JCSM Shareware Description
Program: Automation and Demo

Program Description:

  BATFX is a superb utility which will allow you to build impressive
demos and animations with a few simple commands. Run it by typing BATFX
at the command line, to get a demo of capabilities. When the demo is
in action you can hit F11 to pause, or CTRL-N to skip to next anim.
You can also hit CTRL-D for a Debug info dump, if you are working
on your own animation scripts. All other keys will cause BATFX to
exit, returning the key hit in the ERRORLEVEL message, which you can
interrogate in your batch file. When BATFX is started, it loads the
BATFX.SET font (a simple 8x8 char set) and BATFX.TXT, an animation
script with text for the scroll message and data for the anim.
For more info, see the sample BATFX.TXT script and BATFX.BAT demo.
You can set the script/char set to use from the command line.
The syntax is:
 where Font-size is a number from 4 up to 16. The character set needs
 to be in a simple format - the same format as normal IBM sets are
 held in. Ie. in an size-8 set, CHAR 0 are bytes 0-7, 1 is 8-15, etc.
There is a neat shareware program called EGAFONTS which has a lot
of fonts in this format - just specify the file-name and font size
when you call BATFX and you can use these.
The SCRIPT.TXT (default normally BATFX.TXT) consists of text for the
scrolling text, text for any static menus and headers then a series of
numbers which describe the animation objects. The best way to explain
this is with a real sample script. This script is on the disk as
SIMPLE.TXT - type BATFX20 SIMPLE.TXT to run this.
Here is SIMPLE.TXT:-
Author:Adrian Millett
PC Solutions
Dept XX
P.O. Box 954
BH7 6YJ Bournemouth ,

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