WATSON KIDSTUFF SOFTWARE 6490 DUBOIS RD. LEWIS CENTER, OH 43035 Telephone: 614-548-5043 Description Type = Short Description Ms. Piggy Bank - six entertaining and effective activities teach children from 6 to 10 all about money. VGA graphics, high quality speech, and full mouse support. Description Type = Long Description Ms. Piggy Bank provides an effective and entertaining way for children ages 6 to 10 to learn about money. Ms. Piggy Bank offers 6 different money activities, all using high quality speech and graphics, and full mouse support. The simplest activity teaches the names and values of coins and bills up to twenty dollars. Your child will quickly learn the value of each coin as they try to maneuver a piggy bank to catch falling coins. Your child will learn, for example, that two quarters are equal to a half dollar in the Money Equivalents activity. In the Total Money activity your child will enter the total of the displayed coins and/or bills on a cash register. The Select Money activity displays a total and your child selects the coins and/or bills which add up to that total. An entertaining board game for 1 or 2 players allows your child to put his newly acquired skills to work, earning money and an opportunity to visit the Toy Store where he can practice making a purchase and counting the amount of change received. The program is easily configurable for children of various ages and skill levels. Description Type = Keywords MONEY, DOLLARS, COINS, EDUCATION, ELEMENTARY Description Type = Registration Details $15.00 Registered users have the use of the $5, $10, and $20 bills, as well as larger number of coins and larger totals in several of the activities. Sound Blaster/Adlib sound card support is also available to registered users. Most current version at the time of registration. Support via phone or mail. Notification of and discounts on program upgrades. Removal of the shareware screens. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Tutorial PHONICS 123 - SB 1.1sw The PHONICS READING & SPELLING SYSTEM Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: ORLANDO DARE DAREWARE INC. 3005 GLENMORE AVE. BALTIMORE, MD 21214 Telephone: 800-327-3929 Fax: 401-665-0193 Description Type = Short Description The PHONICS READING & SPELLING SYSTEM will teach children and adults the phonetic reading and spelling methods. Interactive teaching method with graphic, music and voice. This is a complete HEARING, SEEING and SAYING package with REAL SPEECH. VGA graphic required. Supports sound boards. DareWare Inc. 410-426-0649 Description Type = Registration Details $39.00 CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Tutorial PHONICS 123 - Win PHONICS 123 READING & SPELLING SYSTEM Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: ORLANDO DARE DAREWARE INC. 3005 GLENMORE AVE. BALTIMORE, MD 21214 Telephone: 800-327-3929 Fax: 401-665-0193 Description Type = Short Description PHONICS 123 READING & SPELLING SYSTEM PHONICS for WINDOWS is here !!!! With real SPEECH - The PHONICS READING and SPELLING SYSTEM will teach children and adults the PHONETICS reading and spelling methods. By using a game like approach the phonics system if fun ! This is a complete seeing, hearing and saying package. VGA and SOUND BOARD are supported. DareWare Inc. ** RECOMMENDED ** CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Tutorial Show 'N Spell 2.02 A graphic spelling bee for children Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: PHILIP KAPUSTA 406 Monroe Avenue FALMOUTH, VA 22405 Telephone: (540) 371-5746 Description Type = Short Description Show 'N Spell - Graphic spelling bee/game. A fun way for children (and adults?) to increase their spelling skills! Random pictures appear for the user to identify and spell. 3 different skill levels are available to choose from, along with several play options (reveal clues, play against the clock, display word skeleton dashes). Customized word lists can be created and imported into the program. Description Type = Long Description Show 'N Spell is a fun way for children (and adults?) to increase their spelling skills! Random pictures appear for the user to identify and spell. 3 different skill levels are available to choose from, along with several play options (reveal clues, play against the clock, display word skeleton dashes). Customized word lists can be created and imported into the program. Supports mouse input for those who may be physically impaired. Colorful EGA hi-res. graphics. Requires a hard disk. Description Type = Keywords CHILDREN, SCHOOL, EDUCATION, SPELLING, SPELL, ENGLISH, ESL, GRAMMAR Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S.A. $ Minimum registration price..................11.00 Maximum registration price..................13.00 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................2.50 South America.....................3.50 Europe............................3.50 Asia..............................3.50 Africa............................3.50 Pacific...........................3.50 Description Type = Installation Details Type "SPELL" (without quotes) then press [ENTER]. Make sure that IF the program is being run from a floppy diskette that the user change default drives (e.g., type "A:" if program is on drive A:). The program must be started from the same directory/drive where the program is located (e.g.,if the program is on B:, you must be at a B:> prompt to run the program). To CDROM publishers only: If you going to distribute this program UNZIPPED on a CDROM, that is, placing the program on a CD for the consumer, "ready to run", contact the author in advance! This program will need "write access" to the disk it is located on. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Tutorial Spanish Helper 1.3 Spanish Helper Level One v1.3 Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: BILL SHOR PIK A PROGRAM, INC. 13 SAINT MARKS PLACE NEW YORK, NY 10003 Telephone: 212-598-4939 Fax: 212-228-5879 Description Type = Short Description Spanish Helper Level One v1.3 Excellent Interactive program to learn Spanish. Levels Two and Three are available by registration. The programs' interactive quizzing system allows you to learn vocabulary rapidly. Contains a large database of vocabulary and allows you to form your own lists to quiz yourself. Its well-planned design makes it the perfect program for individuals or schools. Description Type = Long Description Spanish Helper Level One v1.3 Excellent Interactive program to learn Spanish. First of three levels (Levels Two and Three are available by registration). The programs' interactive quizzing system allows you to learn rapidly using either the contents of its own large database of vocabulary, or by using your own lists that you compose in order to quiz yourself. Questions are randomly selected so that you will always see new possible choices. Its attractive interface and fluid design makes it the perfect program for individuals or schools. Spanish Helper Level One is based upon the 1,000 most common words in the language, while Levels Two and Three are based upon the 2,000 and 3,000 most common word respectively. Between the three levels, all verb tenses (including the subjunctive) are presented and many difficult points such as ser/estar, por/para, and prepositions in general are given special attention. Although this all sounds very serious, it's a fun program. You won't find another one like it. Description Type = Keywords Foreign_language Language Spanish Education Linguistics Tutorials ASP ESC Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......US Dollars Minimum registration price..................25.00 Maximum registration price..................25.00 Shipping: within same country...............4.00 North America.....................4.00 South America.....................8.00 Europe............................8.00 Asia..............................8.00 Africa............................8.00 Pacific...........................8.00 Description Type = Permissions The general commercial distribution policy is as follows: You are specifically prohibited from charging, or requesting donations, for any such copies, however made that require a payment of more than $8.00 US, and from distributing the software and/or documentation with other products (commercial or otherwise) without prior written permission, with one exception: Vendors approved by the Association of Shareware Professionals are permitted to redistribute Spanish Helper Level One, subject to the conditions in this license, without specific written permission. (However G.B. Blanchard must still be advised so that the distributor can be kept up-to-date with the latest version). See VENDINFO.DIZ for any exceptions to this general policy statement. The attached VENDINFO data record is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Tutorial Talking Number Mach. 2.2 Learn numbers up to the trillions! Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: VICKI WATSON KIDSTUFF SOFTWARE 6490 DUBOIS RD. LEWIS CENTER, OH 43035 Telephone: 614-548-5043 Description Type = Short Description TNUM uses clear digitized voice to say numbers from 1 to 9,999,999,999,999. Displays interesting number facts with accompanying graphics. Enter numbers as digits, write numbers as words, have the computer speak or write numbers, and count by increments of 1 to 10. Program utilizes both mouse & keyboard. Description Type = Long Description TNUM is designed to help children recognize, say, and write numbers from 1 to 9,999,999,999,999. TNUM uses high quality digitized speech to say the numbers which appear on the screen. Mouse and/or keyboard commands may be used. The program includes the following activities: Number Machine - Click on the Number Machine and the machine will produce an interesting fact containing a large number with an accompanying picture. There are options to say, write, and form the number. The registered version contains 175 facts. Enter any Number - The user may enter (calculator style) any number up to 13 digits. There are options to say, write, and form the number. Enter the Written Number - The computer will "think" of a large number and display that number in words, for example - nine million two hundred fifty one thousand three hundred seventy two. The user must enter the digits to make that number. Count By - TNUM can also help your child learn to count (by increments of 1 to 10). If the user selects 2 the program will begin counting by 2's - 2, 4, 6, 8, etc. until you decide to stop. Description Type = Keywords NUMBERS COUNTING Description Type = Registration Details $10.00 * Receive 150 additional number facts for use in TNUM. * Receive a utility program to add facts to TNUM. * Sound Blaster/Adlib sound card support. * Removal of the initial shareware screen. * Most current version of this program at the time of registration. * Notification of and discounts on program upgrades. * Support via phone or mail. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Tutorial Talking Spanish-WIN 1.0 TALKING SPANISH FOR Windows V1.0 Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: ORLANDO DARE DAREWARE INC. 3005 GLENMORE AVE. BALTIMORE, MD 21214 Telephone: 800-327-3929 Fax: 401-665-0193 Description Type = Short Description TALKING SPANISH FOR Windows V1.0 BI-LINGUAL PACKAGE FOR KIDS 1 THRU 17- TALKING SPANISH is the FIRST BI-LINGUAL (ENGLISH & SPANISH) package that teaches children how to say, read and spell spanish words and phrases. You can record your own voice into this package. Imagine having the computer talk with your voice. DareWare Inc. Description Type = Long Description TALKING SPANISH FOR Windows V1.0 BI-LINGUAL PACKAGE FOR KIDS 1 THRU 17- TALKING SPANISH is the FIRST BI-LINGUAL (ENGLISH & SPANISH) package that teaches children how to say, read and spell spanish words and phrases. You can record your own voice into this package. Imagine having the computer talk with your voice. DareWare Inc. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Tutorial Talking Spelling-Win 1.0 TALKING SPELLING FOR WINDOWS V1.0 INTERACTIVE SPELLING TEACHER FOR KIDS 5-17. TALKING SPELLING will teach children/student how to spell their name, reading, their weekly spelling words, painting, drawing and solving jigsaws. You can change/record the spelling words to match your child/student weekly school words. VGA and SOUND BLASTER required. Make the next spelling bee winner with this. DareWare Inc. *** RECOMMENDED *** Description Type = Long Description TALKING SPELLING FOR WINDOWS V1.0 INTERACTIVE SPELLING TEACHER FOR KIDS 5-17. TALKING SPELLING will teach children/student how to spell their name, reading, their weekly spelling words, painting, drawing and solving jigsaws. You can change/record the spelling words to match your child/student weekly school words. VGA and SOUND BLASTER required. Make the next spelling bee winner with this. DareWare Inc. *** RECOMMENDED *** CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Tutorial Talking Teacher S.B. 2.5 Interactive talking program. Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: ORLANDO DARE DAREWARE INC. 3005 GLENMORE AVE. BALTIMORE, MD 21214 Telephone: 800-327-3929 Fax: 401-665-0193 Description Type = Short Description TALKING TEACHER for SOUND BOARDS is a new educational package with REAL HUMAN SPEECH that teaches children (1-17) how to talk, the alphabet, read, write, spell and use a computer. You can record your own voice and use it in this package. You can also change the spelling words to match your child's weekly spelling words. Supports SOUND BLASTER, PRO AUDIO 16 and compatibles. EGA/VGA required - ASP - RECOMMENDED Description Type = Long Description Learning to talk, read, write and how to spell is lots of fun with this interactive talking program. Talking Teacher will teach young children how to say early words (hi, mama, dada, I love you, drink, please, thank you, up, bye, ect.) and how to interact with a computer. Talking Teacher will teach PRESCHOOLERS the ABC song, how to say and understand the alphabet, how to find letters on the keyboard and how to recognize the letters in words. Talking Teacher will teach and test GRADES 1-12 on their weekly spelling words. You can change the spelling words to match your child's weekly words. Easy Draw teaches the child how to use and mouse and be creativity. This program has positive reinforcement, when a question is answered correctly Talking Teacher will say - way to go, super duper, excellent, etc. The hi-resolution graphics are designed to bring out the child's creativity by using kaleidoscopes and collages (your child will recognize various objects, letters and words hidden in the graphics). Talking Teacher is the first educational package that allows parents and teachers to record their own voice and use it in this package to teach their children and students. This is a breakthrough in educational software. Lead your child into the next century with this package. * Record your own voice and use it in this package. * Use with Sound Blaster, Thunder Boards and 100% compatibles. * SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: 512K Memory Hard Drive EGA/VGA Graphic Sound Blaster or 100% Compatible * Run the MANUAL.EXE file for more information. * Run the INSTALLC.BAT or INSTALLD.BAT files to start the program. * Please register by sending $25 plus $4 S&H Description Type = Registration Details $25 plus $4 S&H Description Type = Installation Details Run the INSTALLC.BAT or INSTALLD.BAT files to start the program. