JCSM Shareware Description
Program: Personal Biorhythm

Program Description:

PERSONAL BIORHYTHM 4.5 - Easy-to-use bio-
rhythm charting program.  Produces pro-
fessional-looking cycle charts to screen or
practically any printer.  Plots your (P)hy-
sical, (E)motional and (I)ntellectual highs 
and lows.  Prints cover sheets, daily fore-
casts and daily 2-person comparisons.  
Database to store most frequently-used names
& birthdates.  Requires approx. 512K memory 
& DOS 3.0 or higher.
Author:Morris Bower
Micro-Com, Inc.
P.O. Box 715
Parkersburg , WV 26102-0715
Telephone:(304) 485-0587

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