************************************************************************ DDN MGT Bulletin 124 DISA DDN Defense Communications System 27 April 1993 Published by: DDN Network Info Center (NIC@NIC.DDN.MIL) (800) 365-3642 DEFENSE DATA NETWORK MANAGEMENT BULLETIN The DDN MANAGEMENT BULLETIN is distributed online by the DDN Network Information Center under DISA contract as a means of communicating official policy, procedures and other information of concern to management personnel at DDN facilities. Back issues may be read through the TACNEWS server ("@n" command at the TAC) or may be obtained by FTP (or Kermit) from the NIC.DDN.MIL host [] using login="anonymous" and password="guest". The pathname for bulletins is ddn-news/ddn-mgt-bulletin-nn.txt (where "nn" is the bulletin number). ************************************************************************ Subject: DDN NSC Conference Agenda - 11-13 May 1993 Reference: DDN Management Bulletin #118, dated 18 February 1993, Subject: CONUS MILNET/DSNET1 Node Site Coordinator's Conference and CONUSMILNETSTA 3/93 & CONUSDSNET1STA 3/93, SAME SUBJECT. 1. Above references were notifications of the DDN Node Site Coordinators on 11-13 May 1993, at the Governor's House Hotel, in Montgomery, Al This provided all the information for registration and attendance, presently, we have 66 personnel registered to attend the conference. We now have the DDN NSC Conference Agenda finalized and as promised is being forwarded. 2. The DDN NSC Agenda will also, be sent out as CONUSMILNETSTA & CONUSDSNET1STA at a later date. Attached for your review and information is the DDN Node Site Coordinators' Conference Agenda as of 26 April 1993. DEFENSE DATA NETWORK (DDN) NODE SITE COORDINATOR (NSC) CONFERENCE AGENDA 11-13 MAY 1993 11 MAY 1993 0800 - 0845 - NSC REGISTRATION (DODM) 0845 - 0900 - WELCOME & ADMINISTRATIVE COMMENTS 0900 - 1000 - DMRD 918 BRIEFING (DOD/MR GRINDLE) 1000 - 1030 - BREAK & DISCUSSIONS 1030 - 1130 - DISN TRANSITION PLAN (DIIS/LT COL NORMAN) 1130 - 1300 - LUNCH 1300 - 1400 - DISN LEVEL II MONITORING CENTER (DODD/MR GRINDLE) 1400 - 1500 - CONUS MONITORING CENTER & IT&A (DODM/BBN/MR O'BRIEN) 1500 - 1530 - BREAK & DISCUSSIONS 1530 - 1630 - WORKING GROUP MEETING END OF DAY. 12 MAY 93 0800 - 0815 - ADMINISTRATIVE COMMENTS 0815 - 0915 - DDN NETWORK MODELING & TOPOLOGY ARCHITECTURE (CFE/MR MCMILLEN) 0915 - 1015 - MILNET OPTIMIZATION PHASE II (DODI/MR BREWER) 1015 - 1045 - BREAK & DISCUSSIONS 1045 - 1145 - NEW 1-800 TAC DIAL-UP SERVICE (DODI/MR BREWER) 1145 - 1300 - LUNCH 1300 - 1400 - DISA QUALITY CONTROL VISITS (DODI/MR MCFADDEN) 1400 - 1500 - DEFENSE MESSAGE SYSTEM/DMS (DISM/MR CLARKE) 1500 - 1530 - BREAK & DISCUSSIONS 1530 - 1630 - DMS DEMONSTRATION (SSC/SSDM/LT COL GATEWOOD) END OF DAY 13 MAY 1993 0800 - 0815 - ADMINISTRATIVE COMMENTS 0815 - 0915 - DEFENSE SECURITY INCIDENT RESPONSE CENTER/DSIRP (DISSP/MR HIGGINS) 0915 - 1015 - DDN NETWORK INFORMATION CENTER (DODS/MAJOR PACIORKOWSKI) 1015 - 1045 - BREAK & DISCUSSIONS 1045 - 1145 - DDN PERFORMANCE BRIEFING (DODS/MAJOR PACIORKOWSKI) 1145 - 1300 - LUNCH 1300 - 1500 - WORKING GROUP MEETINGS - WRAP-UP 1500 - 1530 - CLOSING COMMENTS END OF DAY/CONFERENCE 3. The DISA point of contact for DDN NSC Conference is Mr McDaniel, DSN 222-7580, COMl (703) 692-7580, email address: cmcmgr@ddn-conus.ddn.mil