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Tutorial Talking Teacher-Win 1.0SW New educational prog w/REAL HUMAN SPEE Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: ORLANDO DARE DAREWARE INC. 3005 GLENMORE AVE. BALTIMORE, MD 21214 Telephone: 800-327-3929 Fax: 401-665-0193 Description Type = Short Description TALKING TEACHER for WINDOWS is a new educational package with REAL HUMAN SPEECH that teaches children (1-17) how to talk, the alphabet, read, write, spell and use a computer. You can record your own voice and use it in this package. You can also change the spelling words to match your child's weekly spelling words. Supports SOUND BLASTER, PRO AUDIO 16 and compatibles. SVGA required - ASP - RECOMMENDED Description Type = Long Description TALKING TEACHER for WINDOWS V1.0SW Learning to talk, read, write and how to spell is lots of fun with this interactive talking program. Talking Teacher will teach young children how to say early words (hi, mama, dada, I love you, drink, please, thank you, up, bye, ect.) and how to interact with a computer. Talking Teacher will teach PRESCHOOLERS the ABC song, how to say and understand the alphabet, how to find letters on the keyboard and how to recognize the letters in words. Talking Teacher will teach and test GRADES 1-12 on their weekly spelling words. You can change the spelling words to match your child's weekly words. Easy Draw teaches the child how to use and mouse and be creativity. This program has positive reinforcement, when a question is answered correctly Talking Teacher will say - way to go, super duper, excellent, etc. The hi-resolution graphics are designed to bring out the child's creativity by using kaleidoscopes and collages (your child will recognize various objects, letters and words hidden in the graphics). Talking Teacher is the first educational package that allows parents and teachers to record their own voice and use it in this package to teach their children and students. This is a breakthrough in educational software. Lead your child into the next century with this package. * Record your own voice and use it in this package. * Use with Sound Blaster, Thunder Boards and 100% compatibles. * SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: 4,096K Memory Hard Drive SVGA Graphic Sound Blaster or 100% Compatible * Read the MANUAL.DOC file for more information. * Run the SETUP.EXE file to install the program. * Please register by sending $35 plus $4 S&H to: DareWare Inc. 3005 Glenmore Ave. Baltimore, MD 21214 (410) 426-0649 ASP member Call 1-800-327-3929 for CREDIT CARD orders CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Tutorial Talking Time Tutor 2.20 Entertaining way to learn to tell time Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: VICKI WATSON KIDSTUFF SOFTWARE 6490 DUBOIS RD. LEWIS CENTER, OH 43035 Telephone: 614-548-5043 Description Type = Short Description Talking Time Tutor - your child will quickly learn to tell time with TTIME's colorful clocks (digital and analog) and its high quality digitized speech. Four different time activities with 4 skill levels. Mouse and keyboard supported. Description Type = Long Description "Talking Time Tutor" will have your child telling time in no time! Your child will hear the time spoken using high quality digitized speech. TTIME provides a variety of different time activities each with three skill levels. Activities include setting the analog clock to match the digital clock, setting the digital clock to match the analog clock, setting the analog clock to the spoken or written time, and setting the analog clock to a future or past time. Additional features are provided to entertain your child as he/she learns. Each analog clock has it's own animation routine. For example the eyes in the owl clock move back and forth. The colors of the wrist watch may be changed. A bear on the screen tells time-related jokes or asks your child questions about time. Isn't it about time you invested in "Talking Time Tutor" for your child? Description Type = Keywords EDUCATION, TIME, CLOCK Description Type = Registration Details $10.00 * Receive 5 additional analog clocks for use in program. * Removal of the initial shareware screen. * Sound Blaster support * Most current version of this program at the time of registration. * Notification of and discounts on program upgrades. * Support via phone or mail. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Tutorial Touch Typing Trainer 3.0 Touch Typing Trainer: TypingMaster 3.0 Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: TOMMI ULTRIANEN TMProductions P.O. Box 69 HYVINKAA, SF 05801 FINLAND Description Type = Short Description Typing Master 3.0 teaches the touch typing system. Shareware for PC-computers. - Guided Studying - Intelligent error analysis - 4 educational games - Text Typing etc. $25 Description Type = Long Description TypingMaster is a versatile touch typing system teaching program that works in all DOS-compatible environments. The program covers teaching from the very basics all the way to advanced text typing exercises, and the teaching is backed up efficiently by educational games and the Difficult Keys Analyzer. Thanks to its distinct user interface the program is also suitable for people inexperienced with computers. Guided studying leads you systematically through the study material, which consists of dozens of short typing exercises. TypingMaster remembers your personal progress, and always continues with the exercises from where you last left off. Alternatively you can also go through any individual exercise you want. Difficult Keys Analyzer collects information on the mistakes you make as you study, and analyzes which keys are the hardest for you. During your studies you can view information about those keys and complete exercises which are built for your personal needs to improve them. You can also play exercising games with these keys. Four Educational Games - Reaction, NumberFall, Mr. Keyman and WordTris - make learning fun and develop your typing speed. You can start playing already after your first exercises, since you can play the games with the keys you have just studied.You can also exercise keys difficult for you by playing the games. Text Typing Practicing gives you the idea of real-life text typing. The objective is to copy the text displayed onscreen as quickly and flawlessly as you can. Your progress is reported in real time in the form of gross and net strokes and error percentage. As you develop your skills you can lengthen the typing time freely and move on from Practice Mode to Typewriter Mode. It is possible to print out a typing report in Typewriter Mode. Multi-User Support makes it possible for several people to study by using the same program, as TypingMaster remembers each student's personal progress. On-Line Help helps you to get familiar with the program - the on-line manual is only one press of a button away. Description Type = Keywords Touch Typing Type Training Description Type = Registration Details If TypingMaster fills your expectations, you will get the full and exensive study material by registering the program. This is done by sending us the information required for registration and a registration fee (25$ + handling costs). Against this sum you will be sent a Magic Key, with which you can unlock the demonstration version and gain access to the full range of the program's features. TypingMaster, Easy-To-Use Registraion guides you step by step through the registration process: Step 1: View and read carefully the registration instructions found in the TypingMaster's Registration menu. The instructions contain everything essential about registering, prices, the different ways to pay etc. Step 2: Send us a completed registration form and the registration fee (25$ + handling costs) straight to us at TMProductions or to one of the TypingMaster agents. You can send the registration form by e-mail or mail. You can pay the fee 1. by mail (no handling costs) 2. by bank giro (handling +5$) 3. by cheque (handling +13$, ask information by e-mail). 4. by Credit card (available at RegNet or Albert's Ambry) Step 3: We will send you a personal Magic Key, a short series of numbers, by e-mail, fax or mail, After you have entered the Magic Key in the demonstration version of TypingMaster, you will have access to the full range of the program's features and study material. TypingMaster can also be registered through RegNet - The Registration Network. RegNet can be reached on the World Wide Web or by calling 1 800 WWW2REG (1 800 999-2734) or (801) 355-5110. Description Type = Installation Details 1. Unzip the distribution packet to temporary directory, f.e. pkunzip c:\temp 2. Start the installation program, f.e. c: cd \temp install Description Type = Vendor Instructions You are free to distribute unregistered TypingMaster when all the orginal files are included. All rights reserved. Copyright 1996 TMProductions. Description Type = Permissions You are free to distribute unregistered TypingMaster when all the orginal files are included. All rights reserved. Copyright 1996 TMProductions. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Tutorial Tutor by Association 1.7 Tutor by Association-DOS&Compyter Tuto Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: DON PIERCE AJOY SOFTWARE P.O. BOX 764 MARSHALL, MI 49068-0764 Telephone: 616-781-3764 Fax: 616-781-3764 Description Type = Short Description UTOR by ASSOCIATION is an interactive tutorial that walks one through many of the topics that confuse and frustrate new users. In contrast to most tutorials that use only text or limited graphics, TUTOR by ASSOCIATION uses humorous & vivid color graphics, along with text, to provide the user with a relaxed and enjoyable way to learn the basics of operating a computer. A must for anyone new to computers. T Description Type = Long Description Tutor by Association is the first computer tutor that helps the beginning user become familiar with the computer without being overwhelmed. Written with humorous graphics and brilliant color, it is impossible for the user to become bored while learning the basics of DOS. The program explains the hardware and functions of the computer and shows many different ways in which the computer can be used. This fantastic DOS tutor would make an excellent tutor for children as well as adults. Professionals who need to start using a computer in their business, but do not have the time for in depth training, will find Tutor by Association to be a great program to give them the basic overview and reference needed to be confident operators. The program displays two basic types of screens that may appear when the computer is first started; a friendly menu or the glaring DOS prompt. It explains the keys and functions of the computer keyboard. It shows what programs and files are. Types of floppies and disk drives are discussed. It shows how to set up directories and copy files into them. Given, are explanations and usage of the most used DOS commands and it lists the most common DOS error messages with their possible causes. Tutor by Association uses a format that relates DOS functions and computer hardware to things that people are familiar with. Everything to get someone new to using DOS started, is included in Tutor by Association. Description Type = Keywords Tutor, DOS, Computing, Novice, Beginner Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......United States Dollar Minimum registration price..................14.95 Maximum registration price..................14.95 Shipping: within same country...............3.00 North America.....................3.00 South America.....................5.00 Europe............................5.00 Asia..............................5.00 Africa............................5.00 Pacific...........................5.00 Description Type = Installation Details Running a program that is on the hard drive is usually faster and more convienient. However, If you want to run this program from the floppy disk, skip to STARTING THE PROGRAM. To install this program onto your hard drive, insert the program disk into disk drive A:(or B:) and type the following pressing the ENTER key after each command as shown.(Use spaces only as shown) C: (Press the ENTER key) This will log on to the C Drive. CD\ (Press the ENTER key) This puts you in the Root Directory MD TA (Press the ENTER key) Makes a directory named TA. CD TA (Press the ENTER key) Logs to the TA directory. Copy A:*.* (Press the ENTER key) Copys all files on A: to C: STARTING THE PROGRAM If you are going to run from the floppy diskette in drive A(or B), then Put the disk in drive A, Type A: (Press the ENTER key), This will log on to the A Drive Type GO (Press the ENTER key) to start the program. Or, if you have copied the program onto your hard disk, do the following: Type C: (Press the ENTER key), This will log on to the C Drive Type CD \TA (Press the ENTER key), Change to the TA directory Type GO (Press the ENTER key) to start the program. Description Type = Permissions A limited license is granted to all users of this program to copy the program files and related documentation, for trial use by others, subject to the following limitations: [1] The program, its related files and any documentation are not modified in any way and all files are distributed together in their original form. [2] COPIES OF THIS DISK MAY NOT BE SOLD without written permission from AJOY Software, P.O. Box 764, Marshall, MI 49068 Phone: 616-781-3764 8AM-5PM Eastern time. This is to insure you are on our mailing list and thus will receive regular updates. [3] The program, its related files and documentation may not be packaged with any other software (except as part of a shareware distribution program as stated above) or hardware without the written agreement of the author. [4] Any for profit, business, commercial, or governmental use of this program, its files and information, without registration, is expressly prohibited. [5] The software contained herein will be used in a "shareware try before you buy manner", without continuous or useful daily use. Electronic bulletin board operators (Sysops) may post TUTOR by ASSOCIATION, for downloading by their users, without written consent only when the above conditions are met. A fee may be charged for access to the BBS as long as no specific fee is charged for access to the TUTOR by ASSOCIATION files. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Tutorial WinFlash 4.0 Windows Multimedia Flashcard System Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: RICHARD W. BRYANT OPEN WINDOWS P.O. BOX 49746 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80949-9746 Telephone: 800 531-0403 Fax: 719-531-0403 Description Type = Short Description WinFlash v4.0 - This major upgrade adds "smart" multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank capabilities to this award-winning flashcard program. A new WYSIWYG editor makes deck construction a pleasure - with browsers and viewers for graphics, sound and video support files. You can also print your cards, including graphics, for use away from the computer. Easy and fun for children to use. Requires Windows 3.1 or higher - Shareware Description Type = Long Description Open Window has succeeded in combining ease-of-use with power and flexibility in this major upgrade to WinFlash, their award-winning Windows flashcard program. Using WinFlash's built- in editing, browsing and viewing capabilities, users can construct anything from simple, text-only, decks for a quick pre- quiz review to complex, multi-media, computer-based-training applications for corporate use. Beginners easily create their own card decks "in a flash" with the built in WYSIWYG editor. The editor's layered organization helps you browse your collection of video (.AVI), audio (.MID and .WAV) and graphics (.BMP) files, preview them in the editor and then add them as integral components of a Question or Answer. V4.0 also lets you print your deck, including graphics, for use when away from your computer. WinFlash continues to offer the field's most advanced learning algorithms, with four primary learning modes each providing many options for customization. WinFlash lets you choose Fill-In-The-Blank or Multiple-Choice types for auto-scored results as well as free-format Q&A pairs which are self-scored.Both numeric and named ranges are supported to allow you to focus on portions of your card deck. The on-line Help has been expanded and provides three, step-by- step, learning exercises to help you quickly master the creation of new card decks. Easy and fun for children. Requires Windows 3.1 or Win '95 Description Type = Keywords FLASH EDUCATION ASP WINFLASH FLASHCARD FLASHCARDS MULTIMEDIA WINDOWS SHAREWARE Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S. Dollars Minimum registration price..................24.95 Maximum registration price..................24.95 Shipping: within same country...............3.00 North America.....................3.00 South America.....................5.00 Europe............................5.00 Asia..............................5.00 Africa............................5.00 Pacific...........................5.00 Description Type = Installation Details ===== Installation ===================================== To install WinFlash v4.0 from a floppy disk received from Open Windows: 1. While in Windows, insert the floppy disk in the drive. 