**************** EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ****************** --------------- DeuTex --------------- DeuTex stands for DEU's Texture Companion. (DEU is a DOOM level editor by Bendon Wyber and Raphael Quinet. and DeuTex was originaly derived from the code of DEU 5.21) DeuTex is *the* tool you all need to compose easily new PWAD for DOOM. It let you include: Levels (use a level editor like DEU, build the nodes with (BSP and the reject data with REJECT) Sounds (from WAV or AUDIO files, from MUS file obtained (from MIDI2MUS, or from text, for PC speaker sounds) Lumps (create demos with DOOM -devparm -record DEMO1) (create the ENDOOM text with TED) Graphics (from GIF or BMP files) Textures (from definitions in a text file) (a Windows Texture composer is being developped) Patches (from GIF or BMP files) Sprites (from GIF or BMP files) Flats (from GIF or BMP files) DeuTex should allow you to compose easily the PWAD you dreamt of, mixing levels and missions (from other WADS), textures, sprites... DeuTex also allows you to rip off entries from an existing PWAD in order to reuse those entries or to fix a problem in a PWAD (but first make sure you have the consent of the PWAD author's) DeuTex will merge a PWAD into your main IWAD, so as to overcome all the limitations of PWADs. Of course, the IWAD can be restored, and the PWAD regenerated. DeuTex also allows you to modify text strings in the DOOM executable (Dehacked can do that too. this is only provided for convenience) DeuTex is compatible with all versions of DOOM1 and should work with DOOM2 (I could not check). ATTENTION: DeuTex is not completely trivial to use. It requires a fully functionnal processing unit, with a least 10000 meg of available neurons, some basic DOS and DOOM specs dynamic libraries and at least 1 or 2 hour of spare processing time, with a minimum of 80% attention rate. You have been warned. SUGGESTION: If you use DeuTex, get also New Wad Tool. The two tools combine very well together under DOS. (NWT is not available for other O/S) *** FUTURE DeuTex 3.0 **** Color Quantisation. allows TGA/PPM support. VOC sounds. Loading of Dehacked patches (in a clean fashion) if allowed to. Second Visual Basic shell (still under progress.) *** NEW in DeuTex 2.9 **** DeuSF -sprite -flat bug corrected. Some other bug corrections. I'm not listing them (shame prevents). New directory listing for sprites, music, sounds. verbose. Sources now compile under Alpha and SGiX (well, err...) Data Utility license executed: no more string handling functions. Sorry, this is not allowed by ID software. Use DeHacked. *** NEW in DeuTex 2.8 **** Small BMP bug corrected *** NEW in DeuTex 2.7 **** Check for registred version (Requested by J.Romero) *** NEW in DeuTex 2.6 **** Unix, Linux and OS/2 port *** NEW in DeuTex 2.2 **** Extension to -merge You can now change the number of viewpoints of a sprite. DOOM either want one view point (ex: COLUA0) or 8 viewpoints (ex: COLUA1 COLUA2A8 COLUA3A7 COLUA4A6 COLUA5). These are mutualy exclusive. DeuTex will delete those viepoints you do not want. but take care to provide all the necessary viewpoints, else DOOM will lockup. Extension to -xtract When extracting sound, you can now tell DeuTex to extract the whole entry, beyond the declared sound length. This is necessary for some PWADs, who cheat with the sound entry lenght. I dunno why. (I believe it's due to a feature of DMAUD) Extension to -make When loading a sound, DeuTex now converts to 11025 sample/s. Better not rely too much on this, and use a real sound utility. This is only for convenience. Some bug corrections. Nothing critical :-) ------------- DEUSF ------------ DeuSF stands for DEU Sprite and Flats (DEU is a DOOM level editor by Bendon Wyber and Raphael Quinet.) (Heck, I know the DeuSF name is lame, but it's short.) DeuSF is an alternative to DMADDS. DeuSF will enable you to distribute PWADS with only those SPRITES or FLATS that you wish to replace. To play you PWAD, people will have 3 solutions: - use DMADDS/DMADDF (do they still work?) - use DeuSF to regenerate another PWAD containing all the SPRITES and FLATS of DOOM which you can't distribute (illegal...and about 3 meg total :-) - use DeuTex (merge command) to merge the PWAD within the IWAD. This solution saves disk space, but modifies the IWAD (though safely and reversibly). DeuSF will work with PWADs composed for DMADDS. But DeuSF's prefered PWAD composer is of course DeuTex. *** NEW in DeuSF 2.2 **** You can now change the number of viewpoints of a sprite. DOOM either want one view point (ex: COLUA0) or 8 viewpoints (ex: COLUA1 COLUA2A8 COLUA3A7 COLUA4A6 COLUA5). These are mutualy exclusive. DeuSF will delete those viepoints you do not want. but take care to provide all the necessary viewpoints, else DOOM will lockup.