On Line IETF Information The Internet Engineering Task Force maintains up-to-date, on-line information on all its activities. This information is available via FTP and Email file servers. Procedures for retrieving the information are described below. The IETF Directory Below is a list of the files available in the IETF Directory and a short synopsis of what each file contains. Files prefixed with a 0 contain information about upcoming meetings. Files prefixed with a 1 contain general information about the IETF. Working Group charters and minutes are in sub-directories under the working group acronym. Retrieve and view the 1wg-summary.txt file for a list of working groups and their acronym. FILE NAME 0tao.txt This file contains ``A Guide for New Attendees of the Internet Engineering Task Force'', RFC1391. 0mtg-agenda.txt The current Agenda for the upcoming IETF meeting, containing scheduled working group meetings, Technical Presentations and Network Status Reports. 0mtg-at-a-glance.txt The announcement for the upcoming IETF meeting, containing specific information on the date/location of the meeting, hotel/airline arrangements, meeting site accommodations and meeting costs. 0mtg-rsvp.txt A standardized RSVP form to notify the Secretariat of your plans to attend the upcoming IETF meeting. 0mtg-sites.txt Current and future meeting dates and sites for IETF meetings. 1id-guidelines.txt Instructions for authors of Internet-Drafts. 1ietf-description.txt A short description of the IETF, the IESG and how to participate. 1wg-summary.txt A listing of all current working groups, the working group Chairs and their email addresses, working group mailing list addresses, and where applicable, documentation produced. This file also contains the standard acronym for the working groups by which the IETF and Internet-Drafts Directories are keyed. 1wg-charters.txt A single file containing an abbreviated version of all the current working group charters. Working groups have individual directories dedicated to their particular activities. The directories contain the charters and meeting minutes for the group. Minutes of Birds of a Feather (BOF) sessions and area summaries of the IETF meetings are grouped into directories by meeting. The directory names are of the form YYmmm, i.e. 92mar for the reports of the March 1992 meeting. These directories do not include the minutes of the working group meetings. When using FTP, the ``cd'' and ``dir'' commands will permit you to review what working group files are available and the specific naming scheme to use for a successful anonymous ftp request. The Internet-Drafts Directory The Internet-Drafts Directory has been installed to make available, for review and comment, draft documents that will be submitted ultimately to the IAB and the RFC Editor to be considered for publishing as RFC's. These documents are indexed in the file 1id-abstracts.txt in the Internet-Drafts Directory. Comments are welcome and should be addressed to the responsible person(s) whose name and email address are listed on the first page of the respective draft. FILE NAME 1id-abstracts.txt This file lists the current Internet-Drafts and their pathnames. 1id-index.txt This file contains an abreviated listing of Internet Drafts. This contains only the document title, the filename and the posting date. For more information on writing and installing an Internet-Draft, see the file 1id-guidelines in the ietf directory, ``Guidelines to Authors of Internet-Drafts''. The IESG Directory The IESG directory contains the minutes of IESG meetings and regularly updates status report on protocols in the standards track. FILE NAME 1protocol_actions.txt This file contains a list of protocols currently under consideration by the IESG. 1old_standards.txt This file contains a list of Proposed and Draft Standards elegible for advancement. The minutes are contained in files named with the pattern: iesg.YY-MM-DD i.e. iesg.92-11-10 for the minutes of the meeting held on November 10th, 1992. FTP Access IETF Information is available by anonymous FTP from several sites. East Coast (US) Address: ds.internic.net ( West Coast (US) Address: ftp.nisc.sri.com ( Europe Address: nic.nordu.net ( Pacific Rim Address: munnari.oz.au ( The Internet-Drafts on this machine are stored in Unix compressed form (.Z). To retrieve this information via FTP, establish an anonymous FTP connection, then Login with username ``anonymous''. Use your email address as the password. When logged in, change to the directory of your choice with one of the following commands: cd ietf cd internet-drafts Individual files can then be retrieved using the GET command: get 1wg-summary.txt get 822ext/822ext-charter.txt Email Access Internet-Drafts are available by mail server from nisc.sri.com. To retreive a file mail a request: To: mail-server@nisc.sri.com Subject: Anything you want In the body put a command of the form: send internet-drafts/1id-abstracts.txt send ietf/1wg-summary.txt send ietf/822ext/822ext-minutes-91jul.txt 4