JCSM Shareware Description
Program: SEE File Viewer

Program Description:

SEE v3.00 -- FREEWARE File Viewer/Printer
You'll ask yourself, "How can a commercial
quality program like this be FREEWARE!?"
The answer is a completely NEW kind of
shareware distribution that means it is
now possible to issue even high-quality
programs like SEE as freeware.  SEE lists
files of any size in hex or text format.
Supports LPT1 to LPT9.  Pull-down menus
make SEE easy to use.  Fully configurable!
Author:Timothy S. Campbell
Pinnacle Software
CP-386 Mount Royal
Montreal , QC H3P 3C6
Telephone:(514) 345-9578
BBS:(514) 345-8654
Home Page:http://www.cam.org/~pinnacl

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