2. Open File Manager or Explorer and select the floppy disk. 3. Double click on the file SETUPWF.EXE to run it. 4. Follow the on-screen directions. To install WinFlash v4.0 starting with a copy of FLASH_40.ZIP (FLASH.ZIP if obtained from CompuServe): 1. Create a temporary directory (C:\WF will do) on your hard disk. 2. Copy FLASH_40.ZIP to this directory. 3. UnZip the file using WinZip or other "UNZIPper". 4. Run SETUPWF.EXE from Windows. This will take you through the procedure of installing WinFlash v4.0 on your hard disk. Do NOT install the software TO the temporary directory (C:\WF in the above example). 5. You may delete all of the files in the temporary directory from your hard disk after completing the installation process, but remember to save a copy of FLASH_40.ZIP on a floppy disk for friends who may want to try WinFlash! Description Type = Permissions This file contains our distribution policy and information on all products. Open Windows has a simple distribution policy: You have permission to distribute our shareware in its original form as long as you: * identify it as shareware (with an appropriate definition) * leave all intellectual property (copyright) notices in place ..and as long as we do not request that you stop. That's it. We want the widest possible distribution, and don't want to stand in your way as long as you are honest with our mutual customer. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION EGames__ Big Math Attack! 2.50 Educational software Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: PHILIP KAPUSTA 406 Monroe Avenue FALMOUTH, VA 22405 Telephone: (540) 371-5746 Description Type = Short Description Big Math Attack! tests your math, spelling, typing and metric conversion skills in a fun, graphical, arcade environment. Several skill levels are available that makes this program suitable for both children and adults. Top scores are maintained to track progress. The user can create their own spelling lists for use within the program. Educational and fun! Requires EGA/VGA. Description Type = Long Description Big Math Attack! is a fun way for children & adults to increase their math, spelling and typing skills! Protect your metropolis from falling meteorites by blasting them out of the sky through solving random problems. The descending meteorites can increase in speed and requires quick thinking and reflexes. Although the program focuses on solving math problems, problems can be configured to display 1) spelling drills; 2) metric conversions, or 3) touch-typing tests. Features: 10 skill levels, top scores & errors saved to disk. Requires EGA or VGA, hard drive. Description Type = Keywords MATH, EDUCATION, SPELLING, ARITHMETIC, TYPING, ARCADE, SCHOOL, DRILL Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S.A. $ Minimum registration price..................9.95 Maximum registration price..................9.95 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................2.50 South America.....................3.50 Europe............................3.50 Asia..............................3.50 Africa............................3.50 Pacific...........................3.50 Description Type = Installation Details For DOS: Type "BIGMATH" (without quotes) then press [ENTER]. Make sure that IF the program is being run from a floppy diskette that the user change default drives (e.g., type "A:" if program is on drive A:). The program must be started from the same directory/drive where the program is located (e.g.,if the program is on B:, you must be at a B:> prompt to run the program). For Windows: Run the SETUP.EXE installation utility to install to Windows. Description Type = Permissions The attached VENDINFO data record is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION EGames__ Crayon Box 4.12 educational software Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: PHILIP KAPUSTA 406 Monroe Avenue FALMOUTH, VA 22405 Telephone: (540) 371-5746 Description Type = Short Description Crayon Box - A coloring book & activities for children. A sketch/paint book, math quizzer, counting & color identification, USA states game, spiral designs, musical keyboard. Fun! For elementary age children. 450 colors & patterns can be used to paint pictures. The math drill displays large 1 inch high numbers & tests your child's ability to add, subtract, multiply & divide. Requires EGA/VGA, mouse, HD and 1 child. Description Type = Long Description Crayon Box is a coloring/sketch book and mathematic drill for elementary age children. 450 colors and patterns can be used to paint pictures. The math drill displays large 1 inch high numbers and tests your child's ability to add, subtract, multiply and divide at 10 different skill levels. Also a color recognition and counting game is included, spiral designs, and a USA game that prompts the user to identify a state or capital on a color map. Plus, a "Concentration" type memory game where you find matching picture pairs. Lotsa music also! Requires EGA/VGA, hard disk, mouse. Description Type = Keywords CHILDREN, PRESCHOOL, COLORING, MATH, EDUCATION, ARITHMETIC, SCHOOL, DRILL Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S.A. $ Minimum registration price..................12.00 Maximum registration price..................14.00 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................2.00 South America.....................4.00 Europe............................4.00 Asia..............................4.00 Africa............................4.00 Pacific...........................4.00 Description Type = Installation Details From DOS: Type "CRAYON" (without quotes) then press [ENTER]. Make sure that IF the program is being run from a floppy diskette that the user change default drives (e.g., type "A:" if program is on drive A:). The program must be started from the same directory/drive where the program is located (e.g.,if the program is on B:, you must be at a B:> prompt to run the program). Description Type = Permissions The attached VENDINFO data record is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION EGames__ Create A Quiz 2.24 Makes interactive on-screen quizzes Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: PHILIP KAPUSTA 406 Monroe Avenue FALMOUTH, VA 22405 Telephone: (540) 371-5746 Description Type = Short Description Create A Quiz - Lets you generate your own on-screen interactive quizzes. Great for teachers and students. Quizzes can also be printed out. Can be used in a stand-alone kiosk environment. 1-9 participants may play at the same time - great for games. Supports multiple choice and fill-in-the- blank questions. Can also be used to give and track surveys. Many, many options. Menu driven, easy to use interface. Description Type = Long Description Create A Quiz allows you to create your own on-screen interactive multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank quizzes. Great for teachers and students. Quizzes can be taken on-screen, or printed to paper. Creating questions is easy with pop-up menus, input fields, and mouse support. Taking a quiz is just as easy. You can enter hundreds of questions for each quiz you create. Can be used in a stand-alone kiosk environment. 1-9 participants may play at the same time - great for games. Can also be used to give and track surveys. Many, many options. Description Type = Keywords EXAM, EDUCATION, TUTOR, SURVEY, TEACHING, SCHOOL, LEARN, QUIZ, TEST, TRIVIA Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S.A. $ Minimum registration price..................22.00 Maximum registration price..................22.00 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................2.50 South America.....................3.50 Europe............................3.50 Asia..............................3.50 Africa............................3.50 Pacific...........................3.50 Description Type = Installation Details Type "QUIZ" (without quotes) then press [ENTER]. Make sure that IF the program is being run from a floppy diskette that the user change default drives (e.g., type "A:" if program is on drive A:). The program must be started from the same directory/drive where the program is located (e.g.,if the program is on B:, you must be at a B:> prompt to run the program). To CDROM publishers only: If you going to distribute this program UNZIPPED on a CDROM, that is, placing the program on a CD for the consumer, "ready to run", contact the author in advance! This program will need "write access" to the disk it is located on. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION EGames__ Dino Numbers 4.0 Windows arithmetic game for ages 5-9 Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=Yes OTH=No Author Information: DAVID W. CARLSON DYNOTECH SOFTWARE 1105 HOME AVE. WAYNESVILLE, MO 65583-2231 Telephone: 573-774-5001 Fax: 573-774-3052 Description Type = Short Description Dino Numbers v4.0 -- Windows arithmetic game for children ages 7-12. Help Derik the Dinosaur rescue books from Rex the Tyrannosaurus by solving various arithmetic problems. Minimum System Requirements: 386 or faster; Windows 3.1 or higher, Windows 95, or OS/2 Warp; 4MB RAM; 6MB free hard drive space; Mouse; Sound Card (optional, but recommended). Description Type = Long Description Dino Numbers v4.0 from DynoTech Software. (Works with Windows 95) Exciting windows arithmetic skills game for children ages 7-12 with animation, music, and sound effects. The loveable Derik the Dinosaur continually thwarts the shenanigans of Rex the Tyrannosaurus. The object of the game is to collect cows in a maze. To rescue cows from Rex, Derik must solve various arithmetic problems. Each level is completed then a player collects all cows on that level. Parents love the "no loose" feature--a player never looses points or bonus items. Development monitored by professional educators. Each level also includes several bonus items. Additional items include: milk cartons, haystacks, dino snacks, and "super" snacks. * Dino Numbers was originally released May 1994. Minimum System Requirements: * 386 or faster CPU * Windows 3.1 or higher, Windows 95, or OS/2 Warp * 4MB RAM * 6MB free hard drive space * Mouse * Sound Card (optional, but strongly recommended) Description Type = Keywords DynoTech Arithmetic Math Educational Games Windows Sound Dinosaurs Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......US dollars Minimum registration price..................20.00 Maximum registration price..................30.00 Shipping: within same country...............4.00 North America.....................4.00 South America.....................6.00 Europe............................6.00 Asia..............................6.00 Africa............................6.00 Pacific...........................6.00 Description Type = Installation Details From windows program manager, select RUN and enter A:SETUP or B:SETUP. Follow the directions on the screen. The setup program will install Dino Numbers to your hard drive to the drive and directory you indicate. It also will create a DynoTech folder on your program manager and insert appropriate icons. Description Type = Permissions Permission is granted to individuals charging no fees, and to BBS's, User Groups, Mail-Order Disk Vendors, CD-ROM publishers, and BBS File-Distribution Networks regardless of fees, to distribute BOXES, provided they convey a complete and unaltered copy of the shareware version of this product (except that they may add a single information file or "ZIP" comment to the files being distributed), and provided they claim no ownership of these products. Distribution by other channels, and distribution of modified versions, are also allowed, but only under the terms of the attached VENDINFO data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute these products is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute these products must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. DynoTech Software may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION EGames__ Dino Spell 4.0 Windows spelling game for ages 7-12. Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=Yes OTH=No Author Information: DAVID W. CARLSON DYNOTECH SOFTWARE 1105 HOME AVE. WAYNESVILLE, MO 65583-2231 Telephone: 573-774-5001 Fax: 573-774-3052 Description Type = Short Description Dino Spell v4.0 -- Windows spelling skills game for children ages 7-12. Help Derik the Dinosaur rescue fruit from Rex the Tyrannosaurus by completing various spelling tasks. Minimum System Requirements: 386 or faster; Windows 3.1, Windows 95, or OS/2 Warp; 4MB RAM; 6MB free hard drive space; Mouse; Sound Card (optional, but recommended). Description Type = Long Description Dino Spell v4.0 from DynoTech Software. (Works with Windows 95) Exciting windows spelling skills game for children ages 7-12 with animation, music, and sound effects. The loveable Derik the Dinosaur continually thwarts the shenanigans of Rex the Tyrannosaurus. The object of the game is to collect fruit in a maze. To rescue fruit from Rex, Derik must complete various spelling tasks. Each level is completed then a player collects all apples on that level. Parents love the "no loose" feature--a player never looses points or bonus items. Development monitored by professional educators. Each level also includes several bonus items. Additional items include: strawberries, trees, dino snacks, and golden apples. Registered edition includes a Word List Manager for adding custom spelling lists to the game. * Dino Spell was originally released May 1994. Minimum System Requirements: * 386 or faster CPU * Windows 3.1 or higher, Windows 95, or OS/2 Warp * 4MB RAM * 6MB free hard drive space * Mouse * Sound Card (optional, but strongly recommended) Description Type = Keywords DynoTech Spelling Educational Games Windows Sound Dinosaurs Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......US dollars Minimum registration price..................20.00 Maximum registration price..................30.00 Shipping: within same country...............4.00 North America.....................4.00 South America.....................6.00 Europe............................6.00 Asia..............................6.00 Africa............................6.00 Pacific...........................6.00 Description Type = Installation Details From windows program manager, select RUN and enter A:SETUP or B:SETUP. Follow the directions on the screen. The setup program will install Dino Spell to your hard drive to the drive and directory you indicate. It also will create a DynoTech folder on your program manager and insert appropriate icons. Description Type = Permissions Permission is granted to individuals charging no fees, and to BBS's, User Groups, Mail-Order Disk Vendors, CD-ROM publishers, and BBS File-Distribution Networks regardless of fees, to distribute BOXES, provided they convey a complete and unaltered copy of the shareware version of this product (except that they may add a single information file or "ZIP" comment to the files being distributed), and provided they claim no ownership of these products. Distribution by other channels, and distribution of modified versions, are also allowed, but only under the terms of the attached VENDINFO data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute these products is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute these products must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION EGames__ Europe! 2.2 Europe! - Version 2.2 for Windows Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=Yes Author Information: MATT RILLING TORPEDO SOFTWARE 4819 183RD PLACE SW LYNNWOOD, WA 98037 Description Type = Short Description Europe! - Version 2.2 for Windows by Torpedo Software Take a trip to Europe! Includes colorful map games for the countries, capitals, major exports and geographical features of Europe. Requires Windows 3.1 or later, 1 Mb of free RAM, a VGA monitor and a mouse. "Europe!" runs on Windows 3.x, Windows 95 and Windows NT. