The Pig ChildrenTyston BaneorcsOrsinium Ò) øóùýThe Pig Childrenù No one, not the oldest Dark Elf of Mount Dagoth-Ur or theAncient Sage of Solitude, no one can recall a time when theOrc did not ravage our fair Tamriel. Whatever foul andpestilent daedra of Oblivion conjured them could scarcelyhave created a more constant threat to the well-being of thecivilized races of Tamriel. Orcs are thankfully easy to recognize from other humanoids bytheir size, commonly forty pertans in height and fifteenthousand angaids in weight, their brutal pig-like features,and their stench. They are consistantly belligerant,morally grotesque, intellectually moronic, and unclean. Byall rights, the civilized races of Tamriel should have beenable to purge our land of their blight eras ago, but theirferocity, animal cunning, and curious tribal loyalty hasmade them inevitable as leeches in a stagnant pool. Tales of orcish barbarity preceed written record. WhenJastyaga wrote of the Order of Diagna joining the armies ofDaggerfall and Sentinel "to hold the wicked orcs in their foulOrsinium tower ... and burn all" in 1E 950, she assumed thatany reader would be aware of the savagery of the orcs. Whenthe siege was completed thirty years later, after the deathof many heroes including Gaiden Shinji, and the destructionof Orsinium scattered the orc survivors throughout theWrothgarian Mountains, Jastyaga wrote, "the peoplerejoiced for their ancient enemy was dispersed." Obviously,the orcs had been terrorizing the region of the Iliac Bay atleast since the early years of the first era. ö ö