-=READ THE ADDITIONAL SECTION AT THE END=- ================================================================ Title : NECROMANIA! (distribution #2) Special Distribution! : This is a special distribution *without music* to go on the Second Edition 'Tricks of the Doom Gurus' CDROM. Thanks to SAMS Publishing! If you need music, look for NECROMS2.WAD on ftp.cdrom.com and all mirrors. Filename : NECROMN2.WAD Author(s) : James Blachly and Brandon Goza Email Address : stew@intellinet.com & brandon@intellinet.com Snail Mail : [Necromania ] [2609 Rosewood Circle ] [Jonesboro, AR 72401-5963] Misc. Author Info : High school class of '98 (Sophmores for 95-96) Description : This is a set of levels to replace levels 1-15 of DOOMII. Later we will NECROMNx.WAD with higher numbers to indicate newer versions. Additional Credits to : id Software! Brendon Wyber and Raphael Quintet Justin Fisher (Drew me some textures, THANKS!) Everyone who wrote any of the many utilites I used Everyone who contributed to the DEU effort SAMS Publishing ================================================================ * Play Information * Game : DOOM II Episode and Level # : MAP01-MAP15 Single Player : Yes, very cool. Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes, excellent. Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes, awwww-yeah. Difficulty Settings : Yes, easy=stupid, ultra violence=whoa! New Sounds : Yes. New Graphics : Yep. New Music : Taken out for this version, but get NECROMS2.WAD Demos Replaced : All 3. * Construction * Base : New levels from scratch, except #12, deja vu. Editor(s) used : DEU v5.3 beta 9, DEU v5.21, DEUGCC v5.21, DEU2 v1.00, FED v1.51, DMGRAPH v1.0, DMAUD v1.0, DMMUSIC v1.0, DEUTEX v3.5, WACKER v0.0.7, NeoPaint v3.0, IDBSP v1.0.1, Paint Shop Pro, Shareware Evaluation, v3.0, NWT v1.3, & WinDeu32 v5.24. Known Bugs : Level 03--Lots of crappy texture and alignment bugs. One of Brandon's early levels. ;) Maybe I'll fix [most of] 'em before release, maybe not! Level 10--When running over the platform that contains the blue key, one will occasionally get a 'VISPLANE OVERFLOW [whatever blah etc]' error. I do not know what causes this. If anyone knows how to fix this let me know. I think I have too many sectors in view at one time or something. NOTE: I can't get this bug to happen anymore with 1.9. Strange. There is a bug in the DOOMII engine(HA! not my fault this time!) that doesn't let you see the SKY02 texture (and maybe SKY03) if you do normal progression through all the levels and NEVER use IDCLEVxx or -warp xx. So in order to see my new SKY02 texture you must IDCLEV to a levels 12-20, or warp to levels 12-20. SKY01 is SUPPOSED to only be used for 1-11, but there is a bug... oh well. Most likely a couple of other bugs I just couldn't think of to list here.. let us know. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may *NOT* use these levels as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. If you distribute this on CD, we would appreciate knowing, so we know sorta how spread around its getting! (A free copy wouldn't hurt either.. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: -------------- freebsd.cdrom.com and all mirrors BBS numbers: -------------- Most DOOM BBS's Other: ------------- Other? What? *****************ADDITIONAL SECTION READ READ READ*********************** CONTENTS: THANKS.............1 WHO DID WHAT.......2 OTHER..............3 (1) THANKS I would like to thank everyone who contributed in any way to any editor used in the development of this wad file. I really want to thank the author of FED, Philip Nickel. FED is a hex-editor. I doubt that this wad would have been possible without a hex editor. Thanks should also be given to Justin Fisher, author of Aliens-TC. I think that I used a sound from Aliens-TC. Justin also drew me a wall texture. Thanks. (2) WHO DID WHAT NECROMANIA! is a production of Cerebral Software. James Blachly was responsible for levels: 2,4,6,8,9,10,11,12,14,&15. James Blachly also picked out all the sounds and music to go in the wad. He also made the new wall textures either by using existing ones from DOOM/DOOM2/other peoples wads or by drawing them by hand. Justin Fisher made the "Elevator" wall texture. Brandon Goza was responsible for levels: 1,3,5,7,&13. He also provided level ideas to me (James), and ideas for new walls/sounds/music. Charles Blachly helped to draw most all of the level names. He also rendered one of the new sky textures, SKY02. DEMO1: The first demo in the wad is a cooperative demo on level 12: Deja vu. The default is from the perspective of Indigo, James Blachly. In Green is Brandon Goza. Keep in mind you can hit to change viewpoints while it plays back. DEMO2: The second demo is a DeathMatch demo. It's really worth watching. The default is from the perspective of Indigo, James Blachly. In Green is Brandon Goza. For some reason, neither or work while a deathmatch demo in a .wad file. When playing back a .lmp file though, they seem to work. *** To be able to use and and watch this demo, start up DOOM with the parameters: -file necromn1.wad -playdemo demo2 As long as a file called 'demo2.lmp' does NOT exist in the current directory, this demo will play (and then exit when done) and you may switch perspectives. This _REALLY_ is the best one! DEMO3: The final demo is of James Blachly (me!) playing level 9 (foo.) all the way through. Note that I do not show all secrets... (3) OTHER * This wad comes with a DeHackEd 3.0a patch, NECROMN1.DEH. If this file wasn't included in your distribution, please let us know where you got it. This DeHackEd patch isn't required; it simply increases playablity (fun). Put in your DeHackEd patches directory, then type: dehacked -reload -load NECROMN1.DEH * Some levels in this wad were meant for specific modes of play. For example, level 15 is a great DeathMatch level (at least in 2 player), but it really sucks for single player/coop. Level 11 is another that is better as a DeathMatch level. You will find which ones you like for different purposes as you play the wad and make up your own mind. Level 14 is called 'The Olympics.' It was originally made by us for network/multiplayer Olympics with weapons. There are several arenas for different events. Figure out your own rules if you wish, 'cause I don't feel like explaining ours! EMAIL us with rules you come up with. Level 9, 'foo.' is my fave. I consider it my best level ever. Tell me what you think! * Look for other textfiles/archives on ftp sites and BBSs. We will be releasing add-ons, walk-thrus, demos, secrets, explaination for the olympics (by popular demand), etc. * This wad file has never been tested in more than two-player, seeing as we don't have access to a network. If anyone tries this out, let us know how it is.. oh yeah, if you can, MAKE A DEMO for me to watch you playing on my .wad! Thanks! *** This is NECROMN1.WAD, the first distribution. Later releases will have higher numbers, (ie NECROMN2.WAD) that will include bug fixes, addition of sent-in suggestions for improvement, playablility enhancements, etc. I have no idea what I'll do if we ever get past 9.. I certainly hope we don't have to! IN ANY CASE, please send in bug reports, suggestions, comments, etc., to the addresses listed at the top! We really wanna make one of the cooler (or is that *coolest*) wads out there! -james.