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION EGames__ Puzzle 3x3 to 10x10 2.7 Auto or Manual play allowed Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MARK RAYMOND PROGWHIZ, INC. P.O. BOX 1068 PORT OF SPAIN, TRINIDAD W.I. Telephone: 1-809-633-5185 Fax: 1-809-632-1671 Description Type = Short Description Puzzle Mania 3x3 to 10x10 Simple Interface which incorporates straight forward point and click. The best part is that the program can provide hints or even solve the puzzle right before your eyes. You can finally learn the methodolgy to solving the puzzle everyone once new but simply forgot. Description Type = Long Description Description Type = Installation Details Unzip the program into it's own directory and then run the SETUP.EXE file from Windows and VIOLA! that's it. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION EGames__ Puzzle 3x3 to 10x10 2.7 Auto or Manual play allowed Filter: DOS=No WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MARK RAYMOND PROGWHIZ, INC. P.O. BOX 1068 PORT OF SPAIN, TRINIDAD W.I. Telephone: 1-809-633-5185 Fax: 1-809-632-1671 Description Type = Short Description Puzzle Mania 3x3 to 10x10 Simple Interface which incorporates straight forward point and click. The best part is that the program can provide hints or even solve the puzzle right before your eyes. You can finally learn the methodolgy to solving the puzzle everyone once new but simply forgot. Description Type = Installation Details Unzip the program into it's own directory and then run the SETUP.EXE file from Windows95 and VIOLA! that's it. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION EGames__ USAPuzzle 1.1 USAPuzzle! - Version 1.1 for Windows Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: MATT RILLING TORPEDO SOFTWARE 4819 183RD PLACE SW LYNNWOOD, WA 98037 Description Type = Short Description USAPuzzle! - Version 1.1 for Windows by Torpedo Software Take a spin across the USA! Includes colorful map puzzles for the states and capitals of the US. The puzzle pieces consist of states and star icons, which are dragged and rotated by the user to their correct position on the map. Requires Windows 3.1 or later, 1 Mb free RAM, a VGA monitor and a mouse. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION EGames__ Word Games at Camelt 1.30 Word Games at Camelot Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: ASHRAF KAISER ADVENTURE LEARNINGWARE 5667 SNELL AVE STE 236 SAN JOSE, CA 95123 Telephone: 408-224-5519 Fax: 408-224-4455 Description Type = Short Description Word Games at Camelot-v1.3 (Win95/3.1 & DOS) NEW! HOT! Rivals the best action games with smooth-scrolling, colorful graphics, animation & sound! Teaches 3300+ words (ages 8-adult). Improves speaking, reading, writing, spelling, SAT scores, & professional image. Word list editor & record keeping. Prints crossword & word search puzzles & flash cards. Perfect for the home, school, & home-school. By Adventure LearningWare. Description Type = Long Description Word Games at Camelot is an edutainment title for the PC that uses the magic of video games to build the user's vocabulary skills. A stronger vocabulary improves reading comprehension, writing, speaking, SAT scores, and professional image. The product uniquely combines a full-fledged computer game with extensive vocabulary-building material, making it more likely than any other product on the market to hold the user's interest. The product targets ages 8-Adult. It benefits students at home, home-school, and school; as well as college students, adults, and working professionals. It is compatible with Windows 95, Windows 3.1, and DOS. The minimum system requirements are a 386 with 640K RAM and VGA graphics. * State-of-the art game technology that keeps the student motivated: Thirty-six levels of non-stop action, fluid animation, smooth-scrolling graphics, and sound. You play the role of a knight who must demonstrate a knowledge of words and their meanings to get admitted to the fabled Round Table of King Arthur. * Over 3300 words organized by difficulty level, offering a challenge for every age and aptitude level. * Track the students' progress with the record keeping feature. Records can be viewed on-screen or printed out. * Customize the program and add your own word lists with the easy-to-use word list editor. * Generate printed materials such as crossword and word search puzzles, flash cards, and tests. Description Type = Keywords vocabulary English SAT spelling writing reading kids educational game school Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S. Dollars Minimum registration price..................29.00 Maximum registration price..................29.00 Shipping: within same country...............4.00 North America.....................4.00 South America.....................7.00 Europe............................7.00 Asia..............................7.00 Africa............................7.00 Pacific...........................7.00 Description Type = Installation Details Any vendor who meets ALL the following requirements may distribute the product on any media, using any form of distribution channels: * All original files must be included unmodified. * Other than possibly an installation program, vendor will not add any software, utilities, or data files intended to work with, modify, or enhance the product in any way. * The product must be clearly identified as shareware; and the concept of shareware must be adequately explained. * For additional requirements that may apply to your particular distribution channel(s), you must consult the attached data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Adventure LearningWare may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Adventure LearningWare. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION EKids38_ A Little Painter 1.2 software for children 3-8 years old Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: STEVE HUDGIC PSG-HOMECRAFT SOFTWARE P.O.BOX 974 TUALATIN, OR 97062 Telephone: 503-692-3732 Fax: 503-692-0382 Description Type = Short Description A LITTLE PAINTER v1.2 - the quality images make this coloring game great fun for little kids. Animated images and icons make using the software fun! Your kids will create pictures they'll love to show off to you, neightbors, friends, and relatives. Your refrigerator will be covered with pictures! Pictures can be printed or copied for use with other programs. Created in the Ukraine and published by PSG-HomeCraft. Description Type = Long Description A LITTLE PAINTER v1.2 - the quality images make this coloring game great fun for little kids. Animated images and icons make using the software fun! Your kids will create pictures they'll love to show off to you, neightbors, friends, and relatives. Your refrigerator will be covered with pictures! Pictures can be printed or copied for use with other programs. For children ages 3-8 years old. Created in the Ukraine and published by PSG-HomeCraft. Description Type = Keywords CHILDREN HOMECRAFT COLORING PAINT EDUCATIONAL Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S. Dollars Minimum registration price..................19.95 Maximum registration price..................29.95 Shipping: within same country...............5.00 North America.....................5.00 South America.....................8.00 Europe............................8.00 Asia..............................8.00 Africa............................8.00 Pacific...........................8.00 Description Type = Installation Details INSTALLATION: If you downloaded this software from a BBS, be sure that it has been unzipped before you try to install it. Run Windows. Go to the Files Menu and click on "Run". Select and run the "SETUP.EXE" file that is included as one of the files with the software. Description Type = Permissions The following may distribute this software, completely unaltered, without further permission...; for other cases or to distribute in modified form, you must consult the attached data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute this software is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is PSG-HomeCraft Software, P.O. Box 974, Tualatin, OR 97062 USA. The publisher may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to PSG-HomeCraft Software, a division of H.C.P. Services, Inc. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION EKids38_ Colorbook 1.0 School-Mom for Windows Volume 1 Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: DR. ANDREW MOTES MOTES EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE P.O. BOX 575 SILOAM SPRINGS, AR 72761 Telephone: 501-524-8741 Description Type = Short Description Colorbook v1.00 Fun Windows coloring book for children. You can color one of the 40 pictures provided or you can create and save your own. Use the line, circle, arc, or box tools or just draw in freehand. Has sound effects too. You can also print your pictures on a color printer. Description Type = Long Description Colorbook v1.00 Fun Windows coloring book for children. You can color one of the 40 pictures provided or you can create and save your own. Use the line, circle, arc, or box tools or just draw in freehand. If you like, you can import pictures created using other software packages. It has a kid mode and sound effects that you can turn off. You can also print your pictures on a color printer if you have one. Description Type = Keywords color paint children art coloring book Description Type = Registration Details Freeware Description Type = Installation Details From Windows choose RUN from the FILE menu. Type b:setup then press ENTER if installing from the B: drive. Use A:setup if installing from the A: drive. This software can also be installed from the hard drive. In this case use the appropriate path name. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION EKids38_ Dyno Match 4.00 Windows memory game for ages 5-9 Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=Yes OTH=No Author Information: DAVID W. CARLSON DYNOTECH SOFTWARE 1105 HOME AVE. WAYNESVILLE, MO 65583-2231 Telephone: 573-774-5001 Fax: 573-774-3052 Description Type = Short Description Dino Match v4.0 -- Windows memory building game for children ages 5-9. Help Derik the Dinosaur rescue books from Rex the Tyrannosaurus by solving various memory challenges. Minimum System Requirements: 386 or faster; Windows 3.1, Windows 95, or OS/2 Warp; 4MB RAM; 6MB free hard drive space; Mouse; Sound Card (optional, but recommended). Description Type = Long Description Dino Match v4.0 from DynoTech Software. (Works with Windows 95 and OS/2 Warp) Exciting windows memory building game for children ages 5-9 with animation, music, and sound effects. The loveable Derik the Dinosaur continually thwarts the shenanigans of Rex the Tyrannosaurus. The object of the game is to collect books in a maze. To rescue books from Rex, Derik must solve various memory tasks. Each level is completed then a player collects all books on that level. Parents love the "no loose" feature--a player never looses points or bonus items. Development monitored by professional educators. Each level also includes several bonus items. Additional items include: bookworms and buildings. Dino Match v4.0 (Released January 1, 1996) * Minor cosmetic fixes. * Optimized to work with Windows 95. * Tested and certified by NTSL as Ready for OS/2 Warp. * Dino Match was originally released March 1994 as a commercial game. Minimum System Requirements: * 386 or faster CPU * Windows 3.1, Windows 95, or OS/2 Warp * 4MB RAM * 6MB free hard drive space * Mouse * Sound Card (optional, but strongly recommended) Description Type = Keywords DynoTech Memory Educational Games Windows Sound Dinosaurs Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......US dollars Minimum registration price..................20.00 Maximum registration price..................30.00 Shipping: within same country...............4.00 North America.....................4.00 South America.....................6.00 Europe............................6.00 Asia..............................6.00 Africa............................6.00 Pacific...........................6.00 Description Type = Installation Details From windows program manager, select RUN and enter A:SETUP or B:SETUP. Follow the directions on the screen. The setup program will install Dino Match to your hard drive to the drive and directory you indicate. It also will create a DynoTech folder on your program manager and insert appropriate icons. Description Type = Permissions Permission is granted to individuals charging no fees, and to BBS's, User Groups, Mail-Order Disk Vendors, CD-ROM publishers, and BBS File-Distribution Networks regardless of fees, to distribute BOXES, provided they convey a complete and unaltered copy of the shareware version of this product (except that they may add a single information file or "ZIP" comment to the files being distributed), and provided they claim no ownership of these products. Distribution by other channels, and distribution of modified versions, are also allowed, but only under the terms of the attached VENDINFO data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute these products is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute these products must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. DynoTech Software may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION EKids38_ Hebrew Flashcards 1.40 Hebrew FlashCards Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: PHILIP KAPUSTA 406 Monroe Avenue FALMOUTH, VA 22405 Telephone: (540) 371-5746 Description Type = Short Description Hebrew Flashcards was written for the beginning student desiring to learn the Hebrew language. Word definitions, English transliterations, and where applicable Strong's concordance numbers are available to the user within this program. Interactive, on-screen quizzes are also available. Requires CGA/EGA/VGA. Description Type = Long Description Hebrew Flashcards was written for the beginning student desiring to learn the Hebrew language. Word definitions, English transliterations, and where applicable Strong's concordance numbers are available to the user within this program. Interactive, on-screen quizzes are also available. Requires Description Type = Keywords HEBREW, JEWISH, JEW, BIBLE, RELIGION, LANGUAGE, FOREIGN, ISRAEL Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S.A. $ Minimum registration price..................11.00 Maximum registration price..................11.00 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................2.50 South America.....................3.50 Europe............................3.50 Asia..............................3.50 Africa............................3.50 Pacific...........................3.50 Description Type = Installation Details Type "HFC" (without quotes) then press [ENTER]. Make sure that IF the program is being run from a floppy diskette that the user change default drives (e.g., type "A:" if program is on drive A:). The program must be started from the same directory/drive where the program is located (e.g.,if the program is on B:, you must be at a B:> prompt to run the program). To CDROM publishers only: If you going to distribute this program UNZIPPED on a CDROM, that is, placing the program on a CD for the consumer, "ready to run", contact the author in advance! This program will need "write access" to the disk it is located on. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION EKids38_ Lil' Picasso 1.21 Lil' Picasso - Coloring book for child Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: PHILIP KAPUSTA 406 Monroe Avenue FALMOUTH, VA 22405 Telephone: (540) 371-5746 Description Type = Short Description Lil' Picasso - Coloring book for children. Great paint/drawing program for future artists. Push button interface makes it easy for even the youngest child to create a masterpiece. Includes several pre-drawn cute pictures, ready to color. Hundreds of colors/patterns. Printer support. Requires VGA, mouse, hard disk. Teaches eye/hand coordination skills. Makes a great gift for the young ones! Description Type = Long Description Lil' Picasso is a coloring and creativity package for children. Your children will spend hours coloring the cute, pre-drawn pictures with a paintbrush of over 300 colors and patterns. Children can also choose from a variety of drawing tools to create their own masterpieces. Hundreds of colors/patterns. Teaches eye/hand coordination skills. Makes a great gift for the young ones! Printer support. Requires VGA, mouse, hard disk. Description Type = Keywords CHILDREN, PRESCHOOL, COLORING, EDUCATION, PAINT, SCHOOL, PAINTING, CRAYON, DRAW Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S.A. $ Minimum registration price..................11.00 Maximum registration price..................13.00 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................2.50 South America.....................3.50 Europe............................3.50 Asia..............................3.50 Africa............................3.50 Pacific...........................3.50 Description Type = Installation Details Type "PICASSO" (without quotes) then press [ENTER]. Make sure that IF the program is being run from a floppy diskette that the user change default drives (e.g., type "A:" if program is on drive A:). The program must be started from the same directory/drive where the program is located (e.g.,if the program is on B:, you must be at a B:> prompt to run the program). To CDROM publishers only: If you going to distribute this program UNZIPPED on a CDROM, that is, placing the program on a CD for the consumer, "ready to run", contact the author in advance! This program will need "write access" to the disk it is located on. