================================================================ Title : DOOM II "Argus" Episode Filename : ARGUS.WAD (ARGUS.ZIP) Authors : Ty Halderman and Robert Taylor Email Address Halderman : CIS [70155,1125] Internet: thldrmn@sam.neosoft.com Email Address Taylor : Internet: rtaylor@sam.neosoft.com Misc. Author Info : 2 guys with patience and obsession. Many testing hours in modem and single user play. Yeah, it was *testing* ... that's what it was! Description : This is the first of a series of levels, some of which are completely revamped levels first released as Sacrifice levels 1-6 for DOOM I. These levels offer sophistication and puzzle solving rather than just turning up the volume. Children (you know who you are) may be bored. Definite consideration was given to consistency, theme and fairness. However, you should remember that these are levels for DOOM II, and that presupposes that you are an experienced player. Additional Credits to : DEU (5.0, 5.1, 5.2GCC, 5.21), BSP (1.1, 1.2x), DEU-ii (5.21 hacked -- sorry but the official one isn't here yet!) and their many contributors; the masses of Compuserve Gamers who have unwittingly helped by allowing their problems and ideas to further our productivity; the WADmakers of the world for sharing their ideas and examples with us; the folks at id for making such a creative endeavor possible; all those who have made other tools and nifties that make things a lot easier. ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : MAP01 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Yes - every difficulty level different New Sounds : No New Graphics : Not yet New Music : No - Use IDMUSxx to use music from episode xx Demos Replaced : No * Description * Map 1 Description : "Argus" Argus refers to the Greek mythological creature used by Hera to watch over Io. You'll "see" what we mean. Several separate puzzles; be careful not to get overanxious. Brains are better than brawn. Visual clues are important. * Construction * Base : Originally a new DOOM I level from scratch, vastly redone and added to with new DOOM II textures, monsters and features. Was part of the "Sacrifice" WAD series. Editor(s) used : DEU 5.0 through 5.21+, plus BSP 1.2x Known Bugs & Limitations: None that we caused (we hope). * Philosophy * Appearance/Design : A lot of effort was put into making things look good. After your killing spree is over, take the time to look around. Several levels have some vantage points with grand vistas (or at least as grand as the DOOM engine would allow). If you want to see how fast you can get done, fine. Then go back with the -nomonsters switch and just look. Not everything has a purpose. Some things are just there for artistic or architectural interest. We think that is one of the things that made the original DOOM levels so good. Traps : All levels were intentionally made so you should not get trapped irreversibly (though you may die learning how to get out). Please let us know if you end up stuck in a place you wouldn't think you'd fit. We tried to be _real_ careful about this. Secret Areas : You should not have to get into all secret areas to complete a level. Keys or switches to open main path doors or areas should not be located in secret areas. All secret doors should be slightly different or highlighted in a way that a casual stroll through the area (as opposed to a 70MPH screaming streak) should allow you to find them. You should _not_ have to resort to pushing everything in sight. However, if you miss Wolfenstein, go on and push. Secret doors will not show up on the map. Sorry, but if we allowed that, we wouldn't need to make them subtly different, and that wouldn't be as much fun. For either of us. Sometimes you'll get a computer map, and that will usually show the areas. But we'll hide that map in a secret area, so you'll still have to use the little gray cells. Monsters : We prefer a few sneaky ones to a roomful that makes you prefer a date with Godzilla. This also means that once you learn our levels, they become easier to play. Don't like that? Go Nightmare. That'll teach you. Levels were all built for Ultraviolence (skill 4). Then some of those bad & good things were changed for the lower levels (2 & 3--level 1 is the same as 2 except the goop doesn't hurt as bad). Some areas are differently populated (different critters) and others are less densely populated with the same critters. Whatever seemed appropriate. Sometimes "easier" levels just get more health and ammo, or guns are more readily available. Since the original design was for UV, you'll probably get the best total feel for what we built if you play at that level. Of course, you have to live that long... * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. Let us do that. Ideas are fair game, in the spirit of synergy. I'll steal yours if you'll steal mine... You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact (how about two free copies of the CD's. Huh? Huh?). * Where to get this WAD * Compuserve GAMERS library 12 or 8 [subject to change] Internet: ftp.orst.edu:/pub/doom/doom2 initially, final location depends on where infant2 relocation ends up.