This is to announce KERMIT-GCOS for the Honeywell DPS 66 and DPS 8, running either GCOS8 or GCOS3. The program is written in the C language, adapted from Columbia University Unix Kermit, and is distributed in both source and printably-encoded binary form, so that GCOS sites without the appropriate C compiler can still run the program. Contributed by: Terry Carlin, Carlin%HIS-PHEONIX-MULTICS@MIT-MULTICS Honeywell Information Systems Inc 333 Wyman Street Waltham MA 02154 617-895-3377 The files are in KER:HG*.* accessible via anonymous FTP from CU20B or COLUMBIA-20 (after 6pm eastern time). KER:HGKER.HLP lists the files and tells what each is for.