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION EKids38_ Play 'n' Learn - Win 1.1 PLAY 'n' LEARN IN WINDOWS Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: STEVE HUDGIC PSG-HOMECRAFT SOFTWARE P.O.BOX 974 TUALATIN, OR 97062 Telephone: 503-692-3732 Fax: 503-692-0382 Description Type = Short Description PLAY 'n' LEARN IN WINDOWS v1.20 educational games for preschoolers 18 months to 3 years old. Includes a variety of games, ranging from just pushing the keys to counting and the alphabet. Changing sounds and pictures keep the games interesting. Winner of the 1995 Education Software Cooperative's People's Choice Award! Description Type = Long Description PLAY 'n' LEARN IN WINDOWS v1.20 educational games for preschoolers 18 months to 3 years old. Includes a variety of games, ranging from just pushing the keys to counting and the alphabet. Games include matching colors, matching shapes, typing words, counting, the alphabet, and using the mouse and keyboard. Changing sounds and pictures keep the games interesting. Winner of the 1995 Education Software Cooperative's People's Choice Award! Created by PSG-HomeCraft Software. Description Type = Keywords PLAY PRESCHOOL HOMECRAFT EDUCATIONAL ALPHABET Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S. Dollars Minimum registration price..................19.95 Maximum registration price..................19.95 Shipping: within same country...............5.00 North America.....................5.00 South America.....................8.00 Europe............................8.00 Asia..............................8.00 Africa............................8.00 Pacific...........................8.00 Description Type = Installation Details INSTALLATION: If you downloaded this software from a BBS, be sure that it has been unzipped before you try to install it. Run Windows. Go to the Files Menu and click on "Run". Select and run the "SETUP.EXE" file that is included as one of the files with the software. Description Type = Permissions The following may distribute this software, completely unaltered, without further permission...; for other cases or to distribute in modified form, you must consult the attached data record, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. Permission to distribute this software is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is PSG-HomeCraft Software, P.O. Box 974, Tualatin, OR 97062 USA. The publisher may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to PSG-HomeCraft Software, a division of H.C.P. Services, Inc. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION EKids38_ Preschool Pack 2.2 Entertaining, educational preschool ac Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: VICKI WATSON KIDSTUFF SOFTWARE 6490 DUBOIS RD. LEWIS CENTER, OH 43035 Telephone: 614-548-5043 Description Type = Short Description Preschool Pack - colorful graphics, songs, and speech. Six entertaining activities. Your preschooler will learn about counting, number recognition, the alphabet, colors, matching, classifying, name & phone #. Full mouse support. SB version available. Description Type = Long Description The colorful graphics, songs, and speech of Preschool Pack will be sure to capture the attention of your preschooler. From the main menu screen, which contains a cat which meows and winks when clicked, to the bee which frowns when a mistake is made in the matching game, you and your preschooler will appreciate the careful design and attention to detail of Preschool Pack. Through six different and entertaining activities your preschooler will learn about counting, number recognition, the alphabet, colors, matching, classifying, and memorizing his name, address, and telephone number. The activities include: "Animal Homes", where animals must be placed in their appropriate homes - either farm, forest, or circus. Most of the animals have an accompanying animation and animal sound! "Balloons", where the user must click on a color block matching the color of a rising balloon before it pops; "Matching", a memory game with an animated bee rewarding the user who locates all matches; "Counting", where the user counts along with the computer as a variety of colorful images, from dinosaurs to dolls, are displayed; and "ABC's" where the user must find all letters which match a displayed letter. "ABC's" uses speech to pronounce each letter as it is selected. In the last activity the child will learn to spell his name, as well as learning his address and phone number. All activities are reinforced with cheerful music and animation sequences. Description Type = Keywords EDUCATION, PRESCHOOL, COUNT, ALPHABET Description Type = Registration Details $10.00 Receive over 100 additional pictures for use in PPK. Counting activity counts up to 25. Matching uses 12 or 24 cards. Additional animal sounds and animations. Sound Blaster/Adlib or compatible sound card support. Most current version at the time of registration. Support via phone or mail. Notification of and discounts on program upgrades. Removal of the shareware screen. $20.00 All of the $10.00 benefits plus personalized information for the name, address, and phone number activity. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION EKids38_ SLA Sound Card Ver. 3.3 Match sounds and songs to pictures Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: VICKI WATSON KIDSTUFF SOFTWARE 6490 DUBOIS RD. LEWIS CENTER, OH 43035 Telephone: 614-548-5043 Description Type = Short Description Sounds Like A... A unique and entertaining Sound Blaster game for children. Colorful graphics, high-quality sounds, and MIDI songs. Identify the picture which represents the sound or song to reveal a hidden picture. Also a memory game in which you match pictures and sounds, as well as a Tape Recorder where any of the sounds/songs may be played. Description Type = Long Description "Sounds Like A..." is a unique and entertaining game for children ranging in age from 1 1/2 to 7 years of age. The program uses colorful graphics, high-quality sounds, and MIDI music in four entertaining activities. In the first activity the child must find the picture which matches a sound. Your child may hear, for example, a cow "mooing". He will then click on a square containing the picture of a cow. A game consists of 12 sound/picture pairs. As each picture is matched with the accompanying sound, parts of a larger underlying picture are revealed. The second activity uses the same concept with songs. Your child will match a picture to the song being played. There are 36 songs included - 12 children's songs, 12 Bible songs, and 12 Christmas songs. The third activity is a matching or memory game with a slight twist. The child must match a picture with the appropriate sound. For example, if the child clicks on a block revealing a picture of a donkey, he must find the block which contains the "Hee Haw" sound in order to make a match. In the last activity, your child can manipulate an on-screen tape recorder to play any of the sounds or songs in the program. Description Type = Keywords EDUCATION, PRESCHOOL SOUNDS MUSIC Description Type = Registration Details $10.00 Receive 18 additional picture/sound pairs. Receive 18 additional picture/song pairs. Receive 8 additional background pictures. Most current version at the time of registration. Support via phone or mail. Notification of and discounts on program upgrades. Removal of the initial shareware screen. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION EKids38_ School-Mom Plus 6.10 Children's Educational Software Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: DR. ANDREW MOTES MOTES EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE P.O. BOX 575 SILOAM SPRINGS, AR 72761 Telephone: 501-524-8741 Description Type = Short Description School-Mom Plus v6.1 Comprehensive educational software for children of all ages. Has multiple learning levels for music, math, English, spelling, alphabet, time and art. Also has an exam generator with 50 exams provided. Comes with on-screen manual. Provides support for SoundBlaster boards. Colorful, educational, easy to use and fun. Won "Best of 1994" for for educational shareware! Description Type = Long Description School-Mom Plus V6.0 This software was selected as "Best of 1994" for educational shareware by the shareware industry. SCHOOL-MOM PLUS version 6.0 is a complete educational tool for children ages 4 to 14. It contains multi-level modules for math, music, English, spelling, alphabet, art, and time. It also contains an exam generator with 50 exams already provided that cover subjects such as science, history and geography. The math section is very large, containing instruction for addition, subtration, multiplication, division, fractions, and basic algebra. It also has some arcade-style math games. Younger children especially enjoy the art section which contains a coloring book that allows you to create and store your own pictures to color on-screen. The spelling option allows y ou to use existing word files or enter your own weekly homework. Words are shown on-screen as large graphical characters. With this software you can have fun and learn at the same time. It's the world's best! Description Type = Keywords education math english music time art spell Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S. Minimum registration price..................25.00 Maximum registration price..................25.00 Shipping: within same country...............5.00 North America.....................5.00 South America.....................10.00 Europe............................10.00 Asia..............................10.00 Africa............................10.00 Pacific...........................10.00 Description Type = Installation Details Make a directory on your hard drive then copy all these files to that directory. OR Go to the drive and directory where the program exists. Then type INSTALL and press ENTER. Follow the instructions to install the program on your hard drive. All these files will be copied to a directory called MES. From the new directory type SM then press ENTER. Type GO then press ENTER to see all the programs you can run. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION EKids38_ Sounds Like A ... 2.20 Match animals/other items to their sou Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: VICKI WATSON KIDSTUFF SOFTWARE 6490 DUBOIS RD. LEWIS CENTER, OH 43035 Telephone: 614-548-5043 Description Type = Short Description Sounds Like A... A unique and entertaining game for children. Colorful graphics and a variety of high-quality sounds ranging from a clock "ticking" to a dog "barking". The child must identify the picture which matches the sound they hear. Also a memory game with a slight twist - the matching pairs consist of a picture and its accompanying sound. Description Type = Long Description "Sounds Like A..." is a unique and entertaining game for children ranging in age from 1 1/2 to 7 years of age. The program uses colorful graphics and a variety of high-quality sounds ranging from a clock "ticking" to a dog "barking". In the first of two games, the child must find the picture which matches a sound. Your child may hear, for example, a cow "mooing". He/she will then click on a square containing the picture of a cow. A game consists of 12 sound/picture pairs. As each picture is matched with the accompanying sound, parts of a larger underlying picture are revealed. The second game is a matching or memory game with a slight twist. The child must match a picture with the appropriate sound. For example, if the child clicks on a block revealing a picture of a donkey, he must find the block which contains the "Hee Haw" sound in order to make a match. Description Type = Keywords EDUCATION, PRESCHOOL Description Type = Registration Details $10.00 Receive 15 additional picture/sound pairs. Receive additional background pictures. Most current version at the time of registration. Support via phone or mail. Notification of and discounts on program upgrades. Removal of the initial shareware screen. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION EKids38_ Talking Babysitter 1.0 TALKING BABYSITTER v1.0 Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: ORLANDO DARE DAREWARE INC. 3005 GLENMORE AVE. BALTIMORE, MD 21214 Telephone: 800-327-3929 Fax: 401-665-0193 Description Type = Short Description TALKING BABYSITTER v1.0 INTERACTIVE TALKING BABYSITTER FOR KIDS 1-7. TALKING BABYSITTER will teach your children how to say early words, the alphabet, reading, spelling their name, drawing and much more. You can change the words to match your child name. SOUND BLASTER required. DareWare Inc. *** RECOMMENDED *** Description Type = Long Description TALKING BABYSITTER v1.0 INTERACTIVE TALKING BABYSITTER FOR KIDS 1-7. TALKING BABYSITTER will teach your children how to say early words, the alphabet, reading, spelling their name, drawing and much more. You can change the words to match your child name. SOUND BLASTER required. DareWare Inc. *** RECOMMENDED *** CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION EKids38_ Talking Numbers-Win 1.0SW Real human speech saying numbers Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: ORLANDO DARE DAREWARE INC. 3005 GLENMORE AVE. BALTIMORE, MD 21214 Telephone: 800-327-3929 Fax: 401-665-0193 Description Type = Short Description TALKING NUMBERS FOR WINDOWS VER 1.0 TALKING GAME FOR NUMBERS AND MATH- TALKING NUMBERS is a real talking educational game for kids 1-8 years old. This package will teach your child how to count numbers, addition and subtraction. You can also record your voice into this package. Sound Blaster or compatible req. Education - Mathematics DAREWARE INC. Description Type = Long Description TALKING NUMBERS For Windows Vers 1.0SW ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TALKING NUMBERS is a fabulous TALKING TEACHER with real human speech that helps children (age 1-8) learn how to SAY NUMBERS, COUNTING, REMEMBER PHONE NUMBERS, ADDITION, SUBTRACTION, and much more. TALKING NUMBERS Also included the 123 SONG, ALLURING COLORFUL GRAPHICS and EASY DRAW, to help bring out your child's creativity. Excellent female speech quality that works thru your SOUND BOARD speakers. This program will give your children a great deal of ENCOURAGEMENT TO LEARN, when a question is answered correctly, TALKING NUMBERS will say supportive comments (way to go, great, excellent, super duper, very good, and more). Your child's IMAGINATION WILL GROW, when they watch the colorful kaleidoscopes and collages in action - and they are fun to watch !!!! * A TALKING TEACHER with real HUMAN SPEECH. * SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: 4meg memory,VGA graphics.and a mouse. * Run the "SETUP.EXE" file to start the program. * The best way to teach a child, IS TO TALK TO THEM. DAREWARE INC. 3005 Glenmore Ave. Baltimore, MD 21214 (410) 426-0649 ASP MEMBER CALL toll free 1-800-327-3929 for CREDIT CARD ORDERS. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION EKids38_ WEEKLY SPELLER / Win 1.20 Educational Spelling Program Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: RON SWERDFEGER 3453 MARYDALE AVE CORNWALL, ON K6K 1P6 CANADA Telephone: 613-933-7871 Fax: 613-933-7871 Description Type = Short Description WEEKLY SPELLER v1.2 Windows 95/3.1 An excellent way to encourage children to practice weekly spelling lists. Provides an easy mechanism to quickly input spelling lists that can immediately be used for spelling practice or games. Printed reports allow parents/teachers to monitor progress. Optional password protection can be enabled on the spelling list editor. Makes spelling lessons fun for children or adults. Description Type = Long Description WEEKLY SPELLER v1.2 Windows 95/3.1 An excellent way to encourage children to practice weekly spelling lists. Provides an easy mechanism to quickly input spelling lists that can immediately be used for spelling practice or games. Printed reports allow parents/teachers to monitor progress. Optional password protection can be enabled on the spelling list editor. Makes spelling lessons fun for children or adults. Description Type = Keywords spell spelling speller educational education Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......US DOLLARS Minimum registration price..................7.50 Maximum registration price..................7.50 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................0.00 South America.....................0.00 Europe............................0.00 Asia..............................0.00 Africa............................0.00 Pacific...........................0.00 Description Type = Installation Details INSTALLING THE PROGRAM If you experience installation difficulties please contact: Ronald Swerdfeger 3453 Marydale Ave. Cornwall, Ontario Canada K6K 1P6 613-933-7871 ----------------------------------------------------------------- From the Run option of the Start Button, or from the File menu of Program Manager, select Run and type: [drive:]\setup ie. b:\setup When setup prompts with "Install From: " please type: [drive:]\ ie. b:\ Requires a 286 or higher, 1.6 MEG of free disk space and 2 MEG RAM. ----------------------------------------------------------------- If you are installing the shareware version copied from a BBS: From the Run option of the Start Button, or from the File menu of Program Manager, select Run and type: [source path]\setup ie. c:\download\unziped\setup When setup prompts with "Install From: " please type: [source path] ie. c:\download\unziped Description Type = Permissions Distribution authorization is automatically granted to distributors recognized by the ASP as adhering to its guidelines for shareware distributors, and such distributors may begin offering "Weekly Speller" immediately. Distribution authorization is granted to anyone who will distribute "Weekly Speller" exactly** as it is found on the ASP CD-ROM, without any modification whatsoever, or to those non ASP distributors who will agree to adhere to ASP guidelines for shareware distribution. ** recompression and additional files permited, but none of the files of "Weekly Speller" can be altered in any way whatsoever. Address any questions to: Ronald Swerdfeger 3453 Marydale Ave. Cornwall, Ontario Canada K6K 1P6 CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION EKids38_ WEEKLY SPELLER-W95 1.30 Educational Spelling Program Filter: DOS=No WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: RON SWERDFEGER 3453 MARYDALE AVE CORNWALL, ON K6K 1P6 CANADA Telephone: 613-933-7871 Fax: 613-933-7871 Description Type = Short Description WEEKLY SPELLER v1.3 Windows 95 An excellent way to encourage children to practice weekly spelling lists. Provides an easy mechanism to quickly input spelling lists that can immediately be used for spelling practice or games. Printed reports allow parents/teachers to monitor progress. Optional password protection can be enabled on the spelling list editor. Makes spelling lessons fun for children or adults. Description Type = Long Description WEEKLY SPELLER v1.3 Windows 95 An excellent way to encourage children to practice weekly spelling lists. Provides an easy mechanism to quickly input spelling lists that can immediately be used for spelling practice or games. Printed reports allow parents/teachers to monitor progress. Optional password protection can be enabled on the spelling list editor. Makes spelling lessons fun for children or adults. Description Type = Keywords spell spelling speller educational education Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......US DOLLARS Minimum registration price..................9.95 Maximum registration price..................9.95 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................0.00 South America.....................0.00 Europe............................0.00 Asia..............................0.00 Africa............................0.00 Pacific...........................0.00 Description Type = Installation Details INSTALLING THE PROGRAM If you experience installation difficulties please contact: Ronald Swerdfeger 3453 Marydale Ave. Cornwall, Ontario Canada K6K 1P6 613-933-7871 ----------------------------------------------------------------- From the Run option of the Start Button, or from the File menu of Program Manager, select Run and type: [drive:]\setup ie. b:\setup When setup prompts with "Install From: " please type: [drive:]\ ie. b:\ Requires a 286 or higher, 1.6 MEG of free disk space and 2 MEG RAM. ----------------------------------------------------------------- If you are installing the shareware version copied from a BBS: From the Run option of the Start Button, or from the File menu of Program Manager, select Run and type: [source path]\setup ie. c:\download\unziped\setup When setup prompts with "Install From: " please type: [source path] ie. c:\download\unziped Description Type = Permissions Distribution authorization is automatically granted to distributors recognized by the ASP as adhering to its guidelines for shareware distributors, and such distributors may begin offering "Weekly Speller" immediately. Distribution authorization is granted to anyone who will distribute "Weekly Speller" exactly** as it is found on the ASP CD-ROM, without any modification whatsoever, or to those non ASP distributors who will agree to adhere to ASP guidelines for shareware distribution. ** recompression and additional files permited, but none of the files of "Weekly Speller" can be altered in any way whatsoever. Address any questions to: Ronald Swerdfeger 3453 Marydale Ave. Cornwall, Ontario Canada K6K 1P6 CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION EKids38_ WinFlash32 4.0 Windows Multimedia Flashcard System Filter: DOS=No WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: RICHARD W. BRYANT OPEN WINDOWS P.O. BOX 49746 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80949-9746 Telephone: 800 531-0403 Fax: 719-531-0403 Description Type = Short Description WinFlash32 v4.0 - This upgrade adds "smart" multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank capabilities to this award-winning flashcard program. A new WYSIWYG editor makes deck construction a pleasure - with browsers and viewers for graphics, sound and video support files. You can also print your cards, including graphics, for use away from the computer. Easy and fun for children to use. Requires Windows '95 or NT - Shareware Description Type = Long Description Open Window has succeeded in combining ease-of-use with power and flexibility in this major upgrade to WinFlash32, their award-winning Windows flashcard program. Using WinFlash32's built-in editing, browsing and viewing capabilities, users can construct anything from simple, text-only, decks for a quick pre- quiz review to complex, multi-media, computer-based-training applications for corporate use. Beginners easily create their own card decks "in a flash" with the built in WYSIWYG editor. The editor's layered organization helps you browse your collection of video (.AVI), audio (.MID and .WAV) and graphics (.BMP) files, preview them in the editor and then add them as integral components of a Question or Answer. V4.0 also lets you print your deck, including graphics, for use when away from your computer. WinFlash32 continues to offer the field's most advanced learning algorithms, with four primary learning modes each providing many options for customization. WinFlash32 lets you choose Fill-In-The-Blank or Multiple-Choice types for auto-scored results as well as free-format Q&A pairs which are self-scored.Both numeric and named ranges are supported to allow you to focus on portions of your card deck. The on-line Help has been expanded and provides three, step-by- step, learning exercises to help you quickly master the creation of new card decks. Easy and fun for children. Requires Windows '95 or NT Description Type = Keywords FLASH EDUCATION ASP WINFLASH FLASHCARD FLASHCARDS MULTIMEDIA MEMORIZE SHAREWARE Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S. Dollars Minimum registration price..................24.95 Maximum registration price..................24.95 Shipping: within same country...............3.00 North America.....................3.00 South America.....................5.00 Europe............................5.00 Asia..............................5.00 Africa............................5.00 Pacific...........................5.00 Description Type = Installation Details To install WinFlash32 v4.0 from a floppy disk received from Open Windows: 1. While in Windows, insert the floppy disk in the drive. 2. Open File Manager or Explorer and select the floppy disk. 3. Double click on the file SETUPWF.EXE to run it. 4. Follow the on-screen directions. To install WinFlash32 v4.0 starting with a copy of FLS32_40.ZIP (FLASH32.ZIP if obtained from CompuServe): 1. Create a temporary directory (C:\WF will do) on your hard disk. 2. Copy FLS32_40.ZIP to this directory. 3. UnZip the file using WinZip or other "UNZIPper". 4. Run SETUPWF.EXE from Windows. This will take you through the procedure of installing WinFlash v4.0 on your hard disk. Do NOT install the software TO the temporary directory (C:\WF in the above example). 5. You may delete all of the files in the temporary directory from your hard disk after completing the installation process, but remember to save a copy of FLS32_40.ZIP on a floppy disk for friends who may want to try WinFlash! Description Type = Permissions The attached VENDINFO data record is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION College_ CHRONOS:Wins in time 2.1 CHRONOS:Windows in Time Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: STEVE ESTVANIK CASCOLY SOFTWARE 4528 36TH AVENUE NE SEATTLE, WA 98105 Telephone: 206-523-3046 Description Type = Short Description How old was Paul Revere when he rode into story? How many years separated Cortez and Michelangelo? You decide which people and events to include. Sort and select by individual people and events, or groups and factions, Modify or expand the datasets. WIT is used by history and art students, teachers, genealogists. Ver 2.1 adds maps, photos and other images Description Type = Long Description How old was Paul Revere when he rode into history? How old was Napoleon when the Declaration of Independence was signed? How many years separated Cortez and Michelangelo? Unlike conventional paper chronologies, WIT: Windows in Time lets you decide which people and events to include. You can sort and select by individual people and events, or groups and factions, developing new insights and tracing patterns across different eras and cultures. You can modify or expand the datasets. WIT is used by history and art students, teachers, genealogists, lawyers, writers and anyone interested in exploring historical relations or cultural events. . Version 2.0 adds maps, photos and other images to bring people and events to life. Maps can be zoomed and scrolled. Dozens of additional images and maps are available in the registered version. Some example datasets: MILLENUM covers the period of the first millenium, from about 900 to 1200. It concentrates on the evolving struggle between Christian and Muslim worlds RENAISS covers the Renaissance period in Europe from about 1450 to the end of the 30 Years War in 1648. It emphasizes the interaction and ferment among political, religious and cultural events. REVOLT covers the historical period from the American Revolution thru the French Revolution and Napoleonic era to the Civil War (1750-1860). It concentrates on the course of political and technical revolutions. Description Type = Keywords history interactive timeline maps chronos Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed...... Minimum registration price..................30.00 Maximum registration price..................50.00 Shipping: within same country...............5.00 North America.....................6.00 South America.....................7.00 Europe............................7.00 Asia..............................7.00 Africa............................7.00 Pacific...........................7.00 Description Type = Installation Details ===== Installation ===================================== Unzip all files to one subdirectory. Run WIT1.EXE Description Type = Permissions As the copyright holder Cascoly Software authorizes distribution by individuals only in accordance with the following restrictions. Noncommercial copying of this software is ENCOURAGED. (If you distribute this software for more than the cost of your distribution, you're a commercial distributor. User Groups, Computer Clubs, Disk Vendors and Distributors, Subscription Services, Disk-of-the-Month Clubs, etc., should refer to the VENDINFO files) The Cascoly Shareware package is defined as containing all the material listed in the PACKING.LST text file. If any files listed in the PACKING.LST text file, or the PACKING.LST file itself, are missing, then the package is not complete and distribution is forbidden. Please contact us to obtain a complete package suitable for distribution. o The Cascoly Shareware package - including all related program files and documentation files - CANNOT be modified in any way and must be distributed as a complete package, without exception. The PACKING.LST text file contains a list of all files that are part of the Cascoly Shareware package. o No price or other compensation may be charged for the Cascoly Shareware package. A distribution cost may be charged for the cost of the diskette, shipping and handling, as long as the total (per disk) does not exceed US$8.00 in the U.S. and Canada, or US$12.00 internationally. o The Cascoly Shareware package CANNOT be sold as part of some other inclusive package. Nor can it be included in any commercial software packaging offer, without a written agreement from Cascoly Software. o The Cascoly Shareware package cannot be "rented" or "leased" to others. o The person receiving a copy of the Cascoly Shareware package MUST be made aware that each disk or copy is ONLY for evaluation, and that Cascoly Software has not received any royalties or payment for the product. This requirement can be met by including the complete Cascoly Shareware package, which contains any appropriate registration reminders. o The person receiving a copy of the Cascoly Shareware package MUST be made aware that he or she does not become a registered user until Cascoly Software has received payment for registration of the software. This requirement can be met by including the complete Cascoly Shareware package, which contains any appropriate registration reminders. o Licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program except as provided in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license. This software and accompanying documentation are protected by US Copyright law and also by International Treaty provisions. Any use of this software in violation of Copyright law or the terms of this limited license will be prosecuted to the best of our ability. The conditions under which you may copy this software and documentation are clearly outlined above under "Distribution Restrictions". The VENDINFO data record, if attached is hereby incorporated by reference. any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. The VENDINFO data record also takes precedence in the event of a conflict between the VENDOR.DOX text file and the VENDINFO data record. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION College_ College Aid Calcultr 2.4 College Financial Planning Tool Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: BOB FESLER THINK AHEAD, INC. PO BOX 5 DRESDEN, ME 04342 Telephone: 800-780-0513 Fax: 800-780-0515 Description Type = Short Description Use College Aid Calculator 96-7 to Est. your costs at public & private colleges. Learn how to maximize financial aid. Includes all tax calculations--so you may play "What IF?" to test aid-increasing scenarios. For Parents, Dependent Students & Independents. CAC is an Essential Think Ahead Tool which comes with a comprehensive book "Strategies to Reduce College Costs." and an extensive tutorial. Receive the 97-8 upgrade for $49.95. Description Type = Long Description --College Aid Calculator 96-7 considers taxes as it estimates your costs at public and private colleges. This allows you to play "What IF ?" to test your aid-increasing scenarios. CAC 96-7 is an essential Think Ahead tool, full of information to help you qualify for the greatest amount of aid. A Tutorial & comprehensive electronic book "Strategies to Reduce College Costs" are included. "Strategies" details types of aid, how colleges view your finances, best strategies in a variety of situations, timing, how to appeal for a better aid offer, and much more. --CAC includes informative customized worksheets (for parents, dependent students, and independent students) which will assist you in viewing your personal and business financial plans in a manner that will allow you to best compete for those limited financial aid funds. --Learn how to maximize college financial aid now. Do not wait. Learn what "Base Year" means. This is very important to the parents of ALL High School students--not just Seniors. CAC allows you to play "What IF ?" to see what lies ahead for all college- bound students. --Already in College? Learn how to fine tune your aid strategy. --Think Ahead and Save $$$. Cost: $49.95 for the 97-8 upgrade (shipping 9/1) Check, VISA or MC Call 1-800-780-0513 ext.147--any time. Fax: 1-800-780-0515. E- mail: Send your payment to Think Ahead, Inc. 251 Jefferson St MS-5G, Waldoboro ME 04572 IBM 386 or better. Description Type = Keywords college financial aid planning guidance Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S. Dollars Minimum registration price..................49.95 Maximum registration price..................49.95 Shipping: within same country...............4.95 North America.....................9.95 South America.....................15.00 Europe............................15.00 Asia..............................15.00 Africa............................15.00 Pacific...........................15.00 Description Type = Installation Details HOW TO INSTALL COLLEGE AID CALCULATOR (CAC) AND THE "STRATEGIES TO REDUCE COLLEGE COSTS" BOOK The combined package including the College Aid Calculator program, the book "Strategies to Reduce College Costs" and our tutorial is distributed in a compressed file, COLAID24.ZIP. To open this file, load it into a temporary directory, change to that directory, and use the un-zip utility provided by your bulletin board or CD-ROM to uncompress the basic program files--then type SETUP to uncompress the rest. MAKING DISKETTE COPIES We encourage you to make copies of CAC and Strategies... for yourself, your friends--for anyone you know with college in their future. To do so, before you install the program, go to the temporary directory where you have uncompressed the files. From there, copy all of the file to a disk labeled Disk 1--except for the following files which belong on disk. 2: col_aid.1, get_rdme.txt and getodo.bat. To install the CAC files onto another computer, proceed as described below. COLLEGE AID CALCULATOR To load CAC, you must have a minimum of: 386 processor - 486 strongly recommended 8MB of RAM At least 9MB of free disk space to install, 6.3MB after installation CAC has its own automatic Installer. To install CAC, in the directory where you have loaded the files, type SETUP and [Enter]. All you need to do then is to answer a few questions from the Installer and be sure that your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files are configured as explained in the README.TXT file that appears after installation. You'll be up and running in no time, and ready to start learning how to save on college costs by qualifying for the greatest amount of aid possible! You may also install directly from the set of backup disks that were created as described above: Place Disk 1 in your A: or B: drive and type SETUP and press ENTER--from Windows Program Manager, choose FILE, RUN and type in A: or B:SETUP and press ENTER. "STRATEGIES TO REDUCE COLLEGE COSTS" "Strategies..." is stored in a special compressed file called BOOKS.ZIP, which will be found in the directory where you installed CAC. We recommend that you move BOOKS.ZIP to a separate directory. Then, unzip the file--you will find that it contains not only "Strategies..." but also the CAC tutorial "COACH," which is described below. "Strategies..." has been stored in Rich Text Format (RTF)--a Microsoft standard, which may be read by Microsoft Word and many other word processors. Boot your word processor, Choose File, Open, File Type: RTF or Rich Text Format. Then, select the directory where STRATS22.RTF has been installed, open it and proceed as instructed. If your word processor is not able to read the STRATS24.RTF file, you may use your word processor's ASCII file format reader to open STRATS24.TXT, which has also been included. This format does not retain all of the nice formatting codes that RTF handles, such as Font sizes, Bold, Underline and Italics. However, if this is your only choice, just use your word processor to add these attributes as you read. COACH - COllege Aid Calculator Helper (TUTORIAL) Think Ahead is pleased to provide "COACH," a CAC tutorial, with this new version of CAC. "COACH" is also included in the BOOKS.ZIP file referred to above. Like "Strategies...", "COACH" is also included in both Rich Text Format and ASCII Text formats. To open and use "COACH," follow the same procedures described above for "Strategies..." For assistance: visit our home page at http:\\\collegeaid, e-mail us at, or write us at Think Ahead, Inc., P.O. Box 5F, Dresden, ME 04342. Description Type = Permissions College Aid Calculator and the accompanying book, "Strategies to Reduce College Costs," may be distributed, copied, and reproduced in any medium, but only in their entirety, and not modified in any way, including the copyright notices. The news media may quote limited portions of the "Strategies..." book. Users are encouraged to load the book into their word processor and to use it as a basis for their research on college financial aid, editing it and adding to it as necessary for their own personal use, so long as it is not distributed in modified form. The attached VENDINFO data record is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION College_ College Bound Advisr Win 2.1 Assists students in college preparatio Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: THOMAS ROWLAND COLLEGE BOUND ADVISORY SERVICE 667 MEADOW ROAD BRIDGEWATER, NJ 08807 Telephone: 908-725-6182 Description Type = Short Description THE COLLEGE BOUND ADVISOR - WIN 2.1 Financial Aid, Scholarship Search Assists the college bound student with college selection, financial aid need, scholarships, sources of info. Custom letter writing and auto-dial capability within program ! Bibliography, glossary. Hypertext info display. Description Type = Long Description Assists students with many aspects of college preparation, including FINANCIAL AID, SCHOLARSHIPS, LOANS, COST CUTTING MEASURES, and MILITARY OPTIONS. Information is presented in HYPERTEXT with keywords to gain instant access to either additional topics or glossary definitions. A data base of over 2000 2 and 4 year colleges is included to allow the user to perform COST COMPARISONS. The EXPECTED FAMILY CONTRIBUTION can be computed and information can be saved for future WHAT-IF analysis. Additional data bases include SCHOLARSHIPS, SOURCES OF INFORMATION, BIBLIOGRAPHY, GLOSSARY, and STATE AGENCIES. A letter writing feature allows the data bases to be used to create letters requesting information. A letter preview/save facility allows customization (and later retrieval) of letters. A direct dialing feature will dial included telephone numbers through a telephone attached to a HAYES compatible modem. A LOAN ANALYSIS is included to determine (and print) loan repayment schedules for student loan programs such as STAFFORD, PERKINS, and PLUSLSS. Description Type = Keywords College, Financial Aid, Scholarships, Loans Description Type = Registration Details $49 Description Type = Installation Details File WINCB21C.ZIP must be unzipped with PKUNZIP into the target directory. From WINDOWS MANAGER, run x:SETUP Description Type = Vendor Instructions CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THIS SOFTWARE MAY BE COPIED AND DISTRIBUTED: Individual users may freely copy this disk and share it with friends and family. Nonprofit groups (including user groups and BBS's) may distribute copies of this disk. A fee of no more than $5 may be charged to cover the cost of copying the disk. Disk distributors and dealers must have written permission from us before selling copies of ths disk, and may not charge more than $10 per disk for copies of this software. If, as a distributor, you supply copies to other resellers, the end price to the user must not exceed $10. The following applies to anyone distributing copies of this software (whether for profit or as a nonprofit organization): You may not modify the files on the disk(s) in any way, and all files must be distributed together. Individual files or groups of files may not be sold seperately. Additional files may be added and this software may be combined on a disk with other programs. This software may not be respresented as anything other than shareware and the shareware concept must be explained in any advertising or catalog that includes this software and on any packaging used to display the disk. You must immediately stop selling/distributing copies of this software upon notice from COLLEGE BOUND ADVISORY SERVICE. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION College_ Constitution Study 3.4 Pc-based Constitution study aid Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: FRANK P. CRICK TCNbP COMPANY P.O. BOX 516 OLLA, LA 71465-0516 Telephone: (318) 495-3484 Description Type = Short Description US Constitution study aid for lay student Has 100+ pages rights commentary and interactive search and indexing abilities. Users can determine for themselves and to their own satisfaction what is WRITTEN in the Constitution and what it MEANS. Provided commentary can be edited, printed, or saved in a text file. Users can add their own commentary. All needed documentation is included. Register for more study materials. Description Type = Long Description The TCN program is a Constitutional study aid for the independent minded PC user. Major features of the trial version are: * * Very faithful rendition of the Constitution * * Extensive rights commentary * * Interactive Search and Indexing capabilities * * Thorough on-screen tutorials (plural) * * Exhaustive on-screen help * * Custom selection of fonts * TEXT OF THE CONSTITUTION With the trial copy you get a very faithful rendition of the text of the complete United States Constitution through the 27th amendment which includes the Ratification Resolution as well as the Resolution proposing the Bill of Rights. * EXTENSIVE RIGHTS COMMENTARY With the trial version you get over 100 pages of comments about rights. The comments compare and contrast text of the following significant historical rights documents with the Constitution and each other: * * Magna Carta * * English Bill of Rights * * Declaration of Independence * * French Bill of Rights * * Universal Declaration of Human Rights The complete text of each of these documents is presented on a paragraph-by-paragraph basis. Following most paragraphs, comments prepared by TCNbP Company highlight important concepts about that paragraph. Related phrases of the Constitution are cross referenced using the interactive indexing feature of the TCN program. Comments and indexed phrases can be edited by the user. Additional topics can be created by the user. You can print out commentary or save in an ASCII file on disk for embellishment using your word processor. * INTERACTIVE SEARCH AND INDEXING CAPABILITIES Using the search feature of the TCN program, you can quickly find a phrase of interest in the Constitution. OR, you can more quickly determine with confidence that a remembered phrase is NOT contained in the Constitution. While researching an aspect of Constitutional interpretation of interest to you, you can use the interactive search capability to find related phrases. Then, you can use the interactive indexing capability to associate that phrase to a topic heading within the program. The topic heading can be created by you or provided by TCNbP Company * TUTORIALS The TCN program has two on-screen tutorials and a set of instructions that you can print out and study the TCN program the old fashioned way. One on-screen tutorial is automatic and proceeds in a set order. You can take breaks and it will save your place. The other on screen tutorial is manual. You can skip around in it. Your place is not saved. The printed instructions frequently refers to this tutorial. * THE HELP FACILITY The TCN program trial version includes exhaustive on-screen helps. * FONT SELECTION You can select a separate type style for the text of the Constitution, the helps, or the commentary from within the TCN Program Description Type = Keywords Constitution,Rights,Declaration,Bill of Rights, Independence, freedom, TCNbP, Notebook,Tutorial, United, States, Magna Carta, Bill, TCN, Liberty, Jury Description Type = Registration Details Fees from $10 to $35 (US). Price includes shipping, worldwide. Registrants receive additional materials related to study of the Constitution. Program includes an interactive registration form or user can print a blank hard copy and complete it manually. Description Type = Installation Details Generally, install using SETUP program from Windows 3.x or Windows 95. Complete fileset includes a batch file for seasoned users in case there is a problem with setup. Occassional sporatic problems with Windows 3.11 have been reported; however, in all cases, program eventually installed after multiple attempts. Description Type = Vendor Instructions NOTE: CD-ROM producers should be aware that the TCN program routinely changes files in the normal course of its operation. It CANNOT be run directly from a read-only device. It must be run from a hard drive or some storage device with read/write capability. Your launcher must take this into account. Description Type = Permissions Generally, to be freely distributed, in unmodified form, to any and all. You can click License option of Shareware menu in the TCN program itself for allowed modifications. ANYONE can distribute unmodified copies of the TCN Program trial version package, without further permissions. ANYONE can charge a nominal fee for providing trial copies to individuals or organizations. $5.00 or less suggested price. $10.00 maximum allowed price. ANYONE can distribute the TCN Program trial version with the file VENDINFO.DIZ removed. Refer to README.DOC for a list of valid file sets. BBS operators can remove VBRUN300.DL_. See README.DOC for related technical information. BBS operators can add a promotional file to the zipped archive containing the TCN program posted on their board. However, please do not rename or alter the content of the README.DOC or SETUP.DOC files distributed by TCNbP Company. BBS Sysops and Other Distributors of the TCN program are allowed to re-compress the archive of the TCN Program distribution file set. Do NOT re-compress any of the individual files in the distribution file set. CD-ROM Producers can use their canned launcher or install program to launch or to install the TCN Program. Refer to the commands in the file TCNSTALL.BAT for technical guidance. For verification of proper TCN program launch, install, or un-install, optionally (this is NOT a requirement) send a copy of your CD-ROM to TCNbP Company, PO Box 516, OLLA, LA 71465. NOTE: The $10.00 price limit stated previously does not apply to copies of CD-ROMs that contain the TCN program. NOTE: The TCN Program alters files during the normal course of its operation. Therefore, it cannot be run straight off a CD-ROM drive - its files MUST be transferred to a hard drive. Disk vendors can add a promotional file to the root directory of disks they sell containing the TCN Program. However, please do not rename or alter the content of the README.DOC or SETUP.DOC file distributed by TCNbP Company. Permission to distribute the The CONSTITUTION Notebook Program package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. The attached VENDINFO data record is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. TCNbP Company may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to TCNbP Company. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION College_ Constitution study 3.4 Pc-based Constitution study aid Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: FRANK P. CRICK TCNbP COMPANY P.O. BOX 516 OLLA, LA 71465-0516 Telephone: (318) 495-3484 Description Type = Short Description US Constitution study aid for lay student Has 100+ pages rights commentary and interactive search and indexing abilities. Users can determine for themselves and to their own satisfaction what is WRITTEN in the Constitution and what it MEANS. Provided commentary can be edited, printed, or saved in a text file. Users can add their own commentary. All needed documentation is included. Register for more study materials. Description Type = Long Description The TCN program is a Constitutional study aid for the independent minded PC user. Major features of the trial version are: * * Very faithful rendition of the Constitution * * Extensive rights commentary * * Interactive Search and Indexing capabilities * * Thorough on-screen tutorials (plural) * * Exhaustive on-screen help * TEXT OF THE CONSTITUTION With the trial copy you get a very faithful rendition of the text of the complete United States Constitution through the 27th amendment which includes the Ratification Resolution as well as the Resolution proposing the Bill of Rights. * EXTENSIVE RIGHTS COMMENTARY With the trial version you get over 100 pages of comments about rights. The comments compare and contrast text of the following significant historical rights documents with the Constitution and each other: * * Magna Carta * * English Bill of Rights * * Declaration of Independence * * French Bill of Rights * * Universal Declaration of Human Rights The complete text of each of these documents is presented on a paragraph-by-paragraph basis. Following most paragraphs, comments prepared by TCNbP Company highlight important concepts about that paragraph. Related phrases of the Constitution are cross referenced using the interactive indexing feature of the TCN program. Comments and indexed phrases can be edited by the user. Additional topics can be created by the user. You can print out commentary or save in an ASCII file on disk for embellishment using your word processor. * INTERACTIVE SEARCH AND INDEXING CAPABILITIES Using the search feature of the TCN program, you can quickly find a phrase of interest in the Constitution. OR, you can more quickly determine with confidence that a remembered phrase is NOT contained in the Constitution. While researching an aspect of Constitutional interpretation of interest to you, you can use the interactive search capability to find related phrases. Then, you can use the interactive indexing capability to associate that phrase to a topic heading within the program. The topic heading can be created by you or provided by TCNbP Company * TUTORIALS The TCN program has two on-screen tutorials and a set of instructions that you can print out and study the TCN program the old fashioned way. One on-screen tutorial is automatic and proceeds in a set order. You can take breaks and it will save your place. The other on screen tutorial is manual. You can skip around in it. Your place is not saved. The printed instructions frequently refers to this tutorial. * THE HELP FACILITY The TCN program trial version includes exhaustive on-screen helps. Description Type = Keywords Constitution,Rights,Declaration,Bill of Rights, Independence, freedom, TCNbP, Notebook,Tutorial, United, States, Magna Carta, Bill, TCN, Liberty, Jury Description Type = Registration Details Fees from $10 to $35 (US). Price includes shipping, worldwide. Registrants receive additional materials related to study of the Constitution. Program includes an interactive registration form or user can print a blank hard copy and complete it manually. Description Type = Installation Details A file named TCNSTALL.BAT is provided. It is self-documenting. Just type TCNSTALL or TCNSTALL ? and press ENTER. Seasoned users can use the SFX files directly. Installation and startup of The CONSTITUTION Notebook Program can be slightly different depending on whether your copy came from a CD-ROM, a disk vendor, or a BBS. TCN PROGRAM STARTUP The first time the TCN program is run following installation, up to 5 screens are automatically displayed to help you get started. Spend as much time as you like on each screen. (You CAN manually access them later.) The last of these screens offers to automatically start EASY QT, an automatict quick tutorial. TCNbP Company urges you to click Yes. Some CD-ROM install programs will automatically launch the TCN program after installing it. This is ok. Otherwise, the TCN program is generally started using the Program Manager icon. You can also start it from the file manager TCN.EXE icon or by using the Run option of the Windows Program Manager File menu. NOTE: Do not attempt to run TCN.EXE directly from the CD-ROM (by clicking on the TCN.EXE icon or by using the Run option of the Windows Program Manager File menu). It will not work. INSTALLATION FROM CD-ROM Some CD-ROMs include a "canned" install program which can be used to install many or all of the programs contained on the CD-ROM. TCNbP Company allows the TCN program to be installed by such programs. Consult your CD-ROM documentation. If its canned install program will install the TCN program, you can use it. NOTE: If your CD-ROM does not include such an install program, you can install the TCN program using TCNSTALL.BAT. INSTALLATION FROM DISKETTES Use TCNSTALL.BAT. It is self documenting. Type TCNSTALL or TCNSTALL ? and press ENTER. INSTALLATION FROM BBS DOWNLOADS To install the TCN program using files downloaded from a BBS: 1. Unzip the compressed file in a scratch directory. 2. Use TCNSTALL.BAT to install the TCN program files in the directory where you will operate it. Description Type = Vendor Instructions NOTE: CD-ROM producers should be aware that the TCN program routinely changes files in the normal course of its operation. It CANNOT be run directly from a read-only device. It must be run from a hard drive or some storage device with read/write capability. Your launcher must take this into account. Description Type = Permissions Generally, to be freely distributed, in unmodified form, to any and all. You can click License option of Shareware menu in the TCN program itself for allowed modifications. ANYONE can distribute unmodified copies of the TCN Program trial version package, without further permissions. ANYONE can charge a nominal fee for providing trial copies to individuals or organizations. $5.00 or less suggested price. $10.00 maximum allowed price. ANYONE can distribute the TCN Program trial version with the file VENDINFO.DIZ removed. Refer to README.DOC for a list of valid file sets. BBS operators can remove VBRUN300.DL_. See README.DOC for related technical information. BBS operators can add a promotional file to the zipped archive containing the TCN program posted on their board. However, please do not rename or alter the content of the README.DOC or SETUP.DOC files distributed by TCNbP Company. BBS Sysops and Other Distributors of the TCN program are allowed to re-compress the archive of the TCN Program distribution file set. Do NOT re-compress any of the individual files in the distribution file set. CD-ROM Producers can use their canned launcher or install program to launch or to install the TCN Program. Refer to the commands in the file TCNSTALL.BAT for technical guidance. For verification of proper TCN program launch, install, or un-install, optionally (this is NOT a requirement) send a copy of your CD-ROM to TCNbP Company, PO Box 516, OLLA, LA 71465. NOTE: The $10.00 price limit stated previously does not apply to copies of CD-ROMs that contain the TCN program. NOTE: The TCN Program alters files during the normal course of its operation. Therefore, it cannot be run straight off a CD-ROM drive - its files MUST be transferred to a hard drive. Disk vendors can add a promotional file to the root directory of disks they sell containing the TCN Program. However, please do not rename or alter the content of the README.DOC or SETUP.DOC file distributed by TCNbP Company. Permission to distribute the The CONSTITUTION Notebook Program package is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. The attached VENDINFO data record is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. TCNbP Company may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to TCNbP Company. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION College_ Reduce College Costs 2.40 Strategies to Reduce College Costs v2. Filter: DOS=Yes WIN=No OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: BOB FESLER THINK AHEAD, INC. PO BOX 5 DRESDEN, ME 04342 Telephone: 800-780-0513 Fax: 800-780-0515 Description Type = Short Description Strategies to Reduce College Costs v2.4 con- tains concise $ saving financial aid facts. Learn how to: Est. and increase aid, play "What IF?" to test aid-increasing scenarios, answer aid form questions--a Think Ahead must read self-help electronic book for parents and students. Strategies...covers aid info for both Public and Private colleges. By Sally Fesler, Think Ahead, Inc., PO Box 5B Dresden ,ME 04342 $4.95 Description Type = Long Description "Strategies to Reduce College Costs" v2.4 contains concise $ saving financial aid facts. Learn how to estimate and increase your aid, and how to play "What IF ?" to test your aid- increasing scenarios. Strategies ... is a Think Ahead, must read, self-help electronic book for parents and students. It covers aid information for both Public and Private colleges. Parents of students either in or heading to college will find this book a money-saving tool. Submitting aid applications on time, and competing for limited available aid, is not easy. Knowing how the aid system works--just like tax planning, nets those in the know a significant financial reward. Best bet: plan early. Parents of HS Juniors may be surprised to learn that their "Base Year" began 1/1/96. Sophomores' parents: take note, many colleges will look at your pre-Base Year 1996 tax returns. You have work to do. Our companion product, College Aid Calculator (tm), calculates a family's Est. Expected Family Contribution and gives instant answers to "What IF?" questions. Cost: $49.95, IBM 386 or better (includes Strategies & a tutorial) Call 1-800-780-0513 ext.144 any time. Fax: 1-800-780-0515. E-mail: Strategies to Reduce College Costs by Sally Fesler is available in Rich Text format, readable by most word processors on any IBM compatible computer. Send your payment to Think Ahead, Inc. PO Box 5B, Dresden, ME 04342 chk-VISA-MC $4.95. Description Type = Keywords college financial aid planning guidance Description Type = Registration Details Currency in which prices are expressed......U.S. Dollars Minimum registration price..................4.95 Maximum registration price..................4.95 Shipping: within same country...............0.00 North America.....................0.00 South America.....................0.00 Europe............................0.00 Asia..............................0.00 Africa............................0.00 Pacific...........................0.00 Description Type = Installation Details INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR "STRATEGIES TO REDUCE COLLEGE COSTS" (STRATS22.ZIP) Strategies... is distributed in a compressed file, STRATS24.ZIP. To open that file, move it to the directory from which you will access it with your word processor. Then, go to that directory and use the un-zip utility provided by your bulletin board or CD-ROM to uncompress the file. Strategies to Reduce College Costs has been stored in Rich Text Format (RTF)--a Microsoft standard, which may be read by Microsoft Word and many other word processors. Boot your word processor, Choose File, Open, File Type: RTF or Rich Text Format. Then, select the directory where STRATS24.RTF has been installed, open it and proceed as instructed. If your word processor is not able to read the STRATS24.RTF file, you may use your word processor's ASCII file format reader to open STRATS24.TXT, which has also been included. This format does not retain all of the nice formatting codes that RTF handles, such as Font sizes, Bold, Underline and Italics. However, if this is your only choice, just use your word processor to add these attributes as you read. For assistance: visit our home page at http:\\\collegeaid, e-mail us at or write us at Think Ahead, Inc., P.O. Box 5B, Dresden, ME 04342. Description Type = Permissions This book may be distributed, copied, and reproduced in any medium, but only in its entirety, including all pages and the copyright notice. The news media may quote limited portions of it. Users are encouraged to load the book into their word processor and to use it as a basis for their research on college financial aid, editing it and adding to it as necessary for their own personal use, so long as it is not distributed in modified form. The attached VENDINFO data record is hereby incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authorized. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Eutility Knowledge Machine 1.1 Each day-A new Quote&a new Vocabulary Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=No OTH=No Author Information: DAVID VEDDER GALT TECHNOLOGY 14150 BIG BASIN WAY SUITE #195 SARATOGA, CA 95070 Telephone: (408) 730-2467 Fax: (408) 730-2467 Description Type = Short Description WARNING! HABIT FORMING ... The Galt Knowledge Machine is a great daily application that will provide you with a wealth of knowledge. Each day you'll see a new vocabulary word and a new famous, inspiring quote. In a month, you'll be using a ton of 'big words' and quoting Shakespeare. You can bring up random quotes anytime you need one, or quiz yourself on random vocabulary words. Quotes can be saved to a 'Favorites' file which allows you to quickly find the ones you like. Quotes can also be copied to the clipboard at the click of a button, where they can then be pasted into your letters, memos, or e-mail. Also included is a handy calendar and clock to start off your day. Description Type = Long Description WARNING! HABIT FORMING ... The Galt Knowledge Machine is a great daily application that will provide you with a wealth of knowledge. Each day you'll see a new vocabulary word and a new famous, inspiring quote. In a month, you'll be using a ton of 'big words' and quoting Shakespeare. You can bring up random quotes anytime you need one, or quiz yourself on random vocabulary words. Quotes can be saved to a 'Favorites' file which allows you to quickly find the ones you like. Quotes can also be copied to the clipboard at the click of a button, where they can then be pasted into your letters, memos, or e-mail. Also included is a handy calendar and clock to start off your day. Description Type = Registration Details Registration fee of $29 brings you over a year of quotes and vocabulary words, and a free CD-ROM --- Full Motion, the next generation digital video screen saver. It features over 60 screen-shattering video clips. These clips bring your system to life with rollercoasters, speedboats, skiiing, skydiving, airplanes, waterfalls, the space shuttle, and more! You'll never go back to a cartoon screen saver. See the 'Registration' menu for details. CLASSDIR PROGRAM VERSION SHORT DESCRIPTION Eutility NuMorse for Windows 1.40 NuMorse code trainer for Windows Filter: DOS=No WIN=Yes OS2=Yes OTH=No Author Information: TONY LACY NUMORSE 58 BILBROOK ROAD CODSALL WOLVERHAMPTON, WV8 1ER United Kingdom Telephone: 1902 842557 Description Type = Short Description NUMORSE v1.40 - Morse Code trainer. Windows 3.1 and 95. Output via sound card/PC speaker/Code oscillator/Semaphore window. Code source is random generator/text file/QSO generator. Select characters + weighting. Farnsworth code/prosigns supported. FCC type tests generated. Drill mode, monitor progress/correct error using voice phonetics. +Much more. Description Type = Long Description NuMorse offers a comprehensive array of train